Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Podcast- A Polyvagal Theory Informed Therapy-logo

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Podcast- A Polyvagal Theory Informed Therapy

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Here we talk everything Polyvagal and Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) related. Dr Porges has provided us with a revolutionary framework for understanding the connection between our autonomic nervous system and behaviour based on perceptions of threat or safety. The SSP acoustic intervention is an exciting new therapy helping people all around the world. We will explore topics to help us better understand our neurobiology and how that relates to recovery and optimal health.




Here we talk everything Polyvagal and Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) related. Dr Porges has provided us with a revolutionary framework for understanding the connection between our autonomic nervous system and behaviour based on perceptions of threat or safety. The SSP acoustic intervention is an exciting new therapy helping people all around the world. We will explore topics to help us better understand our neurobiology and how that relates to recovery and optimal health.





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Episode 32- A Life Lived- Changing lives with Sound- Tribute to Ron Minson MD, Integrated Listening Systems

Welcome to episode 31. Today is a very special gathering of fellow iLs instructors to honour the life of Ron Minson, M.D. whose life work impacted so many. iLs systems changed lives from the bottom up. Dr Ron, as we call him, received his medical degree from UCLA School of Medicine and is board-certified in Psychiatry and Neurology. His general medical background includes serving as a family physician and health center Medical Director and clinical psychiatrist. Dr. Minson served as Chief of Psychiatry for Presbyterian Medical Center and Director of Behavioral Sciences at Mercy Hospital in Denver. However, his life took a radical new pathway when he witnessed the successful treatment of his daughter for severe depression and dyslexia from a sound therapy program. He subsequently chose to devote his life to learning about the power of filtred sound in clinical application; developed programs, and taught practitioners so more people could heal from sound and bone conduction therapy. He developed Dynamic Listening Systems (DLS), which he integrated into his psychiatric practice and later, in 2007, iLs was launched to provide a more affordable and multisensory therapy- which is sound combined with visual, vestibular and movement, that could be used in homes and schools as well as therapy clinics. Dr Minson worked closely with his wife, Kate Minson. Some words from Kate... “In the time I have been an eye-witness to Dr. Minson’s trajectory in the field of psychoacoustics, the branch of psychology concerned with sound and its physiological effects, I have noted a few common themes that run through his professional life story: a willingness to go boldly into uncharted territory, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and an equally passionate desire to help people. Please enjoy my conversation with Fellow-iLs trainers, Doreen Hunt; Ann Brownstone; Dillen Hartley and Marianne Judd, all esteemed clinicians, as we honour the memory and work of Dr Minson, sharing his knowledge and the powerful impact of the iLs and Pro system with clients. You will sense the gratitude we all feel to have been a part of the iLs family and the privilege it was to be able to teach the work. Some key points- listen in for the details and more... I hope you all enjoyed this conversation. For me, it was lovely to connect again with some old friends and share story. There were a couple of other trainers who were unable to attend, Clinicians Mary Jones, Andrea Pointer and Cindy Dawkins who were very much missed. Being an iLs Trainer was a special time in my life. To find out more about the iLs system or the SSP contact Unyte in Denver, or if you are located in Australia or New Zealand, contact Integrated Listening Australia. Wishing you all kindness, Joanne. Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 31- SSP as a Vagal Resonance Field Tuner for Healing with Paula Scatoloni

Welcome to episode 31. SSP as a Vagal Resonance Field Tuner for Healing with Paula Scatoloni. Today you are all in for an interesting conversation about the SSP and SSP group work; we talk about resonance and coherence in the body and between humans for attuned, present-moment connection. A little bit of background about Paula.... she has been on a journey to understand the connection between consciousness and embodiment through Western and non-Western perspectives. Paula has a Masters in Social Work and has brought cutting-edge perspectives to institutions such as Duke University and co-developed clinical and training programs such as The Embodied Recovery Institute As a sound, body, and energy-oriented practitioner, Paula loves to blend movement, sound, and vibration with neuroscience and body-based therapies to offer a holistic approach to support individual and collective nervous system healing. Some key points you will hear in our discussion: Supporting practitioners in SSP group learning experience- how to become "Master Regulators" SSP group experiences for individuals- sound, vibration and movement Cultivating the practice of witnessing the present moment Emotion phobic Working with structures (somatics and subconscious safety) of the early 0-3 years developmental period that may have been impacted by early life trauma Therapeutic work of "presence" and "touch for trauma healing Attuned Presence to the body for healing- the body knows how to self-correct Narratives around relational safety- how Touch work can shift this Somatic Experience practitioners can sense into the many layers of the body How do Attachment styles show up in touch, interactions, and communication Trained Touch Work practitioners work When our emotions, thoughts, and behaviours are not congruent we are in dissonance- Dan Seigal Importance of setting intentions Developmental movement patterns- push-pull-grasp- and subconscious attachment system Somatic work to help develop body boundaries Embodied Recovery Program Integrating Somatic and IFS with SSP To Contact Paula: Such an interesting conversation. I am excited to share that I will be experiencing one of Paula's The Healing Power of Sound:Cultivating Body, Mind, Heart Connection Through Self Harmonics - groups in early 2024 and will podcast about my experience. Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 30- SSP for Kids- Pediatric Experts discuss the SSP

Welcome everyone to episode 30. Today's conversation is focused on the SSP for Kids. In my work supporting families with children who are experiencing challenges, whether that be neurodevelopmental or mental health-related; I have observed significant improvements following the SSP. I am also privileged to receive a lot of feedback from pediatric-focused therapists on the improvements they observe because of the SSP. So I wanted to help build awareness both for practitioners working with children or for any families listening who are experiencing challenges. As you will hear the SSP offers hope and evidence-based improvements across psychosocial-biophysiological systems. Today I am speaking with two senior-level clinicians, each with over 30 years of experience in pediatric therapy. I am honored to know them both as colleagues and good friends. Doreen Hunt, Occupational Therapist is the co-owner of Children’s Therapy of Woodinville, Seattle USA. Irena Woodward, Occupational Therapist, is the owner of Family Connections in Sydney Australia. Both have extensive training beyond the Safe and Sound protocol and I will include their contact details at the end of the podcast. Some of the Key Points: I hope you enjoyed this episode and found the information helpful. It would be a great honor if you could share this episode with a colleague, friend, or family member. Knowledge is power and sharing this episode may help someone who is struggling. A big thank you to those who sent in questions. My apologies if I did not get to yours. We do plan to record a follow-up session in early 2024 targeted to specific questions around SSP implementation so if you have any questions or suggestions please email me or message me via the Safe and Sound Protocol Podcast FB group. Doreen, Irena, and I, support clients globally. I will list contact details in the show notes and our SSP FB page. But to contact Irena- contact Doreen at- Myself- My next guest is the esteemed Dr Sue Carter, founder of Oxytoxin, the Social bonding hormone and wife to Dr Stephen Porges. I look forward to sharing that with you. Sending you kindness and self-compassion until next time. Take care, Joanne. Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 29- Christine Dickson-On the Path Coaching; Setting Positive Intentions; Addiction & Pathalogical Relationships

Welcome to episode 29. I am so thrilled to share my conversation with Christine Dickson. Get ready to be inspired; hopeful, and think deeply about your Pathway in Life. "Christine Dickson is a Transformational Mentor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Equine Assisted Coach. She works with people to map out their vision and reframe their limiting belief systems to create radical shifts in their lives. She has a solid background in working with people moving away from addiction and pathological relationships, supporting their quest to live a more free and purposeful life. Her ideal client is a fellow traveler who has come to a crossroads and dares to walk in the direction of their hearts longing. A self-described “Late Bloomer”, she traveled a slow but steady path to rewrite her subconscious conditioning and take responsibility for her own life. By becoming more self-aware and intentional she was able to propel herself into taking meaningful action and change course. Now, she helps others do the same. What does your heart long to bring forth into the world? When that small inner voice whispers to you what you know to be true, do you listen?" Some key topics, quotes, or points: chooseEquine workBooks The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert A great podcast with Christine- check out The Journey On Podcast Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 28- Somatic Experience, Polyvagal Theory and SSP for Trauma - Panel discussion with SE Experts

Welcome to Episode 28. What I really enjoy about hosting this podcast is the opportunity to meet authentic people passionate about their work and who are open to sharing their knowledge with you. In this episode, I speak with 6 .....yes 6 skilled Somatic Experience (SE) practitioners. To be honest I was a little concerned about how it would flow with 6 people but I feel it resulted in a wonderful conversation. Please listen in as I speak with Paula Scatoloni, Laura Moorehead, Kate Appleton, Melinda Cornish, Katie McClain, and Leah Dawang about Somatic Experience therapeutic work and supporting clients with an integrated model of SE and the Safe and Sound Protocol. This team of practitioners can be thanked for their work in developing a set of Guidelines for Unyte which inform SE practitioners about how to integrate the SSP to facilitate deep somatic healing work. You will hear as they each discuss their unique approach and their commitment to an integrated SE and SSP model to help in the healing process. Some of the topics touched on include: Recommended Books Books by Stanly Kellerman- Father of Somatics The Gifts of the Body- Johnathon Bowan What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing- Oprah Winfrey and Dr Bruce Perry Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma-An Integrative Somatic Approach by Kathy L. Kain and Stephen J. Terrell The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk To contact the panel members please see below: Paula Scatoloni- Laura Moorehead - Kate Appleton - Melinda Cornish - Katie McClain - Leah Dawang - If you liked this episode, please share it with a friend or colleague. Questions or comments - Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 27 TRE- Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises and Polyvagal Theory- Helping the body to let go of held stress

Hello and welcome to Episode 27. Today I have a very rich discussion with Richmond Heath, Physiotherapist, about TRE ( Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises.) Richmond is the Executive Director of Trauma Release Australia and a Level 3 TRE trainer. He was responsible for bringing Dr David Berceli and TRE to Australia in 2011. Richmond also holds an Advanced Diploma of Aboriginal Studies, is a qualified Bowen Therapist, teaches Clinical Pilates, and has a diverse background in both public and private health sectors including youth, community, mental and indigenous health. Richmond coordinates the professional training and supervision of TRE trainers Australia wide providing TRE workshops and training for groups, corporations, organizations and local regions all around Australia and Asia Pacific. I am sure you all will sense from Richmond his passion for TRE, not only in his own personal journey but to bring this approach to others. As you will hear, the theoretical premise of TRE is very much embedded in PVT. In our journey as practitioners, we know that we need a variety of tools to draw from as every nervous system we support is unique. SSP practitioners who incorporate TRE have shared with me they find an integrated approach critical to help resource the nervous system. Please enjoy my conversation with Richmond. Some points from our conversation but please listen in as Richmond discusses Polyvagal Theory from a slightly different lens. Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 26- Dr Rebecca Bailey- Polyvagal Equine Assisted Therapy & SSP for Horses.

It is with the utmost pleasure I speak with Rebecca Bailey PhD. Polyvagal Equine Institute (PVEI) Founder. Dr . Bailey is a leading trauma therapist who specializes in complex case scenarios. She has over 30 years of experience in the field and continues to be dedicated to the notion that authenticity, common sense, and kindness are the most important elements of effective treatment. She is a lifelong equestrian and animal lover who continues to believe animals, in particular horses, have much to teach humans about curiosity and compassion. She is the author of two books: Safe Kids: Smart Parents and Equine Connections: Polyvagal Principles as well as articles on Polyvagal principles in the courtroom and the application of equine interventions to a variety of populations. I loved speaking with Rebecca and am so looking forward to our ongoing collaboration about implementing SSP with stressed and anxious horses as well as horse and rider connection. I hope you enjoy our conversation, some of the topics we discuss include: Link to Polyvagal Equine Institute Appeasement: replacing Stockholm syndrome as a definition of a survival strategy Rebecca Bailey, Jaycee Dugard, Stefanie F. Smith & Stephen W. Porges Article: 2161038 | Received 25 Jul 2022, Accepted 07 Dec 2022, Published online: 19 Jan 2023 Books Equine Connections: Polyvagal Principles Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 25- It takes a village to help heal trauma with Dr Petria Thoresen

Welcome to episode 25. Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr Petria Thoresen, psychologist, from STAND for CHILDREN/Stand Tū Māia based in New Zealand. Integrated Listening Australia is the official Distributor of the SSP and Focus System for Australia and New Zealand and has been supporting STAND for a number of years. STAND began implementing the SSP in 2019 and has over 40 staff trained. They also support their community with the Focus system and IOM2 Interactive Biofeedback program. New Zealand has experienced a number of traumas over the last few years- earthquakes, a mass shooting, pandemic lockdowns, and floods. Petria explains how STAND embeds native culture and a philosophy that it takes a village..... in supporting children and families who have experienced trauma. Their model may be a good reference for other organizations. Some key points...listen in to find out more. Petria references 3 papers: Adolescents | Free Full-Text | Trauma-Related Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors in Adolescence: A Bridge between Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience ( Treatment of complex PTSD: results of the ISTSS expert clinician survey on best practices - PubMed ( Multimodal Therapy: A Unifying Approach to Psychotherapy | Psychology Today Dr Petria Thöresen, PhD is a fully certified Theraplay® Therapist/Supervisor and Trainer. Petria completed her PhD in Psychology at Canterbury University, New Zealand. Petria has a Post Graduate degree in Teaching & Learning, Post Graduate Diploma in Science- Child and Family Psychology, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Practice and is a New Zealand Registered Psychologist. Petria is currently working as a Therapeutic Practice Leader Pou Heke with Stand Children’s Services ensuring the ethical and culturally safe practice of Theraplay® as well as other interventions such as Clinical Hypnotherapy, Brainspotting, Safe & Sound Protocol and HRV Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, and Poly Vagal Therapy etc. The daily focus of Stand Tū Māia is to provide transformative services to tamariki, mokopuna, and whānau that Support responsive relationships, reduce sources of stress in their lives and strengthen self-regulation and core executive skills. Stand Tū Māia has seven sites across NZ. She can be contacted at Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 24 Stress model and Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) with Clinical Psychologist, Michael Romeo

Welcome to Episode 24. I have the pleasure of speaking with Michael Romeo, Clinical Psychologist, about Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). Michael has been practicing as a Clinical Psychologist for over 20 years. He began his career as an Adolescent Psychologist. He worked in Bali treating ex-patriates experiencing PTSD following the Bali Bombing in 2002. He has worked as an educator and supervisor for most of his career. Michael lectured at Macquarie University for over ten years and was the International Student Counsellor at The University of Newcastle Counselling Service. Most of his career has focused on treating suicidal behaviours and complex trauma with EMDR, Schema Therapy, DBT and other strengths-based approaches. He currently works in private practice, where his primary clinical interest is treating Functional Neurological Disorders. This is such a rich discussion as not only is Michael an expert on FND but has lived experience. Listen in for a wealth of information pertinent to both the practitioner and the individual who may be experiencing unexplainable neurological symptoms. Some of the key points covered include: Resources we spoke about include: SSP and FND Paper in Harvard Review of Psychiatry tells the story of MT, a 10-year-old girl with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) (Rajabalee, et al. 2022). Neuromodulation Using Computer-Altered Music to Treat a Ten-Year-Old Child Unresponsive to Standard Interventions for Functional Neurological Disorder Safe and Sound Protocol Training (SSP) SSP Course is designed for practitioners to implement the Safe and Sound Protocol in their therapy Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 22- Polyvagal Theory and Yoga for Trauma with Dr Arielle Schwartz

Welcome to episode 22. I have the utmost pleasure of speaking with Dr Arielle Schwartz, a licensed clinical psychologist located in Boulder, CO. Arielle offers training for therapists, maintains a private practice, and has passions for the outdoors, yoga, and writing. She is the developer of Resilience-Informed Therapy which applies research on trauma recovery to form a strength-based, trauma treatment model that includes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), somatic (body-centered) psychology, mindfulness-based therapies, and time-tested relational psychotherapy. Arielle has authored a number of books, but today we are focusing our discussion on her work connecting Polyvagal Theory with yoga practice. Some of the topics or points you will hear in our discussion include: Therapeutic yoga for traumaTherapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery: Applying the Principles of Polyvagal Theory for Self-Discovery, Embodied Healing, and Meaningful ChangeEMDR Therapy and Somatic Psychology: Interventions to Enhance Embodiment in Trauma Treatment I hope everyone enjoyed this lovely discussion with Arielle. I feel even more inspired to hit the mat! To find out more about Arielle's work I will include links to her website in the show notes and our Safe and Sound Protocol Podcast FB page. You can find a link to order her book Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery: Applying the Principles of Polyvagal Theory for Self-Discovery, Embodied Healing, and Meaningful Change on the Safe and Sound Protocol FB page too. If you liked this episode please share it with a friend, family member, or colleague. Link to Arielle's Website- Breathe slow and low, Joanne Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 23- Impact of screen time on the developing brain - Drs Rachael Sharman and Michael Nagel

Please enjoy this interesting discussion about the impact of screen time on the developing brain. I am speaking with Doctors Rachael Sharman and Michael Nagel from the school of Psychology at Sunshine Coast University QLD Australia about their new book Becoming Autistic- How technology is altering the minds of the next generation. We discuss research about the impact of screen time on attention processing, empathy, "Group Think", body image, mental health, and suicide. We also cover the impact of screen time on developing "Theory of Mind"; dopamine and addiction behavior, and a new concept gaining momentum..... "virtual autism" My goal for today's conversation is to help increase awareness about the impact of screen time and support for parents, individuals, and communities in starting a conversation about establishing screen time guidelines. I appreciate the book title is a discussion point in itself! But the content is thought-provoking. Please consider being open to listening before drawing conclusions. Some of the discussion points you will hear about include: Michael shares research that helps empower parents about setting boundaries for device useEvidence showing that time in nature I am sure you all agree that the evidence shows a significant impact of screen time on mental health, brain maturation, and physical development. We know that the technology is here to stay but the evidence indicates we need to establish guidelines about its use. There are so many aspects of this discussion we can unpack from a Polyvagal perspective. Just one I will mention today, but will discuss further in another episode, is self-regulation. We as humans develop neural systems for self-regulation via coregulation with a safe other. It is the experience of being engaged and connected with another safe human that builds the neural networks for self-regulation. Engaging with devices blocks this process. To purchase- access via amazon or other retailers. Links to Rachael and Michael's research pages: Rachael Sharman, PhD Senior Lecturer Web page: Research: Michael C Nagel, PhD Associate Professor I lo Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 21- EMDR, Polyvagal Theory and SSP for Trauma - Panel discussion with EMDR Experts

Welcome everyone to episode 21. I am so happy to be revisiting the topic of EMDR in today's episode. I last spoke about EMDR in episode number 14 and it is by far the most popular. So my goal for today is to help listeners, both practitioner and layperson, learn more about the evidence-based EMDR therapy as well as discover how an integrated EMDR/SSP approach may offer an optimal pathway to wellness. In today's episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with 3 amazing clinicians, Jill Hosey, Eliza Fernandes, and Laurie Belanger, all EMDRIA Approved Consultants. Jill, Eliza, and Laurie are part of a Unyte EMDR think tank for developing guidelines about implementing the SSP within the EMDR therapy approach. Other members of the team who were unable to attend include Nicole Black and Marshall Lyles, both also EMDRIA Approved Consultants. You will gain a deeper knowledge of EMDR therapy in trauma, the Polyvagal Theory connection, and implementation of the SSP acoustic intervention. Each practitioner shares their passion for supporting their client's journey to wellbeing using an integrated approach of both Safe and Sound Protocol and EMDR therapy. Before we start a little about my guests- Jillian Hosey is a Clinical Social Worker and Trauma Therapist who is a founding partner of Healing Therapy Alliance (HTA) and the PsychoSomatic Trauma Initiative in Toronto. She is Course Director, York University, School of Social Work Laurie M Belanger has been providing services as a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist and is from East Amherst NY. With her degree in Social Work, Eliza Fernandes has been providing psychotherapy services in Toronto, Canada Please see below for contact information for each Unyte-EMDR team member. Some Key Points to listen out for: What is EMDR therapy- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Current understanding of the role of Bilateral Stimulation- (REM- during sleep; Orienting Response; Parasympathetic system; Working Memory) EMDR is a memory processing therapy- putting the past in the past How traumatic memories are stored in the brain The Adaptive Information processing model Current symptoms are manifestations of past difficult experiences EMDR & Polyvagal Theory- PVT provides the bottom-up understanding of how the "body needs to feel safe" Implementing SSP in the EMDR triphasic approach to trauma SSP effective in the Preparatory/Stabilization Phase SSP as a stabilizing resource to help get to the more difficult processing SSP as a diagnostic tool to help assess "Affect Tolerance" SSP builds positive affect in preparation for memory processing SSP during Phase 8 to consolidate gains SSP Guidelines for EMDR practitioners- set of recommendations and considerations for EMDR therapists Books and Resources recommendations- EMDR and Somatic Psychology; Neurobiological Foundations for EMDR Practice-(listen in for more great resources!) I hope everyone enjoys this episode. Such a wonderful group. To contact me the best email is (yes, this is a different email, but it is my main working one so easier to monitor) I love to hear comments or feedback. Please join our private FB group Safe and Sound Protocol Podcast- A polyvagal Informed Therapy for new learning opportunities and other information shared. If you liked this episode it would be a great honor if you could share it with a colleague or friend. Take care, remember to breathe low, slow, and smile. Contact Information: Jill Hosey, Laurie Belanger, lbelangerlc Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 20 An Embodied Approach to Eating Disorders with Rachel Lewis Marlow

Hi everyone, In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with the skilled practitioner Rachel Lewis-Marlow from the Embodied Recovery Institute. I first heard Rachel speak at the Polyvagal Institute Summit about a Polyvagal approach to working with eating disorders. It was so interesting that I had to have her share her knowledge with you as a guest on the podcast. Please see below for additional information about Rachel and links to the Embodied Recovery Institute. It would be a great honor if you could share this or other episodes with colleagues. Please "like" the podcast, or leave a review via your favorite listening platform. This episode is so rich. Please see some topics that we discuss: About Rachel. Rachel Lewis-Marlow is a somatically integrative psychotherapist, dually licensed in counseling and therapeutic massage and bodywork and the Co-founder of the Embodied Recovery Institute which provides training to eating disorders professionals in a trauma-informed, relationally oriented and somatically integrated model of eating disorders treatment. She is a Certified Advanced Practitioner in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and has advanced training and 25+ years experience in diverse somatic therapies including Craniosacral Therapy, Energetic Osteopathy, Oncology massage and Aromatherapy. Rachel began providing somatically integrative psychotherapy to eating disorders patients at the residential, PHP and IOP levels of care. Currently, in private practice in Chapel Hill, NC, Rachel works with people healing from trauma, eating disorders, and dissociative disorders. She has extensive experience as a teacher and presenter, focusing on accessing the body’s unique capacity to give voice to the subconscious and to lay the foundation for healing and maintaining psychological and physical health. Embodied Recovery Institute- Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 19 Professor Nina Kraus- A Sound Mind

I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr Nina Kraus from Northwestern University about her work investigating sound processing in the brain and her new book "Of Sound Mind." Nina Kraus is Hugh Knowles Professor of Communication Sciences, Neurobiology, and Otolaryngology at Northwestern University. As a biologist and amateur musician, she thinks about sound and brain health. Her research has found that our lives in sound, for better (musicians, bilinguals) and for worse (concussion, hearing loss, language disorders, noise), shape how our brain makes sense of the sounds we hear. Her book OF SOUND MIND - How our Brain Constructs a Meaningful Sonic World, was written for the intellectually curious. Kraus advocates for biologically informed choices in education, health, and society. We did not touch on all the topics discussed in her book so I encourage you to read Of Sound Mind. Episode Thoughts: Firstly I wish to emphasize the importance of expanding our knowledge to be more aware of the impact of sound on our neuroceptive system and as a consequence our ability to maintain optimal homeostasis for mental and physiological wellbeing. Dr Kraus quotes Helen Keller ….:blindness disconnects us from things, deafness disconnects us from people” As PV informed individuals or therapists we certainly understand the importance of being able to connect. How we process sound- voices greatly impacts this. Nina’s work has expanded our knowledge of the importance of the more complex neural feedback system from the brain to the ear to fine-tune our listening and create the connection of meaning in sound. Her lab has developed key measures of understanding auditory processing in the brain. Interestingly significant processing occurs in the midbrain where we know there are connections to the amygdala and motor centers - which are wired to speedily process sound for safety or defence. Kraus also speaks about… whole brain processing of sound with significant cross-talk with other senses. She says that making sense of sound is profoundly governed by how we feel, think, see and move and conversely influences how we feel, think, see and move and that…”the sounds of our lives shape our brain” Sound is an invisible ally or enemy of brain health Topics covered include: My next Guest is Dr Arielle Shwartz who teaches about PVT and yoga Take care till next time Breathe Slow, Joanne Links Kraus N Editorial: RHYTHM: A Case for Digital Music Medicine. Hearing Journal.Bonacina S, Krizman J, White-Schwoch T, Nicol T, Kraus N How rhythmic skills relate and develop in school-age children. Global PediatriSupport the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 18 Dr Liz Charles: SSP and trauma- Listening and Connection Skills for Remote Delivery

Liz is a medical doctor and an experienced provider of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) from Devon in southwest England. She specialises in the remote delivery of SSP for adults experiencing the effects of complex trauma and also offers professional guidance and SSP to fellow SSP providers internationally. Liz contributes to the SSP training materials for Unyte-iLs, provides regular Q&As, and is a member of the Unyte Clinical Advisory Team. Please enjoy this lovely discussion with Dr Liz Charles. I am sure you will immediately sense Liz's immense dedication to the Polyvagal informed process of supporting clients with the SSP therapy. Liz draws from her medical background, the work of Peter Levin and Deb Dana, and others, in SSP delivery. Liz has lived experience with trauma and as such provides a very sensitive approach to supporting individuals with complex trauma. Liz also shares her personal experience and insights from her own healing journey using the SSP. Liz explains an innovative way of implementing the SSP which definelty resonates with Dr Porges "Less is More" mantra. Liz discusses the vital role of listening and connection during the SSP process and discusses strategies to integrate into sessions. Listen in to learn about the Fab4 Regulation techniques. To contact Liz: website and email address The book discussed at the beginning of the podcast is Humanual by Betsy Polatin ISBN 9781949003789 Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 17 The Polyvagal Institute with Executive Director Randall Redfield

What we have been waiting for.......a place to learn all about the Polyvagal Theory and how to unravel key concepts to implement in system and clinical practice. Welcome to the Polyvagal Institute (PVI). I have the pleasure of speaking with the Executive Director, Randall Redfield all about the Polyvagal Institute, its mission, and learning opportunities. IMPORTANT- Course Discount Offer for our podcast listeners: In association with the PVI we are so pleased to be able to offer a Discount to the "Art and Science of the Polyvagal Theory" Course by Dr Porges and Deb Dana. See below for the link to order the course. The cost is in Australian dollars but transfers to around a 25% discount (due to currency exchange). Click here to ORDER Australian: Click here to ORDER (includes GST) THE ART & SCIENCE OF POLYVAGAL THEORY PROVIDED BY THE POLYVAGAL INSTITUTE: Format: 8.5 hrs live-online and recorded Price: $A300 (approx 25% discount from listed price) Contact: Instructors: Stephen Porges, Ph.D. & Deb Dana, LCSW Live Q&A Dates and Times: Deb Dana, Oct 1 2021 at 11am EDT [ Oct 2, 1am AEST Stephen Porges Oct 7 at 1pm EDT [ Oct 8, 3am AEST, 4am AEDT] For more detailed information please see HERE I have known Randall for some years from my early work as an Instructor for Integrated Listening Systems (iLs). Randall was an iLs Co-Founder and I loved every minute of being involved with iLs and teaching practitioners across the USA and Canada about the iLs Focus System. Randall shares his journey in first meeting Dr Porges for a podcast interview in his home in North Carolina to forming a partnership to bring the Safe and Sound Protocol out of the Lab into the therapy community. The beauty of learning Polyvagal Theory is that we can apply key principles into day-to-day life in connecting and co-regulating with family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Randall speaks of his own personal journey with connecting with his sons. Listen in to learn about the PVI mission and current and future learning opportunities. The PVI is developing courses about being Polyvagal Informed in Education, Medical, Legal fields, and Equine and Animal Assisted therapy. Current courses available are taught by Dr Porges and Deb Dana. Keep an eye out for a future podcast that I have planned with Dr Rebecca Bailey about Polyvagal Theory in Equine Assisted Therapy. Dr Bailey is also developing a course for the PVI. To find out more information: Polyvagal Institute Contact me at Breath Slow & Smile, Joanne McIntyre Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 16 Dr Porges talks Cardiac Vagal Tone, Heart Rate Variability and Homeostasis

Dr Porges early research career started when the science of psychophysiology was in its infancy. He studied heart rhythms, specifically the time interval between each heartbeat (Heart rate variability) which was recognized as a direct measure of vagal influences on cardiac function. He studied how this time interval varied in different states such as sustained attention or stress and was the first to provide the quantification of such phenomena in 1969. Heart rate variability (HRV) is considered to be the "Gold Standard" for measuring stress. However, as you will discover in our discussion HRV is measuring vagal tone and homeostasis. This episode is packed with invaluable information for practitioners and individuals wanting to learn more about cardiac vagal tone and how to improve neural regulation. HRV is a valuable tool to assess vagal tone, facilitate learning about body states, is a portal to vagal functions, and can be used to support SSP outcomes. Listen in as Dr Porges expands on: Discussion including questions submitted by the Safe and Sound Protocol Podcast Facebook group Learning Opportunities Course 1:Polyvagal Based Heart Rate Variability Introduction Course This first course will cover: Course 2: SSP and HRV Biofeedback ( pre-requisite Class 1 ) Both Courses will be available via live webinars and then on-demand. Course 1- click here to REGISTER Course Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 15: "Windows to Regulation" with Tracy Stackhouse, Occupational Therapist

Hi everyone, Welcome to Episode # 15 Yes..... it's finally here....a new episode!! Today I have the utmost pleasure of speaking with Tracy Stackhouse, Occupational Therapist and Executive Director at Developmental FX a non-profit organization providing clinical and training services to engage and evaluate pediatric therapeutic practice. I loved my conversation with Tracy. Hope you like the title of today's episode, "Windows to Regulation" and I think as you listen to our conversation, the title will make sense. Tracy so clearly articulates the inter-connection of key models, such as Dan Siegel's "Window of Tolerance"; Bruce Perry's Neurosequential Model; Jean Ayres Sensory Integration Theory, and Interpersonal Neurobiology with the Polyvagal Theory. These models help us formulate clinical plans to facilitate co-regulation, connection, and safety in supporting SSP outcomes. I hope you all enjoy this episode. Please see below for Tracy's bio where you can learn about her work. Here are some key points that you will learn about from our conversation: The components of co-regulation often need to be taught explicitly and include: Synchrony Mutual and Reciprocity Mirroring Serve and Return Shared Affect Repair Following the child's lead Nurturance Promotion of Agency Practitioners first develop these skills then learn how to guide families. Tracy spoke about a treatment-intensive project she is involved in called Camp Jabiru. The camp is based on SI Theory and the neurobiology of "Safety" held in the Sydney region of Australia. Here are links to the various projects and programs we discussed. Spirited Conversations Podcast Camp Jabiru DFX Learning Journeys: the website will launch in a few weeks. Until then, email: More about Tracy Tracy Murnan Stackhouse, MA, OTR is the executive director of Developmental FX (DFX) in Denver, Colorado, a non-profit organization providing clinical and training services to engage and elevate pediatric therapeutic practice. She is a leading pediatric Occupational Therapist (OT) involved in clinical treatment, research, mentoring, and training regarding OT intervention for persons with neurodevelopmental disorders, especially Fragile X Syndrome and autism. Tracy has a master’s degree in developmental psychology/neuroscience. She received her NDT training with Lois Bly. She is SIPT Certified and was the clinical specialist in sensory integration at The Children’s Hospital in Denver as well as the OT for the Fragile X Research and Treatment Center. Tracy continued her clinical and research work with Dr. Randi Hagerman at the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Inst Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 14: EMDR and the Safe and Sound Protocol....... a perfect combination. Dr Sarah Schubert, Psychologist and EMDR instructor talks about blending Polyvagal Theory and the Safe and Sound Protocol within the EMDR framework.

It is with great pleasure to share with you my conversation with Dr Sarah Shubert. Sarah is a Clinical Psychologist, EMDR consultant and trainer, who works with children, adolescents, adults, and families. Sarah has a private practice and previously worked with complex mental health issues in Community treatment settings. Sarah is published in the area of trauma therapy and ADHD. Her doctoral dissertation was in the area of EMDR for the treatment of PTSD. She has won national and international awards for her research of EMDR and PTSD and is an accredited EMDR trainer. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing which is an evidence-based intervention for trauma and PTSD. The World Health Organization, (WHO )recognises EMDR as the first-choice treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD; WHO, 2013). Sarah is a trained SSP practitioner and implements the protocol, including Polyvagal theoretical approaches, to support her EMDR work. Please listen to how Sara beautifully blends the science of safety and connection. Topics covered include: To learn more about EMDR training with Sara for children and adolescents click this link- EMDR Training During the episode I spoke, not so clearly I admit as it had been some time since I read about his work, of Dr Daniel Brown- link to more information- click here I would strongly recommend reading more about his work. The Attachment Project I love to hear from you, please post any comments to the Safe and Sound Protocol Podcast Facebook group or email me at For more information about the SSP please contact Unyte Integrated Listening Systems For Australia and New Zealand please contact Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)


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Episode 13 - "New Developments- Digital SSP and new Pathways"- Round table discussion with leading SSP practitioners Doreen Hunt, Kate Ortman and Monica Kmetz Cochran

Wow, I know everyone is really going to gain an abundance of information from this episode. We have some exciting new developments with the release of the Digital SSP option and the new "Pathways" programming- and we talk about them both in this episode so don't miss out! I am so lucky to be accompanied by 3 amazing practitioners from different parts of the USA who have embedded the SSP as a core component of their practice. They share their approach in supporting children, families, and adults, including older adults. Before I provide some highlights of what you will learn from listening to this episode it is with great pleasure that I introduce each of my guests. Doreen Hunt, OTR/L Co-Director of Children's Therapy at Woodinville Many of you will be familiar with Doreen Hunt, Occupational Therapist who spoke with me on episode # 8. Doreen was the first practitioner to lead the initial feasibility study when the SSP was first released. Her clinical experience with 100's of clients provided invaluable feedback to Dr Porges and iLs that helped guide SSP implementation in the clinical world. Doreen provides the SSP practitioner Q&A sessions and the new practitioner webinars describing the new Pathways programming addition to the Digital SSP. More information: Doreen Hunt- Children's Therapy of Woodinville Kate Ortman is Founder and CEO of Brain Train America Kate is a leader as one of the world’s most respected providers of multi-modality brain training programs. Kate integrates neurotechnologies to help children, adults and older adults all around the world. Kate, her son Greg, and their company were featured in internationally-respected Popular Science magazine and Kate has presented at international conferences for Integrated Listening Systems, Scientific Learning, and Interactive Metronome. More information: Kate Ortman- Brain Train America Monica Cochran M.Ed.- Owner Learning without Borders Monica is passionate about nurturing the love of learning and has vast experience in helping learners of all ages enjoy learning. Working locally in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area and virtually (online), all over the world, she especially enjoys helping learners who have unique talents and challenges develop their strengths and learn in ways that work for them, so they can become lifelong learners and thrive. Monica provides personalized learning, education therapy, transition planning, and parent coaching. Monica is also trained in DIRfloortime. More information: Monica Cochran- Learning without Borders This episode flowed so well; Doreen, Kate and Monica share a wealth of information for both practitioners and people who are experiencing challenges and looking for help. Topics covered include: Support the Show. Please support my work by sharing this episode with a friend or colleague:)
