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The Clinical Entrepreneur

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Clinical Entrepreneur podcast is for healthcare practitioners who want to turn their clinic into a thriving business and create a life they love. We talk about marketing strategies, building the right team, family, work-life balance, where to find your perfect patient and when to wear your CEO hat. Full of practical information, humor, and a hefty dose of motivation, host Ronda Nelson will inspire you to take massive action toward creating an authentic business you can be proud of — and most importantly, how to make an abundant income that creates financial freedom.⁣ ⁣ With a background in accounting, 20+ years experience running a thriving wellness clinic and educating practitioners all over the nation, Ronda shares her best business and marketing practices so you too can thrive. She knows all too well that being a great clinician won’t get you far if you don’t understand how to run a profitable business!⁣ ⁣ They say life has a plan for us all… Well, after her child’s cancer diagnosis in the 90’s, Ronda fought hard to save her and became a functional medicine doctor. She then grew a successful wellness practice, but later fell into deep financial trouble after a bad investment. Again, she leaned into her business background and dug herself out, re-establishing her practice as the #1 clinic in a highly competitive market. Educating and supporting fellow practitioners along the way, she quickly realized that they too need the business and marketing tools that helped her succeed. Ronda is a bookkeeper, turned clinician, turned consultant and she’s here to make a difference.⁣ ⁣ On the Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast, Ronda distills the best advice from her own experiences, interviews top thought leaders in the clinical and business realm and then applies it to the world of healthcare in a way that is easy to understand and implement. You can expect raw business coaching sessions, honest conversations with industry peers and most importantly: tactical tips and a step-by-step plan to empower entrepreneurs to build a brand they believe in, market themselves in our ever-changing world and create a life they love.


United States


The Clinical Entrepreneur podcast is for healthcare practitioners who want to turn their clinic into a thriving business and create a life they love. We talk about marketing strategies, building the right team, family, work-life balance, where to find your perfect patient and when to wear your CEO hat. Full of practical information, humor, and a hefty dose of motivation, host Ronda Nelson will inspire you to take massive action toward creating an authentic business you can be proud of — and most importantly, how to make an abundant income that creates financial freedom.⁣ ⁣ With a background in accounting, 20+ years experience running a thriving wellness clinic and educating practitioners all over the nation, Ronda shares her best business and marketing practices so you too can thrive. She knows all too well that being a great clinician won’t get you far if you don’t understand how to run a profitable business!⁣ ⁣ They say life has a plan for us all… Well, after her child’s cancer diagnosis in the 90’s, Ronda fought hard to save her and became a functional medicine doctor. She then grew a successful wellness practice, but later fell into deep financial trouble after a bad investment. Again, she leaned into her business background and dug herself out, re-establishing her practice as the #1 clinic in a highly competitive market. Educating and supporting fellow practitioners along the way, she quickly realized that they too need the business and marketing tools that helped her succeed. Ronda is a bookkeeper, turned clinician, turned consultant and she’s here to make a difference.⁣ ⁣ On the Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast, Ronda distills the best advice from her own experiences, interviews top thought leaders in the clinical and business realm and then applies it to the world of healthcare in a way that is easy to understand and implement. You can expect raw business coaching sessions, honest conversations with industry peers and most importantly: tactical tips and a step-by-step plan to empower entrepreneurs to build a brand they believe in, market themselves in our ever-changing world and create a life they love.



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204: What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

We’re diving into one of those head-scratching moments we all face: What do you do when you don't know what to do? 🤯 Imagine a patient walks in with a random condition you’ve never heard of. Your mind goes blank, and you’re thinking, "OMG… I have no idea what to do or how to treat this!” But have no fear, and I’ve got you covered! 🙌 When a health concern is unfamiliar to you, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. You want to help, but without some level of knowledge, it’s hard to know what to do first. You might decide to start with the basics—digestion, stress management, blood sugar—which buys you time to figure out what’s really going on. But how exactly do you do that? Is there some kind of easy way or shortcut to get the information you need in order to create a tailored, effective plan for your patient? 🩺 Fortunately, there is! In this episode, I’ll share my tips on how to find the information you need, put it together in the form of a structured protocol, and then create a protocol that will help your patient get better! So grab a pen, take some notes, and get ready to feel extra confident the next time you’re faced with an unfamiliar health condition. Remember, it’s okay not to know everything. The key is to stay curious, keep learning, and don’t be afraid to take your time. With the right tools and approach, you’ll be ready to handle any curveball that comes your way. ✨ In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 How to effectively use Google Scholar and other research tools. 👉 The importance of understanding the condition's characteristics and symptoms. 👉 A step-by-step approach to comparing patient symptoms with research findings. 👉 How to use the Functional Herbal Therapy approach to create effective protocols. LINKS: 📚 Check out this resource and use our link: Functional Herbal Therapy by Kerry Bone 💥 Learn more about Clinical Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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203: An Honest Review of Practice Better

Are you feeling overwhelmed, trying to manage patient appointments, keeping track of their progress, and ensuring they have all the essential documents they need? 🗃️ This is a common complaint from health practitioners - one that keeps you up at night, wondering what the best solution would be. Having to constantly keep track of all the details while running a business can leave you feeling exhausted and frustrated. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. 😉 Imagine what it would be like to have all the essential details about every patient all in one place, saving you time, money, and dramatically reducing your stress. It’s a game changer when it all works together. That’s where Practice Better comes in. This is one of my favorite practice management tools for busy wellness practitioners. From scheduling appointments to document management and managing patient communication, this one platform handles it all. Think of it as your digital assistant, taking care of everything from payments to educational resources, so you can really spend time focusing on your patients. I invited one of my team members, Yentl, to join me for today’s podcast. She is our Practice Better whisperer…. and she’s got some great insights to share! Yentl has firsthand experience in setting up Practice Better and navigating its features, so there's no better person to share the raw, honest truth about how it works. She’s not holding anything back so if you want the full inside scoop, you’re in the right place! In this episode you’ll learn: 👉 How Practice Better can increase efficiency and streamline your practice. 👉 Why automating tasks and certain patient interactions saves time and money. 👉 Key software integrations that make Practice Better even more powerful. 👉 Solutions to common hurdles many practitioners face with Practice Better. LINKS: 💻 Check out Practice Better Here; and be sure to use our code RNPB20 for 20% off for 4 months for new users signing up for any paid plan! 🗒️ The Essential Guide to Setup Practice Better 💥 Learn more about Clinical Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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202: What I'm Currently Reading

Finding a good book to read is like balm for the soul. The words on the page seem to symbolically offer themselves up as a way to prompt us to become better humans, better parents, learn a new skill, or simply consider a new perspective. The words we read (or hear) provide valuable information that slowly shapes us into being the next better version of ourselves which is always a good thing. I’m always so thankful when a book seems to ‘jump off the shelf’ and tug at my soul, indicating there are some magical gems inside just waiting for me to discover. 📚 So it seemed fitting that In this episode, I wanted to share the books I’m currently reading and why they are so impactful. And I hope my current list of books will inspire you to either read them along with me or to find a few of your own that will inspire you as well. 💯 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 Why reading is the ultimate superpower for personal and professional growth. 👉 How to pick the perfect book that speaks directly to your soul and goals. 👉 The incredible ripple effect of a reading habit on your mindset, skills, and success. LINKS: 📚 Check out these books: Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy Big Leap by Gay Hendrick 10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 📨 Join our email list! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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201: Tips for Managing Inventory

Do you find that you have more supplements in your cupboard or on the shelves in your office than you can reasonably use? Or even worse, bottles that have long since expired? 💊 Managing your inventory of supplements or other retail products can be challenging at best. We get excited about a certain supplement, ordering more than we need and then promptly forget how to use it. It languishes on the shelf, slowly moving toward its untimely expiration date until we have to give it away or throw it away. #guilty Not a great business model. But inventory management doesn't have to be a complicated chess game. With a little knowledge about how to keep your inventory organized, you’ll be able to streamline your process, keep your costs down, and still provide what your clients need. Join me on this episode to discover the best practices for managing your inventory—whether you're running a physical clinic, a virtual practice, or a bit of both. Say goodbye to wasted money and hello to a smooth-running inventory system. 👋 Don't let inventory headaches drag you down! Let's fix those missteps and get your shelves working for you. ⚡ In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 How to pick the right supplements for your practice and avoid overstocking. 👉 Tricks to keep your inventory turning over without throwing away cash. 👉 Tips for managing virtual or hybrid practices without a headache. 👉 How to keep your inventory and accounting on the same page to avoid surprises. LINKS: 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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200: Find Out What Your Patients Are Searching For With This Free Online Tool!

Do you find it challenging to figure out what to write or post about that will really resonate with your patients? It’s difficult to pinpoint the precise questions your patients are asking relating to their health condition. But this is important information to have! 🔍 We end up guessing what we ‘think’ they’re thinking… 🤔and many times, we miss the mark. You spend time writing an email, creating a free resource, video training or a social post, only to have it fall flat. The only sound you hear is crickets. 🦗🦗 But what if there was a solution that lets you see exactly what they are searching for to find solutions to their health challenges? Something that will give you a serious leg up when it comes to connecting with your ideal audience. Well friend, you’re in luck! There’s a magic little resource called "Answer the Public" that will tell you exactly what you need to be talking about with and for your patients. Whether your specialty is Hashimoto's, mold sensitivity, or digestive issues, you'll be able to see their most pressing questions so you can swoop in and become the authoritative leader! 🔥 In this episode you’ll learn: 👉 How to use a simple (and free!) tool to uncover what your patients are searching for. 👉 The secret to writing emails and creating content that they will actually read. 👉 How to use this info to boost your social media game and improve in-person consultations. 👉 Why this tool can help you become the go-to expert in your field. LINKS: 💻 Try out AnswerThePublic 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 💫 Join Clinical Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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199: How to Create Your 3-Step Proprietary Process

If you've ever felt lost when it comes to communicating your treatment plan with a new patient, you’re not alone. Even though you already have a good idea about what needs to happen to help them feel better, the patient often feels overwhelmed with the whole thing. This leads to confusion, loss of motivation to continue, and missed opportunities to really help. That’s why we’re talking about how to create a unique 3-step proprietary process that allows the patient to get excited about their healing journey and feel super confident about what’s next. 🔥 By creating your own 3-Step Proprietary Process, you’ll be able to provide clarity, structure, and a better experience for your patients, ultimately boosting their confidence in you and increasing the success of your practice. 💫 So, what's the secret sauce behind this three-step magic, you ask? Well, it's taking what you already do with your patients and turning it into your very own masterpiece, tailor-made to reflect your expertise and the unique needs of your patients.s Click on the link below to download a free resource that will show you exactly how to create your own three-step plan, from choosing the perfect name to outlining the goals and expectations for each step. 💯 In this episode you’ll learn: 👉 Why a proprietary process is important for you and your patients. 👉 How to create your very own three-step process that is unique to you! 👉 Strategies for effectively communicating your treatment plan to patients 👉 Tips for maintaining flexibility and accountability throughout the process LINKS: 💻 Create Your Own Proprietary 3-Step Process 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 💫 Join Clinical Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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198: Questions Prospective Patients Are Too Afraid to Ask

Have you ever had a question about something that you were just too hesitant to ask? Depending on the situation, asking can feel slightly awkward so we often just avoid it all together. And it’s no different with your prospective patients. They often have questions rolling around in their mind yet don’t feel comfortable enough to come right out and ask them. So how can we make it easier for them to get their questions answered before they even ask them? The more you know about your ideal patient, the easier this becomes. When you can easily talk about the elephant in the room (money, time, results, expectations, etc.), the result is an abundance of trust and good will. This podcast is a must-listen if you want to help your prospective patients feel confident that you’ve got their back and can help them achieve their health goals. You’ll hear my curated list of 20 questions to ask, putting you in the driver’s seat and helping your patient feel much more comfortable working with you. 💪 In this episode you’ll learn: 👉 How to help a prospective patient feel more comfortable working with you. 👉 How to communicate your expertise and approach in a friendly, approachable manner. 👉 How to address the elephant in the room with my list of ‘20 questions.’ 👉 How to increase patient engagement and create streamlined consultations. LINKS: 🎙️Check out Descript! 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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197: A Fool-Proof Way to Weed Out the Tire-Kickers and Find Your Ideal Patients

As a dedicated wellness practitioner, you pour your heart and soul into caring for your patients but sometimes, retaining them for the long term can feel like an uphill battle. Without effective strategies in place, you might find yourself struggling to fill your schedule and keep your patients coming back. Lucky for you, in this podcast episode, we’re tackling a topic that will change the way you attract patients, helping them to say YES to working with you before you even offer! It’s time to say goodbye to those drive-by wellness hookups and hello to long-term, committed patients who genuinely want to get better! 💫 The way to do this is through a "Get Acquainted Call." This simple yet powerful strategy is your ticket to filtering out the ‘tire kickers’ who aren’t really interested in long-term health, and instead, building lasting relationships with the ones who do. By offering a brief Get Acquainted Call, you not only get to know more about their priorities but can set the stage for a successful partnership. 🤝 So, if you’re looking to grow a practice that is FULL of your ideal patients, consider shifting your “free consult” to a Get Acquainted Call! In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 The power of the "Get Acquainted Call" in attracting the best patients. 👉 How to engage and qualify potential clients within minutes. 👉 Crafting irresistible offers that keep your patients committed for the long haul. 👉 The art of confidently steering clear of troublesome patients while nurturing the right ones. LINKS: 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 📧 Hop on my email list for more clinical and business tips! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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196: The Right (and Wrong) Way to Network

Today, we're diving headfirst into a topic that might make some of you a little nervous…. how to effectively network with others as a way to grow your practice. And yes, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. But when you get it right, you will have more new leads than you know what to do with! 🔥 It’s true that proper networking can be one of the most powerful marketing tools to build your practice. But walking into a room full of strangers with a stack of business cards and a forced smile makes most of us want to find the closest corner and hide. 🫣 The truth is that networking isn't just about swapping business cards—it's about creating genuine and authentic relationships that leave the other person wanting to have more of you in their world. 🤝 In this episode, we're going to transform your networking skills from zero to hero. Say goodbye to sweaty palms and nervous chatter – I’ll make sure you have the confidence and the strategies you need to become a Networking Ninja! 🥷🌟 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 The power of making the other person the hero. 👉 How to identify the right networking groups for your practice. 👉 Strategies for engaging in meaningful conversations and making memorable connections. 👉 The importance of clarity and specificity when describing your practice. LINKS: 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 📧 Hop on my email list for more clinical and business tips! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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195: Improving Your Intake Forms

Over time, we end up accumulating random questionnaires, surveys, and evaluations to include as part of our new patient intake process. And while each one provides another perspective on what might be going on, this isn’t the best experience for your patient who is already overwhelmed and in need of your help. Having to think through and complete each intake form may feel ‘comprehensive’ to you but to the patient, it’s overkill. Not to mention the time it takes for you to review all of them and try to make sense of the information before seeing your patient for the first time. Working on your intake forms might not be the most appealing thing to do – but trust me, when they include the right kind of questions, it makes your job so much easier and lets your patient’s know that you are serious about getting to the root of their issue. And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in this podcast. From demographic information to medical history, lifestyle habits, and beyond, I’ll explain how to design an intake form that provides a comprehensive overview of your patients' health and sets the stage for personalized care. So pull up a chair, grab a pen and paper, and let’s give your intake forms a makeover! In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 Why having fewer forms is a better option for your patients. 👉 How to streamline and optimize your new patient intake process. 👉 Key questions and sections to include in your intake form to get the best information possible. 👉 Practical tips for incorporating your new forms into your new patient flow. LINKS: 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 💫 Join Clinical Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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194: When Something's Not Working, It's Time For a Do Over Day

Sometimes, we just miss the mark. The best laid plans just didn’t work out the way you thought and now, you need to figure out how to do it differently. This process is what I like to call a Do Over Day. 🎯 A 'Do Over Day' gives you the opportunity to build something even better when the gears of your business seem to be grinding against each other. It's like a strategic pause, allowing you to step back, assess, and recalibrate your approach. Think of it as a reset button, but with a structured plan for how to move forward. So, what exactly does a 'Do Over Day' entail? Let's break it down into four essential parts: Step 1: Identify the Successes Begin by acknowledging what worked well. Celebrate the wins, regardless of how big or small. Step 2: Recognize the Failures Mistakes are inevitable, especially in business. It’s important to acknowledge where we missed the mark and use the experience to shape how we move forward. Step 3: Creating a Different Plan Now that you have information about your successes and failures, it's time to redesign what you want to do differently next time. Step 4: Your Non-Negotiables Lastly, it’s important to identify your non-negotiables. These are the things you are not willing to give up or compromise on. A 'Do Over Day' allows you to take a step back and re-evaluate any situation from a neutral perspective, helping you to take control of your business, making it work for you, rather than the other way around. ✅ In this episode you’ll learn how to: 👉 Identify what's working and what isn't in your business. 👉 Stay curious without judging the situation 👉 Define your non-negotiables 👉 Implement your own Do Over Day LINKS: 📧 Email to get the ‘Do Over Day’ worksheet ➡️ Share your experience hiring a Virtual Receptionist here! 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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193: Protecting Your Time: How to Separate Functional Medicine Appts. with Dr. Katie Malley

Let’s say you are a chiropractor and a patient comes in for a routine adjustment. But during that appointment, they conveniently ask if you can quickly muscle test a certain supplement or review their labs and make a few suggestions before they go see their primary doctor. Combining these two things rarely works out well. The patient doesn’t get the focused attention they need and you, the practitioner, aren’t able to provide the best care possible because your brain is effectively focused on two things at once which is never a good thing. And that’s exactly what Dr. Katie Malley discovered after she and I were strategizing about how to optimize her practice. During our meeting, when I heard how frustrated and overwhelmed she felt, even though she was doing something she truly loved - I asked her these two questions: “If you could change one thing in your business, regardless of whether you think it’s possible or not, what would it be? What is the proverbial ‘rock in your shoe’ that’s making you so uncomfortable and causing so much irritation?” And she knew what it was right away. It was the physical and mental exhaustion of allowing patients to combine two completely different appointments into one. This was leaving her feeling drained, overwhelmed, and exhausted at the end of the day. So, she removed the figurative rock from her shoe, separated her appointments into chiropractic only and functional medicine only, and has never looked back. In this podcast episode, Dr. Katie is sharing exactly how she did it, the obstacles she had to overcome when communicating her new model to her patients, and the surprising outcome! She now has a practice that went from overwhelming chaos to streamlined efficiency. 💯 Dr. Katie ended up discovering her niche, manages her time like a pro, and has created a practice that not only thrives but leaves her feeling energized and fulfilled at the end of the day. 🤍 By separating her chiropractic and nutrition appointments, Katie found greater clarity, reduced stress, and improved patient outcomes. Listen in to learn how setting clear boundaries can transform your practice and revitalize your passion for healing. ❤️‍🩹 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 Why having a niche is soooooo important. 👉 How to avoid doing two things at once and being mediocre at both. 👉 The benefits of setting clear boundaries with patients. 👉 Strategies for managing different modalities effectively. 👉 How to create a practice that works for you first, not your patients. LINKS: 🔍 Visit Dr. Katie’s Website 📱 Follow Dr. Katie on IG! 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode!


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192: Your Practice, Your Way with Dr. Jamie Arnold

As a practitioner who also chooses to be a business owner, I am positive that most of the time, you’re struggling to balance your professional life with personal responsibilities. ⚖️ Trying to balance both is like the spinning plates game at a carnival – it can be a real challenge! 🤹 It's not just about squeezing in some downtime; it's about keeping your whole self happy and fulfilled. 🌿 With the demands of managing your patients and running a business, it's easy to lose sight of what you need to honor your own personal well-being. Many of us find ourselves struggling to carve out time for self-care, family, and hobbies while managing our busy schedules. 🕧 But what if there was a better way? ✅ In this episode, Dr. Jamie Arnold provides an inspirational and insightful perspective about how to create a practice on your own terms, regardless of what’s considered to be ‘normal.’ She is a well-seasoned solo practitioner who's mastered the art of running a successful practice while maintaining a great work-life balance. Dr. Jamie Arnold's journey offers valuable insights into breaking free from conventional norms and designing a practice that works for you. 🩺 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 The importance of authenticity in attracting the right clientele. 👉 Strategies for maintaining work-life balance as a solo practitioner. 👉 Tips for leveraging clinical expertise to create passive income streams. 👉 Insights into building a family-centric practice that resonates with patients. LINKS: 🔍 Visit Dr. Jamie’s website 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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191: How to Leverage Health Savings Accounts (HSA’s) in Your Practice

Health savings accounts (HSA’s) have been around for years and offer people a way to set aside funds for qualified medical expenses and decrease their tax burden. Not everyone qualifies for an HSA but if you do, it can be an easy way for you (or your patients) to help save for health expenses. And, these HSA’s can provide huge benefits for you, your patients, and for your business! Personally, I’ve had an HSA for many years, and I love it. Not only does it lower my taxable income at the end of the year, but I have money set aside for health-related expenses including chiropractic, vision, dental care, and band aids. Random I know, but true! Since your patients are already paying to see you, they might as well pay from an HSA and enjoy the added tax benefits. If you haven't considered incorporating HSAs into your practice yet, you might be missing out on a golden opportunity to provide added value to your patients while optimizing your bottom line. 💡 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 How incorporating HSAs into your practice can enhance patient care and financial stability. 👉 Strategies to educate your patients about the benefits of HSAs and maximize their utilization. 👉Practical steps to integrate HSA payments seamlessly into your practice and boost revenue. LINKS: 🔍 Link to the USA Today article about HSA’s 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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190: Why You Need a Proprietary Process and Where to Start

Ever felt like you're stuck doing one-off treatments with your patients and after just a few appointments, they simply bail on you? Unfortunately, this scenario is becoming all too common but there’s a simple solution that will solve this problem once and for all: having your own unique proprietary process! By developing a proprietary process that highlights your area of expertise, you can create a practice where patients know up front what it’s going to take to get better - and they’ll stay till the end. Crafting your unique clinical process is a differentiation that not many providers have. By crafting your own signature approach to patient care, you have the power to break free from the fee for service model and carve out a niche that is uniquely yours. 🌟 Learn how to build a thriving and remarkable practice by having a proprietary process that serves your ideal patient and cements your status as a trusted authority in your field. 💯 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 How to identify the foundational issues your ideal patients face 👉 Strategies to develop a step-by-step roadmap for patient success 👉 The importance of articulating your process to enhance patient commitment 👉 Ways to integrate your proprietary process into your marketing strategy 👉 Tips and tricks for serving up personalized treatment plans that hit all the right spots and keep patients coming back for more. LINKS: 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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189: Fill Your Schedule Using a Nurture Email Series

Sending regular emails to your patients is an important part of what you do as a practitioner and a business owner. Why? Well, it lets your audience know that you’re around to help, and keeps your name (and smiling face) at the top of their minds. 🤩 But if you're like most practitioners, the mere thought of having to figure out how to write and send these types of emails makes you roll your eyes. 🙄 I get it – writing emails might not be your favorite thing, but here's the deal: neglecting this aspect of your business could mean a significant loss of $$$ as patients simply drift away because they stopped hearing from you. Whenever you can create these types of regular connection points with your patients, they are more likely to reach out for help when they need it, rather than looking for someone new. So if you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry – I've got a simple plan to help you get started. 💫 Sending regular emails is not about bombarding them with information they can’t understand or always trying to sell them something; it's about providing consistent value and deepening the relationship. 🤝 In this episode, you'll learn how to create engaging content, from choosing topics that help them get better, faster results to adding in a little of your own personal flair. And don't worry if you’re feeling overwhelmed – I've got your back. 😉 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 How sending regular nurture emails helps you stay top of mind. 👉 Strategies to create valuable and engaging content for your patients. 👉 Technical tips for setting up and managing your email campaigns. 👉 Strategies for maintaining consistency and connection with your audience. LINKS: 💻 Check out Word Counter! 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📧 Join my email list! 📹 Watch this episode here!


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188: How to Create a Library of Resources for your Patients

Have you ever felt like you answered the same questions over and over throughout the day? Well, if so, I’ve got great news for you. I’m about to show you how you can create a library of resources for your patients that answers all of their commonly asked questions, and doesn’t require you to be involved! Your patient resource library can contain many different types of resources, but my favorite (and most effective) way is to create a series of videos that answer their most common questions, provide guidance on dietary recommendations, information about supplements, encourage a healthier lifestyle, and more. This not only saves you time but enhances your credibility. In this episode, we'll look at how this type of curated patient resources, assembled in a digital library of sorts, can save you so much time and make you look like the expert of all experts in the eyes of your patients. By the end of this podcast episode, you'll have a roadmap to help you change the way you support your patients, saving time, boosting patient satisfaction, and elevating your practice. 🌟 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 Simple strategies to create a comprehensive resource library for your patients. 👉 The top three ways to deliver valuable content without breaking the bank. 👉 The power of video in engaging and educating your patients efficiently. 👉 Tips on selecting topics that resonate with your ideal patient base. 👉 An easy and cost-effective tech solution to host your personalized resource library. LINKS: 📊 Check out Practice Better! 💻 Try out Searchie 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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187: Leading with Confidence: The Mindset Shift that will Completely Change How You Talk to Potential Patients

When you’re talking with a potential new patient, what does that conversation look like? Are you giving them answers that come from a place of “need” (as in you really want them to say yes to working with you) or is your conversation more about determining whether they will be a good fit in your culture and practice? The truth is, you don’t have to take every potential new patient that comes your way. When you have that first meeting or initial conversation, this is when you come to the fork in the road: are you going to invite them to work with you or suggest that there’s a better fit for them somewhere else. Ultimately, you’re the gatekeeper of your practice. Just because someone wants your help doesn’t mean they’ll be a good fit for you, and that’s okay. You have the right to say “No” if they won’t be a good fit. Because there’s nothing worse than working with someone who doesn’t want to be there. 😬 Today, I want to open the conversation with a new possibility - one that puts you in a decision-making position, not them. We want YOU to make the choice whether you want to work with someone or not, not the other way around. It’s time to change your mindset from one of ‘desperation, meaning you’ll work with anyone - to one that allows you to find and align with people who are on the same page and truly want what you have to offer. So, let’s take the complexity out of this delicate dance and give the power back to who really has it - you! In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 How to shift from a mindset of desperation to one of discernment. 👉 Strategic questions to ask potential patients that address both logic and emotion. 👉 Ways to transition the conversation from head-centered logic to heart-centered feelings. 👉 How you’ll know if a patient is the right fit for your practice. LINKS: 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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186: A Surprising (and effective) Way to Get More New Patients

Ever wondered how you can effortlessly increase the number of new patients without using traditional marketing methods? 🚀 If your schedule is looking more sparse than you’d like it to, you may be overlooking a goldmine of untapped potential sitting right under your feet: your current patient base! Yes, your very own patients are one of the BEST referral sources because they already know how amazing you are! You don’t have to convince them. You don’t have to coerce them or offer them something in return. You just have to ask. The asking doesn't have to be hard; instead, I’ve got a super easy strategy to share with you that makes the ‘ask’ feel authentic and positions the patient as the unsung hero in your practice. 🌟 By not tapping into the referral gold mine within your existing A-patients, you're essentially leaving money on the table, and this is definitely not what we want for your business. 💼 This referral strategy is easy to do and makes it a win-win for everyone involved! 🏆 In this episode you’ll hear: 👉 The power of warm leads to grow your business. 👉 How to make asking for referrals feel authentic and comfortable. 👉 Strategies for identifying and approaching your A-patients for referrals. 👉 Simple yet effective ways to integrate referral requests into your daily interactions. 👉 Implementing systems and processes to consistently generate referrals. LINKS: 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!


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185: How to Keep More Money in Your Business

Ever felt overwhelmed or frustrated when it comes to managing your business finances? Keeping an ever watchful eye on those darn expenses + focusing on bringing in more revenue is a never ending situation. 💸 If that sounds like you, no worries. Many practitioners, despite how long they’ve been in business, struggle with the same thing. After all, we’re wired to take care of people, not numbers on a piece of paper. But if you're not paying close attention to things like subscriptions, internet costs, or business insurance, you might be losing more money than you thought and slowing the growth of your practice. 😵 But fear not! In today's podcast episode, we're getting into the nitty-gritty of how to identify the most common areas where your money might be slipping away and how to identify and stop the leaking once and for all! Knowing what’s happening in your business is like looking at the dashboard in your car. Once you understand what just a few simple numbers mean, you’ll have a much better idea about how your engine is running. So click here to listen to today's amazing episode of The Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast! In this episode you’ll hear: 👉How to investigate what you’re paying for dues and subscriptions. 👉Strategies to renegotiate and manage your utility bills. 👉How negotiating lease agreements can significantly impact your overhead costs. 👉Tips for responsibly handling travel and entertainment expenses, avoiding common misconceptions that could lead to financial pitfalls. 👉Why you should regularly evaluate your insurance and software expenses. LINKS: 💥 Learn more about Clinical Business Academy! 📚 Join Clinical Academy! 🌟 Rate and review us on your fave listening platform. 📹 Watch this episode here!
