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Spread Great Ideas: The Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Spread Great Ideas is meant to increase the signal in a world awash in noise. Your curator and host, Brian David Crane, is on a quest to share the learnings of the world’s most interesting people - the disruptors, the outliers, the libertines, and those who’ve been unconventionally successful - so that we can all become a little bit wiser, together.


United States


Spread Great Ideas is meant to increase the signal in a world awash in noise. Your curator and host, Brian David Crane, is on a quest to share the learnings of the world’s most interesting people - the disruptors, the outliers, the libertines, and those who’ve been unconventionally successful - so that we can all become a little bit wiser, together.



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Jayson Gaddis: Founder of The Relationship School

Please welcome Jayson Gaddis to the show, he is — well — a lot of things. He's a father, an entrepreneur, an artist, an author, a public speaker, a human behavior specialist, and most importantly, he's a relationship expert. He's the author of Getting to Zero: How to Work Through Conflict in Your High-Stakes Relationships and is also the founder of The Relationship School. We've known one another for the better part of ten years and we're going to be talking about his areas of expertise, along with fatherhood in the digital age. I hope you enjoy the show! Favorite Jayson Gaddis Quote "After a conflict with a spouse or a kid or friends. The relationship itself actually gets stronger. It's the adversity of disagreeing — challenging each other — that builds a stronger foundation." - Jayson Gaddis Additional Resources JaysonGaddis.comGetting to Zero: How to Work Through Conflict in Your High-Stakes RelationshipsThe Relationship SchoolJayson Gaddis on YoutubeJayson Gaddis on InstagramJayson Gaddis on FacebookJayson Gaddis on LinkedInJonathan Haidt: The Three Terrible Ideas Weakening Gen Z and Damaging Universities and Democracies Transcript If you'd like to stay updated on what Spread Great Ideas (aka "SGI") is up to, you can do so on X, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


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Ryan Coisson: Building Wealth and Managing Risk

Please welcome Ryan Coisson, whom I've known for more than 10 years, to the show. He's a digital business owner, content marketer, outdoor adventurer, and finance whiz. Ryan is a pro at creating high-level processes, including planning and building specific — and I mean very, very specific — actionable steps to achieve the goals around those financial plans. He's also just a nice guy. That's why he agreed to join me today. We spent a ski season in Whistler, Canada, living together in a shared chalet with entrepreneurs. Since then, our paths have crossed, diverged, and then crossed again. I asked him to come on the show to talk about one of his companies, Perfect Biz, as well as some of the other projects he's involved with, like Online Option and more on finance and investing. I hope you enjoy this show as much as I enjoyed recording it. Favorite Ryan Coisson Quote "Winning the game to me looks like creating what I would call an income engine. So a portfolio that generates income for me now. I want that income to do a few things: continually growing, be safe and stable, and be diversified across different sectors." Additional Resources Online Option Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout Stay updated by subscribing to our episodes. Your feedback matters to us, so feel free to leave a review and share your thoughts. Connect with us on X, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to join discussions and see previews of future episodes. Your participation helps our community thrive. Subscribe to begin exploring with us.


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Martin Krung: DeFi Innovation at Curve Finance

I dive into the world of decentralized finance with Martin Krung, a prominent figure in the crypto space and a key contributor to Curve Finance. Martin has been an active participant in the crypto community for over a decade, focusing on innovative solutions and technological advancements. As a full-stack developer with a background in art software and innovation engineering, Martin brings a unique perspective to the ever-evolving crypto landscape. In this episode, we explore the intricacies of liquidity management, the challenges and opportunities within decentralized exchanges, and Martin's journey in the development of Curve Finance. Join us as we unpack the complexities of DeFi through the insights of one of its most seasoned contributors. Favorite Martin Krung Quote “The crypto market was filled with narratives people tell... you imagine this is the next big thing, and you buy the token. If it hits, then you make money until the story doesn't add up, and the price drops. It's an interesting force; however, we are not affected by it anymore.” - Martin Krung Additional Resources Curve FinanceCryptonative@MartinKrung on X


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Demian Voorhagen: Strategic Entrepreneurial Growth

I'm happy to have Demian Voorhagen with me, a name synonymous with scaling tech companies and driving substantial growth. Born and raised in Amsterdam, Demian's journey from exploring the realms of management, economics, and law, to becoming a pivotal figure in the startup and scale-up scene, is nothing short of inspiring. As someone deeply interested in AI, finance, and crypto, Demian's perspective on the future of technology and business growth is both unique and enlightening. Whether it's sharing success stories from his clients or discussing his own venture into creating trading infrastructure for crypto funds, Demian's experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to accelerate their company's growth. We discuss his entrepreneurial journey, methodologies for fostering growth, and vision for the future of tech companies. Whether you're a small business owner, a tech enthusiast, or someone curious about the mechanics of scaling businesses successfully, there's something in this episode for you. Favorite Demian Voorhagen Quote “I like meeting new people. It's a nice way to network. Some people I can help in just one call. I see it a bit as paying it forward. I just help them in one call. And at some point, they might return a favor and if not, that's also fine. Maybe they can return it to someone else.” - Demian Voorhagen Additional Resources DemianVoorhagen.comDemian Voorhagen on LinkedInDemaTrading.ai


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Vin Armani: A Tale of Tech, Liberty, and Legacy

Please welcome Vin Armani, also known as Cyprian, a man of many lives and many talents. Originally from Southern California, Vin first made a name for himself as the star of Showtime's "Gigolos" TV series which chronicled his life as a sought-after gigolo in Las Vegas. By day he's been a professional Bitcoin developer since 2014. He's an author, a researcher, an entrepreneur, and now a married man who moved his wife and children to Saipan in the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), a little known U.S. territory, as the lunacy around COVID lockdowns kicked into high gear. We discuss everything from the rise and fall of his start-up, CoinText.io, the utility and spiritual aspects of Bitcoin to his baptism in the Eastern Orthodox church. I really enjoyed this show and I hope you do too! Favorite Vin Armani Quote “The global economy is picking winners and losers…and that has economic ramifications and it also has huge political ramifications.[And you have] the ability to develop an app and say, ‘Okay, you can come and pay now with this.’ It’s huge, it means so much, and it can [allow] especially the youth of Africa and Latin America to participate in the global economic system. That’s huge…that’s actually even more important than censorship resistance.” - Vin Armani Additional Resources The Saipan Team@Cyprianous on YoutubeThe Counter Markets Newsletter


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Guy Smith: Founder of the Gun Facts Project

Please welcome Guy Smith, a 25-year gun control policy researcher and the founder of the Gun Facts Project. He's also the author of "Guns and Control", has appeared on Fox News, AlJazeera America, and is a frequent talk radio and podcast guest where he shares his team's learnings from conducting data-based investigations into criminology, public safety, and constitutional law. The slogan for the Gun Facts Project is “We are neither pro-gun nor anti-gun. We are pro-math and anti-BS.” And Guy personally is not "a member of any organization — not the NRA, not Everytown for Gun Safety, not the Second Amendment Foundation, not the Brady Campaign. Nada. Not even any political party. Someone once bought (him) a membership in the California Rifle and Pistol Association, and (he) immediately demanded to be removed from the membership roster. Let's hear what Guy has to say. Favorite Guy Smith Quote “What I wish of any person in any field of political thinking is: be rationally skeptical. You don't have to be a denier. You don't have to be a disbeliever, you just have to go: What does the data really tell us?” - Guy Smith Additional Resources GunFacts.info Guns and Control: A Nonpartisan Guide to Understanding Mass Public Shootings, Gun Accidents, Crime, Public Carry, Suicides, Defensive Use, and More


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Mark Pulliam: Lawyer, Writer, and Activist

Please welcome Mark Pulliam, an award-winning lawyer, writer, and activist living in East Tennessee. His work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the L.A. Times, the Federalist, and many other publications. He writes regularly at Misrule of Law and is also a contributing editor at Law and Liberty. As a "political refugee" from blue Austin, TX, today he's joining me to discuss the ups and downs of building a grassroots conservative movement as a local activist in a supposedly "friendly" area. After all, the part of East Tennessee in which he lives, Blount County, voted by a 71% to 27% margin in 2020 for Donald Trump. Yet in building this grassroots movement which, you'd think, would be welcomed by the political establishment that purports to also be "conservative" he has run into the local version of "The Swamp" - a long-standing good ole boy network filled with RINOs that demonstrates the same clannish behavior which the original Scotch Irish settlers of East Tennessee brought with them. Is it possible for an "outsider" to inject a sense of urgency into the local populace and wake them from their slumber to defend their values and way of life from local leaders who say one thing and do another? Let's find out. Favorite Mark Pulliam Quote “One person can't change the political direction of a county... It requires a movement, it requires broad-based community participation... I'm hoping that others will step up and pick up the baton also.” - Mark Pulliam Additional Resources The Misrule of Law blogThe Misrule of Law on XBlount Patriot Facebook pageLaw & Liberty Mark Pulliam author profile


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Phil Craig: Leader of South Africa's Referendum Party

On this episode, I invite Phil Craig onto the show. He is the leader of South Africa's Referendum Party — a single-issue party whose goal is to call a referendum on the Western Cape province seceding from South Africa. According to polls, 68% of Western Cape voters support holding a referendum, and 58% support independence. We talk about South African politics and economics, why the Western Cape is so different from other provinces, internal and external migration trends in South Africa, what a free and independent Western Cape province would look like, and why Westerners (and especially Americans) who believe in political self-determination should care about this issue for moral as well as geopolitical reasons. I admire Phil's efforts! Favorite Phil Craig Quote “Since 1945, almost every single conflict around the world has its source in the denial of self-determination... It's not people looking to assert their right to self-determination that's the problem; it's when countries deny people the right to live out their existence as they see fit where problems start.” - Phil Craig Additional Resources Referendum Party on FacebookPhil Craig on TwitterReferendum Party


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Tom Kineshanko: Crypto Countries and Crypto Fund Management

Tom Kineshanko is the co-founder of the Swiss cryptocurrency hedge fund, Protos, which utilizes an interesting (and proprietary!) trading strategy for those HODLers who want to hold a long-term position in the top 10 cryptocurrencies. We talk about his experience in crypto, including the current threats and opportunities, the macro environment we find ourselves living in with QE, MMT, the weaponization of the U.S. dollar by Washington, etc., how crypto stacks up against gold, who is (and isn’t) talking their own book in the crypto world, which countries are the most crypto friendly (hello Zug, Switzerland!), how much someone should allocate to crypto in their portfolio, and part of the philosophy of liberty underpinning Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision for bitcoin. If you want to know more about crypto, professional money management, and why Switzerland is such a desirable locale then this episode is for you. Favorite Tom Kineshanko Quote “Life is super short. I want to spend time serving people who I like, doing something that I think is interesting and matters. I think crypto matters because we need a new financial system. We need a new way of collaborating.” - Tom Kineshanko Tom’s Links Tom Kineshanko | ProtosTom Kineshanko | LinkedIn Other Relevant Links 2018 Cryptocurrency Crash – “Crypto Winter”Crypto Brawl: Alex Mashinsky vs. Nouriel Roubini “Dr. Doom”Paul Graham Zug, Switzerland


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James Swanwick: Creating Accountability, Affirming the Truth vs. Becoming Delusional, and Tailoring Communication Styles

James Swanwick is an Australian-American entrepreneur who owns three successful businesses all designed to help people improve their lives, a former ESPN Sportscenter anchor, a fascinating conversationalist, and a well-rounded self-made man with a big heart. Our chat ran the gamut. We covered relationships, politics (including Trump!), business, philosophy, self-help courses we recommend (and those we don’t), our thoughts on living in California and Bali, the best ways we’ve found for creating accountability, affirming the truth vs. becoming delusional, how to tailor your communication style for men and women, people’s quest for identity in a post-religious world, and what is (and isn’t) your responsibility. This was a really fun, wide-ranging discussion. Favorite Quote: "I’m trying to avoid the pain of mediocrity, which is the most painful thing for me ever…I have an absolute disdain for knowing what I could be and am not." James’ Links: Maximum Life Summit Swanwick Sleep The 30 Day No Alcohol ChallengeProject 90@jamesswanwick on InstagramThe James Swanwick Show Podcast Other Relevant Links: Landmark ForumMark Manson | What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” - Jim RohnPeter Shallard | Commit Action Never Eat Alone | Keith Ferrazzi Ram DassTai LopezTim Ferriss and the 4-Hour Work WeekLynne E. Sheridan P.S. If you liked the show, please leave a review on whichever podcast platform you listened to it on. Positive reviews help others find our work. And if you didn’t like the show, please send an email to podcast@spreadgreatideas.com to let us know why so that we can do better next time. Thanks!


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Lavinia Iosub: Work Style Personality Types, Remote Team Management & Being a Successful Digital Nomad

Lavinia Iosub is a fellow expat entrepreneur who originally hails from Romania and now runs a unique combo of a business incubator, remote team management, coworking space, and consultancy service here in Bali called Livit. (Basically, if you're looking to build a remote team, scale your existing remote team, learn how to properly be a digital nomad, or just get a cool, calm place to work from in Bali so you can actually get some things done whilst you're here - then Lavinia and Livit are going to be interesting for you.) We talk about hiring in Indonesia vs. the Western democracies, synchronous vs. asynchronous communication, how to scale successfully, the different work style personality types, her take on the future of remote work and being a long-term, successful digital nomad, finding and maintaining a healthy work/life balance, an obscure Dutch social scientist who classified why people from certain cultures act the way they do, what holacracy is all about (a new term to me), and more. "Rewards can have very different natures, they can be tangible or intangible…Somebody who works in our welcoming and hospitality part just recently said to me, 'This is the first company I’ve ever been employed at where I can save money and have vacation time to visit other countries.' To me, I live for things like that. I want people to travel, I want people to develop themselves, they’ll come back as better contributors." Livit InternationalTriatma Mulya Stenden: HomeLavinia Iosub | Project Getaway The Ideas Lab Podcast: Lavinia Iosub @LaviniaIosub on Twitter Holacracy | Evolve Your OrganizationREWORK | BasecampTwistGretchen RubinGeert Hofstede P.S. If you liked the show, please leave a review on whichever podcast platform you listened to it on. Positive reviews help others find our work. And if you didn’t like the show, please send an email topodcast@spreadgreatideas.comto let us know why so that we can do better next time. Thanks!


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Andrei Ivanou: Inside Belarus, Europe’s Last Dictatorship

Andrei Ivanou, a Belarusian native, and I sit down to learn more about the fascinating, oft-forgotten country of Belarus. Belarus has the dubious honor of being the longest-running European dictatorship thanks to their leader, Alexander Lukashenko, who seized power in 1994 following the power vacuum that was created by the fall of the USSR. A military man, Lukashenko is often referred to as бацька (“dad”) by Belarusians because he oversees everything and dominates the country. If you’re like me before this episode, you don’t much about Belarus - or even where it’s located. (Hint: It’s sandwiched predominantly between Russia, Poland, and Ukraine on the eastern edge of Europe.) Nor have you given it much thought in terms of what life is like there. Yet for Europeans, it’s often viewed as a bridge between East and West. And for Russia, it’s long been one of its closest allies because it serves as a critical land buffer between Moscow and the EU across the North European Plain. Andrei and I discuss what’s changed since the fall of the USSR, what it’s like to live in a dictatorship (especially after having lived in the U.S.), what’s being smuggled into and out of the country, how much locals actually make and which surprising job is the best-paid, the sort of economic propaganda put forward by the press, why Belarusian women are known worldwide for their beauty, how to travel there (spoiler alert: It’s not that easy), and more. Andrei is the CSPO at TechVice, one of the companies which my software company, CallerSmart, works with. If you’d like to learn more about Belarus and get a “boots on the ground” taste of what life is actually like under “daddy” in Europe’s last dictatorship, then this episode is for you. Andrei’s Links: TechViceCallerSmart Other Relevant Links: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko “It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” Digital Nomads: The best city you've never been to | Sovereign ManChernobyl: The Wildlife Haven Created When People Left In Secretive Belarus, Chernobyl's Impact Is Breathtakingly Grim P.S. If you liked the show, please leave a review on whichever podcast platform you listened to it on. Positive reviews help others find our work. And if you didn’t like the show, please send an email to podcast@spreadgreatideas.com to let us know why so that we can do better next time. Thanks!


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Rodolfo Young: Years in Silence, the Burden of Choice & Responsibilities, and Inspiring Others

Rodolfo Young spent two years in silent practice. He wasn’t sitting in some ashram somewhere. He was out in the world - and chose not to speak. We talk about what he learned during those two years, why he decided to do this (including the heartbreak that was the catalyst), and how others received him as they spoke to him and he didn’t reply. In addition, we go into some fascinating mental models such as understanding the ego as an ice block, how an umbrella in the rain is useful for understanding our desire to share what we’ve learned whilst also not imposing ourselves on another, cultivating curiosity, and how true choice carries with it the burden of responsibility (and why that’s actually a good thing). Rodolfo is ex-U.S. military (he served during the Iraq War doing PsyOps), a TedX speaker, an American expat, a fellow Ubudian, a motivational speaker, and an all-around thoughtful and inspiring guy. His goal is to touch a million hearts. Please have a listen and appreciate someone who has probably gone deeper into his own heart and psyche than most! Rodolfo’s Links: Rodolfo Young TEDxUbud - The Art of Holding SpaceRodolfoYoung.com@rodolfo_young on Instagram Rodolfo Young on Youtube Rodolfo Young Almaflow Experience Rodolfo Young’s Books on Amazon Other Relevant Links: Radio Free EuropeAmerican SniperVipassana Meditations Landmark Forum The Magic of Thinking BigTony Robbins NLP The Slight Edge P.S. If you liked the show, please leave a review on whichever podcast platform you listened to it on. Positive reviews help others find our work. And if you didn’t like the show, please send an email to podcast@spreadgreatideas.com to let us know why so that we can do better next time. Thanks!


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Freya Savage: Entrepreneur, Raw-Food Chef, and Financial Advisor

Freya Savage is an impressive, multi-faceted woman: An established entrepreneur, a devotee to plant-based health & wellness, a certified raw food chef, an ultra-marathoner, and a successful financial planner. She’s heavily involved in food & health as well as finance, which whilst it might seem like an unusual combination at first glance, in Freya’s view this combo all revolves around the same thing: Wealth. In this episode Freya and I discuss a variety of topics including different methods of building a successful, location independent business, establishing one’s boundaries and healthy routines, what to keep in mind when starting on a new endeavor, how to own your attractiveness, and why (and how!) to make time & space for yourself in an increasingly busy world. Freya’s Links: @freya_savage_ on InstagramWealthy Rebels With a Cause on FacebookFreyaSavage.comFull Power with Freya Savage Other Relevant Links: Product Launch FormulaHedonic Treadmill P.S. If you liked the show, please leave a review on whichever podcast platform you listened to it on. Positive reviews help others find our work. And if you didn’t like the show, please send an email to podcast@spreadgreatideas.com to let us know why so that we can do better next time. Thanks!


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AJ Juodka: Biohacking in Bali, Ultimate Health, and SE Asia’s Hidden Gems

Aurimas Juodka, AJ for short, is a “gentle giant” - intimidating in stature and size, yet very pleasant and thoughtful when you chat with him. Originally from Lithuania, we met at DMSS and geeked out on biohacking, SE Asian hotspots, the health benefits to eating organ meats and intermittent fasting, Bali’s hidden gems, key biomarkers and how to track them, and what a healthy lifestyle in a truly holistic manner entails. In this podcast we cover these topics as well as what what AJ considers the six fundamentals for ultimate health: AJ’s goal is to help people go from good-to-great and reach their optimal health. Listen if you’re interested in bringing your body to its peak potential as we also discuss cryogenic therapy, infrared saunas, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy...you know, the usual biohacking stuff. :) AJ’s Links: The High Performance RetreatThriving WellnessWell With AJWell With AJ on Instagram Other Relevant Links: Oura RingVieLight Blue Light Blocking Glasses AccuPressure Mat RFID Blocking Phone Case Radiation Free Tubular Headphones P.S. If you liked the show, please leave a review on whichever podcast platform you listened to it on. Positive reviews help others find our work. And if you didn’t like the show, please send an email to podcast@spreadgreatideas.com to let us know why so that we can do better next time. Thanks!
