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Rise Up Mentor

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Welcome to Rise Up Mentor a platform that advocates for lifelong learning and constant improvement in every aspect of life. As someone who’s experienced both the valleys and peaks of life, I understand that while we cannot control all the obstacles that come our way, we do have the power to choose whether we get back up or not. And each time we choose to rise again, we become stronger. But why settle for just getting back up? By consistently striving to become better and wiser, we can reduce our chances of being knocked down in the first place. That’s why I started Rise Up Mentor – to encourage and motivate you to continuously improve in all areas of life, including vocation, marriage, friendship, personal development, health, parenting, lifestyle, spirituality, intellect, and finance. I’m a Certified Life Coach and lifelong learner who’s committed to constantly improving. And I want to share that mindset and journey with you. If you’re looking for a resource that provides helpful information and encouragement to become the best version of yourself, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s embark on this journey of self-improvement together.


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Welcome to Rise Up Mentor a platform that advocates for lifelong learning and constant improvement in every aspect of life. As someone who’s experienced both the valleys and peaks of life, I understand that while we cannot control all the obstacles that come our way, we do have the power to choose whether we get back up or not. And each time we choose to rise again, we become stronger. But why settle for just getting back up? By consistently striving to become better and wiser, we can reduce our chances of being knocked down in the first place. That’s why I started Rise Up Mentor – to encourage and motivate you to continuously improve in all areas of life, including vocation, marriage, friendship, personal development, health, parenting, lifestyle, spirituality, intellect, and finance. I’m a Certified Life Coach and lifelong learner who’s committed to constantly improving. And I want to share that mindset and journey with you. If you’re looking for a resource that provides helpful information and encouragement to become the best version of yourself, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s embark on this journey of self-improvement together.





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Living Authentically: How Personal Values Shape Decision Making and Drive Success (Ep. 58)

Personal values are the foundational beliefs and principles that serve as the bedrock of our existence, profoundly influencing every decision we make, from monumental life choices to the mundane daily decisions. These values act as an internal compass, guiding us through the complexities of life and helping us navigate the myriad of choices we face each day. Whether it's in pursuing a passion, choosing whom to spend time with, or even in the simple act of selecting what to wear, our values inform these decisions, shaping our actions and our interactions with the world at large. Topics of this episode: Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Nurturing Trust: Key Strategies Developing and Maintaining Trust in Marriage (Ep. 57)

Trust forms the cornerstone of any thriving marriage, embodying the belief, faith, and confidence in a partner's reliability and dependability. This foundational element is crucial for nurturing a solid, affectionate, and secure connection between spouses. Trust is not just about believing that your partner will remain faithful; it extends to having confidence in their decisions, respecting their independence, and feeling secure in their commitment to face life's challenges together. Topics of this episode: Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Conquering Self-doubt: Empowering Your Path to Self-confidence (EP. 56)

Self-doubt, a prevalent psychological hurdle, manifests in various ways and can be triggered by childhood experiences, anxiety disorders, and past negative events. By recognizing the profound impact self-doubt can have on mental health and holistic well-being, individuals are encouraged to take proactive steps towards overcoming it and reclaiming their sense of self-assurance and fulfillment. Topics of this episode: Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Recapping the Key Points of the 9Refine Program (Ep. 55)

Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Prioritizing Hydration and Rest for Optimal Well-being (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 54)

Hydration, the simple act of drinking enough water, is often overlooked, yet it is vital for our physical and mental health. When we are properly hydrated, our bodies function optimally, ensuring proper digestion, circulation, and excretion of toxins. Moreover, staying hydrated helps maintain mental clarity and focus, allowing us to approach challenges with a more positive mindset. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Implementing a Balanced and Nutritious Diet (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 53)

The food we consume directly impacts our brain function, mood, and cognitive abilities. By fueling our bodies with the right nutrients, we can enhance our mental performance, improve our focus, and develop the clarity needed to navigate life's challenges. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Creating an Exercise Routine for Long Term Success (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 52)

There are so many already created work out plans available on the market. And there are many forms for which they are delivered, including via video, cell phone apps, physical or digital books, etc.. For many, these options are fantastic. For others, they may desire to create their own strategy and plan. Here is some information on considerations for creating your own unique workout plan, or even combining your own unique workout plan with an already created routine. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Consistency with Exercise, Healthy Eating, Hydration, and Rest (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 51)

Staying consistent is the key to living a healthy life. Whether it's working out, eating well, drinking enough water, or getting proper rest, sticking to a routine matters a lot. But how do you keep up with these things regularly? Let's find out some good ways and tips to help you stay on track with exercise, healthy eating, hydration, and getting enough rest for a healthier lifestyle. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Learning From Mistakes and Failures (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 50)

Mistakes and failures are something every human being will face during their lifetime. While these experiences can be disheartening, they also present invaluable opportunities for growth and learning. Mistakes and failures are like unexpected roadblocks on our life's journey. They can make us feel down, frustrated, or even embarrassed. However, these experiences are not the end of the road; instead, they are opportunities when considered from a positive perspective. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Cultivating Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 49)

Developing self-awareness involves understanding yourself better, comprehending your strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and behaviors. It's like having a clear picture of who you are as a person. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, is about recognizing and handling emotions effectively—both your own and others'—in different situations. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Reflecting On Past Experiences (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 48)

Reflecting on past experiences to grow means taking a moment to think about what happened earlier and figuring out how we can learn from those times. It's like using what happened before as a map to help us improve who we are. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Practicing Positive Affirmations (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 47)

Positive affirmations act like personal pep talks that boost your spirits and confidence. They're short, upbeat statements that influence how you view yourself and the world. These affirmations work by challenging negative thoughts and swapping them for encouraging ones. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Positive Affirmations Reference Guide - Free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Developing Self-confidence and Self-esteem (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 46)

Self-confidence and self-esteem act as your personal cheerleaders, boosting how you see yourself and your skills. Self-confidence means believing in your abilities, while self-esteem is about valuing and respecting yourself. When you're feeling low on self-confidence or self-esteem, there are ways to tackle it. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 45)

Limiting beliefs act like mental walls that stop us from reaching our full potential. They're thoughts or ideas we have about ourselves or the world that hold us back somehow. These beliefs often grow from our past experiences, upbringing, or what people repeatedly tell us. They sound like "I'm not good enough," "I'll never succeed," or "I'm not smart enough." Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Seeking Opportunities for Learning and Development (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 44)

Exploring chances for learning and development is like unlocking doors to new skills and personal growth. There are many ways to embrace these opportunities, allowing us to improve ourselves. Stay open-minded and curious to grab hold of learning chances. Try out new experiences, hobbies, or topics that fascinate you. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Setting Goals for Personal Growth (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 43)

When setting goals for personal growth, it is important to be specific and measurable. Vague aspirations such as "I want to be happier" or "I want to be healthier" lack direction. Instead, define your goals with clarity and precision. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Embracing a Growth Mindset (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 42)

A growth mindset is believing that we can improve our skills and smarts by working hard, staying persistent, and bouncing back from tough times. Instead of seeing failures as dead ends, it's about realizing they're chances to learn and become better versions of ourselves. This mindset isn't just about thinking positive; it's a game-changer that can transform our abilities and help us achieve incredible things. Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Expressing Gratitude to Others (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 41)

Gratitude is a practice that goes beyond just saying "thank you." It involves truly acknowledging and appreciating the efforts, kindness, and support of others. By expressing gratitude, we not only uplift those around us but also cultivate a positive mindset within ourselves. If you are new to practicing gratitude or looking for a new resource on gratitude, grab my "Gratitudes for Life" guide for free! Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Keeping a Gratitude Journal (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 40)

A gratitude journal is a simple yet effective way to develop a mindset for success and happiness. It involves regularly writing down the things we are grateful for in our lives. By taking a few moments each day to reflect on positive aspects of our lives, we can shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. If you are new to practicing gratitude or looking for a new resource on gratitude, grab my "Gratitudes for Life" guide for free! Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!


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Understanding the Benefits of Gratitude (9Refine Comp.) (Ep. 39)

When you practice gratitude, you train your mind to recognize and appreciate the good things in your life. This shift in perspective allows you to let go of negativity and embrace a more positive outlook. If you are new to practicing gratitude or looking for a new resource on gratitude, grab my "Gratitudes for Life" guide for free! Check out the 9Refine Program. The program that challenges you to refine your life over 9 weeks. The refinement is to help you refocus on your mental, physical health and growth. In addition to building discipline and consistency in doing so. And the best of all, it's 100% free! Learn more about the 9Refine Program Connect with me!
