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The Cheetah Print Chats

Health & Wellness Podcasts

I started this podcast to share life lessons with my nieces from my life experiences, successes, and mistakes. Life lessons that will never go out of style, much like…in my opinion anyway…CHEETAH PRINT! I decided to share this with all of you as well in hopes I can help as many women as possible, at any age. But I also want this to be a safe place for younger women to find advice when they don’t feel comfortable talking to an adult in their own life about something.The Cheetah Print Chats podcast will cover a wide array of topics, including setting boundaries, travel, fitness, body image, self care, money tips, grief, and more. Many of the episodes will be solo. I will be sharing a story from my life, and pointing out what I hope you can learn from it, as well as any tips you can apply to your life. But I will be interviewing others from time to time when we want to dive deeper into a topic, or, if there is a requested topic in which I don’t have experience.I’ve gone through a lot in my life…divorce, bankruptcy, massive career changes, cross-continent and cross-country moves, hard break-ups, eating disorders, feeling completely left out…but I’ve learned something from all of it, and that is what I want to share with you! My hope is that as you listen each week, you can learn something from my experiences to apply in your own life. And hopefully avoid some of my mistakes! I can’t wait to chat with you!Music:


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I started this podcast to share life lessons with my nieces from my life experiences, successes, and mistakes. Life lessons that will never go out of style, much like…in my opinion anyway…CHEETAH PRINT! I decided to share this with all of you as well in hopes I can help as many women as possible, at any age. But I also want this to be a safe place for younger women to find advice when they don’t feel comfortable talking to an adult in their own life about something.The Cheetah Print Chats podcast will cover a wide array of topics, including setting boundaries, travel, fitness, body image, self care, money tips, grief, and more. Many of the episodes will be solo. I will be sharing a story from my life, and pointing out what I hope you can learn from it, as well as any tips you can apply to your life. But I will be interviewing others from time to time when we want to dive deeper into a topic, or, if there is a requested topic in which I don’t have experience.I’ve gone through a lot in my life…divorce, bankruptcy, massive career changes, cross-continent and cross-country moves, hard break-ups, eating disorders, feeling completely left out…but I’ve learned something from all of it, and that is what I want to share with you! My hope is that as you listen each week, you can learn something from my experiences to apply in your own life. And hopefully avoid some of my mistakes! I can’t wait to chat with you!Music:



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Hitting Reset vs Starting Over_What's the Difference?

Sometimes in life you need a reset. And you may have heard some call it "starting over". I think both are great! But in this episode I explain why doing a "reset" is not exactly the same as starting over. It's better! And I give you some tips on how to do it. I mentioned a podcast on time management and said I'd share it in the show notes, so here you go! Here is another one that goes well with this episode: I also said I'd share some podcast and book recommendations. I hope you fall in love with personal development! Podcasts that I love in no particular order: The Ed Mylett Show Fitzlife Unfiltered Real AF Empowered from Within Books that I love in no particular order: How Are You, Really? by Jenna Kutcher Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis You are a Badass by Jen Sincero Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell Connect with me: Music:


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When You Feel Guilty for Wanting More

This is a quick episode for those of you who struggle with wanting more or wanting change without the guilt. It's OK to want more! It's OK to want change. Also, I wasn't planning on this...but I spilled some tea about myself. And on that note, to my 3 friends that let me live with them...THANK YOU. Please share your thoughts with me after you listen. I appreciate you! Connect with me: Music:


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Thoughts on Life when Thinking about Death

There is not much to say about this episode outside of the title. But just know I am talking about death and dying, so if you're not ready to listen, please hold off on this episode for another time. I am talking through my thoughts on life and death, and life leading up to death. This is a heavy episode, and I appreciate you listening. In this episode I reference my episode on pet loss ,and I told you I'd link that in the show notes, so here you go! Pet Loss and Grief Connect with me: Music:


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Fat Loss - Some Common Questions Answered!

This is episode 2 about fat loss! If your fitness goal involves losing weight as any part of it, I want you to listen to this episode AND the 2 linked below. In this episode I answer the most common questions that I get from clients and friends. A little FAQ episode on losing weight! For some of you, this will help you quite a bit. For some, it'll confuse you and you'll get overwhelmed. If this does not help you, please reach out to me and we can work together. The options are at the end of this episode. Fat Loss - Episode 1 - Common Weight Loss Mistakes Scale - A Tool, A Liar, or Both? Connect with me: Music:


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Common Fat Loss Mistakes - Are You Making Any??

Let's talk about fat loss!! This is episode one of two in a mini series. In this episode I explain the difference between fat loss and weight loss, and why you don't necessarily need to lose weight. I also go over some of the most common mistakes that people make when trying to lose fat. These things actually take you farther away from your goal! So let's fix it. I talked about 2 other episodes that I want you to listen to, they are linked below: The Scale - A Tool, a Liar, or Both?: Keeping Promises to Yourself and Why It's Important: Connect with me: Music:


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How Others (besides me) View Being Child-Free

Last week I did an episode on how I viewed being child-free. It was my most downloaded episode! And so far it's the episode that has received the most feedback. Which I love, so thank you! In this week's episode, I am sharing that feedback with you. I love that you'll get to hear some opinions other than mine. This makes me even more excited to start having guests! Connect with me: Music:


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My View on Being Child-Free by Choice

Well...this is maybe the hardest episode to actually put out there to the public! It's because it's a touchy subject for many, and I may have a very different point of view than most. I also say a couple things that might make some of you angry. But what I can say about this that the whole thing is MY truth. It's how I feel...nothing is influenced by anyone else. These are all my thoughts. Oh yah you might want to know more about the topic! This episode is about choosing to not have kids and living the child-free life. I talk about the pros and cons, how I see them. I'd love to know your thoughts after you listen! Connect with me: Music:


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Being Real - Personally and Professionally

This episode is all about being real. Personally, being true to yourself. Professionally, being honest with others. There will always be someone that does not like you, please don't lose yourself trying to change that. And ever heard of a crap sandwich? Well no one likes it, so please stop. This is kind of a two topic episode, but they go together enough, ha! I touch on this in another episode called Coloring Outside the Lines, being that both of these together are about 30 minutes, I hope you'll take the time to listen to both. Connect with me: Music:


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The Ups and Downs of the Weight Loss Roller Coaster (and plateaus!)

I recorded this podcast because I am on a fat loss journey of my own at the moment. And last week, I gained weight! I wanted to talk about this and let you know why that is OK! And then I dove into how to break through a fat loss plateau and a few other things. Lots of good stuff in this episode. I also mentioned a few other episodes to listen to, these first two giving you more of my fitness background and what I went through and why I feel qualified to talk about a lot of what I talk about...and the last one being about the scale, when to use it, why, and how. Who is Jeni? Chasing Skinny The Scale, a Tool, Liar, or Both Connect with me: Music:


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Setting & Reaching Goals, Lasting Fat Loss, Babysitters Club books, and Lifting Weights

Since I was sick last week, and took a break the week prior...I have a lot to say on this week's episode. The first one for 2024!! I share a couple of my goals this year, and then share with you my best tips on how to set goals AND reach them! We get into lifting weights and why you should NOT be scared to lift heavy. I also explan what "toning up" REALLY means. And I touch a little on a few different definitions for cardio as well, just a little extra knowledge for you. I give you the secrets to how to make fat loss LAST! This is good, you'll want to listen. Then I switch topics again and reminisce about Babysitters Club books. Do you remember them?! I'm reading them again, yes, at 42 years old I'm reading books for middle school age girls. And I love it. Finally, I tell you a big goal I have for the future of this podcast. You could possibly be involved! It's a longer one for a solo episode but I hope you get a lot from it. Happy New Year! Connect with me: Music:


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Why Losing Matthew Perry Hurt So Much

This one is for my FREINDs fans, however if you've ever mourned a celebrity, this will resonate. We all have our comfort shows, FRIENDS is mine. I know this is a lot of other people's comfort show as well. This episode talks a little about why it's so comforting, and why it hurts so much when one of the characters passes in real life. And because Matthew Perry was so passionate about helping others get past their addictions, I've added some resources for you below. Addiction Help, or to donate: Get connected with them via email. They can help you get help. You can also donate to the foundation using this page. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Hotline: 1-800-662-4357 Connect with me: Music:


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Keeping Promises to Yourself and Why it's Important

Do you ever feel like making changes isn't something you can do? Like, it's great for others, but you just "can't" do it? This episode will help you make those changes by keeping promises to yourself and building your confidence back! I'll explain what breaking a promise to yourself means, what happens every time you do this, and how to get out of it. I believe in you! Connect with me: Music:


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A couple life stories about rejection and comparison

This episode is about times very recently where I felt rejected and another time I let comparison take over my better judgement. I share these in hopes that they'll help you in SOME way! Even if it's just so you know you're not the only one that feels this way. Here is another episode about failure that would be a good listen: Connect with me: Music:


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My Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

So you have a fat loss goal...and then comes November and December. The months KNOWN for causing people to gain weight. So you say, well it's hopeless, I give up, I'll start over in January. Or you have your die hards, who are not going to let the holidays get in the way of fat loss so much so that they're restrictive and miserable the entire time. This episode is about helping you find some middle ground. I share most of my tips for avoiding holiday weight gain, and I hope they will help you too! Spoiler alert, eat the pie you love. These are high-level tips, so feel free to reach out with questions. Connect with me: Music:


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Body Image, Size, Health, Comparison, Reverse Dieting...We hit it all!

This episode starts out with me wanting to discuss the dangers of comparing ourselves to others, then it lead down a few different paths. I go deep into my own story, discussing things I have not shared before. We talk about comparing ourselves...but we also talk about body image, body dysmorphia, reverse dieting, why I hate low carb diets, new boobs, and a few other things! I am pretty vulnerable in this one, but I do it in hopes that all I went through can help at least one person listening. All that I went through cannot be for no reason. The episode I mention in this episode, "Chasing Skinny": Connect with me: Music:


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Tips on how to get ahead at work & in life, TWO stories not told anywhere else, and a wedding update

I'm back after a month hiatus! In this episode there is a lot about my wedding....but sprinkled with tips for life! - how to get ahead in life - how to get ahead at work - how to tackle the big goals and projects PLUS, you get the first "look" into my first ever LIVE coaching nutrition group! Connect with me: Music:


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Tips for Overwhelm, Wedding Planning, Life Update

Hi! This is just a quick episode to let you know where I've been and what I've been up to. Mostly wedding planning, so I talk about that. As well as how to take back control when you feel overwhelmed! More tips for taking back control, time management, and getting organized are here, so listen to this episode as well: Connect with me: Music:


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What I Learned from a Bag of Poop

This is a short bonus episode about a life lesson I learned from talking about dog poop and other people's yards. There's not much else to say, so enjoy! Connect with me: Music:


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Getting Organized for COLLEGE! Or really anything in Life.

I was a professional college student. I have 4 degrees, and I just graduated with my MBA a few years ago. Being that 2 of my nieces started college this year, I thought it would be a great time to discuss how to get organized so you can stay on top of everything! I go through 5 steps in this episode to help you get organized so you never miss an event or appointment or class or assignment or work, etc. I also give you a few tips at the end to make this most efficient. Reach out with questions and good luck! Connect with me: Music:


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My Truth about Breast MRI's

This one is quick! And luckily not for most women. But if you are one that has to get a mammogram AND an MRI every year to screen for breast cancer, here are some details before you go into your first one. Hopefully it makes you a little less worried about the process. Connect with me: Music:
