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The Divorce to Bliss Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Are you going through a divorce or already divorced and feeling stuck, down, unfulfilled, unhappy, or unable to move forward in your life? Do you want to heal and be happy but don't know how to begin? This podcast is for you! Learn how to start the healing process in order to create a beautiful new life. Rachel S. Ruby, author of Divorce to Bliss, is a divorce healing coach, attorney, writer and entrepreneur. After divorcing mid-life from a marriage that spanned 3 decades, she was able to heal herself and create an amazing life, and you can too with her methods! Tune in weekly to learn how, and visit her website to learn more:


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Are you going through a divorce or already divorced and feeling stuck, down, unfulfilled, unhappy, or unable to move forward in your life? Do you want to heal and be happy but don't know how to begin? This podcast is for you! Learn how to start the healing process in order to create a beautiful new life. Rachel S. Ruby, author of Divorce to Bliss, is a divorce healing coach, attorney, writer and entrepreneur. After divorcing mid-life from a marriage that spanned 3 decades, she was able to heal herself and create an amazing life, and you can too with her methods! Tune in weekly to learn how, and visit her website to learn more:



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Divorce Healing After Abusive Marriage

Marital abuse is a sensitive topic, and these 2 incredibly strong women, Lindsay and Mak of Bitch is a Bad Word Podcast, openly share with Rachel how it is a much bigger problem than we know. This podcast is for everyone - from those living within abusive marriages who want to get out, to those who know or may meet someone in that situation and want to help. Learn what to do to get away from an abusive partner, how to handle parenting with an abusive parent, how to identify signs of abuse in a marriage, what is trauma bonding, how to avoid attracting another abusive partner after healing, how to help those in abusive marriages, and how healing from divorce after an abusive marriage is vastly different. This is an information-packed show and you will definitely learn a great deal about abusive marriages and survival. Lindsay and Mak are the hosts of Bitch is a Bad Word Podcast. For more information and to connect with them please visit: Website: IG: @bitchisabadwordpod TikTok: @bitchisabadword YouTube: @bitchisabadwordP Resource center: 🦋 Want to learn more about healing from divorce? Check out these links: ✅ Website and coaching: ✅ Instagram: ✅ Facebook: ✅ Free Gift: ✅ Book: #divorcerecovery #abuseprevention #lifeafterdivorce #healingjourney #divorcehealing #selflove #abusesurvivor #healingfromabuse Support the show


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How to Have the Best Sex After Divorce - Sex After Divorce Series

In this juicy episode of the Sex After Divorce Series, Rachel chats with prominent sex expert and distinguished author Sheri Winston about how to have the best sex ever after divorce. Whether you are a man or a woman you will definitely want to tune in for these tips - especially those about female anatomy you likely do NOT know (be sure to hang out for the "pillow" education toward the end)! Sheri is a Wholistic Sexuality teacher, a groundbreaking, award-winning author and teacher who offers empowering, entertaining erotic education for everyone, and the founder of Intimate Arts Center. She has been educating women and men about sex and intimacy for 3 decades. In this episode Sheri teaches how to get to know your body so you can have an amazing sex life and adult relationships that focus on connection, mutual respect, admiration, and fun. You can also listen to The Divorce to Bliss Podcast on your favorite podcast audio channels. 🦋 To learn more about Sheri or purchase her award-winning books, go to: Website: Safer Sex Guidelines Article (everyone should read this) 🦋 Want to learn more about healing from divorce? Check out these links: ✅ Website and coaching: ✅ Instagram: ✅ Facebook: ✅ Free Gift: ✅ Book: #divorcerecovery #intimacy #lifeafterdivorce #healingjourney #divorcehealing #selflove #menandwomen #femaleanatomy #juicy #relationship Support the show


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Men and Sex Post Divorce - Sex After Divorce Series

Are you a man who wants to have great sex post-divorce, but may have some fears or concerns? Join Rachel Ruby for the third episode of the Sex After Divorce Series (Part of The Divorce to Bliss Podcast), as she chats with the one and only Kevin Anthony about issues and fears men face when it comes to sex after divorce. Kevin is a Sexologist, Tantra Counselor, NLP Practitioner, Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, and host of wildly popular “The Love Lab Podcast.” Kevin and Rachel discuss the biggest fears and challenges men face when healing from divorce in relation to sex and intimacy, and how they can move forward confidently so they can find connection, joy, and have the best sex after healing from divorce. 🦋 You can also listen to this podcast on your favorite audio channel - check search engines for locations. To connect with Kevin and learn more about him, go to: Website: Help for Men: Podcast: Youtube Channel: 🦋 Want to learn more about healing from divorce? Check out these links: ✅ Website and coaching: ✅ Instagram: ✅ Facebook: ✅ Free Gift: ✅ Book: #divorcerecovery #intimacy #lifeafterdivorce #healingjourney #divorcehealing #selflove #fearofintimacy #divorcedmen Support the show


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Getting Ready for Sex After Divorce - Sex After Divorce Series

Join me for the second episode of the Sex After Divorce Series (Part of The Divorce to Bliss Podcast), where I get to chat with the fabulous Marla Mervis-Hartmann about how to get ready for intimacy and sex after divorce. Marla is the Best Selling author of "BE-Friend Yourself-Finding Freedom with Food and Peace with your Body." She is a Coach, Reiki Master, and TEDx speaker dedicated to guiding people toward deep love and peace with their bodies, food, and their lives. As Marla and I discuss, one can let go of the fear of sex post-divorce by taking steps to get the body, mind and soul ready for intimacy. These steps help foster body-confidence, self-confidence, pleasure, and most importantly, self-love. Anyone can do them, and they are the precursor to beautiful and exciting intimate relationships after divorce. 🦋 You can find the video version of The Divorce to Bliss Podcast on YouTube @divorcehealingnetwork Marla can be found at: BOOK: : Free Gift: Website: TEDx Talk: Instagram: @loveyourbodyloveyourselfalways 🦋 Want to learn more about healing from divorce? Check out these links: ✅ Website and coaching: ✅ Instagram: ✅ Facebook: ✅ Free Gift: ✅ Book: #divorcerecovery #intimacy #lifeafterdivorce #healingjourney #divorcehealing #selflove #marlamervishartmann #divorcedmen Support the show


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The Science of Body Perception - Sex After Divorce Series

Join me in this first episode of the Sex After Divorce Series, a series of The Divorce to Bliss Podcast, where I get to chat with the incomparable Janet Farnsworth about the science of body perception! Janet is a body empowerment & intimacy coach, founder of Ready for Intimacy™, a ground-breaking, movement-based, spiritual transformation system to help women feel confident in their bodies so they can enjoy passionate, connected, and soul-satisfying intimacy. She is also the two-time bestselling author of "Love Your Body: The Guide to Stop Making Your Body a Battleground” & "Your Body is Your Superpower”. As Janet and I discuss, before you can have amazing sex post-divorce you need to learn to love your own body, because body perception issues can lead to other problems like poor communication, finding the "wrong" partners, AND the inability to heal after divorce. Learn how negative body perception can actually prevent healing, what you can do to change these false beliefs, and how your body actually holds the key to healing. Once you understand these you will realize you have choices - YOU can decide how you want to view your body and allow these perceptions to heal you. Get the tools to empower yourself to love your body, so you can then move into intimate relationships with confidence and excitement. 🦋 Janet Farnsworth can be found at: 🦋 Want to learn more about healing from divorce? Check out these links and follow Rachel: ✅ Website and coaching: ✅ Instagram: ✅ Facebook: ✅ Free Gift: ✅ Book: ❤️ Please support this show by liking, commenting, sharing, subscribing, or click the link below to support. I thank you! 🙏🏻 #divorcerecovery #intimacy #lifeafterdivorce #healingjourney #divorcehealing #selflove #relationships #love #bodyperception #janetfarnsworth Support the show


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Navigating Betrayal

Many marriages start falling apart after infidelity (even though many such marriages had issues that were not brought to the surface long before the act of cheating). But did you know there is another way to define betrayal that may explain one of the reasons why you feel so poorly as you navigate divorce? No matter how the betrayal is explained, how can one move on and heal? 🦋 Tune into this episode as Rachel chats with Betrayal Recovery Coach and author Lora Cheadle, and get the scoop on how both definitions of betrayal make it harder to heal. To find Lora online and explore more about betrayal, visit, and get your FREE Betrayal Recovery Guide at Support the show


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Pet Custody and Healing From Divorce

If you have been through a divorce you may know how difficult it is to decide who gets custody of the pet. What you may not consider is how this decision will affect your pet, and in turn how it will affect your healing process. 🦋 Join Rachel and guest Karis Nafte (pet custody specialist, certified dog behavior consultant, accredited family mediator and author of Who Keeps the Dog?) to learn how to do right by your pet AND yourself so you can heal and thrive after divorce. Find Karis Nafte at , and her book at Support the show


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Get Unstacked!

If you are trying to heal and feel weight on your shoulders from other big issues, all at once, you are stacked. When facing a myriad of issues or problems we need to deal with, it can be impossible to tackle any of them, especially if you are trying to heal. Tune in to find out how to make a plan to get unstacked, so you can focus on each issue and start lightening your emotional load. 🦋 Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, please let me know - subscribe, like, comment, turn on notifications, click on below to support the show, and share with someone who may benefit. This enables me to continue providing helpful content for your journey from divorce to bliss. Support the show


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Raising Your Vibration

Tune into this episode as Rachel talks about raising your vibration in order to heal better (and quicker). It's all about shifting energy, and there are steps you can take to raise your own vibration. In doing so you will notice many changes in your life: from the people who want to be around you, to increased good feelings, new opportunities, and your attitude - which will enable you to attract more abundance and joy. 🦋 Support the show


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Home Detox After Divorce

Detoxing your home environment after divorce is a great way to help you heal and get on track to create a new life. Tune into this episode as Rachel chats with Sustainable Living Expert Jessica Franklin, to learn how you can make changes to detox your home and improve your quality of life. 🦋 You can learn more about Jessica, check out The Live Lightly Podcast, and download a fabulous, FREE Sustainable Wellness Home Guide by visiting Support the show


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Hormones and Healing: What You Need to Know

Hormones can play a major role in the healing process, especially for women. If you are healing from divorce or about to start your journey, make sure to tune in to learn some important information and tips on how to help yourself when facing hormonal changes and challenges. In this content-rich episode Rachel chats with Maritza Worthington, Functional Hormone Practitioner and Women's Nutritionist. The podcast can also be viewed on YouTube. 🦋 To learn more, connect with Maritza Worthington at and on Instagram @hormone_alchemist Support the show


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Self-Care for Healing

Taking care of the self is of utmost importance in any healing journey. It's not hard to do if you take a little time each day for you. 🦋 Support the show


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The Do's and Don'ts of Dating After Divorce

If you have been through a divorce, you likely know there can be challenges when it comes to dating....and this is especially the case with grey divorcees (those who are 50+). BUT if you do it the right way, you can find the right potential partners. 🦋 Join Rachel as she chats with the incomparable Laurie Gerber, relationship and dating coach extraordinaire! You will learn the "do's" and "dont's" of dating after divorce, with an emphasis on grey divorce. Laurie Gerber can be found at For a FREE webinar on "3 Secrets to Finding and Maintaining Healthy Love without Repeated Disappointments,"go to: Support the show


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Strong Parental Partnerships

It is imperative to have strong parental partnerships after divorce to benefit kids of all ages, for so many reasons. Many people who go through divorce later in life often don't think about their adult children needing these partnerships to remain intact as well. Learn how to maintain strong parental relationships for your kids, so you can help them have positive role models as they grow. 🦋 Guest Laurie Gerber can be reached at Support the show


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Shadow Work for Healing

You may or may not have heard of shadow work. It is a crucial part of healing to identify your shadows and work on them, as they play a big role in loving all of yourself, and living a life full of joy. If you want to learn more tune into this fantastic podcast, as Rachel chats with shadow work coach Junie Moon to dive into the reality of shadows and the power we take back when we understand them. 🦋 You can reach Junie at to find out more. Her book Loving the Whole Package - Shed the Shame and Live Life Out Loud is available on Amazon. Find her podcast at Support the show


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Feng Shui For Healing

Feng Shui is the practice of analyzing and improving the quality of your environment, so energy can properly flow throughout your space. The proper flow or energy has a profound effect on the way you feel, and thus these principles can help facilitate the healing process. Join Rachel and Feng Shui expert Helena Ho as they discuss ways to improve the quality of the spaces you inhabit. 🦋 For more information on Helena and how she can help, please visit IG: @worldsofwisdom @helenaho Support the show


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4 Truths That Define Your Journey to Bliss

In the beginning of my own journey from divorce to bliss, I discovered 4 truths that allowed me to focus on healing and recreating my life, bringing much joy and peace. Tune in to learn these truths so you can start, continue, or uplevel your own healing journey. 🦋 Support the show


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How to Get What You Want After Divorce

Are you ready to make your post-divorce life AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL?! If so, you must tune into this episode, as Rachel chats with Abby Gooch, Intuitive Success Coach and CEO of Life Force Connection. 🦋 To connect further with Abby visit , and click on "My Intuition Says Yes!" for a free session. You can also find Abby on Instagram: @lifeforceconnection Support the show


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Using Dance to Heal

Did you know that dance is not only a physical outlet that will help you stay healthy, but also a powerful tool to aid in healing on emotional, mental and spiritual levels? It is something anyone can do (despite beliefs to the contrary), it doesn't cost anything, the rewards tend to be immediate, and it's an incredible outlet when healing from divorce. Join Rachel as she speaks with the one and only Melody Afkami - CEO and founder of Dance to Heal to learn more about the power of dance and healing to help you get started dancing. 🦋 You can start dancing today with Melody at , @melody_dancefit on Instagram and @MelodyDanceFit on YouTube Support the show


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Wholly Healing

The healing journey is a BIG one, but many people don't understand the difference between partial and whole healing, and may believe they are healed when in fact they are not. If you do not heal WHOLLY you will likely not be able to move forward and find your may work for a bit, but the residual stuff that was not dealt with will likely emerge down the road. Tune in to learn how to heal wholly from divorce. 🦋 Support the show
