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The Family Herbalism Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Family Herbalism Podcast is hosted by Naomi Kilbreth, RH(AHG), Christian Clinical Herbalist and owner of Laurel Tree Wellness, LLC in Auburn, Maine. She brings to the table both her professional experience and her personal experience as the mother of four children, to offer you practical guidance in creating a healthy life with food and herbs that are simple to work with, affordable, and accessible. To learn more about Naomi and her services, visit Thank you for listening and sharing!


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The Family Herbalism Podcast is hosted by Naomi Kilbreth, RH(AHG), Christian Clinical Herbalist and owner of Laurel Tree Wellness, LLC in Auburn, Maine. She brings to the table both her professional experience and her personal experience as the mother of four children, to offer you practical guidance in creating a healthy life with food and herbs that are simple to work with, affordable, and accessible. To learn more about Naomi and her services, visit Thank you for listening and sharing!



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18. 4 Healthy Habits for Men

Many of my episodes are geared toward my female listeners, but for the next two weeks I am talking to the men in the audience! Over the course of these two episodes I’ll be sharing seven habits that can create massive impact on long term health and quality of life. And guess what?! None of them involve herbs! Based on my husband’s firsthand experience and mine working with male clients, these habits are simple, straightforward, evidence-based, and designed for men. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit


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17. Don’t Take Their Tonsils!

At one time, tonsillectomies were the most common surgical procedure performed in the USA. Even though the rate has dropped significantly, half a million kids still have it done every year. Why? In today’s episode I share some of the history surrounding this procedure, and then move into an anatomy lesson - what do the tonsils have to do with the rest of the body? Seven lifestyle tips for supporting your lymphatic system, and my favorite herbs for different lymphatic needs, along with their best preparation methods round out the show. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit


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16. Harvesting & Preserving Wild Herbs

After releasing episodes on wildcrafting and on keeping your already-made remedies safe, it was high time we talked about how to get those herbs from the wild and into your pantry - how do we preserve them? In today’s episode we focus on two herbs as examples - St. John’s Wort and Red Raspberry - how to recognize them, when to harvest, which parts to harvest, how to preserve them, and my favorite ways of working with them. I also share the Simpler’s Method of making extractions, and some unique ways of drying herbs! This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit


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15. Herbs to Strengthen Your Heart

Bruises, varicose veins, palpitations… these and other cardiovascular symptoms may be considered variations of normal, but even if they don’t precede serious conditions, they can still be uncomfortable! In today’s episode I offer herbal and nutritional remedies that strengthen the heart and blood vessels and build the blood. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit


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14. Summertime Rashes

Summer is on its way! And that means bug bites, sunburns, poison ivy, and garden dermatitis (it’s a real thing!). That’s what you were thinking about, right?! As fun as summer is, it can come with unwanted experiences like rashes that leave you feeling sore, itchy, and otherwise uncomfortable. In today’s episode, I share my favorite herbs for skin care and some ways I use these herbs for my family. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit


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13. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Now described on a continuum between risk-avoiding compulsion and risk-seeking impulsiveness, OCD is a facet of many neurological conditions, as well as an experience all on its own. Antidepressants and anxiolytics are sometimes prescribed, but why? What do we know about this disorder of the brain and what can that teach us about what we need, to experience order and comfort in our day-to-day life? In this episode I share what we currently know about the underlying root causes of this disorder and offer a holistic approach to creating balance and relief. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email” The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit


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12. Water as Medicine

We’ve all heard that food should be our medicine, and medicine our food, but water is equally important! In today’s episode, I make the case for proper hydration, mineral balance, using water as part of our herbal remedies and as a standalone treatment, and present some of the best sources of drinking water. This may seem like a simple subject not worth talking about, but water is a complex, biologically active substance that does way more than keep our skin soft! Listen to this episode to learn more. Be sure to share with a friend and leave a review! Thanks for listening! This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link:


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11. Gallbladder Sludge

It sounds like an unscientific name, but it’s what doctors use to refer to bile when it no longer resembles bile. I see this scenario a surprising amount, and it’s one are herbalism can really shine, because the standard approach is to wait until it causes pain and then just remove the whole gallbladder! But functional nutritionists and clinical herbalists know there is SO much you can do to correct this problem. Think you are in the clear? I encourage you to listen anyway - most cases are found by accident because many people don’t experience symptoms for a long time. Consider this a part of your preventative, holistic healthcare. If you found this episode helpful, please share with a friend and leave a review! If you would like support creating a custom wellness plan, please visit This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link:


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10. Constipation

So many of my clients have come into my office thinking that the constipation they grew up with was an inconvenience they just learned to live with, as if it was a variation of normal. But chronic constipation can have serious consequences, and throwing more fiber or laxatives at it isn’t necessarily going to fix it. In today’s episode, I break down the most common reasons why people experience difficulty with their bowel movements, and practical steps we can take to correct them. If you found this episode helpful, please share with a loved one and leave a review! Thank you for listening! This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link:


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9. Raising Naturally-Healthy Children

With the number of children getting sick with chronic illnesses in our country, it has become ever more crucial that we as parents take steps to protect our children’s health. We know that we cannot change their genetic weaknesses, but we can impact how they turn on and off. In today’s episode, I offer my top tips for raising healthy children in this crazy world, based on my experience as a mother of four (nearly all teens). I invite you to continue this conversation on my instagram page and via email. Find me @laureltreewellness or email me at Thank you for listening! This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link:


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8. Essential Oils for Pain and Inflammation

Using four characteristics to blend essential oils for their therapeutic value, today I share how to create a custom blend with essential oils that will help to continue the healing process after an injury. Note: If you do get essential oils in your eyes or on sensitive skin, apply additional carrier oil without essential oils, or wash the area in milk. The fat will absorb the essential oil and reduce the pain. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link:


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7. Wild-harvesting First Aid Care

For all of us home herbalists, one of the common themes of our remedy making is first aid. Today we’re talking specifically about wild-harvesting first aid supplies specifically. Knowing how to pick out a weed on a hiking path or by the family cabin, or out in your back yard might actually come in handy! Being able to go outside your back door and pick out a little flower or leaf amongst a sea of green and find a use for it is another aspect of traditional home herbalism that we get to embrace! Herbs mentioned include yarrow, cinquefoil, plantain, dandelion, mullein, rose, blackberry, wood sorrel, daisy, and self-heal. For your copy of Wild Plants of Maine by Tom Seymour, email me at This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link:


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6. Growing a Kitchen Garden

The idea of planning a kitchen garden with abundant herbs brings up idyllic images of curling up in a cozy chair with a cup of tea, a seed catalog, and a notebook. And while kitchen gardens are all unique, and may not reflect the cottage garden image we easily conjure up, today we get to explore the idea of creating a kitchen garden for nutritional and medicinal use as a home herbalist. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link:


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5. Mothers as Healers

We are covering some hot button topics in today’s episode! Informed decision making, self-autonomy, co-dependence, interdependence, parental rights, authority to make healthcare decisions… all this and more when it comes to being your own herbalist and working with herbs to support your family’s needs. When starting out, it’s normal (as our culturally ingrained beliefs go) to question whether you have the right to practice herbalism, so let me help you out and share what I’ve learned about self-care herbalism and family herbalism in my 20+ years in the field of health. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link:


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4. Tagalong Bacterial Infections

Just when you think you have recovered from a virus, you get hit by a secondary infection. You’re exhausted, frustrated, and need options. In this episode I share about four common bacterial infections that often follow viruses, and proven herbal remedies for recovery - ear infections, conjunctivitis, strep throat, and sinus infections. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email


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3. Advanced Respiratory Care

Common colds may not be cause for concern for some, but for others with preexisting respiratory conditions, or when a virus is prolonged or unknown, a viral illness can be scary. In this episode I share some practical steps for strengthening the lungs and amping up the immune response, plus my next herbs of choice to hone in on respiratory support. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email


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2. Common Cold and Flu Care

Today I share with you about the underlying tissue state associated with common viruses and the foods and herbs that balance this state to support the body’s natural immunity and speed recovery. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email Correction to the rehydration formula: it’s a 1/4tsp baking soda, not 1/4tsp lemon juice. :)


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2. Common Cold and Flu Care

Today I share with you about the underlying tissue state associated with common viruses and the foods and herbs that balance this state to support the body’s natural immunity and speed recovery. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email Correction to the rehydration formula: it’s a 1/4tsp baking soda, not 1/4tsp lemon juice. :)


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1. Improving Sleep Quality

Welcome to season four of The Family Herbalism Podcast! In today’s episode I describe the four stages of sleep, the importance of the circadian rhythm, common reasons someone might have difficulty getting quality sleep, and sleep hygiene and herbal combinations that can improve it. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit or email


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67. Nutritional Healing, with Dr. Keith Sheehan

What does the future of holistic health look like? Chiropractor and Nutritional Response Therapist, Dr. Keith Sheehan gives us a sneak peek into the grassroots movement of people who advocate for their own health, learn how their bodies work, and take action to improve their experience with the help of practitioners using skills like Nutritional Response Testing, Biochemical Lab Testing, and Clinical Nutrition Counseling. He gives us an inside look at standard versus optimal lab ranges, where you can go for free resources to understand what’s happening in your body, and hope for a future where we can become healthier as a nation. Dr. Sheehan and his wife Laura operate Sheehan Natural Health in Pennsylvania. You can learn more about their work by visiting, and In our conversation, Dr. Sheehan referred to the following resources: Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis by Dr. Weatherby and Ferguson and The Page Diet, which you can learn about on the Sheehan Natural Health website. Thank you so much for listening to today’s episode. Please share it with someone that you know it would bless, leave a review, and stay tuned for season 4 of the show, coming right up!
