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The FertilityHour

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The FertilityHour podcast interviews leading experts in the fields of natural fertility, integrative medicine and preconception-care. Discover evidence-based strategies, tips and resources to help you when trying to conceive.




The FertilityHour podcast interviews leading experts in the fields of natural fertility, integrative medicine and preconception-care. Discover evidence-based strategies, tips and resources to help you when trying to conceive.




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Effortless Weight loss For Fertility and Beyond with Nagina Abdullah – #42

What if weight loss was effortless and could be approached in a feminine and intuitive way? Nagina Abdullah struggled with weight her whole life. She successfully lost weight dieting only to plateau and gain it back time and time again. Sound familiar? She knew there had to be a sane, intuitive and feminine approach to ...


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Master Your Cycles and Optimize Your Fertility with Lisa of Fertility Friday – #41

Menstrual health is the key to your fertility health. Lisa of the popular podcast Fertility Friday feel strongly that it is the (bodies) Fifth Vital Sign. She has spent the last 20 years teaching women to track their cycles and how to interpret the wealth of information tracking can provide. This was something a majority ...


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Low AMH: Treating Low AMH with Ancient Chinese Medicine with Dr. Scott Martin, OMD – #40

Have you been diagnosed with Low AMH and worry about your ability to conceive? Dr. Scott was seeing many clients in the same situation and started looking at ancient Chinese herbology as a possible remedy. Scott created a Chinese Herb formula that has shown to increase AMH levels in his fertility clients. We discuss what ...


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How To Get Pregnant With Irregular Periods-Everything You Need To Know About Menses Health and Fertility with Dr. Lara Briden – #39

In this thought-provoking and highly educational interview, we discuss one of the most intriguing and revealing indicators of a women’s physical and emotional health-the menstrual cycle. The menses was once part of a ritualistic passage in a young woman’s life. We discuss how the menses should still be celebrated and nurtured as it gives us ...


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How Maca Can Help or Harm Your Fertility: The Right Type of Maca to Use with James Frame & Jan Roberts – #38

In this episode, you are going to gain an understanding of Maca and how it can help your fertility as well as how and why it could possibly make it more difficult to conceive. Every woman who is looking for natural ways to boost their fertility will inevitably come across information on Maca. Maca indigenous ...


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Reiki and Law of Attraction for Fertility with Andrea Reiter – #37

Andrea harnesses the power of Reiki and The Law of Attraction to help her clients overcome fertility issues. It all started when her sister in law was having trouble conceiving. Andrea identified work pressures and stress as the main culprit. Using her powers as a healer she was able to remove the blocked energy and ...


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Thyroid Balance is Paramount to Fertility with Richard Shames, MD – #36

Dr. Shames became very invested in learning about the thyroid after his wife Karilee developed thyroid disease. Karilee, a nurse practitioner, went to some of the top endocrinologists and yet felt her care was very inadequate. Dr Shames along with his wife and daughter (an acupuncturist) dedicate their lives to help thyroid sufferers around the ...


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Case Studies With Iva Keene – #35

Leading fertility expert Iva Keene discusses 4 case studies from real life fertility clients. Iva has worked with hundreds of couples from around the world and has seen it all. In her assessment of couples she analyzes over 150 health and data points which helps her uncover underlying imbalances that are contributing to fertility struggles. ...


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Tools to Calm The Mind and Body with Elizabeth Willett – #34

Ways to cope when trying to get pregnant overwhelms you. In this interview Master herbalist, Elizabeth Willett offers wonderful tools to stay mindful, grounded and calm during your fertility journey. When you are struggling to conceive many find themselves surrounded by emotional triggers. From another social media pregnancy announcement to a negative pregnancy test to ...


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Surrogacy and 5 Critical Fertility Questions to Discuss With Your Partner – #33

Tiffany Jo Baker has been a surrogate 3 times and has been part of the infertility community for many years. With her background as a couples counselor, she goes deep and helps couples discuss the hard questions when navigating the stressful, emotional and challenging world of infertility. There is no question that fertility challenges can ...


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Dr. Christiane Northrup: The Hexing of Women By The Fertility Industry – #32

Aging in reverse? Rituals to call in our babies soul? Best sex in your 60s and 70s? We cover all of it in this impassioned interview. Dr. Chris has worked tirelessly to shift how women view themselves based on their chronological age and external messages. She gives an example of a native tribe where women ...


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How To Triumph Over Secondary Infertility – #31

Is secondary infertility affecting you? Over 3 million couples in the U.S. alone are faced with the devastating diagnosis of secondary infertility. Wendy Cooper shares how she triumphed over secondary infertility and how you can too! When Wendy and her husband made the decision to have a second child they found it wasn’t happening as ...


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Are Pinworms Causing Your Infertility? – #30

Pinworms are also called “threadworms.” They're the most common type of intestinal worm infection in the U.S., and one of the most common in the world. Rachel Arthur discovered that many of her patients were infected with worms. She saw that worms migrated from the anus into the vagina, bladder and genital-urinary system. She also ...


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IVF Revolutionized with Life Whisperer Co-Founder Michelle Perugini – #29

Considering IVF? Life Whisperer is an Artificial Intelligence Company that will quite possibly turn the IVF Industry on its head and change many many couples lives. Its goal is to significantly increase the success rates of IVF. With current success rates being 20-30% it could use some help. I interview one of the co-founders of ...


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Balancing Your Life to Optimize Fertility with Dr. Marc Sklar – #28

How balanced is your life in relation to your fertility? We often have tunnel vision about our own health and put a lot of emphasis on one aspect of it and overlook the rest. Or become overwhelmed by everything we are reading and learning and don’t know where to start? What if there was a ...


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Fertility Awareness Method with Lisa of Fertility Friday – #27

Lisa suffered from painful periods and like many teens was put on the birth control pill. In college she discovered a magical world that allowed her to understand her body, her rhythms and imbalances in a unique, revealing and intimate way. When Lisa learned the family awareness method and began to chart it ignited a ...


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Thriving with PCOS with Stacey Roberts, ND – #26

You can thrive with PCOS. Although PCOS can be a devastating diagnosis, Stacey Roberts, ND talks about understanding the underlying causes of PCOS and coming out the other side with radiant health. PCOS does not define you and instead encompasses a set of symptoms. By understanding how our bodies have come out of balance we ...


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Iodine Deficiency is A Major Barrier To Fertility with Rachel Arthur, ND – #25

Iodine deficiency is a major barrier to fertility and increases risk of miscarriage 4 fold. Also decreases IQ, increases rates of ADHD and leads to poor pregnancy and delivery outcomes. We can agree that iodine is essential to health but what has become hotly debated is how does one assess if they are iodine deficient ...


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Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor with Dr. William Davis – #24

“I’ve lost count of all the infertile women who have become moms (that followed the Wheat Belly lifestyle)." William Davis, MD His first book, Wheat Belly was a global phenomenon. Bombarded by media. Multiple guest appearances on The Dr. Oz show. It completely changed the paradigm and thus the conversation about health and nutrition. First ...


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Ava Bracelet-All Your Questions Addressed with Lindsay Meisel – #23

“Women do enough work as it is.” When AVA’s founder watched his wife wake up every morning to track her BBT, he thought, “there must be a better way.” After much research and many trials later AVA was created. It was released last year amongst a lot of buzz and excitement but also a lot ...
