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The Full Bodied Evolution Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Welcome to The Full Bodied Evolution Podcast for people who LOVE food and loathe Exercise! I’m Marnie Wynne your host and I am a certified Personal Trainer, Nutritional Advisor, Life Coach and chef. I am an anti diet, body positive mind and body transformation coach. I help food lovers and exercise loathers to build their dream healthy lifestyle and reach their health goals without faddy diets or fitness fads. This podcast is about making a life transformation, getting what you want for your health. I want to show you how you can start to build that dream lifestyle through changing your approach, your mindset, habits and behaviours. This is for anyone who is looking to create their best future self in a lasting and sustainable way. There is SO much more to achieving any health goal than just what you eat and how you exercise and in this podcast I am going to be exploring the relationship we have with ourselves, habits that are keeping us stuck in a health rut, why we hate exercise and how we can build a strong relationship with it. Learn to build an amazing relationship with food, fitness and most importantly, with yourself!


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Welcome to The Full Bodied Evolution Podcast for people who LOVE food and loathe Exercise! I’m Marnie Wynne your host and I am a certified Personal Trainer, Nutritional Advisor, Life Coach and chef. I am an anti diet, body positive mind and body transformation coach. I help food lovers and exercise loathers to build their dream healthy lifestyle and reach their health goals without faddy diets or fitness fads. This podcast is about making a life transformation, getting what you want for your health. I want to show you how you can start to build that dream lifestyle through changing your approach, your mindset, habits and behaviours. This is for anyone who is looking to create their best future self in a lasting and sustainable way. There is SO much more to achieving any health goal than just what you eat and how you exercise and in this podcast I am going to be exploring the relationship we have with ourselves, habits that are keeping us stuck in a health rut, why we hate exercise and how we can build a strong relationship with it. Learn to build an amazing relationship with food, fitness and most importantly, with yourself!



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Ep 033: Healing Trauma and Changing Your Life With Michael Anthony

In this episode I will be talking to Michael Anthony, author of the book “Think Unbroken”, life coach, international speaker and podcast host. Michael has an amazing story to share about overcoming trauma and how to turn your life around from the inside out. Here are the highlights from this episode: {3:29} Self sabotage and the ‘Mirror Moment’ {9:25} Being the hero of your own story {18:18} Feeling trauma and being self vigilant {25:47} Michael Anthonys resources Information about Michael Anthonys next upcoming thirty day challenge can be found at And look out for his book ‘Think Unbroken’ which is available at most good online retailers. Join my free Private Facebook Group today!


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Ep 032: Unapologetic Eating With Alissa Rumsey

In this episode I will be chatting with Alissa Rumsey registered dietitian and author of Unapologetic Eating. We are diving deep into what intuitive eating is and how politics and society influence our beliefs about our own body and our weight. Here are the highlights from this episode: {3:45} The idea of ‘unlearning’ {8:39} Factors that play into your body image {16:52} The many forms of dieting {21:40} Understanding intuitive eating {37:42} The politics of diet advice Alissa can be found online at: or @alissarumseyrd on Instagram Her book Unapologetic Eating is available through most online retailers. Join my free Private Facebook Group today!


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Ep 031: Getting Unstuck With Donna Liddle

In this weeks episode I will be talking with transformational coach and hypnotherapist, Donna Liddle about how we can understand our safety behaviours. What do we do when we want to make a positive change in our life but just can’t seem to get started? We are discussing all the ways you can move forward and create positive changes in your life. Here are the highlights from this episode: {3:19} Getting out of negative self-talk patterns {7:16} Identifying safety behaviours {18:22} The importance of acknowledging where you are {21:25} Ignore the ‘should’ and find what works for you {26:42} How to take action Check out Donna’s freebie at: Join my free Private Facebook Group today!


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Ep 030: The Benefits Of An Alcohol Free Life With Aifric Edwards

In this weeks episode I will be chatting with Aifric Edwards about how she started with a “dry January” and kept going! 2.5 years later she is here describing all the benefits of giving up alcohol and sharing her valuable knowledge, tips, tricks and hacks to living an alcohol free life! She recommends the One Year No Beer Facebook Community ….and the book “Kick The Drink…Easily” by Jason Vale Join my free Private Facebook Group today!


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Ep 029: Building Your Bucket List Beyond Weight Loss

In this weeks episode, the final of the current season, I will be discussing why it is so important to have personal goals that aren’t just about losing weight. In our desperation for weight loss we can become so obsessed with dieting that we lose sight of other aspects in our life that need to be addressed in order to gain the fulfillment that we are ultimately craving. We all need to be able to see beyond weight loss and address that all important bucket list of non-weight loss goals! Here are the highlights from this episode: {3:15} Building a bucket list of non-weight loss goals {9:32} Bucket lists and learning to stop dieting {13:05} End of season wrap up and thanks Join my free Private Facebook Group today! For information on my upcoming book ‘Mindfat’ visit:


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Ep 028: How To Find The Right Form Of Movement For You

In this weeks episode I will talk about how finding the right form of movement is so important if we are to achieve our health goals, as not all of us are lucky enough to naturally love exercise. It is all about what is right for you, and not just thinking that we should love all forms of working out. Its just not that simple, despite what diet culture tells us, and getting to the bottom of what you personally enjoy is vital for our long-term success. Here are the highlights from this episode: {2:53} The importance of finding your why {6:32} Assessing what you gain rather than what you lose {10:04} Flexibility and doing the thing that is right for you at the time Join my free Private Facebook Group today! For information on my upcoming book ‘Mindfat’ visit:


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Ep 027: How Being Organised Can Help or Hinder Your Progress

In this weeks episode I will be discussing the power of being organised, but also the dangers that it can bring too! Diet culture pushes the very romantic idea of being organised, and that if we are properly structured in our approach to our health goals then there is no way we can fail. This isn’t true, and sometimes the healthiest approach for us is about learning how to be flexible and that giving ourselves leeway sometimes is absolutely essential for success! Here are the highlights from this episode: {3:29} How being organised around food can be dangerous as well as helpful {6:03} Is meal planning a good way to be organised {8:50} Meal prepping versus batch cooking {15:40} Organisation and exercise Join my free Private Facebook Group today! For information on my upcoming book ‘Mindfat’ visit:


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Ep 026: The Dangerous New Year New You Diet Mindset

Coming into a new year we have to think about what we really want for ourselves over the coming months. In todays episode I will be discussing this, and how my belief is that the whole concept of ‘New Year, New You’ can be very dangerous as it reinforces the all or nothing diet culture mindset that gets us trapped in the diet cycle in the first place. We need a new approach to making a fresh start, especially after a year as crazy as 2020! Here are the highlights from this episode: {4:04} Taking stock of the previous year {7:57} The diet cycle trap and the importance of mindset shifts {12:25} Learning to let go of past mentalities one at a time {16:20} Self development strategy building for the year ahead Join my Private Facebook Group today! To find out more visit my website: For information on my upcoming book ‘Mindfat’ visit:


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Ep 025: How To Negotiate The Holiday Season

As we enter the holiday season it can be a real challenge to not feel like we are compromising all of our health goals. In this episode I will be talking about how to negotiate this challenge, while still enjoying important times of year such as Christmas……and after a year as crazy as 2020 has been, this is even more relevant than ever! Here are the highlights from this episode: {2:53} Triggers around the holidays {10:05} Empowerment and stress relief {15:51} Addressing our unmet needs Join my Private Facebook Group today! To find out more visit my website: For information on my upcoming book ‘Mindfat’ visit:


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Ep 024: Diets in Disguise

In this episode we discuss diets and all the many forms they come in, which is especially poignant at this time of year as diet culture is about to begin guilting us into thinking we need to invest time and money into one of their ‘get in shape for spring time’ programmes. While driving this billion dollar industry, this is all just keeps us stuck in the diet cycle and so if you, like me, do not agree with the concept of ‘dieting’, we need to become an expert in identifying them! Here are the highlights from this episode: {2:11} Figuring out what a diet is {3:17} Diets, food restrictions and when we should eat {5:00} Asking us to eat things we don’t like {7:31} Diets and medicinal claims {8:22} Asking us to change our lifestyle Join my Private Facebook Group today! To find out more visit my website: For information on my upcoming book ‘Mindfat’ visit:


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Ep 023: How Diet Culture Turns You Against Your Body

In this episode I will be discussing diet culture and the mental impact it can have on us, and wow, this is a huge topic! Today I will be talking about this from a very specific aspect: how pervasive the language that diet culture uses is, and how that is going to influence our thinking, general mindset and the overall decisions we make for ourselves. Here are the highlights from this episode: {1:38} What is diet culture? {3:28} Exercise is not just about burning calories {8:33} The impact on my four pillars of mindset for weight loss {13:07} Diet culture and food {16:57} Mindfat book release coming soon! Join my Private Facebook Group today! To find out more visit my website: For information on my upcoming book ‘Mindfat’ visit:


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Ep 022: How To Find Your Motivation To Exercise

This is one of those topics where we can get really overwhelmed with all our reasons for wanting to exercise. So in this episode I will be breaking it down for you and help you to understand that there is so much more to being motivated to exercise than just that fleeting emotion of motivation. I will be going into more detail about what real motivation is and where you can find it! Here are the highlights from this episode: {3:44} What exercise can do for you {10:22} Picturing what you would like to be able to do {15:30} The value of doing a body check Join my private facebook group today! To find out more about The Full Bodied Evolution visit my website:


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Ep 021: Hormones And Our Health With Emily Barclay

In this episode I will be interviewing Emily Barclay, the founder of the Perimenopause Hub. We are discussing hormones and their impact on our ability to lose weight, our mental health and our lifestyle. Here are the highlights from this episode: {8:50} Listening to our bodies {17:41} Symptoms of perimenopause {23:45} How to track your symptoms {32:59} Gaining emotional awareness {43:54} Getting the right support Join my Private Facebook Group today! To find out more about The Full Bodied Evolution visit my website:


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Ep 020: How Our Hormones Influence Our Weight Loss

In this episode we will talk about our hormones and the role that they can play on our weight loss journey. When we understand this we can understand ourselves better, and what’s driving a lot our behaviours and choices. Far too often this gets left out of the weight loss equation, but it’s such a huge piece of the puzzle that it just can’t be ignored. Here are the highlights from this episode: {2:00} Hormones and our mental health {6:35} Becoming aware of your cycle and sleep patterns {10:17} Hunger cravings and digestive issues {11:30} Fatigue and depression {16:17} The impact of hormones on anxiety and stress Join my Private Facebook Group today! To find out more visit my website: To learn more about my membership club visit:


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Ep 019: How To Work Out When You Don't Want To

In this episode I discuss why working out can sometimes be such a struggle and what we can do about it. I think this is something that we all struggle with, I know I do, but there are ways to motivate yourself around this… just have to find the approach that work for you. So today I am going to go through some of the strategies that I use to show up for myself in order to get the job done! Here are the highlights from this episode: {1:33} The use of small actionable ‘surface’ steps {6:20} Remembering the wider benefits of exercise {10:56} The value of weighing up the numbers {13:03} Setting ourselves up for success {16:35} The importance of self compassion To find out more visit my website: To learn more about my membership club visit:


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Ep 018: How To Make Healthy Decisions Easily

In this episode I will be talking about why it can be so hard sometimes to make the right decisions for our health goals. This is something that I think we all struggle with from time to time, me included! Why is it that they are so difficult? Why is it that we get up and struggle to eat right or do that workout? In this episode we will discuss this and why so often we just can’t seem to make ourselves do it. Help is at hand! Here are the highlights from this episode: {3:53} What are the overall decision steps needed to get healthy? {10:13} Barriers around decision making {15:51} The feeling of gaining something rather than giving something up {19:19} Predicting and being prepared for problem areas {21:36} The what and why behind difficult decisions To find out more visit my website: To learn more about my membership club visit:


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Ep 017: Fear, Comfort Zones and Our Health Goals

In this episode we will be discussing fear in all its many forms, and how it plays a pivotal role in us achieving our health goals. Whether it is fear of failure, fear of feeling emotional discomfort, fear of what will happen if we get want, or even fear of us sitting alone with ourselves, it all plays a huge part in how we go about our day to day lives and make those all important lifestyle decisions. We will also discuss steps that you can take to get past this fear and what your life might look like without it. Here are the highlights from this episode: {2:33} What are safety behaviours? {4:49} Identifying your safety behaviours {7:39} Changing your physical ‘state’ {11:40} Getting out of your comfort zone {12:58} Helping you take action To find out more visit my website: To learn more about my membership club visit:


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Ep 016: Why We Need Self Belief To Achieve Our Health Goals

In this episode I will be talking about the importance of self belief and how it influences you on your journey towards your dream healthy lifestyle. I will be discussing what happens when you lack self belief, and steps to take that will enable you to grow it. Self belief is the first of my four pillars of Mindset For Weight Loss, and as I tell my clients, it is like a muscle: The more you use it the stronger it gets, so let’s start working it out! Here are the highlights from this episode: {1:42} Why we need self belief {5:00} What would it take to make you believe in yourself {9:13} What happens if you don’t believe in yourself {11:51} Why self belief is like a muscle {16:43} The Full Bodied Evolution philosophy To find out more visit my website: To learn more about my membership club visit:


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Ep 015: How To Set Powerful and Realistic Body Goals

In this episode we discuss goal setting and specifically how to make these goals powerful while also staying realistic to the lifestyle that we want to achieve. We may crave to look like a fitness model, but would we really want that if we knew what it took to look that way? Our goal setting has to be realistic if it is to lead to a happy, as well as healthy, way of life for ourselves. Here are the highlights from this episode: {2:42} What do I mean by a powerful goal? {8:43} How to make powerful body goals {10:08} Having different goals at different times in your life {11:49} How our body type can influence goal setting {15:17} Becoming sure about your body goals To find out more visit my website: To learn more about my membership club visit:


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Ep 014: The Truth About Portion Control

In this episode we discuss portion control and what it truly means both physically and mentally. If you’ve been dieting for a really long time and struggling with weight loss, then it is likely that this is something that you have had to grapple with from time to time. In actual fact, it is probably one of the biggest areas of nutrition that people find challenging, in many ways because there is so much conflicting information out there. During this episode we will dispel many of these myths and get right into the nitty gritty! Here are the highlights from this episode: {1:52} Why not to obsess about the numbers {6:04} The emotional role that food plays {7:03} Components of portion control {10:47} The importance of meal frequency {14:25} The why behind emotional eating To find out more visit my website: To learn more about my membership club visit:
