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The Golden Spoon

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Golden Spoon is here to help anyone who struggles with the largest internal problems all the way down to small day-in and day-out bumps in the road. We are two guys who have come to the conclusion that everyone who has a heart beating inside them deserves to get all forms of mental help, counseling, and love, so pick up a tiny golden spoon and dig a little deeper with us on your journey!


United States


The Golden Spoon is here to help anyone who struggles with the largest internal problems all the way down to small day-in and day-out bumps in the road. We are two guys who have come to the conclusion that everyone who has a heart beating inside them deserves to get all forms of mental help, counseling, and love, so pick up a tiny golden spoon and dig a little deeper with us on your journey!





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S9E4 - A Crisis Among Men

Send us a Text Message. Why Is Men's Mental Health Month Ignored? There are various factors that may contribute to the perception of neglect or lesser attention towards men’s mental health specifically which are listed below: Societal expectations: Traditional gender roles often place an emphasis on men being strong, stoic, and self-reliant, which can discourage men from seeking help or expressing their emotions. This societal expectation may contribute to a lack of awareness or conversation around men’s mental health issues. Stigma surrounding mental health: Mental health issues, in general, have historically carried a significant stigma, and this can affect men as well. Men may face additional challenges due to societal norms that discourage them from seeking help or expressing vulnerability. The stigma surrounding mental health can deter men from seeking support or discussing their struggles openly. Limited awareness and resources: There may be a lack of awareness or understanding regarding the specific mental health challenges that men face. This could result in limited resources, services, and support networks available specifically for men’s mental health. Insufficient resources can contribute to the perception that men’s mental health is being overlooked. This week we would like to highlight Heads Up Guys if you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S9E3 - Downtown Narrative

Send us a Text Message. We hope you like us a whole lot. We go downtown to potential talk to strangers to see what they have to say. We enjoyed the people who were willing to talk with us for a little while. Thank you from Jeremy and McCahill. We would like to share a bit of information about Alabama. Alabama ranks dead last in mental healthcare availability as of Februar 29, 2024. The most common mental health illnesses are anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorders (WHO Mental Well-Being). According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 41 percent of AL adults sought medical treatment for a mental health issue between 2017-2019. Now we all have the voice to change the way our state and others view mental health. We hope that one day it isn't a stigma to have something mentally wrong with you or someone you love. We need your help and others to spread the word on this. We also would like to plan a day where we go back out and record in public because it was such a fun event for us and we hope you follow our socials to get the scoop to stay in that loop. This week we would like to highlight Glenwood Mental Health Service if you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S9E2 - ABC's of ABA Ft. Anna Blanchard

Send us a Text Message. Please give a warm welcome to Anna Blanchard, MS, BCBA, LBA. She works for an ABA therapy company in Birmingham. She has been in the field for 3 years and has loved every minute of it! She is a big advocate for mental health awareness as well as autism awareness. In her free time, she love to craft, garden, and swing dance. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. Behavior analysis helps us to understand: ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning. ABA therapy programs can help: Positive reinforcement is one of the main strategies used in ABA. How could ABA help the student learn a more appropriate behavior in this situation? Antecedent: The teacher says “time to clean up” at the end of the day. Behavior: The student is reminded to ask, “Can I have 5 more minutes?” Consequence: The teacher says, “Of course you can have 5 more minutes!” Treatment goals can include many different skill areas, such as: Communication and language, Social skills, Self-care (such as showering and toileting), Play and leisure, Motor skills, Learning and academic skills Resources: This week we would like to highlight Autism Speaks if you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S9E1 - Moments With Mom Ft. Bobbie Smith

Send us a Text Message. This past weekend was was Mothers Day, and how appropriate it is that if falls under Women's Mental Health Month. This week please give a big warm welcome to my Mom Bobbie. We also think about Jeremy's Mom Jane, please have in your thoughts this week. We want to highlight those wonderful women who we call moms. If you or someone you know is suffering from Postpartum Depression Disorder (PPD) please check on them and see how you can help. Jeremy and I are lucky to have the moms we do. They have the power to put the fear of no other in you, and love you unconditionally. Even if you are a pet mom or a mothering figure in someone's life you still get that awesome title. Thank you for everything that you have Don in this life. Unconditional love: It is one best thing about being a mom. Moms appreciate when they can watch their kids grow very close when they are like gods to their children and can easily wipe away their tears. When they can answer any questions and be there to teach them anything they want to learn. This week we would like to highlight Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance (MMHLA) if you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E12 - Surviving Narcissism: Hope On The Horizon Ft. India Box

Send us a Text Message. Please give a nice warm welcome to India Box, an advocate for raising awareness on narcissistic abuse. India has recently found the help she needed through therapy, and she wanted to bring awareness to this topic. india works in the television industry and is now happily married to a great guy, but she had to get through this hard period of time to become the strong woman we know her as. Instagram Handle @theindiaagd The narcissistic abuse cycle is a vicious and damaging pattern of behavior that is all too common in relationships where one partner is a narcissist. Understanding the Narcissistic Abuse Cycle is crucial as it provides insight into the patterns of an abusive relationship marked by emotional and psychological abuse. By recognizing these patterns, individuals are better equipped to seek help and navigate their path towards narcissistic abuse recovery. Idealization In the idealization phase, the narcissist puts their partner on a pedestal and worships them. They will make them feel like they are the most special and important person in the world. This can be a very intoxicating feeling, and it is often what keeps people in the relationship despite the red flags that may be present. Devaluation - You're never good enough, You're not pretty/smart/successful enough, You're not doing things the right way, You're not meeting their needs Discarding - The narcissist will abruptly break up with their partner and leave them without any explanation, The narcissist will cheat on their partner and then blame them for it, The narcissist will ghost their partner and completely disappear from their life Hoovering- "I'm sorry for everything, I miss you so much. I promise to change, just please come back.", "I know we had some problems but I can't stop thinking about you. I still love you.", "You're the only one who really understands me. I need you." This week we would like to highlight Narcissistic Abuse Survivors (NAS) if you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Than Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E11 - All Natural

Send us a Text Message. Could being outside, playing in soil, taking a hike, and immersing yourself in your surroundings increase your seratonin? When rating gardening benefits, gardeners often note reductions in stress, tension and anxiety. Research proves this is more than a feeling. One study had participants complete a psychologically stressful task and then measured cortisol, Periods of gardening or reading followed. While both groups showed lower levels of cortisol after these activities, the gardening group was significantly lower, indicating greater physical relief from acute stress. They also reported greater improvement in their moods. Nature’s therapeutic power: Spending time in nature has been shown to have a positive influence on mental health. Hiking allows individuals to immerse themselves in the beauty of natural surroundings, providing a sense of calm, peace, and connection with the environment. The sights, sounds, and scents of nature can evoke a soothing effect, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Physical activity and endorphin release: Hiking is a form of physical exercise that stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood-boosting chemicals. These endorphins promote feelings of happiness, euphoria, and overall well-being. Regular hiking can help alleviate symptoms of depression, enhance mood stability, and increase energy levels. This week we would like to highlight Center for Nature Informed Therapy if you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E10 - Spread Your Shine

Send us a Text Message. What does spread kindness mean? This means treating others with the highest level of respect, grace, and compassion. Kindness means being intentional. Kindness means acting with no expectation of return or reciprocity. Kindness means simply being nice. We can all be someone's Golden Spoon! Listening when a fiend, coworker, relative, or stranger speaks freely about something going on in their life. We here at HQ want you to be able to be someone's Spoon even the situation isn't Golden. Life can get taxing and we understand human nature when it comes to being flustered, so take your pauses, breath and spread that Golden Shine. This week we would like to highlight Be Kind Birmingham, an organization who helps low income and homeless communities if you would like to learn more or donate click here Thank to our sponsor this week Spring Fest at St. Patrick's May 4th Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E9 - In My Control

Send us a Text Message. The Circle of Concern, Influence, and Control The concept of the circle of control is often associated with Stephen Covey. The circle of control is the innermost circle, representing the things that we have direct control over. These are the things that we can change or influence directly, such as our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Covey suggests that highly effective people focus their time and energy on the things within their circle of control rather than trying to control things outside of their sphere of influence. The circle of concern, influence, and control is a model that helps to clarify the different areas of responsibility and levels of control we have in our lives. The outer first circle represents the things within our circle of concern. We care about or impact us in some way, but we don't have direct control over these things. Examples might include global events like a pandemic, other people's actions, or natural disasters. The middle circle represents the things within our circle of influence. We can impact or change these things through our actions, but outside factors may still influence them. Examples might include our relationships, work, or personal habits and behaviors. The inner smaller circle represents the things that are within our circle of control. These are the things that we have the power to change or influence directly. Examples of things like our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This can help you to feel more in control of your circumstances and more empowered to create the outcomes you want. This week we would like to highlight National Minority Health Month and The OrganizIf you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E8 - A Simple Secret

Send us a Text Message. Do you ever feel like your secret is weighing on you? Are you the secret safe in someone's life? Do people come to you because they can trust you? We all have secrets – parts of ourselves or our past that we keep hidden. At first, a secret may feel like a form of protection, but ultimately the anxiety, fear, shame, regret and guilt take a toll on our body and mind. Secrets come in many forms such as trauma, unhealthy behavior or even negative beliefs about oneself. It’s easy to internalize them without realizing how harmful they are to our health. We find out alot about who why and where these secrets come from. This weeks the organization we would like to highlight is Carons . If you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E7 - Wing It

Send us a Text Message. Do you ever want to talk to someone? Do you feel like this month you might have gotten fooled? Do you enjoy April 1st? Do you ever wonder if the people around you actually listen? Did you know there are people who are professionals at listen? A mental health counselor is a trained professional with the necessary expertise to help those who are suffering from a number of disorders including anxiety or depression. An incoming client has identified that they need help in dealing with their mental health symptoms or they want to discuss a difficult life experience. This individual has identified that they have a problem and want to overcome that problem. They need your assistance in order to do so. Where do mental health counselors work? SchoolsPrisonsHospitalsBusiness settingsCommunity health centersPrivate practiceThis weeks the organization we would like to highlight is the American Counseling Association. If you would like to learn more or donate click here Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E6 - Planning and The Blame

Send us a Text Message. Do you get blamed for a lot of things, even the ones that aren’t your fault? There are many factors as to why family members would treat you this way. Personality disorders, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and past trauma are just some. Being in a dysfunctional environment such as this can certainly take a toll on your physical and mental health. That’s why if you find that you’re currently stuck in this situation, please don’t hesitate to ask for help. Keep in touch with supportive friends, distant relatives, or even professional workers and let them know how you’re doing. It’s not good to keep everything inside as well as harboring grudges either. Have forgiveness in your heart and know that there is always a way out of it. Have you ever had a family member badmouth you in front of friends or guests? It certainly doesn’t feel great, and chances are, the words still ring clear in your head until now. This situation usually happens when you’re raised by narcissistic parents. Because they want to appear perfect to other people, they would distance themselves from things that would possibly disrupt that illusion, even if it’s through badmouthing their own relatives. Have you ever had a family member yell at you for an error they personally made? They don’t know how to cope with the sudden burst of their energy. They might yell or lash out at you for something that you are in no way related to just because they can. Put some distance between you two and be careful not to engage with them in their state. You are not the problem here. First, accept that what they’re saying about you isn’t true. You are a wonderful person. Next, understand that every person faces battles of their own. After you’ve learned to accept yourself, it’s likely time to accept that your family members are flawed people, too. It’s never about you. How they treat you says more about them. We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday F Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E5 - Bipolaroid

Send us a Text Message. McCahill wanted to address some topics that might be hard to talk about listener digression is advised. Buckling up to be different is a concept that should spark your creativity and awe about the world, something that gets you excited to not be bland or boring. When we know that we are unique people in our lives separate themselves or replace you because you might not fit their mold. If you infact do get replaced it might be good to look at this opportunity to find new friends and even family that you get to pick. The organization that we will highlight this episode is The International Bipolar Foundation and if you would like to learn more or donate follow the link below. About Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. Untreated bipolar disorder can result in poor job or school performance, damaged relationships, and even suicide. Here is good news: bipolar disorder is very treatable, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives. About 5.7 million American adults, or about 2.6 percent of the population, age 18 and older in any given year, have bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder typically develops in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, some people have their first symptoms during childhood, and some develop them late in life. It is often not recognized as an illness, and people may suffer for years before it is properly diagnosed and treated. Like diabetes or heart disease, bipolar disorder is a long-term illness that must be carefully managed throughout a person’s life. We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E4 - Women of the World

Send us a Text Message. We are very excited for this wonderful month to celebrate the magnificent women in our lives. We are happy to share the success of the powerful women. The women we are highlighting mean the world to us. The things the have done and the things they will do are so powerful so enjoy this one. The organizations we are highlighting this week are Pathways and First Light, and if you feel so inclined to donate, here are the links & Women's History Month honors the past and reminds us that progress requires ongoing effort. Even seemingly small acts of mentorship, sponsorship, and support can make a profound difference in advancing women's opportunities. The National Women's History Month's theme for 2024 celebrates “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.” The theme recognizes women throughout the country who understand that, for a positive future, we need to eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions. We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E3 - Self Control and an Empath

Send us a Text Message. Self-control or the ability to manage one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goal is what separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. Self-control is primarily rooted in the prefrontal cortex the planning, problem-solving, and decision making center of the brain which is significantly larger in humans than in other mammals. The richness of nerve connections in the prefrontal cortex enables people to plan, evaluate alternative actions, and ideally avoid doing things they'll later regret, rather than immediately respond to every impulse as it arises. What is an empath? A person who is highly attuned to the energies and emotions of those around them may be considered an empath. Empaths are said to feel what others are feeling so deeply that they “absorb” or “take on” the emotions themselves, often at the expense of their own emotional well-being. Empathy depends on your ability to overcome your own perspective, appreciate someone else's, and step into their shoes. Self-control is essentially the same skill, except that those other shoes belong to your future self—a removed and hypothetical entity who might as well be a different person. We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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Send us a Text Message. National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM). This is an issue that impacts everyone – not just teens – but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well. Together, we can raise the nation’s awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy relationships. Nationwide, youth age 12 to 19 experience the highest rates of rape and sexual assault. Studies show that approximately 10% of adolescents report being the victim of physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner during the previous year. Girls are particularly vulnerable to experiencing violence in their relationships and are more likely to suffer long-term behavioral and health consequences, including suicide attempts, eating disorders, and drug use. Everyone can make a difference by reaching out to young people in simple ways. If you know of a teen or parent that could benefit from speaking to a caring, well-trained peer advocate, please connect them with the National Dating Abuse Helpline, a project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, at 1-866-331-9474 (TTY: 1-866-331-8453), by texting "loveis" to 77054, or through live chat at We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S8E1 - Food challenges and life as we live it

Send us a Text Message. Eating Disorders Awareness Week February 26-March 3, 2024 Eating disorders affect over 21 million Americans and are often prevalent in minority groups like the LGBTQIA+ population and BIPOC communities. National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, sometimes called NEDA week, is an annual event meant to raise awareness for eating disorder prevention and provide messages of hope. You can take the NEDA screening tool online at their website. However, contact a mental health professional if you or someone you love might be experiencing an eating disorder. For more info please visit their website for more information. We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S7E12 - Tough Love (Being Blunt)

Send us a Text Message. What does tough love mean in parenting? "tough love" combined empathy to send a message that essentially says, "I know you don't like the rules, but I'm going to enforce them anyway because it's good for you, and I love you." What is tough love in an adult to an adult form? It doesn't mean you accept maltreatment or abuse but that you love the person. It can also mean being supportive and doing what you can to guide them in a positive direction. Tough love is about maintaining distance and setting boundaries with an individual who is not respecting your boundaries or abilities. Here’s the truth: Tough love isn’t a formula or quick fix to the heartache you face. But it’s the right thing to do in some situations — and the only healthy choice — even if change doesn’t look exactly like you had hoped. To end on a positive everyone is faking it until they make it. Emotions are important in all of your relationships no matter the status, and love is always free to give. We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S7E11 - A Healthy V-Day

Send us a Text Message. Unrealistic depictions of Valentine’s Day outrageous marriage proposals, over-the-top dinner dates and more can make the pressure to feel like you have to pair up and/or make everything “perfect” seem overwhelming, to the point that you may feel anxious. According to Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), everyone experiences anxiety (not to be confused with anxiety disorders) at some point in their lives. Anxiety is a feeling of worry caused by perceived threats in the environment that can manifest in feelings of fear, stress or nervousness, and physical symptoms such as increased alertness or rapid heart rate. Well on this weekly scoop we give you both sides whether you are single or in your relationship. We give you the options and opinions if you loveeee or hate the holiday. We are going to give you are tea on this hot holiday. We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S7E10 - Feeling Frustrated!!!

Send us a Text Message. Feeling frustrated or upset is a natural response that occurs when the outcome of a situation turns out differently than expected. When something frustrating happens, it can create stress. This is where frustration and stress are connected. If you have difficulty letting it go, stress can increase. Frustration is also associated with anger. Both complex emotions are seen as stemming from other feelings, like disappointment, fear, and stress, according to the American Psychological Association (APA). Frustration is less of something to be avoided and more of an emotion to be felt and dealt with. Taking good care of yourself, including: You can change your relationship to frustration and how it impacts your life. But bear in mind dealing with frustration isn’t a one-time activity—and that’s a good thing. If these tools don't help and you continue to feel overwhelmed, consult with a psychologist or other licensed mental health professional who can help you learn how to control your anger. He or she can help you identify problem areas and then develop an action plan for changing them. We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)


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S7E9 - The Bid

Send us a Text Message. What is biddin for a connection? Gottman refers to bids as “the fundamental unit of emotional communication.” Bids can be small or big, verbal or nonverbal. They’re requests to connect. They might take the form of an expression, question, or physical outreach. They can be funny, serious, or sexual in nature. There are three ways you can respond to a bid: 1. Turning towards (acknowledging the bid) 2. Turning away (ignoring or missing the bid) 3. Turning against (rejecting the bid in an argumentative or belligerent way) You can either be a relationship master or a relationship disaster and that's all up to you! We hope you enjoy this and consider helping out! Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on! Thank You All For Listening and Downloading We drop an episode every Thursday Follow us on all of our socials Support the Show. The 988 Lifeline 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.)
