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The Good Dirt: Sustainability Explained

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Start living more sustainably. The Good Dirt podcast explores all aspects of a sustainable lifestyle with healthy soil as the touchpoint and metaphor for the healing of our relationship with the planet. Mother and daughter team Mary & Emma bring you weekly interviews with farmers, artists, authors, and leaders in the regenerative and sustainable living space.


United States


Start living more sustainably. The Good Dirt podcast explores all aspects of a sustainable lifestyle with healthy soil as the touchpoint and metaphor for the healing of our relationship with the planet. Mother and daughter team Mary & Emma bring you weekly interviews with farmers, artists, authors, and leaders in the regenerative and sustainable living space.





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130. It Starts in the Kitchen: Sustainable Living with Anne-Marie Bonneau of Zero Waste Chef

Mary & Emma are on a brief hiatus and plan to return in the spring. Please enjoy this episode that was originally aired on 2/24/23. Our guest today is someone who began her plastic-free journey in her kitchen, and has now become the renowned Zero Waste Chef, Anne-Marie Bonneau! Starting as a Zero Plastic Chef, she took the next step in her sustainability journey and became the Zero Waste Chef working towards producing zero waste in her own kitchen and inspiring others to do the same. She talks about how to shop differently, buy differently, and cook differently to reduce waste in the kitchen! Topics Discussed: Hugelkultur Anne Marie’s transition to plastic free Beginning tips for zero waste Zero Waste as a goal Anne Marie’s rhythm with food prep Fighting Food waste The idea of convenience contributing to waste Zero waste can be simple The attention economy informs our perception of what we can do Thneeds (from The Lorax by Dr. Suess) The Good Ancestor Is there hope for conscious consumerism? Greta Thunberg The slow food movement began in Italy Alton Brown baked beans Connect with Anne-Marie Bonneau Instagram: @zerowastechef Website Anne-Marie's Book, The Zero Waste Chef About Lady Farmer: Our Website @weareladyfarmer on Instagram Join The Lady Farmer ALMANAC Leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Email us at Original music by John Kingsley. Our technical partner for this series is CitizenRacecar, Post-Production by Alex Brouwer and JosΓ© Miguel Baez, Coordinated by Gabriela Montequin and Mary Ball. The Good Dirt is a part of the Connectd Podcasts Network. Statements in this podcast have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not to be considered as medical or nutritional advice. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should not be considered above the advice of your physician. Consult a medical professional when making dietary or lifestyle decisions that could affect your health and well-being.


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The History and Folklore of Brigid: Saint, Legend and Lady Farmer with Kathy Spaar | Episode 27 Reprise

Mary & Emma are on a brief hiatus and plan to return in the spring. Please enjoy this episode that was last aired on 1/31/2023 Today's episode is about Brigid, saint and legend, known for her skills at the hearth, the loom, midwifery, healing, poetry and animal husbandry. Kathy Spaar, spiritual director, pilgrimage leader and nature educator shares many of the folklore and stories of this legendary figure from Celtic tradition. As a figure of feminine wisdom and power who presides over the land and the homestead, we consider Brigid the quintessential Lady Farmer, our guide, protector and inspiration for slow living through the seasons. Intro: Follow Kesslyn @gemwellnessofficial for more about her journey as a midwife and her exploration of St. Brigid. Episode Reprise: Imbolc is here! Mary and Emma introduce Kathy and Brigid Kathy introduces herself Brigid's Feast Day Kathy's favorite stories of Brigid Brigid - the quintessential Lady Farmer How does Brigid relate to the times we are in now The most important thing Brigid has taught Kathy Mentions: The Almanac Brigidine Sisters Children's Book β€œBrigid’s Cloak: An Ancient Irish Story” by Bruce Milligan. "Symbols of Plenty" by Ruth Bidgood "Rekindling the Flame " by Rita Minehan ο»ΏAbout Lady Farmer: Our Website @weareladyfarmer on Instagram Join The Lady Farmer ALMANAC Leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Email us at Original music by John Kingsley. Our technical partner for this series is CitizenRacecar, Post-Production by Alex Brouwer and JosΓ© Miguel Baez, Coordinated by Gabriela Montequin and Mary Ball. The Good Dirt is a part of the Connectd Podcasts Network. Statements in this podcast have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not to be considered as medical or nutritional advice. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and should not be considered above the advice of your physician. Consult a medical professional when making dietary or lifestyle decisions that could affect your health and well-being.


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Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth with Asia Suler, Author of "Mirrors in the Earth"

Mary & Emma are on a brief hiatus and plan to return next spring. Please enjoy this episode that was originally aired on 10/20/23. How can we reconnect ourselves to nature, to the plants and animals around us, and the very Earth we walk upon? This is the topic of discussion with our guest Asia Suler, writer, teacher, mother, earth intuitive, ecological philosopher and author of Mirrors in the Earth: Reflections on Self-Healing from the Living World. Asia has taught her principles to over 20,000 students in 70+ countries, and constantly sees how going on a journey of self-healing and acceptance is the key to being able to heal both ourselves and our place in the ecosystem. In this interview, Asia brings us into the ecological history of the Appalachian mountains, the magic and healing potential of the natural world, and the interconnectedness of our personal healing with the healing of the whole world. She believes that when we embody the belief that we are enough as we are, we then we ourselves embody the healing of the Earth. Topics Discussed β€’ What comes to mind with when we think of mirrors in the earth? β€’ Asia's Background and Experience Leading to the Writing of her Book. β€’ Joyful Engagement with the Living World β€’ Vulvodynia, Lyme Disease, and Chronic Pain β€’ Western Herbalism β€’ Finding Your Place in Nature β€’ Creating One Willow Apothecary β€’ Flower Essences & The Power of the Violet β€’ Psycho-emotional States and Inner Blockages β€’ Intellectual Rationalism β€’ Growing up In-between Philadelphia and New York β€’ Watering Plants throughout New York β€’ Re-connecting with Magic β€’ Cultivating a Love of Earth in Urban Spaces β€’ The 10 Year Process Behind "Mirrors in the Earth" β€’ Self-Realization & Self-Compasson β€’ The Influence of Indigenous Beliefs β€’ Earth as a Sentient Being β€’ Empaths & Sensitives β€’ Humanity's Place on Earth & The Proclivity towards Narcissism β€’ Gardens, Boundaries, and Social Media β€’ The Magic within the Appalachian Mountains Episode Resources: β€’ Join Us in The ALMANAC β€’ Mirrors in the Earth: Reflections on Self-Healing from the Living World by Asia Suler Connect with Asia Suler: β€’ One Willow Apothecaries Website: β€’ YouTube @AsiaSuler : β€’ Instagram @asiasuler : β€’ Facebook: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: β€’ Our Website β€’ Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram β€’ Join The Lady Farmer ALMANAC β€’ Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production.


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Being Old-Fashioned on Purpose with Jill Winger

Mary & Emma are on a brief hiatus and plan to return next spring. Please enjoy this episode that was originally aired on 11/10/2023. ο»ΏOur guest for today is Jill Winger, creator of The Prairie Homestead who over the last 10 years has influenced thousands of people in rediscovering some of the simpler ways of life–helping people grow their own food, cook healthy meals, raise chickens, bake breadβ€”and SO many other things. And yes, she confesses that an old fashioned life can include modern technology, especially in teaching others through online content creation. But Jill’s mission is more than about teaching skills, it’s about guiding others into slowing down and creating a healthier, more centered, balanced lifestyle that includes our modern realities. Jill started out on a neglected farmstead 40 miles away from the nearest grocery store, and has grown with her passion for practicing this way of life and teaching others how to find it for themselves. She is the author of The Prairie Homestead Cookbook and her latest release: "Old-Fashioned on Purpose: Cultivating a Slower, More Joyful Life". Jill lets Mary and Emma in on her process of content creation for homesteading, running an online business, finding writing once again, and what challenges she's faced in trying to do it all. This episode is for anyone who wants to strike a healthier balance between old-fashioned living and life in the modern world. Topics Discussed β€’ Being a Homesteader β€’ Getting Started without a Background in Farming or Ranching β€’ Finding an Alternative to the Suburban-White-Picket-Fence Dream β€’ Sparks of Inspiration & Knowing β€’ Balancing Old-Fashioned Living with Modern Demands β€’ How Jill's Support System Helps Her "Do It All" β€’ Jill's Team & Task Delegation β€’ How to Get People to Consume Your Content β€’ The Consumer-Creator Relationship β€’ Dealing with Technology Addiction as an Online Business β€’ Creator Sustainability β€’ Boundaries & Intentionality β€’ The Pros and Cons of Homesteading's Growing Popularity β€’ Writing Old-Fashioned on Purpose β€’ Community β€’ Raising Kids in a Homestead Lifestyle β€’ Owning a Restaurant β€’ Outsourcing Where You Can β€’ Herbicide Long-Term Damage and Aminopyralid Poisoning Episode Resources: β€’ Join Us in The ALMANAC β€’ The Prairie Homestead "how to use eggshells" Blog β€’ The Prairie Homestead "I Think I Poisoned My Garden" Blog β€’ "Old-Fashioned on Purpose: Cultivating a Slower, More Joyful Life" by Jill Winger β€’ "The Prairie Homestead Cookbook: Simple Recipes for Heritage Cooking in Any Kitchen" by Jill Winger β€’ Listen to The Good Dirt "Reclaiming Our Food from Field to Kitchen with CSA Farmer Mo Moutoux of Moutoux Orchard" Connect with Jill Winger: β€’ Website: β€’ Follow Jill on IG @jill.winger β€’ YouTube: β€’ Facebook: β€’ Links: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: β€’ Our Website β€’ Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram β€’ Join The Lady Farmer ALMANAC β€’ Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production.


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Stories From Life Off the Grid with Poet Baron Wormser

Mary & Emma are on a brief hiatus and plan to return next spring. ο»ΏPlease enjoy this episode that was originally aired on 11/17/23. Our guest today is Baron Wormser, award winning poet, professor and author of "The Road Washes Out in Spring: A Poet's Memoir of Living Off the Grid". In this episode, Baron shares stories from his experience living and raising a family off the grid in rural Maine for 23 years, as well as his insight into connecting poetry with how we live, the value of simple living, and how we connect more deeply with the earth. We hear about his journey from the beginning in the mid 1970s, the day-to-day logistics of an off-grid life, raising children in that setting, and the eventual reentry into the contemporary world. Baron has been an example of slow and sustainable living throughout his life and career, and brings his gift of storytelling and poetry to this inspiring conversation. Topics Discussed β€’ "Convenience" by W.S. Merwin β€’ Membership Pledge Drive β€’ Why Choose to Live Off the Grid β€’ The Logistics of the Day-to-Day β€’ Historical Precedence of Living without Electric Power β€’ Living Through the Mid 70s β€’ Needs vs. Wants β€’ Defining Hardship β€’ Living Off the Grid Then vs. Living On the Grid Now β€’ Human Adaptability β€’ Do We Truly Need the Internet? β€’ Raising Children in an Off the Grid Lifestyle β€’ Neighbor Stories β€’ The Recognition of Hard Work β€’ Money & Rural Towns β€’ Deconstruction the Romanticization of an Off the Grid Lifestyle β€’ Finding Your Ordinary β€’ Reentry to the Grid β€’ Baron's View on Hope β€’ Falling in Love with the World Episode Resources: β€’ Join Us in The ALMANAC β€’ "Convenience" by W.S. Merwin β€’ Listen to The Good Dirt "151. 'Lawns into Meadows' with Author Owen Wormser on Regenerative Agriculture" β€’ "The Road Washes Out in Spring: A Poet's Memoir of Living Off the Grid" by Baron Wormser Connect with Baron Wormser: β€’ Website: β€’ Books: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: β€’ Our Website β€’ Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram β€’ Join The Lady Farmer ALMANAC β€’ Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production.


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Ancestral Food Ways in Family Life and Business with Christina Schindler of Modern Stone Age Kitchen

Mary & Emma are on a brief hiatus and plan to return next spring. Please enjoy this episode that was originally aired on 12/8/2023. We’re talking to Christina Schindler, who after spending 20 years in public education as a teacher and administrator, has embarked on a business venture with her family as the CEO of the Modern Stone Age Kitchen, a restaurant in Chestertown, MD that optimizes nutrition in modern foods through ancestral techniques–creating healthy food for the community. Christina also serves as President of the Eastern Shore Food Lab, a non-profit that is focused on creating a nourishing, ethical and sustainable food system through education, outreach and research. Most importantly, Christina is a mother of three busy teenagers and is married to Dr. Bill Schindler, author of Eat Like a Human. In this conversation, we’ll be talking about the extraordinary adventures of this enterprising family, from living and traveling abroad to serving their community through this very unique restaurant, and their work with the non-profit. We’ll hear about their food journey as a family, practical tips for healthy eating in a busy modern world with kids, their years long quest for gaining knowledge about ancestral foods–and how you can live in a suburban neighborhood and still accomplish things that most people would think you need to live on 20 acres to do. This is a wonderful conversation for anyone interested in embracing ultimate health through ancestral food ways –and a great story of how this family has brought it into the context of modern family life and business. Prepare to be inspired by the end of the episode to start eating like a human. Topics Discussed Β· Living & Traveling Abroad Β· Having a Family-Owned Community-Oriented Restaurant Β· Being a Former Educator Β· Cottage Food Operation Β· Commercial Food Production Β· The Sourdough Process Β· What It Means to Eat like a Human Β· Employing a Team of 25 Β· Food Processing Then & Now Β· Traveling Abroad with Family Β· The Origin of Maize (aka Corn) Β· Being a Former Vegetarian Β· Hunting as a Food Source Β· Food Education Β· Old Bay Seasoning & Pumpkin Spice Β· Raising 3 Teenagers: Fast Food, Snacks, and House Rules Β· The Nutritional Pressure of Feeding a Family Β· Living in Ireland Β· Kefir Β· Ancestral Nutrition Knowledge Episode Resources: β€’ Join Us in The ALMANAC β€’ Listen to the Discover Ag Podcast! β€’ Read the Eat Like A Human Book β€’ Learn More About Homemade Sourdough β€’ Seed Oil Scout: Healthy Dining App β€’ 12 Spoons - The Weston A. Price Foundation Connect with Christina: β€’ Website: β€’ IG @modernstoneagekitchen: β€’ Eat Like a Human Website: β€’ Eastern Shore Food Lab @esfoodlab: β€’ Facebook: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: β€’ Our Website β€’ Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram β€’ Join The Lady Farmer ALMANAC β€’ Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production. 🌿 The Good Dirt Producers: β€’ Wendy Gray


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222. Intro to Slow Living | Part 4 | Reflecting on Slow Living: A Year-End Retrospective

In this episode, Mary & Emma conclude their 'Intro to Slow Living' series by reflecting on the evolution of the slow living concept in their experience over the past eight years. They discuss the importance of intentionality, how slow living has transformed from a term to a mindset, and personal experiences with slow living in areas like fashion and daily choices. They announce a hiatus over the winter to rest and reassess their future direction, emphasizing the need for balance and space to let new ideas emerge organically. Mary and Emma encourage listeners to reflect on their own slow living journeys, and to share any feedback or suggestions while enjoying replays of past interviews. 00:00 Introduction and Series Recap 02:14 Reflections on Slow Living 03:43 Evolving Concepts of Slow Living 06:21 Sowing Seeds of Intention 10:49 Taking a Break and Future Plans 14:01 Personal Goals and Slow Living 24:07 Technology and Slow Living 28:40 Listener Engagement and Hiatus Details 33:15 Conclusion and New Year Wishes ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: Subscribe to The ALMANAC, a Lady Farmer Newsletter & Community Visit Our Website Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Lady Farmer 🌿 The Good Dirt Producers: β€’ Wendy Gray


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Gathering Light: Winter Solstice Reflections & Holiday Harmonies

In this special episode, we're bringing back two cherished holiday-themed recordings from our archives. Whether it’s the miracle of light, the birth of a Holy Child, or the warmth of family traditions, December celebrations connect us to a shared human experience rooted in vulnerability to nature’s rhythms. First, in this excerpt from the December episode of Mary's Slow Living Through the Seasons series from 2023, Mary reflects on the winter solstice and its significance across cultures, exploring what we share with our ancestors during the darkest days of the year. Discover the deeper meaning behind festive traditions and how modern celebrations can sometimes pull us away from the natural cycle of the seasons. Then, we revisit a delightful musical performance from the Lady Farmer Archives. Recorded in Seneca, Maryland, in November 2020, this casual fireside set by the Missing Sister Band warms the soul with soulful harmonies. Topics Covered: The winter solstice as a universal human experience, excerpted from Slow Living Through the Seasons Yuletide reflections and our connection to ancient traditions The story behind holiday symbols like the wreath A soulful musical set featuring holiday-inspired covers Music Setlist: "White Flag" by Joseph "Helplessly Hoping" by Crosby, Stills, and Nash "Strangers" by The Kinks "Baby Where You Are" by Ted Lucas "Dogs Laying Around Playing" by My Bubba "Long Time Traveller" by Sacred Harp Performed by the Missing Sister Band: Vocals: Anna Glenn, Charlotte Henderson, Shannon Beston (guitar), Caitlin Robinson, Emma Kingsley Guitar: Cameron Palmer Audio/Visuals: David Smith, Emma Kingsley, Mary Kingsley Editing: Emma Kingsley Tune in for an episode that celebrates the beauty of gathering, the wonder of the solstice, and the joy of shared music. Happy Holidays! 🎢✨ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: β€’ Our Website β€’ Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram β€’ Join The Lady Farmer ALMANAC β€’ Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production. 🌿 The Good Dirt Producers: β€’ Wendy Gray


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221. Seeds of Connection: The People Behind Pinetree Garden Seeds

In today’s episode, we’re talking to Melissa and Jaci from Pinetree Garden Seeds, a family owned and operated business since 1979. Pinetree Garden Seeds was founded with the simple mission of offering low prices on quality seeds to the home gardener. Over the years offerings have expanded to include over 1300 varieties of seeds, including many heirlooms & organics, a huge assortment of tools and gardening gear, books, and live plants. Located in rural Maine, they operate out of a 300 year old farmhouse and strive to offer the best service and products with a personal touch. In 2011, the company was passed down from its founder, Dick Meiners, to his stepdaughter Melissa. She and her family are excited to continue the mission of supporting the home gardener by offering affordable, high quality seeds and goods. In this conversation we delve into the story of Pinetree Garden Seeds, the complexities of GMO's, heirloom seeds and the practices of the company. Melissa and Jaci share their passion for helping others succeed in gardening, emphasizing the simplicity and joy of growing food that promotes the health of humans and the planet. 🌿 Podcast listeners can use the code DIRTPGS20 for 20% their seed order at ! Topics Introduction to Pinetree Garden Seeds History of the company Seed Selection and Catalog Creation Work environment at Pinetree Seed Packing technology Seed Sourcing Gardening Practices and Trials Understanding the Safe Seed Pledge Understanding the types of seeds: heirloom, hybrid and GMO The value of heirloom seeds Seed longevity and germination The seasonal flow and Pinetree Garden Seeds The value of gardening in community and connection 03:20 Meet the Pine Tree Team 04:11 The History and Evolution of Pine Tree Seeds 05:53 Learning the Business of Seeds 08:47 The Art of Seed Catalogs 11:06 Gardening Experiments and Trials 17:49 Understanding Seed Types and Safety 20:31 Understanding GMO vs. Hybrid 22:15 Heirloom Seeds: Stories and Significance 25:00 Seed Longevity and Germination 28:38 A Day at Pine Tree Seeds 31:31 The Concept of Slow Living 34:29 The Good Dirt: Meaning and Metaphor 36:04 Final Thoughts and Contact Information 🌿 Podcast listeners can use the code DIRTPGS20 for 20% their seed order at ! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: Subscribe to The ALMANAC, a Lady Farmer Newsletter & Community Visit Our Website Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production. 🌿 The Good Dirt Producers: β€’ Wendy Gray


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Restoring the Land Through Regenerative Farming with Florence Reed of Sustainable Harvest International

In this episode of The Good Dirt Podcast, hosts Mary Kingsley and her daughter Emma talk with Florence Reed, founder of Sustainable Harvest International, a nonprofit that has worked with smallholder farmers in Central America for over 27 years in adopting regenerative farming practices. Florence tells the story of how Sustainable Harvest International got its start, and highlights the importance of healthy soil, biodiversity, and the role of local technical assistance in fostering long-term agricultural transformation. She points out how these practices alone applied to small farms the world over could significantly contribute to the United Nations' goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Florence tells us that there are many inspiring success stories, including one that she shares about a farmerl who restored his land and sent both of his daughters to college as a result of his farming success following the SHI program. The conversation offers a hopeful message about the potential for individual and collective action in combating climate change. ,00:00 Introduction 00:31 Welcome to the Good Dirt Podcast 00:57 Guest Introduction: Florence Reed 03:25 Florence Reed's Background and Motivation 06:04 Early Challenges and Realizations 08:05 Founding Sustainable Harvest International 11:52 Initial Steps and Early Support 14:22 Challenges of Slash and Burn Farming 20:40 Sustainable and Regenerative Practices 27:42 Community Engagement and Program Implementation 30:48 Deciding Where to Work 31:32 Challenges and Demand 32:17 Global Impact of Small-Scale Farmers 33:40 Resistance to Change in Farming Practices 39:59 Success Stories and Long-Term Impact 46:02 Personal Reflections and Slow Living 49:16 Future Plans and Getting Involved LINKS Sustainable Harvest International Roots of Renewal: A Film on Farming for a Hopeful Future Eliot Coleman: The New Organic Grower Barbara Damrosch: The Garden Primer The Good Life: Helen and Scot Nearing's Sixty Years of Self Sufficient Living ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: Subscribe to The ALMANAC, a Lady Farmer Newsletter & Community Visit Our Website Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production. 🌿 The Good Dirt Producers: β€’ Wendy Gray


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Slow Friday Reprise: A Slow Living Perspective on the Holidays with Mary and Emma

In celebration of the holiday this week, and upcoming "Black Friday", we're re-airing our favorite slow-living take on the matter...Slow Friday! RE-AIR FROM 11/26/21 You're in for something a little different this's a solo show with Mary and Emma! At Lady Farmer, we're always thinking about ways to shift our thinking to live into a more slow and sustainable lifestyle, and today is a great opportunity to do just that. What if Black Friday became Slow Friday, and what would that look like? Join us on this week’s episode of The Good Dirt as we share a bit about our own Christmas memories and experiences with gift-giving as well as how we're thinking about being more mindful with our consumer habits during the holiday season. Enjoy this week's episode, let us know what you think, and we'll be back with another interview next week! Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser, Simplecast, Podtail, or on your favorite podcast platform. Topics Covered: The negative impacts of consumerism and how to think differently about our consumer habits The importance that we have placed on gift-giving and receiving during the holiday season Slow Friday Challenge Resources: Unplug the Christmas Tree Christmas by Peter Spier ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: Subscribe to The ALMANAC, a Lady Farmer Newsletter & Community Visit Our Website Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production. 🌿 The Good Dirt Producers: β€’ Wendy Gray ο»Ώ


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219. Embracing Slow Style: Creating Beauty in Your Home with Zandra Zuraw

In this episode, Zandra Zuraw, founder of Slow Style Home, shares her insights on interior design. Slow Style Home is an interior design coaching platform for people looking to create a beautiful, meaningful home without breaking the bank, hiring a designer, or hurting the planet to get one. Zandra discusses her step-by-step framework, the importance of a vision for your space, and offers tips for decluttering and balancing aesthetics with functionality. Zandra also touches on the broader concept of slow living. She encourages everyone to find a personal and meaningful approach to home decoration and stresses the emotional satisfaction that comes from using and transforming what we already have. Listeners are inspired to appreciate and design their living spaces mindfully, focusing on beauty and personal expression.She's currently writing a book about her Slow Style approach to design, to be released in Spring 2025 .and is also the host of the popular podcast, Slow Style Home. 00:00 Introduction to Slow Style Home 01:23 Zandra Zuraw's Personal Journey 02:17 The Concept of Slow Style 02:54 Navigating Interior Design Challenges 06:37 Creating a Vision for Your Space 19:25 Balancing Sentimentality and Practicality 22:09 The Impact of Disposable Decor 26:18 The Emotional Weight of Objects 26:51 Struggles with Waste and Disposal 30:29 Decluttering Strategies and Challenges 37:18 The Concept of a Slow Home 40:04 Balancing Organization and Livability 46:56 The Importance of Good Dirt 49:17 Final Thoughts and Resources Zandra's Website Slow Style Home Podcast Peter Walsh: Let it Go Tracy McCubbin: Making Space, Clutter Free Monica Leed: Simply Spaced ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌻 About Lady Farmer: Subscribe to The ALMANAC, a Lady Farmer Newsletter & Community Visit Our Website Follow @weareladyfarmer on Instagram Email us at or leave us a voicemail! Call 443-459-1950 and ask a question or share what the good dirt means to you! Original music by John Kingsley. Editing and podcast production by Fast Forward Production. 🌿 The Good Dirt Producers: β€’ Wendy Gray


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Accessing Capital & Supporting Regenerative Agriculture with Dan Miller and Spike Gjerde of Steward

Separately, Dan Miller and Spike Gjerde knew that they needed to find a way to support regenerative farmers and producers using their own natural talents and expertise. Dan’s family had been farming in the Chesapeake Bay since the late 1800s, but he never understood how a region could have what appears to be a thriving agricultural system while also struggling economically. Meanwhile, Spike wanted to start a new restaurant concept that focused on growing seasons and local sourcing. It wasn’t...


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A Taste of France: Cooking and Slow Living in Gascony with Kate Hill

The greatest secret to mastering the art of cooking? It's' not the recipes, but in using the freshest ingredients that are indigenous to the land. In France, this means buying locally grown, in-season fruits and vegetables from the nearest farmer's market. This is a long-held practice in Gascony, a rural province of southwestern France where "the good dirt" is prized and protected for the preservation of its culinary heritage. The culture of food in Gascony has its own unique flavors and...


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Renegade Beauty with Nadine Artemis

Nature provides the greatest elixirs: sunshine, water, air and plants. By harnessing that power and bringing these elements into our everyday beauty routines, we can embrace a simpler, more natural concept of beauty that is free from the questionable ingredients in many commercially available products, allowing these elements to revive the spirit and body. Nadine Artemis has used plants as her teachers her entire life. Her curiosity and ingenuity led her into this exploration of ingredients...


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19. Your Mattress, Your Health: Regenerative Bedding with Holy Lamb Organics' Jason Schaefer

Mary and Emma sit down with Jason from Holy Lamb Organics to discuss all things natural bedding. Jason talks us through the processing as well as the certifications and requirements the wool that is used for HLO must go through before it is used. The mattress industry is a 9 billion dollar industry and the majority of the companies produce a ton of waste and use a plethora of chemicals. Learn why better products cost more money and why we should support products and companies that are transparent to avoid greenwashing! 2:50 - Reading a podcast review 6:57 - Holy Lamb Organics is sponsoring the Good Dirt live recording at the Slow Living Retreat Let’s get into the interview! 9:30 - Know what’s in your mattress - your health depends on it 14:00 - Harmful substances in your mattress 16:18 - Where does HLO’s wool come from? 19:00 - What certifications are out there other than organic? 24:00 - HLO is worth the money and here’s why 30:00 - What HLO’s mattresses are made of 41:33 - Difficulties of running a sustainable business 46:00 - Greatest rewards of running a sustainable business 52:00 - The reality of returning products Resources: Holy Lamb Organics Slow Living Retreat - tickets close November 1! Natalie Chanin - Alabama Chanin Holy Lamb Organics 20% off in Lady Farmer store NaturePedic SavvyRest


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16. A Permaculture Community: How Art, Food, and Family Come Together at ANIMA Casa Rural

Mary and Emma sit down with Julian, the Director of ANIMA Casa Rural - a B&B, artist residency and working farm located in the municipality of Tala in Jalisco, Mexico. ANIMA offers a space that emphasizes the importance of working with nature as opposed to against it. Through permaculture, Julian and his family’s shared ecological beliefs/practices, and focus on the elimination of processed foods, Julian wishes to create a working community amongst every person who visits ANIMA Casa Rural. 1:15 - Virtual Retreat announcement on confirmed workshops - see the resources below for the mentioned instructors 4:00 - A recording of all the workshops will be available to purchase - included in the VIP ticket, but also can be purchased separately 5:40 - What is Permaculture? Let's get into the interview! 10:00 - What is ANIMA Casa Rural? 15:30 - How ANIMA grows and produces their own food 20:00 - The organic growth of ANIMA as a business 24:00 - WWOOF and ANIMA 33:00 - The structures and architecture on the ANIMA property 41:00 - A day in the life at ANIMA 51:00 - What is the biggest takeaway? 54:00 - How Julian has been inspired by Thomas Berry Resources: Virtual Slow Living Retreat VIP ticket Micro greens workshop with @beardedbirdsfarm Regenerative Agriculture workshop with @smarterbynature DIY skincare workshop with @littlegreendot Little Green Dot Book Cooking classes with @hen_ofthewoods Medicinal Herb workshop with @thehillbillyafrican Bill Mollison - creator of permaculture ANIMA Casa Rural WWOOF Metzeri - The Moon Building Thomas Berry - The Great Work Thank you to: Marcin Wisniewsky Adam Williams Aidan Cowling Geo Alternativa Site + Cycle / Lift Artists in Residency TV. Griebel Family Proyecta Jalisco Tala Cultura All friends and family


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15. Seasonal Meal Planning Made Easy with Huckle & Goose

Lady Farmer sits down with Christine and Anca, the duo behind the Huckle & Goose cookbook and meal planning program, to talk about what it really means to cook, eat, and live seasonally. Their book is designed to speak to even the most intimidated home cooks, and the habit-forming plans and recipes that they offer make space for true transformation in your life. Scroll down to view notes by timestamp, and links to all the resources we mention throughout the episode. 00:51 - Intro with Mary and Emma 02:53 - Early Bird tickets on sale now for the Virtual Slow Living Retreat on November 14 and 15 04:32 - Submit to the Lady Farmer Blog - Form on website Let’s get into the interview! 08:53 - Inspiration behind Huckle and Goose 18:17 - How has the concept of eating/cooking changed 26:15 - Breaking down barriers to create healthier habits 29:40 - Why cooking at home is more beneficial - the less obvious reasons 33:05 - Eating seasonally connects you to nature 39:43 - Set a day aside to schedule and plan out meals 53: 32 - Keeping habits during the pandemic 1:08:32 - Origin of the name Huckle and Goose Resources: Buy the book here! Virtual Slow Living Retreat Submit to the Lady Farmer Blog Share with us what you thought about this episode on our Instagram @weareladyfarmer
