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The Hormonally Balanced Mothers Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Being a Mother is a blessing and a joy, and the same can be said about your menstrual cycle - you probably just don't know it yet. First, balance your hormones and then finally understand how amazing they are!


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Being a Mother is a blessing and a joy, and the same can be said about your menstrual cycle - you probably just don't know it yet. First, balance your hormones and then finally understand how amazing they are!



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28. How to find the time to pour into yourself

Today Monique shares her best tips for making and finding time in your day to change your habits, take care of yourself and rebalance your hormones! You'll learn ‡️ Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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27. How to restore your adrenals with adrenal cocktails

Today Monique shares her best adrenal cocktail recipe for restoring depleted hormones and helping you feel your best! You'll learn ‡️ Get yourself on the waitlist here! Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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26. What you can do to balance your hormones naturally

Today Monique talks all about the 5 steps of the Nourish Pathway and how you can balance your hormones naturally, at home! You'll learn ‡️ Get yourself on the waitlist here! Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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25. All about our detox pathways and how to support them

Today Monique talks all about our detox pathways and how we can best support them, without the need for crazy detox fads or cleanses! You'll learn ‡️ FREE Hormone Reset week Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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24. Lower your blood sugar with these easy habit changes

Today Monique shares with you some easy and actionable ways to lower your blood sugar, prevent insulin spikes and lower your stress hormone! You'll learn ‡️ FREE Hormone Reset week Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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23. The signs of high stress and what to do about it

Today Monique shares with you the signs of high cortisol (aka the stress hormone) and what steps you can take to actually beat it! You'll learn ‡️ Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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22. 10 signs that your hormones are imbalanced

Today Monique shares the 10 most common signs of hormonal imbalance. From exhaustion, to low libido and everything in between. These symptoms may feel like something "normal" or just "how it is", but it absolutely does not have to be like this. You'll learn: Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the 2 min Hormone Assessment πŸ‘‰ Find out which phase of your cycle you're at πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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21. What should I eat to balance my hormones?

Today Monique shares with you what you need to eat to have balanced hormones; You'll learn ‡️ Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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20. How to discover your 'FUN MUM' again

If you wanted to be a FUN MUM - this episode is for you. (I know lots of you want this - and that's why I made it πŸ˜‰) Here's what we cover; πŸ˜€ The FUN MUM time of your cycle 😁 The rules to being a FUN MUM 😁 Some tricks to be the FUN MUM 😁 Some of my FUN MUM moves πŸ˜‰ Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Find out my top 5 healthy hormone secrets πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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19. The 6 steps to balanced hormones for busy Mothers

If you're a busy Mother - and you're exhausted... click here to learn more about Nourish Nourish is an online space for Mothers to balance their hormones - led my me, your women hormonal health practitioner. The 6 steps are; Each step has certain milestones to complete, and each step builds on the next, Doors close end of Wednesday 6th March NZtime.


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18. What I wish I'd known when I started balancing my hormones

She's BACK! Monique return to the mike - and honestly explains WHY she's been absent on the podcast. In this episode she talks about the 5 things she wished she'd known at the beginning of her hormonal balancing journey. You'll learn; need The doors to Nourish open on Friday 1st March. Nourish is an online sisterhood, led by Monique, helping exhausted Mothers balance their hormones and reclaim their energy. Have a look at the details here (and see if you need it) -


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17. Revving Up Your Energy: The Lowdown on Hormonal Balance and Exhaustion

Feeling exhausted? You're not alone. ALL the women I see in my coaching business are struggling at some level with exhaustion. They use words like constantly exhausted, extreme tiredness, fatigue and burnout. So I decided that it deserved it very own podcast, because living like this shouldn't be OK. In this episode we discuss; You can live life with abundant energy - get in touch with me if/when you're ready to live like this. 🌻 Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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16. Deciding who you want to be in 2024

Lets kick 2024 off with a plan - a small actionable plan that will move your hormones towards balance. Get your notebook/journal and a pen - you'll be needing it! Listen to this short episode and change how you feel. It'll be worth it. Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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15. Moving our bodies with our cycle (not against) with Jess Marshall

This week we have Jess Marshall on the podcast - all the way from Wisconsin! I invited Jess to have a chat about exercise and recovery from exercise and how we can do that in alignment with our cycle. It's a goodie! Jess is the owner of Courageous Woman Wellness, an online hormone health coaching business serving busy women. She helps women go from overwhelmed, exhausted, and PMS-y to energized, confident, and consistent - just by making simple tweaks to their daily habits. Jess loves helping women become more in tune with their bodies and forming realistic & sustainable habits that they can continue no matter what chapter of life they’re in. She is married and has 3 girls who she is raising to know and love their bodies. Today we talked about; The 4 phases of our cycle How to listen to your body and move in a way that feels good What type of exercise to do in each phase What phase to focus on if youre wanting to bulid muscle When to go hard, and do high intensity exercise (so it feels good not hard) How to recover in each phase (yes this matters!) Connect with Jess πŸ‘‡ @courageous_woman_wellnessGet her free stuff (and sign up to her great emails) Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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14. Inviting our partners into the menstrual conversation with Charlotte Pointeaux

⭐️ Doors are currently open for Charlotte's First Moon Circle training that I've taken. It will teach you how to hold safe space for those about to get their period for the first time. I highly recommend it. We need more people doing this work! Send me a message if you have any questions about it - I'm happy to answer them or head to for more info. πŸ‘‰ Charlotte Pointeaux is an Internationally Award-Winning Menstrual Cycle and Feminine Embodiment Coach, Host of Wild Flow Podcast, and Founder of First Moon Circle School which trains menstrual educators for children globally. Charlotte empowers children and parents on the transformative journey of puberty and being initiated into the menstrual cycle years. As a mum of three leading a thriving online business, Charlotte understands the unique challenges and opportunities of parenting in harmony with the menstrual cycle. Guided by her expertise, families embrace the cycle's power, and support their daughters to feel confident, prepared, and fully supported through puberty and their first periods. She is passionate about mums and daughters celebrating their cyclical nature, rather than fighting against it! We talked about; How we both feel on day 18 of our cycle (yes we are cycle synched!) How to show our daughters and sons an example of honest womanhood Why the busy hustle culture doesn't serve us anymore How to start the conversation [about our cyclical needs/desires] with our partner How it all starts with us, the Mother in the home, and how we need to do the inner work first About her (amazing!) first moon circles that helps women Connect with Charlotte; Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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13. Birth control with no sacrifices with Nathalie Daudet

This week (after a short break of life busyness) we've got Nathalie Daudet on the podcast - and what an amazing episode it is! Some key topics we discussed πŸ‘‡ Why taking your temp is important How tot ake your temp How to change your temp drop battery (because I need to change mine!) What are the signs of ovulation How to navigat the postpartum cycle time The amazingness of cervical mucuos Handy links; NZ fam educators - FAM educators directory - Read your body website - Connect and Leaern from Nat: DM her on instagram at @fertilityawarenessprojectFAM FundamentalsCycle Love Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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12. Self-Care Secrets: How to Prioritise Yourself as a Mother - Charlotte Heald

So I asked Charlotte to come and have a chat with us on the podcast here to talk about self care, boundaries and how important it is that we focus on putting ourselves first, especially as a mother. We have a really lovely conversation about; how to put boundaries in place. Charlotte is a holistic health coach who works mostly with rural woman and she helps them to create sustainable lifestyles so they can leave behind the overwhelm and their fatigue. She believes self-care is essential for everyone and needs to be prioritized for creating a balance, fulfilment and optimal wellbeing. She runs retreats. She runs circles. She is one incredible woman and I am so excited for you to hear from her! You can find Charlotte @charlotte.heald Or her website Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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11. Reducing the effects of sugar on our hormones with Brandee

Here is a really inspiring, and informative podcast about the effects of blood sugar on our body. I talk to blood sugar expert Brandee Hommerding about all things blood sugar, and how we can lessen the effects of it. In this episode we covered; Connect with Brandee; @beecollectivewellness Get her blood sugar course πŸ‘‰ Blood Sugar Savvy Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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10. Discover the Art of Rest: Ri's Expert Advice for Prioritizing Self-Care During Your Cycle

In this episode I'm joined for (the first ever guest on this podcast!) Ri! From Women's collective consciousness. Meet Ri, a menstrual cycle coach, yogi, and pilates enthusiast who holds wellness at her core. As a loving mother, she opens up conversations around periods, inspiring not just women but also the men in her life. In this episode we cover: Want more? Connect with Ri on Instagram Or download her free 'how to start cycle chart' Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: πŸ‘‰ Take the Hormone Quiz πŸ‘‰ Be inspired for REST by flicking through The Big Book of Rest πŸ’Œ DM me on Instagram πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me


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9. Understanding Normal vs. Abnormal: A Guide to Teenage Periods

As I reminisce about my teenage years, I am reminded of the rollercoaster ride of emotions and experiences that defined that time. The laughter, the tears, and the confusion were all part of the journey. But little did I know, that my hormones were at play. And these beautiful hormones were influencing my moods. Now as I look back - I know that the times everything was smooth nd well - I was likely ovulating. And the times I slammed the door, yelled and answered back to my parents - I was probably in the Wild Woman phase of my cycle. Oh if only I knew back then what I know now.... In this episode, you will be able to: Understand what is a normal length period for a teenager (it's different from us) Learn the signs to look out for to predict when your daughter will get her period Know how to best support your daughter as she navigates this transition Feel confident in knowing how to guide her Learn the importance of knowing and living in alignment with your own cycle Know when to reach out to me if your daughter (or you) need support with her cycle Show notes at - Let's get your hormones balanced: Take the Hormone Quiz DM me on Instagram Check out my website & if you don't have Instagram then email me
