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The Peachy Life

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Do you ever get frustrated with all the fake reels on Instagram? Yeah, me too! Here at The Peachy Life Podcast, I'm dedicated to bring you real life and not just the perfect moments you see on social media. Here we will discuss self-love, motherhood, marriage, mental health, PCOS, weight loss, weight gain, careers, friendships and all the moments in between. I've never been a gal that feels totally comfortable in my own skin. It's been quite the journey of finding myself and loving who I am. I want to share all the ups and downs of real life and real struggle. Additionally, I want to encourage each of you to follow your dreams. A few years ago I was able to leave my teaching job of 10 years to become a full time food blogger. I built Healthy Little Peach, a health and recipe blog that has grown bigger than I could have ever imagined. Through hard work and dedication I was able to turn my passion into a full time career. The truth is, if I would have stuck in my "comfort zone" I would have never found my true potential and purpose. Not only was I able to leave my job, but my husband was able to leave his full-time job in healthcare to join my business two years later. Hard work and dedication can take you wonderful places if you believe in yourself and push the boundaries.


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Do you ever get frustrated with all the fake reels on Instagram? Yeah, me too! Here at The Peachy Life Podcast, I'm dedicated to bring you real life and not just the perfect moments you see on social media. Here we will discuss self-love, motherhood, marriage, mental health, PCOS, weight loss, weight gain, careers, friendships and all the moments in between. I've never been a gal that feels totally comfortable in my own skin. It's been quite the journey of finding myself and loving who I am. I want to share all the ups and downs of real life and real struggle. Additionally, I want to encourage each of you to follow your dreams. A few years ago I was able to leave my teaching job of 10 years to become a full time food blogger. I built Healthy Little Peach, a health and recipe blog that has grown bigger than I could have ever imagined. Through hard work and dedication I was able to turn my passion into a full time career. The truth is, if I would have stuck in my "comfort zone" I would have never found my true potential and purpose. Not only was I able to leave my job, but my husband was able to leave his full-time job in healthcare to join my business two years later. Hard work and dedication can take you wonderful places if you believe in yourself and push the boundaries.



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Episode 11: Clean Keto Update

In this episode, I have a special guest, Natalie Grundle, blogger and owner of Tastes Lovely, a recipe website. She is also a mother, wife, and just an all-around amazing human. Natalie just had a baby boy 2 months ago and has embarked on her clean keto journey. She is a month in and already seeing amazing results. Before her pregnancy, she has lost over 70 pounds eating clean keto. We are diving in all things keto today and she is giving some amazing tips and tricks on how to find your happy during your health journey. Be sure to check out Natalie over on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and her blog, Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Butcher Box 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door Equilibria Premium, farm-fresh, full-spectrum CBD products. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show.


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Episode 10: The Importance of Setting Boundaries

In this episode, we dive deep into personal boundaries and why they are vital in order for us to thrive and be in healthy relationships. Having them in place allows us to communicate our needs and desires clearly without fear of repercussions. It is also used to set limits so that others don’t take advantage of us or are allowed to hurt us. It is a way for us to practice self-care and self-respect. Additionally, we discuss the difference between expectations vs. boundaries. Expectations are assumptions we have for others that seem to always let us down. Instead of building expectations and assumptions, it's much healthier to build boundaries and rules for what we will tolerate and what we want. Live your life and stop trying to people please. You will never find happiness if you are always worried about what others think of you and your decisions. Live for what YOU WANT! What Boundaries Feel Like: Click here to read all of my favorite boundary quotes Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Butcher Box 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door Equilibria Premium, farm-fresh, full-spectrum CBD products. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Support the Show.


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Episode 09: Overview and Results from The Clean Keto Challenge

In this episode, Joel will be joining me and we are discussing our Clean Keto 28 Day results along with how we plan to move forward with everyday healthy living. In addition, we are answering more of your questions at the end of the episode to help you navigate your new normal. We both feel amazing and are really thrilled to share it with all of you! If you have been following the challenge and have a testimony to share with us, please email us at! Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the show ( Support the Show.


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Episode 08: Clean Keto 2 Week Update and Q+A

In this episode we are breaking down our first 2 weeks on my Clean Keto 28 Day Challenge. Joel, my husband is joining me again this week and we are covering what we are eating, how we are feeling, sleep improvements, weight loss and so much more. Not only are we chatting about our health, but we have also compiled your burning questions and are answering those in the second part of the episode. You won't want to miss this episode! It's filled with so much goodness and is sure to lift your spirits if you are in the middle of the challenge and needing more guidance. This is also a great listen if you just want to learn more about clean keto. We are all in this together and your health is absolutely worth fighting for! We are cheering you on! Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the Show.


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Episode 07: Parenting is Hard, PERIOD!

In episode 07: Parenting is Hard, PERIOD! my husband, Joel, is the special guest this week and we dive deep into all things parenting. The ups and downs, highs and lows. All of it! Parenting is hard and fun all at the same time. However, sometimes social media can blur our vision and tarnish how we see ourselves as parents. For example, when we see an influencer or blogger post their kids online, we begin to go down the dark comparison hole. I'm guilty of this too and have found myself doing it multiple times. I will watch other moms do perfect crafts with their children and automatically feel mom guilt and shame come to the surface because I'm not doing the same. Comparison is truly a thief of joy and we need to step back and stop comparing ourselves so much with everyone else. Social media has all the beautiful highlight reels of people's lives, including mine and it's not a place we should compare. It's not accurate because it doesn't show the truly hard parts of being a parent. Parenting is hard! Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the Show.


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Episode 06: Clean Keto 28-Day Jumpstart to Health Challenge

Clean Keto 28-Day Jumpstart to Health Challenge In episode 06, I discuss the Clean Keto 28-Day Jumpstart to Health Challenge. This is a challenge I've worked on for the past couple of months and I'm sharing it with all of you for FREE. The challenge starts January 4th and ends January 31st. The next 28 days is to challenge you to create better everyday habits that will last for the long haul. Your health is worth fighting for and I'm so happy to be taking this journey with you! This isn't a month of punishment, but rather, a month to grow. We all have to start somewhere, so why not start together! You are strong, capable and motivated to make changes needed for a better you! Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the Show.


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Episode 05: A Chat with Tastes Lovely

In this episode, A Chat with Tastes Lovely I have a special guest, Natalie Grundle. We chat about motherhood, keto and food blogging. Natalie is a food blogger and owner of Tastes Lovely, a recipe website. She is a mother, wife and just an all around amazing human. Not only does she create amazing recipes, but she has lost over 70 pounds eating clean keto. We dive in and discuss how she found success on her journey to health. In addition, we discuss motherhood along with chatting about food blogging and the ups and downs of being on social media in 2020. Be sure to check out Natalie over on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and her blog, Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the Show.


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Episode 04: Love and Marriage

In episode 04: Love and Marriage, my husband is the special guest this week. We discuss all things marriage and answer some questions that you guys submitted. We are discussing the highs, the lows and everything in between. Marriage can be tough and that's okay! We believe that it's important to get up and work for it everyday! Marriage takes work, it takes compromise and it takes grace. It is super important to realize that there are seasons in a marriage. Some are short, some are long, some are hard and some are easy. It's all about the ride and the experience. Through the hard seasons is when your marriage is being watered the most, you are growing together. Strive to give your spouse the very best of you every single day . Don't wish for a solid foundation in your marriage if you don't put in the hard work. Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the Show.


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Episode 03: The Perfect Storm: PCOS, Infertility and Disordered Eating

In this episode, The Perfect Storm, I discuss some of the hardest struggles I've faced to date. This included, PCOS, infertility and disordered eating, which all seemed to hit me all at once. Once my body and mind had enough, this led to the perfect storm and me sinking and hitting rock bottom. I wanted to escape the prison of my mind and body but I felt hopeless, numb and alone. There was this darkness within me that I couldn't break free. I called this darkness my storm cloud. This cloud shows up a lot throughout my life and just when I think sunshine is peeking through a thunderstorm rolls in. In this episode, I get raw and emotional about how I lost myself and worked hard to become whole again. Through hard work I hit a point of happiness and wholeness. Just when I thought the sun was out for good, something happened and that dark storm cloud made it's oh so familiar presence. Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the Show.


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Episode 02: They Called Me Fat

When you were a kid or teenager did you have a hard time fitting in? Were you searching for love and attention without ever finding it? Were you pushed to the side? Did you feel lost and unheard? Me too! In episode 02, I really dive into my childhood/teenage struggles. I remember hearing society telling me to be myself, but once I was, they told me to be something different. I learned real quick that people only “love” you if your exterior looked a certain way. In my mind, I was convinced that in order to even be considered a good person or worthy of love, I had to be skinny with long hair and cute clothes. The exhausting feeling of being "good enough" was one that lingered in my mind most of my life. Do you know the feeling I'm talking about? The one that makes you itch because you hate the skin you're in? I get it. I not only have felt it, but I still have days where those dark feelings creep back into my mind. Will society accept me today?Am I pretty enough today?Will they notice and love me today?The purpose of this episode is to make you feel a little less alone and like you’ve been heard. I’m also excited for you all to learn more about me on a human level. We ALL struggle or have struggled and it’s so healing to be able to share. Hopefully we can all learn to love each other without judging the exterior first. Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the Show.


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Episode 01: Introduction to "The Peachy Life"

In episode one we will dive in and discuss how Healthy Little Peach started. There were many trials and errors I had to face when building my business. The process for sure had its ups and downs. Some days were harder than others but I never gave up on my dream. Through continued hard work and dedication I was able to leave my teaching job of 10 years and become a full time food blogger. I was able to make my passion my career, which is pretty spectacular. Hard work and dedication can take you far if you believe in yourself and push the boundaries. My hopes are that this episode will leaves you feeling encouraged! Go follow your dreams and block out the "white noise" and negativity of others. Listen to your heart and be who you want to be. Resources: Website Instagram YouTube Facebook TikTok Buy my Cookbook Support the Show.
