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The Ready Life

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Looking to get out of the rat race and live a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle? For many years, Nick & Lisa Meissner have been helping folks get out of the city and into country living, where they can become less dependent on "the system" for their basic necessities. The Ready Life podcast walks you through the steps you need to take to pull this off. Choose a location and property, live with off-grid solar power, grow and raise your own food, set up a water system that isn't dependent on utilities, heat your home with a renewable source, and much more!


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Looking to get out of the rat race and live a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle? For many years, Nick & Lisa Meissner have been helping folks get out of the city and into country living, where they can become less dependent on "the system" for their basic necessities. The Ready Life podcast walks you through the steps you need to take to pull this off. Choose a location and property, live with off-grid solar power, grow and raise your own food, set up a water system that isn't dependent on utilities, heat your home with a renewable source, and much more!



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#62 - This devastated our garden - here's how we beat it

Of all the pests we've faced in our garden, one has done more damage than any other. After years of discouraging attempts, we finally have them under control. And the principles we used to win this battle can be used for almost any pest or disease. It's all in this episode! And you can learn principles like this in The Ready Life Academy on-demand, anytime you want. Check it out here:


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#61 - Avoid Bad Wells: 3 Key Tips

Water is often an afterthought when purchasing a home. Here's how to evaluate an existing well so you can do due diligence before signing on the dotted line. FREE GUIDE - Find Your Well Log In All 50 States: Want to move to the country and do it right? The Ready Life Academy is your helping hand to do it right the first time:


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#60 - What about BEARS???

In this episode, we share numerous stories and tips from our encounters with bears, so you are equipped to ​safely handle your interactions with bears and not let the fear of them keep you from exploring God's creation. We look at ways to make your home & property an undesirable place for bears, how to try and keep them out of places they shouldn't be, and options for defence in the unlikely event of meeting a bear that's having a "bad hair day." So hop in and join us for this fun episode that we hope will give you increased confidence while enjoying the woods. Take your first step toward independence in The Ready Life Academy:


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#59 - Break free from your box this Independence Day

While everyone's eyes have been fixated on the drama of the presidential election, danger has been lurking in the other direction. Just two weeks ago on June 19 and then on June 27, efforts were put into motion to restrict our independence. Something that sounds absolutely wonderful (on the surface) is being used as a trojan horse to set bad precedents. These precedents, I believe, will be used in the future to undermine our most cherished freedoms. And I think you need to know about this! But I'm going to warn you...this episode may rub some of you wrong. All I ask is that you consider the facts with an open mind. Don't be afraid to get out of the box the media has put you in. You may consider yourself to be a "conservative" or "liberal" or whatever label you embrace. But just because you call yourself that, doesn't mean you have to accept all the positions a "good conservative" or "good liberal" would embrace. Chart your own path! Make each decision based on it's own merits rather than based on what the others in your "box" choose. Get out of your box!


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#58 - The best way to use Coca-Cola

No, it's not for drinking. One the garden. And Coca-Cola is just one of our secrets for growing great tomatoes on a cold-weather homestead. How? Watch and see. Need a helping hand with getting your family prepared for tough times? The Ready Life Academy is your key:


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#57 - Pollination Made Simple

Without pollination, there's no fruit. But how does it happen and what can you do to improve it? In this episode, Lisa and Nancy walk through this essential process for anyone who wants food independence on their homestead. Realizing how dependent your family is for basic necessities like water, heat, food, and power? Here's your best first step toward independence: The Ready Life Academy


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#56 - How to save your fruit from the birds

Ever noticed how the birds have a 6th sense for when your fruit is almost ripe and you're about to pick it? The day before you harvest, they move in and wipe it out. Or at least that's the way it seems. In this episode, you'll get an incredibly simple tip on how to protect your fruit from the birds without resorting to all sorts of elaborate measures like nets or electronic devices. Overwhelmed? Not sure how to even start getting your family into a more prepared lifestyle in the country? Here's your one-stop resource to make this dream happen: The Ready Life Academy


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#55 - The Cure For Mosquitoes?

It's one pest that most areas have in common. But they are especially bad in our area, so we have a lot of experience. In this episode, we share a variety of methods we've used to deal with our mosquito problem, what's worked, and what hasn't. Ready to take your first steps toward indepednence? The Ready Life Academy provides your path to do it the right way:


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#54 - It's the #1 most used tool we own

We have a lot of tools! Many, we rarely (if ever) use. Some, we use periodically. A few, we use regularly. But one tool we use all the time--year-round. Start your journey to independence, with the training and support to do it right the first time. Join The Ready Life Academy:


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#53 - 4 Crazy Off-grid Myths Exploded

Here's a fun episode, doing 'a few of our favorite things'...such as exploding popular myths that abound about living off the grid. You've probably heard some of them. Maybe you've even spread some of them 😉. This is our chance to set the record least from our perspective. Take your first step toward independence with The Ready Life Academy:


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#52 - How We Picked and Trained Our Homestead Guard Dog

If we were limited to only one thing to protect our homestead, a good dog with proper training would be our first choice. In this episode, we’re sharing what we looked for in a guard dog and a bit on how we trained her to be so gentle with kids and animals. Some of it is in the dog’s disposition and some is the result of training. Here’s what our experience has been. Don’t miss another episode:


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#51 - How my boots last 25 years

Boots are an often-forgotten necessity on the homestead. In this episode, we'll show you what we use and we we maintain boots to get a long life out of them The boot grease I use is Obenauf's Heavy Duty LP: (affiliate link that helps us but doesn't cost you anything)


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#50 - Peat Moss: The weirdest thing you've never used it for

In this episode, we share an unusual thing we've been using peat moss for on our homestead--with great results. And if you have chickens, you might want to try it too! Our favorite poultry supplement: Confused about how to start getting more prepared and less dependent on "the system"? This is your tool: The Ready Life Academy


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#49 - How to NOT massacre your blueberry bushes

In this episode of The Ready Life Podcast, we'll be pruning some blueberry bushes that are desperately in need of a haircut! Are you overwhelmed with the "nuts and bolts" how-to details of country living and setting up a homestead that is as independent as possible? The Ready Life Academy is your one-stop source for reliable training, community, and personal help from experienced mentors. Also, here's the NCSU presentation I mentioned with in-depth info on this method of pruning:


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#48 - Another Ark To Build

In this week's episode, we're focusing on Noah and how he prepared for things which were unseen as yet. There are a LOT of parallels between the story of Noah and our day (Jesus himself said so). But while Noah built an ark, are you envisioning a "canoe"? If you want to set up your own little "ark" of refuge for your family and others, but you don't know how, The Ready Life Academy is the tool built for you! And we are finishing up a special huge promotion that will grandfather you in on an amazing deal:


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#47 - The Time Has Come...

One look at the world around us makes it clear WHERE we are and what direction it's taking. With massive instability everywhere, out-of-control inflation, political volatility like we've never seen, and powerful entities grasping for more and more control over us, it's time to do something about that. In this episode, we unpack what we are dealing with and uncover what we should do about it. UPCOMING CLASS: Preparation or Presumption - Register here:


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#46 - Our crazy off-grid pleasure that’s good for you

We live off the grid and try to be energy efficient. But there are some things you simply have to prioritize--even if they do use a bit of power. In other words, your guilty pleasures. Want to know what ours is? It's the infrared sauna and we figured out how to make it happen with adding a bunch of extra cost to our off grid power system. You see, infrared saunas can bring tons of health benefits, but surely you couldn't power one off the grid, right? Wrong! We have incorporated infrared sauna treatments into our regular schedule for over a year, and we do it all off the grid. Join us from our sauna as we discuss how it works, which one we chose, and how we use it. The sauna we use: Join us in The Ready Life Academy to learn all about making an off grid power system work for you:


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#45 - The most bizarre burn remedy we've ever tried--that worked!

In this week's episode of The Ready Life Podcast, we'll tell you all about the things that have worked for us when dealing with burns on the homestead, including this weirdest of remedies. But before you laugh and shrug it off, consider trying it out if you are ever in the position of needing to care for a burn at home. Here's the B&W Burn Salve we use (affiliate link): If you want to make your home and family less dependent from "The System" for basic necessities and become more self-sufficient, your ultimate resource is: The Ready Life Academy


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#44 - Lisa's Electric Chainsaw

In this episode of the Ready Life Podcast, we share our experience with a battery-powered chainsaw. You'll hear it's pros, cons, and why we really like having one on our homestead.


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#43 - EMPs and Off-Grid Living: What You Need to Know

In this episode, we dive into the topic of electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) and how they can affect off-grid living. With insights from retired Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, we discuss what EMPs are, their potential to disrupt modern life, and share our personal plans to protect our off-grid power system. Learn how to live an independent lifestyle with The Ready Life Academy:
