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Men Made for More Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

This podcast is designed for the men out there that feel destined for big things in their life, but they’re lacking the right strategies, resources, or community to help them take action on making their dreams a reality. This podcast brings together like minded men looking to level up their life, their leadership, and their legacy in marriage and in business. Connect with Dr. Dave by texting him at (760) 477-4361 or following him on Instagram @DrDavePac -


United States


This podcast is designed for the men out there that feel destined for big things in their life, but they’re lacking the right strategies, resources, or community to help them take action on making their dreams a reality. This podcast brings together like minded men looking to level up their life, their leadership, and their legacy in marriage and in business. Connect with Dr. Dave by texting him at (760) 477-4361 or following him on Instagram @DrDavePac -



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The Final Episode (For Now…)

I record this final episode (for this season) with a heavy heart but also full of so much joy and thankfulness for what this podcast and community has been at Men Made For More. I share why I had to make one of the toughest decisions in our ‘pruning’ season in order to go all in on the areas that matter most.When you get your priorities right and humble yourself before God, I believe all things will fall into place. I can’t wait to see how God moves in this season.Let’s stay in touch - text me at (760) 477-4361. If you enjoyed any of the content and stuff I’ve put out over the past year, you won’t want to miss out when I bring this thing back down the road. ’ll make sure to keep you updated on where Men Made For More is at through there. Text me there with any questions, encouragement, and to stay in touch. I appreciate each and every one of you that have listened in on any episodes over the past 18 months. Connect with our other business at Inside Out Strength and Performance and get on our newsletter at


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Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

If you’re an entrepreneur at heart, you probably struggle at times with keeping a singular focus of what’s most important. A divided focus and ‘shiny object syndrome’ is often one of the biggest things that derails business owners from reaching the level they want in life and in business. Learn how to fight that as you keep the main thing the main thing. For those interested in joining the Men Made For More Mastermind starting up this fall to grow your business and your leadership, text me ‘mastermind’ to (760) 477-4361 and I’ll get you more details over.If any of you are long time listeners and have found value in the show, please click HERE to give us a 5 star review on apple podcasts to help reach more like minded listeners.


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Number Your Days

While most men listening in are high achievers and go getters - sometimes that can get you in trouble when it comes to setting goals. If you ever get anxious around goal setting, or find that you always set big goals only to fall short - then it’s time to refresh your mindset and look at your goal setting in a different light. Learn how to play both the short and the long game on the way to becoming the best version of you that you can be. For those interested in joining the Men Made For More Mastermind starting up this fall to grow your business and your leadership, text me ‘mastermind’ to (760) 477-4361 and I’ll get you more details over


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Do You Know Your Vital Signs?

While most men get stuck in the weeds when it comes to trying to make their vision a reality, you have to first know where you are today before you start planning out the course. Do you know where your current life and business vital signs are right now today? Once you get a pulse on where you’re at, you can determine how much capacity you have to fuel the flame of your vision.


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Focused Rest vs Forced Rest

If you think rest is for the weak, that rest is the opposite of productivity, or if the only way to reach your level is through working harder - then it’s time to implement some focused rest. Many men choose to be reactive - resting when they feel exhausted, worn down, or burnt out. But to be the best leader, business owner, and man you can be - you need to be proactive with implementing your rest in a focused way. Listen up today to learn how to shift from being reactive to proactive in your rhythms of rest.Reach out with questions to (760) 477-4361 or text me coaching to learn more about how to reach your next level as a business owner or leader


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Prioritize Results With The 80/20 Rule

Too often men wear how much they’re doing as a badge of honor, when in reality it’s all about the results we’re getting. And the results we’re getting often comes down to doing the right things well instead of simply doing more. And in order to do this, it’s going to require you to say no to the many things holding you back from excellence - and focusing on the few things that bring real results. Learn how to implement the 80/20 rule quickly into your life to identify what things you need to be focusing on for real results.If you need support, or are interested in one of the remaining 1-on-1 coaching spots I have available for quarter 4 of this year, text me ‘coaching’ to (760) 477-4361.


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Out of Order

When any area of your life is out of order, you might be blocking your blessings and reaching your highest level. Take inventory of where there is a lack of structure, a lack of order, and a lack of organization in key areas of your life.I’ve only got a few more spots for 1-on-1 coaching for those men out there looking to lead their homes and businesses to new levels. Text me ‘coaching’ to (760) 477-4361 to learn more and set up a time to call to see if it’s the right fit


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God's Timing > Our Timing

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. - Proverbs 16:9 (NIV). In this special, raw, stripped down version I take some time to reflect on how good God is as we welcome in our newest gift into this world - little Elise Belle Paczkowski. As I take a few minutes to encourage you guys in whatever you might be going through - I welcome any encouragement and advice for all my parents out there. Text me at (760) 477-4361


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Power of Community and Myth of The Self-Made Man with Kyle Shrum

As men, any resistance around strong relationships with other men can limit our ability to reach our highest potential - whether that’s spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, or in business. Learn the importance of having a strong, local community around you in your life for experiencing growth, and the types of relationships you need to make sure you’re fostering to increase your fulfillment as you become the man you’re capable of being. If you find yourself struggling with finding a community, or this episode resonated, text me the word ‘community’ to (760) 477-4361.


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Championship Mental Diet

We all know the importance of a healthy diet when it comes to training our body and reaching our physical goals. But how often are you paying attention to what you’re feeding your mind? Most men neglect the importance of what thoughts and inputs they’re letting into their mind on a regular basis. This failure to address this key area can lead to a decrease in confidence, performance, and affect everything from your relationships to your business. Let’s talk about how to build a championship diet when it comes to what you are feeding your mind with 4 specific strategies to level up your mindset and transform the results you’re getting in your life. Looking for specific guidance on your business, your leadership, or your mindset. Head to to apply for a 30 Minute Strategy Call to help outline actionable strategies you can be taking to grow your life and your business.


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Done Over Perfect

Do you struggle with trying to perfect everything before launching into a new business, fitness endeavor, or any other lifestyle change? If you’re continuing to get stuck and finding yourself procrastinating due to perfection, it’s time to take the most important step - letting it rip and figuring the rest out as you go. Learn how to set up your morning routine to help you win the day. Text me ‘mastermorning’ to (760) 477-4361 to learn the 7 Power Strategies to start your day off right.


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Finding Your Niche and Following Your Passions with Micah Lyle

Want to know one of the ways to charge more and quickly stand out in your profession? Niching down might be a great place to start. Many will say there are ‘riches in the niches’, but it’s about so much more than just making money or being able to charge more. Although it can be scary for people to niche down at the fear of losing customers they can help - learn why the opposite is true and how you can both build a profitable business while following your passions through niching down. Struggling with narrowing down your niche and finding a vision for your work and business? Apply for a free 30 minute strategy session at to get specific clarity on making the rest of this year the best one yet.


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Setting Your Goal GPS With Intention

Do you have an ultimate vision for your life? How about an ultimate vision for the rest of the year? If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up getting somewhere that might not be the place you want to be. If you want to design your ultimate life, learn why the top performers have big visions and break that down into smaller visions. This is the GPS for where you’re heading - do you know the end result you’re working towards in the key areas of your life? Struggling with vision or action steps? Apply for a free 30 minute strategy session at to get specific clarity on making the rest of this year the best one yet.


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9 Speaker Takeaways From The MMFM Virtual Business Summit

We had some of the best speakers, coaches, and experts come on to speak at the MMFM Virtual Business Summit - and did they ever overdeliver. Even as someone who has heard them all speak several times, I couldn’t keep up with taking notes and learning something new. In today’s episode, I summarize my takeaways from each of the 9 speakers. It definitely does not do it justice (go watch the replays to get the full effect!), but it will give you a general overview and some action steps you can get started on today to improve your business. Access the media pass for lifetime access to replays, 50% off for a limited time, at Want to finish 2021 with like minded business owners and entrepreneurs? Come ‘all out blitz’ the rest of this year getting all the coaching, accountability, and community you need to take your business and life to the next level. Check out all the details and apply at before Monday to get our limited time discount.


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3 Limiting Beliefs Keeping You From Your Next Level

Learn 3 common limiting beliefs and mindset pitfalls that keep people from reaching their highest potential and why action is so important. For a deep dive on all these areas and more, make sure to join us for the Men Made For More Virtual Business Summit on July 19-21 for 3 days of transformational information from leading business experts to help you start, grow, and scale your business. Check out all the details at and register to join live or catch the recordings. Spots are limited on Zoom so get signed up soon to reserve your spot! Questions or feedback on the show? Hit me with a text at (760) 477-4361 and let’s keep the convo going.


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5 Keys to Success For Starting, Growing, and Scaling Your Business in 2021

Learn the 5 keys to launching, growing, and scaling your business in the second half of 2021. For a deep dive on all these areas and more, make sure to join us for the Men Made For More Virtual Business Summit on July 19-21 for 3 days of transformational information from leading business experts to help you start, grow, and scale your business. Check out all the details at and register to join live or catch the recordings. Spots are limited on Zoom so get signed up soon to reserve your spot! Questions or feedback on the show? Hit me with a text at (760) 477-4361 and let’s keep the convo going.


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Using Core Values to Lead Your Family and Business with Lindsey Paczkowski

Do you have values written down that you live by and make decisions off of? Many people write up core values just to ‘check the box’ - because it’s something we’re supposed to do. But how do you go about creating transformational core values that truly lead and guide your family or businesses vision and mission? I brought on my beautiful wife Lindsey to talk all about that today. If you’re looking for more clarity, better decision making, and a better culture in your home or business - listen up. As mentioned, we’ll be happy to share our core values and virtues for anyone that’s willing to put in the work on their own. Send me what you came up with by texting me at (760) 477-4361 and I’ll let you know our core values as a family and/or business. Also - make sure to check out our new Purpose Driven Business Course - An online course to help current and future business owners gain clarity on their purpose and lay out a plan to start and grow a business they are passionate about. In This Online Course We Cover The 3 Foundations Covered to Building A Purpose Driven Business: 1️) Unlock Your Purpose 2️) Sharpen Your Mindset 3️) Implement An Action Plan To Start, Grow, and Scale Your Business 50% Off For A Limited Time. Check out all the details by clicking here.


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From Suck to Success - Leadership Lessons For Life and Business with Todd Palmer

Why do some leaders fear failure and other leaders embrace it? What keeps so many business owners stuck while others more quickly pivot? How do you build a team and a culture that aligns with your company values? Listen to the lessons learned from someone who took a company from $600,000 of debt to a 6x INC Fortune 5000 fastest growing company. If you’re feeling stuck - it’s time to get out of your own way and learn a new way of leading yourself and those around you. Enjoy the conversation? Connect with Todd via email at or check out his book at


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Conquering Stress Eating, Overeating, and Binge Eating with Dr. Glenn Livingston

If you’ve ever struggled with avoiding yo-yo dieting, overeating, binge eating, and the guilt, shame, and lack of confidence that follows - this episode is for you. The physical consequences of overeating are one thing - weight gain, lack of energy, and other diseases secondary to inflammation. But there’s a bigger thing to letting food conquer you over conquering your food cravings - it will interfere with your relationships, productivity, happiness, confidence, and even get in the way of going all in on your purpose. Learn the practical steps and strategies to conquer these cravings to get freedom in your physical and mental health. Connect with Dr. Glenn and learn more about his resources link the Never Binge Again book at


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Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricted Eating 101 with Dr. Derek Lawrence

Intermittent fasting and time restricted eating have been ‘trendy’ recently for both mental and physical benefits. Some of those benefits include weight loss, improved cognitive performance and productivity, improved hormone regulation, and many other benefits. And while fasting has picked up popularity recently, it’s one of the longest practices that have been around - and often not by design. Learn the ins and outs of fasting/time restricted eating, the different types, why it’s so beneficial, and how to get started based on effective fasting experience and protocols. Connect with Dr. Derek at or on Instagram @revivenatmed, @verviafit or his personal account @docdereknd Resources: to join the Revive Your Health Facebook Group Doc Derek Fasting Series on Youtube Book Recommendation: The Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung
