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The Sibling Trap

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Katrina and Barry invite you to join a captivating journey through the complex landscape of relationships, communication, divorce, parenting, positivity, life purpose, and more. Despite growing up over 1,000 miles apart and leading vastly different lives, these two siblings share remarkably similar perspectives.


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Katrina and Barry invite you to join a captivating journey through the complex landscape of relationships, communication, divorce, parenting, positivity, life purpose, and more. Despite growing up over 1,000 miles apart and leading vastly different lives, these two siblings share remarkably similar perspectives.





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Co-Parenting & Living With Integrity

Coming from two different ends of the spectrum, how are we navigating co-parenting? Barry has a few years ahead of Katrina in this category, and he shares a bit about a recent revelation of how far he’s come with his ex. Katrina is just starting this co-parenting journey as she’s in the middle of a divorce.How can you focus on respectful communication daily and during certain circumstances? Focusing on being fair with finances regarding children, is it petty, or is it smart? *Announcement* For the time being, given our chaotic schedules in this season of life, we are going to BI-weekly episodes moving forward! Thank you so much for your support. We’d love to hear about your experience in co-parenting over in our DMS @TheSiblingTrap!


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How to make women feel safer in the world

The very heated debate of man vs. bear has led us to today's episode. Women are sharing about why they would feel more comfortable seeing and being alone with a bear in the woods than with a random man in the woods. But I propose a question to Barry and put him on the spot by asking what he is doing to help women feel safer in the world. This is the perfect reason to be more mindful and compassionate to those around you and how others are affected by how you carry yourself through the world. For men, how are you being intentional with your actions every day when you're out and about to make others feel safe? Share your methods/tendencies/routines with us over on IG @TheSiblingTrap!


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Firearms: A conversation between a military vet and a mom

Barry comes into the conversation with a unique perspective on his work as a social media specialist for a gun manufacturer and the trouble he has promoting the mission or community within the firearms industry. With an extensive history within the military, he’s rarely been without a weapon in the jobs he’s had until now. Katrina has a vastly different stance on this. As a mom, she is personally very resistant to embracing this topic. What do YOU feel comfortable with when it comes to weapons? How can we be equipped to defend ourselves if needed, and how can we protect our children in today’s reality? Do you lean more towards Barry’s beliefs on firearms or more towards Katrina and her hesitancy to acquire the skills or products? Come and share your opinions with us on Instagram @TheSiblingTrap!


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Accepting Compliments When You Don't Believe Them

When you're in a dark place, compliments just hit differently. Sometimes you are questioning people's motives for giving compliments in the first place. But then there are times when you're so emotionally fragile that you can't let yourself really feel the compliment because you could spontaneously become a puddle of tears. Katrina started a new job recently and talks about the imposter syndrome that comes along with learning new things and receiving praise from others. Do you feel confident to receive compliments from others? Or are you quick to clap back with several reasons why you aren't worthy of them? Chime in and let us know your point of view over on Instagram @TheSiblingTrap!


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Using Social Media as a Dating Site

Can using social media as a dating app be a more respectable way to meet someone in today's society? Or do you feel that meeting someone in person out at a bar or somewhere similar? Barry and Katrina discuss what to do if someone messages you repeatedly on social media. What messages should you reply to, and what types of messages are red flags? We'd love to hear your opinion on this matter. Head over to Instagram @TheSiblingTrap and let us know!


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Should you make a new relationship Facebook Official?

In today’s society, it can feel like society is against us when entering a new relationship. The scrutiny and outside opinions can dampen the start of something new and help you see red flags you may be overlooking. Would you/do you share your spouse or significant other on social media? Why or why not? Is it a red flag if someone does NOT want to go public with your relationship? Similarly, would you share about a breakup on social media? Katrina and Barry reflect on their differing stances on this topic and whether they would do things differently next time. Head over to Instagram @TheSiblingTrap and share your feedback!


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The Road Ahead: When to introduce a partner to your kids?

Navigate White Water Rapids or navigate a relationship after a divorce/ breakup, then add kids to the fun…?Hand me a paddle! There are moments in life that define us as parents. How do you move forward and continue to seek the best interests of your kids? It can be tough to trust new people we bring into their lives. Katrina and Barry dive into the rapids (pun intended) of the cautions of bringing fly-by situationships into your home. They discuss moving forward into healthy relationships and setting good examples for our kids to emulate. We'd love to hear your opinions in our Instagram DM @TheSiblingTrap


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Mind Reading Love: The Art of Anticipating Needs in Relationships

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who knew what you needed before asking for it? Have you gone out of your way to do kind things for your partner, knowing that it would make their life easier? Katrina and Barry talk about their different seasons of life currently, one single and one in a relationship, and how partners have stepped up and done considerate things for them that may be overlooked or taken for granted by others. What is your experience in green flag mind reading within your relationship? Head to Instagram and share with us; we'd love to learn more about you!


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How to NOT be an a$$hole when you're mad

Rage. We all feel it. But how are we preventing it mindfully? We don't have to always resort to negative coping or projecting onto those around us because we feel rage. Both Barry and Katrina discuss how your partner can be a positive source of support in these moments and the negative spiral that begins to happen when the partner is not supportive. Your mental health is so important, and we want you to be someone you're proud of. If you realize that you need to make adjustments in your life but lack the support or accountability to do so, Katrina's membership for women could be a great fit for you as you say hello to your favorite version of yourself! You can check out more info here: And, if you want to dabble in meditation, check out Barry's episode all out here! As always, head over to Instagram @TheSiblingTrap and share your thoughts or experiences with us!


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Better Off Alone

Have you ever noticed that every time you get close to someone, you feel like you would just be better off alone? Too often people create misconceptions about the depth of a relationship or rush into expressing love *cough cough lovebombing* rather than allowing those feelings to flow naturally. In this episode, Barry reflects on his decision to remain single and give up the chase for love while Katrina provides intuitive feedback about what could cause this paradigm shift. Come share your thoughts and feedback on Instagram @TheSiblingTrap


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What Would You Do if You Weren't Afraid? (and other deep questions)

We take things to the next level with deep conversation prompts to get to know each other better and understand ourselves more. Questions we touched on in today's episode are: What is something people believe about you that isn’t true? Do you show your full or true self around others? Do you feel like people assume that you have everything together but really struggle behind the scenes? What characteristics do you admire most in others? Is there a part of yourself that you feel like you need to hide from me? How would you spend your last day? What are you currently worried the most about in your life? What do you believe in that you don’t have proof of? What would you do if you weren’t afraid? I hope you found yourself thinking about your answers to these through our conversation. We'd love to hear from you and your perspective on any of the things we touched on (or if you have another idea to cover in future episodes), please head over to Instagram @TheSiblingTrap and share!


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Coping with Cheating in Relationships

"What did I do (or not do) to make you seek attention elsewhere?" Have you ever been in a position where you felt that you were the reason your partner wasn't loyal to you? We peel back the layers of experiencing a partner cheating on you on today's episode of The Sibling Trap podcast. What red flags are often overlooked? What are gray areas that could be misconstrued or misinterpreted? How do impulsive or intentionally disrespectful decisions affect the other person? Barry shares a bit of his struggle to move forward in his healing journey after experiencing a painful situation with an ex. Do you have insight on this topic? We'd love to hear your story or perspective around this or how you are healing after being on the receiving end of infidelity. Head over to @TheSiblingTrap on Instagram and share what you are comfortable with.


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Becoming A Breadwinner as A Single Mom

As Katrina moves through her divorce, things are coming up for her as she steps into a role as a breadwinner. How is she keeping a positive mindset with so much financial uncertainty moving forward? What are her worries going from a stay-at-home mom with a side job to a full-on supporter of herself and the children? How have Barry and Katrina adjusted their spending habits during months when money is a bit tight? Please head over to Instagram @TheSiblingTrap and share your opinions. Are you a breadwinner? What are the worries you've had or obstacles you face in your scenario?


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Favoritism, Divorce, and Long Distance Relationships: How to Move Forward

What is the best etiquette while navigating divorce with kids? How should the dynamic with extended family or in-laws change? Katrina shares her current struggle with this and gives insight into what she expects moving forward while helping others understand how a family could support moms through this hard chapter. Sharing about this on the podcast is difficult, but we created this space to have the hard conversations to connect as a community and understand different perspectives. Barry shares a bit about his recent breakup and what he's learned through that experience. What if you meet someone incredible and makes you feel so happy, but can't physically be in the same place as them because of distance? Life is full of ups and downs, but we are thrilled to be on this ride together (and with you!). We want to hear about your stance on these topics. Head over to @TheSiblingTrap on Instagram and share your opinions.


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When You Start Dating a Green Flag Person

What does it feel like when you're finally in a secure relationship? Was there an invisible string tying you to each other all along? It's so fascinating seeing how there were moments where things ALMOST happened that would have brought two people together earlier. What if your soulmate is already in your life, but you've been all in on other relationships, preventing you from entertaining what could be possible with someone else. We also touch on an activity that you can implement consistently as a couple to strengthen your relationship. We'd love to hear your thoughts! Comment below or DM us on insta @TheSiblingTrap


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will you know when you meet your soulmate?

Will you know when you meet your soulmate? Is it possible to move too fast when you DO meet them? Do you feel it's more natural to go fast in relationships as an adult when you feel a once-in-a-lifetime connection? It seems we never know what's around the corner for us or what the universe has in store for us. If you're in the thick of it, please keep going. Please keep holding onto hope. We want to know your feedback! Head over to IG @TheSiblingTrap and share your thoughts with us.


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The Sacrifices Men Make for Their Careers

In today's episode, Katrina and Barry sit down and discuss the sacrifices men are making to have a successful career. The pressure that society is under to have a well-paying job is costing us in a variety of ways. What type of time, social, financial, and mental sacrifices are you willing to make in order to feel comfortable? Would love to hear your takeaways! Send us a DM over on IG @TheSiblingTrap with your thoughts!


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Attachment Styles Round Table | Healed Vs. Unhealed

This is part TWO of our guest session discussing the attachment styles. You all loved when we touched on the attachment styles earlier this season, and we put out an open offer for anyone who had a secure attachment style to come and join us in a conversation. How are we showing up in our relationships? What patterns do we have that maybe aren't the healthiest? How willing are we to be vulnerable with a partner? Do we push people away when we are angry at them? We go in DEEP today. How does each of us answer the question? We had some fun banter here that you're going to love. BONUS points for anyone who watches the episode on YouTube. The side eyes and faces of judgment were totally spot on.


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Secure Attachment Vs. Anxious Attachment & Are We Chasing Red Flags?

We have our first guest on the podcast today! You all loved when we touched on the attachment styles earlier this season, and we put out an open offer for anyone who had a secure attachment style to come and join us in a conversation. Well, today is that day. Today's episode is part one of TWO. YES. We had such a juicy conversation that it was over 2 hours long! So be sure to come back next week for the second part. There's also been a big twist of events that none of us were expecting that will make this conversation even more entertaining. How are we showing up in our relationships? What patterns do we have that maybe aren't the healthiest? How willing are we to be vulnerable with a partner? Do we push people away when we are angry at them? We go in DEEP today. How does each of us answer the question? We had some fun banter here that you're going to love. BONUS points for anyone who watches the episode on YouTube. The side eyes and faces of judgment were totally spot on. We want to hear from YOU! Send us a DM with your thoughts on today's episode. @TheSiblingTrap And massive thanks to Elizabeth for joining us for the conversation. It takes big courage to come on and share so vulnerably. We are indebted to you. Also, if you're interested in taking the quiz that we took to see which attachment style you are, you can find that linked below:


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What's Meant for You Will Always Stay

Have you ever wished your partner was more supportive of your personal growth? Are they leading the standing ovation when you win, or watching you struggle from the sidelines? Often times we dilute ourselves or become chameleons for the people we think we want in our romantic relationships, without ever looking at the qualities we seek in a companion. “You cannot mess up what’s meant for you, and you cannot fix what isn’t meant for you” is an empowering quote we all should learn to trust. In this episode, Katrina and Barry reflect on a few qualities they seek in a romantic partner and also share their experiences recognizing what is and isn’t meant to persist in their lives.
