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The Sober Pod: A Recovery Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Sam, Devin, and Chris are your hosts and dive into topics surrounding addiction recovery!


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Sam, Devin, and Chris are your hosts and dive into topics surrounding addiction recovery!







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TSP Vault Episode: Sean's Story

We had to reach down, pre-covid, and find this one. Sean's story is an unforgettable tale of powerlessness making way to freedom and recovery. We are very proud of this one. Please write us @ and tell us how you are? who you are? what's going on? IF interested in being a guest, let us know. Be kind, be gracious, and all else will follow... ~ TSP Boys


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A Discussion on the 'Sacred Wound' ~ The Limbo Sessions- 1

We're back...


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S3 E12: On Secular Recovery (John S. w/ Beyond Belief Podcast)

Dearest listeners. We put some of these episodes on the shelf but we're clearing the dust and comin' back...IN A BIG WAY!!!! Not really, but this episodes rocks! John has had his podcast, Beyond Belief, a Secular AA Podcast, for about 5 years now and he's had some awesome and inspiring success, inviting free thinkers, atheists, agnostics and believers to his show. You can visit his podcast at All around awesome conversation with John! Enjoy the episode, and please feel free to write us on


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S3 E11: On Meditating.... A Lot of Meditating (Drew E.)

We figured what the heck...we'll come back. We've had some episodes we (me) have been holding on to. Probably cause I'm too lazy to put them them up. Well, they are more than deserving of publication so I'll get over myself and start posting. Commit to my word. One a week (At least for a few weeks... then we'll see;) Enjoy Andrew, he's a seeker. Like you and I. He's a good one (good man, good egg, good dude etc...)


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S3 E10: On Moderating Drinking?! (Cyndi Turner, LCSW)

In this episode, The Sober Pod crew has Cyndi Turner, a harm reduction therapist, on the show. She was a unique guest in the sense that Cyndi challenges the traditional belief that all drinkers experiencing problems are "alcoholics." She is a proponent of the idea that some folks that have had problems drinking can moderate their alcohol consumption. We asked her questions about her alcohol moderation assessment she created and Sam even asked "What about me?" Take a listen and let us know what you think about what Cyndi said! We would love to engage with you on your thoughts about this topic.


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S3 E9: On Being an Author in Recovery (Kevin M.C.)

The boys (minus Chris) are back for another episode discussing our boy Kevin's first published book, The New Prophet. Kevin's a long time friend who took the creative bull by the horns and did something many dream of, but never do- he wrote a freakin' book!!!! We sat down for an hour with Kevin, laughed and discussed recovery and what it's like to unleash the creativity within all of us! Thanks, as always, for listening and please stay tuned for more episodes comin'!


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S3 E8: On Parenthood in Recovery (Justin)

The boys (minus Sam) are back for another episode discussing parenthood in sobriety (among many other things) with Justin and his dry sense of humor. We had a fun conversation that took a look at Justin's story that spans going in and out of treatment centers and his journey into long-term recovery as a father. Being a parent in sobriety is something that we didn't understand but that Justin was able to convey well. We also read e-mails sent by our listeners - thank you guys for your support!


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S3 E7: On Working with Alcohol (Matt W.)

The man of the hour ladies and gents: Mr. Matt W! The man literally showed up with mocktails that spun our heads! Great time. This was a pre-COVID ep that's been in our vault for awhile. It's time for its release and we're looking forward to you hearing about Matt's principled life that he caries with him, every minute of every day of his life; he has to or he'll drink and he'll die- as he puts it... Enjoy this Ep of yet another grateful human being and we're greateful he came into o ur lives when, and how he did. Please write us at & check out our website at As always, thanks for tunin' in. We appreciate you more than you know.


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S3 E6: On Recovery as a Vocation (Jen)

DISCLAIMER: This episode was recorded pre-Covid-19. We've heard 'Peer Support' as a term in the clinical world of substance use. Jen joins the TSP boys to give us a glimpse of what it's like to work a program of recovery while working as a Peer Support Specialist in the addiction field. Interesting stuff. Glad we've asked her to come on the show and talk about it. Also, please buy our t-shirts :) Please write us at & check out our website at As always, thanks for tunin' in. We appreciate you more than you know.


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S3 E5: On Recovery in Isolation (John)

DISCLAIMER: This episode was recorded pre-Covid-19 yet it is a very fitting episode discussing isolation and what it looks like to be alone and working a recovery program. Our much anticipated guest, John (also known by his loved ones as Sailor John) tells the TSP boys his story of getting sober inland before having to travel for work on a ship for months at a time. We're excited you guys get to hear a man who has made a difference in each of our sobriety. Please write us at & check out our website at As always, thanks for tunin' in. We appreciate you more than you know.


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Bonus Ep #8: CoronaCast Part III (Bonus Ep w/ TSP Boys)

Hi everyone! We're still at it:) Going storng on Zoom, we're bringing you this Ep we decided to release as a bonus Ep. We ask an important question in recovery: What is it that you've been asked, or what kind of work had you gone through, that made an impact? Dev, Chris and Sam delve deep into some of these "questions" asked by the people that helped them achieve recovery. We'll be releasing more episodes in the coming weeks! It's been an interesting journey through COVID-19 and you'll hopefully hear more from us very soon :) More importantly, we'd love to hear from you. Please visit us at or write us at Be safe, be healthy The TSP Boys


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Bonus Ep #7: CoronaCast Part II w/ TSP Boys (and Guests)

This week is part II of the CoronaCast., we tuned into Zoom to bring you an episode where we discuss AA. We read an article published by Standford Medical titled "Alcoholics Anonymous most effective path to alcohol abstinence." We discuss and invite all our guests (Thanks for tuning boys and gals) for a talk on the effectiveness of AA. You can also reaad the article online by clicking here. Again, during these difficult times, finding a way to connect and maintain some sanity by way of online discussions and spreading a message of hope is key. Whether we're doing or other people doing it, it's a way to get away from the pictures of empty aisles, conspiracy theories, and which side of the government one tends to lean.... At TSP, the only thing we care about is to spread a message of hope. And love. Always love. We thank you all.


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Bonus Ep #6: CoronaCast w/ TSP Boys (Isolated Recovery...A Unique Opportunity)

Looks like it's going to be one of many. We're Quarantined, we're social distancing and trying to do this right. We are still here. So are you. Life has changed for many if not for all... Hopefully we're bringing something to the table and helping out in our small ways... Anything we can do. We love you. Stay safe, stay healthy!!! Enjoy this new Ep. Please join us. Next ep will involve you guys. You can dial when you receive the invite. Join us. More info to come.


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S3 E4: On Being A Recovery (Lisa & Caitlin)

TSP Boys are very proud to welcome to the show 2 BEASTS in recovery! Lisa is a gentle, gracious, and very quiet (don't let that fool you) woman sitting across Caitlin who's a strong, self-propelled, hilarious, and direct gal! As dudes in recovery, we were looking forward for the feedback to a pretty strong and disturbing email we received on the show from a woman in recovery! And man did they bring it... It was a great time! We ask, they answer, they joke, we was the TSP way of doin' it. Please enjoy and keep yourselves sane and happy during these delicate days!


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S3 E3: Recovery in the Arts (TSP Boys)

TSP Bois discuss their favorite recovery based/ addiction movies (among others arts) in a round-table style! What movies, music, and podcast have you seen, listened to or heard that left a mark? Email us, let's discuss them. We discuss Beauiful Boy, Basketball Diaries and Fear and Loathing among others...


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S3 E2: About Relapse (Kat)

The boys are back for another episode discussing relapse (among many other things) with the one and only, Kat Fox! There's nothing you cannot discuss with Kat, she's just one of those people in recovery who has learned to talk about it and put it on the table; there's nothing more poisonous than "keeping a secret." Relapse is a subject that keeps us in the dark. Many of us shy away from discussing the ugly and manipulative things we have to do when we're using and when we relapse after getting sober. We try and discuss the subject with honesty, keeping nothing back...enjoy!!


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S3 E1: Welcome Back Episode (Casey)

The TSP Boys are back for another season, folks! We are pretty much picking up where we left off in this episode. Also, bare with us during the first few minutes of having the guest on; Skype was being a bit "squeaky", but that sounds disappears after a while. Enjoy...


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S2 E7: Recovery in Prison (Doc)

For our Season 2 finale, we interviewed Doc; an individual with a powerful message of grace and recovery. We do not want to give too much away in the description because we believe he does a fantastic job of telling his own story. We also think that his story will blow our listeners away in the same way it blew us away while we interviewed him. What we will say is that Doc spent time in prison and was able to find recovery and a new way of life while incarcerated. Let us know what you think about Doc's story in an e-mail and we'll read it on-air. Lastly, thank you for listening and supporting our show for the past two seasons! We are excited about Season 3 and already have some exciting things in the works.


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Bonus Ep #5 (Taking TSP to a Recovery Spiritual Retreat)

TSP Bois (Sans Devin) take TSP to a spiritual retreat and interview a bunch of their friends. It's somehow a miracle in and of itself for a bunch of knuckleheads to not only get sober but dig deep in practices of and daily love for spirituality. Take a listen and as always, please write us at and check us out on Big thanks to all those who participated in this recording: John, Chris, Jason, Mikey, and Frankie!


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Bonus Ep #4 (Trauma and Trauma Responses w/ Shari Simmons)

We're back with a bonus episode with the amazing Shari Simmons from Colorado. She is a trauma therapist, author, professor, podcast host, and speaker and, most importantly, a great person. Shari joined us for a very enlightening conversation about trauma and trauma responses. She breaks down trauma in such an informative way and the things we can do to become more grounded. We talk a little bit about PTSD, shame, fight/flight/freeze and self-care. If your interested in more information about Shari and her mother's stories, go to and check our podcast called "Which Way Podcast" on the Mental Health News Radio network or her book "Which Way? One woman's traumatic journey and her daughter's explanation of how to turn pain into power." And as always, send us an e-mail at and let us know what you thought of our episode and to interact with our show!
