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Second Wind Fitness with Brock Armstrong

Health & Wellness Podcasts

I have one goal: to help you think differently about exercise so you can move more of your body, more often, in more and more interesting ways. None of us want to exercise harder or longer to get good results (we have jobs, families, and lives) we want to exercise smarter not harder, and we want to have fun while doing it. Here’s the thing, none of us wants to exercise harder or longer to get good results – we have jobs, families and lives. We want to exercise smarter not harder, and we want to have fun while doing it. As I, Coach Brock Armstrong (formerly the Get-Fit Guy), begin the second half of my first century on this planet (I am 50 on Aug 3), I will use my background in Cognitive Behavioural Theory, endurance sport, and a lifelong love of movement to help you move through this world with ease, now and later in life. This podcast isn’t about getting skinny, ripped or jacked – but it is about being fit, capable, healthy and happy! Whether you were fit when you were younger and let it slide, you never found a fitness program that worked for you, or you are just tired of working so hard to stay fit, it’s about time to get your second wind. A little bit about me – as a child and teen, I was always active and fit but in my 20s, after an injury forced me to leave my career as a professional ballet dancer, I kind of started coasting. Then in my 30s, things got worse. I got a government desk job, gained weight, drank more than I should, allowed depression and a generalized anxiety disorder to grow, and then had a major heart-health scare. The culmination of all this caused me to wake up and begin to seriously focus on my overall health. After that, and through my 40s, I made a point of working for prominent wellness gurus (like Dave Asprey, Monica Reinagel, Katy Bowman, Mark Sisson, Ben Greenfield, Mark Divine, and Abel James) and used everything I learned from them to turn my health and fitness around. I also took courses, acquired certifications, and became a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy practitioner. Now, heading into my 50s, I am focusing on continuing to improve (not fall apart) — and I want to bring you along on my journey through podcast episodes, interviews, articles, and videos sharing everything I know (and am still learning). I am not a millionaire. I am not genetically gifted. I am just like you, simply doing the best with what I have. I am an easy-going Canadian, who is easy to talk to, doesn’t fall for fads or false hype, and focuses on non-intimidating but effective ways to get and stay healthy and fit. So if you are ready to move more of your body, more often, in more and more interesting and satisfying ways, subscribe to the Second Wind Fitness podcast where ever you listen to audio.




I have one goal: to help you think differently about exercise so you can move more of your body, more often, in more and more interesting ways. None of us want to exercise harder or longer to get good results (we have jobs, families, and lives) we want to exercise smarter not harder, and we want to have fun while doing it. Here’s the thing, none of us wants to exercise harder or longer to get good results – we have jobs, families and lives. We want to exercise smarter not harder, and we want to have fun while doing it. As I, Coach Brock Armstrong (formerly the Get-Fit Guy), begin the second half of my first century on this planet (I am 50 on Aug 3), I will use my background in Cognitive Behavioural Theory, endurance sport, and a lifelong love of movement to help you move through this world with ease, now and later in life. This podcast isn’t about getting skinny, ripped or jacked – but it is about being fit, capable, healthy and happy! Whether you were fit when you were younger and let it slide, you never found a fitness program that worked for you, or you are just tired of working so hard to stay fit, it’s about time to get your second wind. A little bit about me – as a child and teen, I was always active and fit but in my 20s, after an injury forced me to leave my career as a professional ballet dancer, I kind of started coasting. Then in my 30s, things got worse. I got a government desk job, gained weight, drank more than I should, allowed depression and a generalized anxiety disorder to grow, and then had a major heart-health scare. The culmination of all this caused me to wake up and begin to seriously focus on my overall health. After that, and through my 40s, I made a point of working for prominent wellness gurus (like Dave Asprey, Monica Reinagel, Katy Bowman, Mark Sisson, Ben Greenfield, Mark Divine, and Abel James) and used everything I learned from them to turn my health and fitness around. I also took courses, acquired certifications, and became a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy practitioner. Now, heading into my 50s, I am focusing on continuing to improve (not fall apart) — and I want to bring you along on my journey through podcast episodes, interviews, articles, and videos sharing everything I know (and am still learning). I am not a millionaire. I am not genetically gifted. I am just like you, simply doing the best with what I have. I am an easy-going Canadian, who is easy to talk to, doesn’t fall for fads or false hype, and focuses on non-intimidating but effective ways to get and stay healthy and fit. So if you are ready to move more of your body, more often, in more and more interesting and satisfying ways, subscribe to the Second Wind Fitness podcast where ever you listen to audio.



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Something is Always Better Than Nothing - final episode

The final episode of Second Wind Fitness. A little reminder to always choose movement, whenever you can because no matter what your goals are - something is always better than nothing.


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Don't Lose Your Balance

Balance is something we don’t think much about after we learn it (as a child) or start to lose it (as a senior), but balance is crucial to healthy living. Personally, as part of my getting "too fit to fracture" protocol, I am focusing on maintaining my balance more and more. This is why and how. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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The Five Most Excellent Movements

There are five excellent movements you can do almost anywhere and at any time to help keep you strong and fit—no gym memberships or stretchy pants required. Those five excellent key body movements which I would love to see all of us modern-convenience-loving, chair-dwelling, workaday grumblers incorporating into our lives are: Push-ups, Pull-ups, Squats, Planks, Rotations (don't worry, I will explain). -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Making More Time for More Movement

I am no going to lie - fitting exercise into your busy schedule takes effort, planning and forethought but it is well worth the effort. Make a plan, put it on your to-do list, add it to your calendar, put stickies on your fridge - I am serious here, do whatever it takes. I dare you to try it for a month and I know you will find that it pays off, and in ways you never expected. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Common Excuses Not To Move More - Busted!

There are many (and I do mean many) excuses our brains come up with to not move more but in this episode, I will tackle the most common excuses we all give to avoid exercise - and give my best rebuttal to each. Try using these on your less active friends or, yes, even on yourself when your inner lazy bones tries to fool you into hitting the couch instead of hitting the bricks. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Low-Stress Ways to Stay Active on Vacation

I just got back from a sunny getaway (it's what we Canadians do at this time of year) and you know what, I'm going to say it: We should all take a break from work and getting away is a great way to do that. But getting away doesn't have to mean getting away from our physical fitness goals. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Some Simple Ways to Move More - every. single. day.

The evidence is all around us—we can't offset or undo hours and hours of sitting still with a single bout of exercise. And who would even want to when there are so many easy and fun ways to inject more movement right into your day? -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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You Can Keep Moving During the Holidays - Really!

Travel time, fancy meals & drinks, and time constraints don't have to hamper your movement goals. Being active during the holiday season is simpler than you think, and BONUS: it can even help you de-stress! -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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The Magic of Rolling & Breathing with Jill Miller (TuneUpFitness)

My guest on this episode is Jill Miller C-IAYT, ERYT, YA-CEP. Jill is a fascia expert who has 30 years of corrective movement expertise that forges links between the worlds of yoga, massage, athletics, and pain management. Her signature self-care fitness programs, Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® are found at gyms, yoga studios, hospitals, athletic training facilities and corporations worldwide. Jill is the former anatomy columnist for Yoga Journal, has been featured in New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Shape, Women’s Health, O, the Today Show, and is a contributing expert on the Oprah Winfrey Network. She is the author of The Roll Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Erase Pain, Improve Mobility, and Live Better in Your Body, and a contributing author on self-myofascial release in the text book Fascia, Function and Medical Applications. She is the creator of dozens of instructional DVDs, including Walking Well with Katy Bowman and Treat While You Train with Kelly Starrett DPT. In this episode, we talk about Jill's next book, Body by Breath: The Science and Practice of Physical and Emotional Resilience (which will be published in February 2023) but we also discuss the efficacy of self-massage, self-myofascial release, and whether you should be using hard or soft foam rollers and other tools. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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What about Compression Garments?

Amateur and pro athletes alike are wearing compression gear and using compression machines to (hopefully) improve their performance and/or speed up their recovery. But do these skin-tight suits really do anything? -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Are You Too Fit to Fracture? Lora Giangregorio PhD (BonES Lab)

Lora Giangregorio PhD is research Chair in Mobility and Aging at the University of Waterloo. Her work has led to the development of the "Too Fit To Fracture" Exercise and Physical Activity Recommendations for Individuals with Osteoporosis. Her aim is to reduce the burden of osteoporotic fractures. This is how it goes - as we get older, we lose muscle and bone, we become less active, and some people develop a bone disease called osteoporosis. Osteoporotic fractures can be the reason a person can no longer live in their own home. They cause pain and disability, and are more common than heart attack, breast cancer and stroke combined. Researchers like Dr. Giangregorio know that exercise can prevent falls, and emerging research suggests that it may prevent bone loss. However, people who already have osteoporosis (like me) are often afraid of fracturing, and want to know what types of exercise are safe AND effective. The sad truth is that we know a lot less about how to guide exercise in people at high risk of fracture. And on top of that, inactivity is highly prevalent in older adults. So Lora has been looking into how we can get patients to do the right types and amount of exercise, and to get health care providers to give the right advice. Her Bone health and Exercise Science lab leads clinical trials and guidelines, and collaborative work with patients and healthcare providers to answer these questions. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Move Your Body - Lower Your Blood Pressure

We all know that medical science has come up with more than a few ways to treat high blood pressure, which is great. But to what extent can we simply lower our blood pressure by exercising? If your heart can take it easy and not work as hard to pump all your life-giving blood, then the force on your arteries will decrease and that will in turn lower your blood pressure. We all know that consistent physical activity can make your heart stronger so it follows that a stronger heart muscle will pump your blood with less effort. But what else can we do? -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Do You Need an Activity Tracker?

Despite the fact that you can buy an activity tracking device for your toddler or your pet now, there is actually little evidence that shows they can do anything to improve your fitness. And sure, it would be easy to blame the devices themselves, but I think there is more to this issue than simply inaccurate data. Cool-looking wristbands, rings, foot pods, and even hats that promise to measure your heart rate, steps, sleep, calories burned and even stress levels can be seen on everyone these days. And yet (not to be a bummer) sedentarism, low fitness levels, obesity and cardiovascular disease remain on the rise. What's going on here? -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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A Pain in the Neck – Literally! (

In this special episode, sourced from the archives of my old podcast, WorkplaceHero, we dive into neck pain and how to deal with it. Neck pain can be caused by any workplace activity that strains your neck and you might feel pain at the base of your skull and down into your shoulders, or you might just feel a knot in your neck. But it is avoidable - and that is what we cover in this episode. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Elastic Resistance Bands - how and why to use them

Resistance bands are small, portable, inexpensive, and easy to use anywhere and anytime. If you need some help (or some convincing) to get your resistance training underway, this is for you! This likely won't be news to you but I will say it anyway - consistent resistance training provides so many health benefits that I think everyone should be doing it. But, I also know that the items we usually associate with resistance training (barbells, dumbbells, weight plates, and big exercise machines) are scary, intimidating, heavy, expensive, and take up a lot of space. So, unless you have or want to get a gym membership then you might think that bodyweight exercises are the perfect strength training workout. And they are but don't forget about the big elastic band thingies - enter resistance bands! -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Menopause? More like MenoGO with NiCole Keith Ph.D.

In the episode, I am joined by sports medicine researcher and past president of the American College of Sports Medicine, Dr. NiCole Keith, Ph.D. to discuss the elusive topic of Exercise for Post-Menopausal Women. Dr. NiCole Keith is a Professor from the Department of Kinesiology and associate dean of faculty affairs in the School of Health & Human Sciences at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Keith is dedicated to research and programming that increases physical activity participation, improves fitness, and positively influences health outcomes while addressing health equity. In the episode we get into: -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Need to Get (Back) in Shape? Here's a Plan!

Whether you want to get back in shape or you want to get in shape for the very first time, improving your fitness begins by starting where you are, setting reasonable goals, and tracking your progress. In this episode, will tell you how. Some people haven't ever been interested in moving their bodies, but then are suddenly faced with a doctor telling them they need to get in shape - or else. Others were fit years ago (maybe in high school or college) but once they stopped competing in team sports, or left their fit friends behind, they never found fun and suitable replacement for that physical activity. The interesting thing is that these are similar but slightly different issues. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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How Hard Are You Exercising? (rate of perceived exertion)

You may have heard me say that you should do a particular exercise at a particular intensity or your doctor may have told you to get 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise per week. Do you need to buy an activity tracker or get a kinesiology degree to know exactly how intense these workout should be? The truth is that you probably already innately know how hard you are exercising. It's called Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and it's already installed in your brain! -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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What is Exercise Contagion? And how can we catch it?

In a paper called Exercise contagion in a global social network published in Nature Communications, researchers say that “we show that exercise is socially contagious and that its contagiousness varies with the relative activity of and gender relationships between friends.” -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at


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Why You Need a Morning Movement Routine w/ Brad Kearns (B.Rad Podcast)

Find out more about Brad's comprehensive online multimedia educational course with all the tools and guidance you need to implement a custom-designed morning exercise routine, scalable to all fitness levels and time availability. Improve fitness, focus, and discipline all day! And use the code: brad10 to get 10% off at sign-up. -- Buy Brock a coffee (and support this show) at Start your Amazon shopping adventure at
