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We Do Recover With Jared Miller

Health & Wellness Podcasts

We Do Recover With Jared Miller


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We Do Recover With Jared Miller



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EP 150 - Dirty Details of Drug Testing PT-2 with Anthony Provenza

We Do Recover with Jared Miller - EP 150 - Dirty Details of Drug Testing, Anthony Provenza


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EP 149 - Somatic Therapy with Jennie Pool

In episode 149 of We Do Recover with Jared Miller, titled Somatic Therapy with Jennie Pool, listeners are invited to explore the transformative realm of somatic therapy with Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and MEND Counseling owner, Jennie Pool. Jennie begins by tracing her journey into the world of mental health, which started in her youth-focused work, sparking a deep passion for witnessing human transformation. She intertwines her unique background as a massage therapist during her graduate studies, laying the foundation for becoming a leading Somatic Therapist in southern Utah. Throughout the episode, Jennie enlightens both host Jared Miller and the audience on the vital psycho-somatic connectionβ€”the intricate interplay between the brain and the body. She emphasizes how common psychological issues like stress, depression, and trauma are not just mental states but are also physically embodied experiences. Jennie advocates for a therapy approach that goes beyond traditional talking therapies to include a keen awareness of the body’s role in mental health. Her insights shed light on the necessity of recognizing, understanding, and addressing the needs of the brain-body connection to enhance therapeutic effectiveness. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in how integrative approaches to therapy can lead to profound healing and well-being.


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EP 148 - Theresa's Story, Theresa Schopp Nored

We Do Recover with Jared Miller - EP 148 - Theresa's Story, Theresa Schopp Nored


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EP 147 - Free Wheeling with The Hosts

We Do Recover with Jared Miller - EP 147 - Free Wheeling with The Hosts


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EP 146 - Personal Recovery Planning

In the latest episode of We Do Recover with Jared Miller, episode 146, titled Personal Recovery Planning, hosts Counselor Jared Miller and Doctor Terry Sellers dive deep into the intricacies of addiction recovery. With a compelling mix of professional insight and personal experience, they unravel how the ties we have to our drug of choiceβ€”be they positive or negativeβ€”play a crucial role in our journey toward recovery. The episode starts with a frank discussion about the critical importance of dismantling unhealthy barriers and constructing supportive ones in the early stages of recovery. Through their discussion, Miller and Sellers share their unique definitions of "recovery" and invite listeners to consider their own. As the episode progresses, the focus shifts to the often-overlooked relapse warning signs. From internal changes to denial, from avoidance and defensiveness to the stages of crisis building, immobilization, confusion, overreaction, depression, and finally to contemplating and acting on relapseβ€”the hosts lay bare the subtle yet dangerous signs that could derail recovery efforts. What sets this episode apart is not just its thorough exploration of the recovery process but the hosts' willingness to share their personal encounters with addiction. This blend of professional knowledge and personal vulnerability creates a compelling narrative that educates and empathizes with listeners at all stages of their recovery journey. Whether you're in the thick of your recovery journey or just curious about the process, episode 146 of We Do Recover with Jared Miller promises a riveting and insightful exploration of what recovery truly means. Download episode 146 to understand why recognizing the signs of relapse is crucial to building a solid recovery plan. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a lifeline for those navigating the tumultuous waters of recovery.


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EP 145 - Deadly Kratom

In the latest riveting episode of We Do Recover with Jared Miller, hosts Counselor Jared Miller and Doctor Terry Sellers delve into a pressing issue that's been making headlines: the alarming rise in overdose deaths linked to Kratom. Episode 145, aptly titled "Deadly Kratom," is an eye-opening, informative, and deeply concerning discussion. This episode centers around two pivotal news articles that have recently shone a light on the dark side of Kratom use. The first, published by The Washington Post on February 20th, 2024, carries the harrowing title, "They take kratom to ease pain or anxiety. Sometimes, death follows." The second piece, a detailed investigation by the Tampa Bay Times from December 7th, 2023, echoes similar sentiments, revealing the shocking lack of regulation, inconsistent dosing instructions, and often undisclosed ingredients found in Kratom products. What makes Kratom so dangerous? As Jared and Terry expertly explain, it combines its unregulated nature and the public's lack of knowledge about its potential risks. Users seeking relief from pain or anxiety turn to Kratom, unaware of the fine line between its use and misuse, which can lead to fatal overdoses. The episode doesn't just highlight the problem; it also sparks an important conversation about the need for better regulation, education, and awareness regarding natural supplements like Kratom. With their engaging discussion, Jared and Terry shed light on the critical system gaps that allow such tragedies to occur. If you've ever considered using Kratom for its supposed health benefits, or if you're just interested in the complexities of substance use and regulation, "Deadly Kratom" is an episode you cannot afford to miss. Prepare to be captivated, informed, and perhaps even a bit alarmed as you dive into the depths of this significant health issue. Listen to Episode 145 of We Do Recover with Jared Miller now, and join the conversation on how we can all play a part in preventing future tragedies linked to Kratom and similar substances. This is more than just a podcast episode; it's a wake-up call to the dangers lurking in the unregulated corners of the supplement market. Don't miss it!


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EP 144 - Bree's Story with Bree Dutton

In this compelling episode of We Do Recover with Jared Miller, we dive deep into the heart-wrenching yet ultimately inspiring journey of Bree Dutton. Bree Dutton, with remarkable courage and vulnerability, sits down with Jared Miller to share her battle against the disease of addiction. Her story isn't just one of despair; it's a beacon of hope for many who find themselves in similar darkness. Through her narrative, we explore the lows of her addiction, the moments that seemed insurmountable, and the pivotal points that led her toward the light of recovery. What makes Bree's story so captivating is not just her eventual victory over addiction but the raw honesty with which she recounts her experiences. From the initial descent into dependency to the relentless struggle to reclaim her life, Bree lays bare the reality of addiction, a reality many are afraid to confront. Jared Miller, with his insightful questioning, guides the conversation to uncover the depths of Bree's addiction and highlight the resilience of the human spirit. The episode doesn't shy away from the harsh truths of recovery; it addresses the setbacks, the moments of doubt, and the incredible perseverance required to overcome them. Listeners will find a story of recovery and a treasure trove of insights and advice. Bree discusses the strategies that helped her through her darkest times, the importance of support systems, and the ongoing healing journey. It's a reminder that recovery is not a destination but a continuous path one walks daily. Episode 144 of We Do Recover with Jared Miller is more than just a podcast episode; it's a lifeline for those struggling with addiction and a powerful reminder of the possibility of redemption and renewal. Bree's Story is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability and the unyielding hope that guides the journey to recovery. For anyone touched by addiction, either personally or through a loved one, this episode is a must-listen. It's a story of pain, struggle, and triumphant recovery. Join Bree and Jared as they navigate the complex journey of overcoming addiction and be inspired by the resilience and courage it takes to say, "I can recover."


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EP 143 - Oregon Rethinks Decriminalization

πŸŽ™οΈ Dive into a Controversial Debate! In episode 143 of "We Do Recover with Jared Miller," titled "Oregon Rethinks Decriminalization," host Jared Miller and co-host Dr. Terry Sellers embark on a thought-provoking journey, revisiting a critical discussion from episode 51. Two years ago, they explored Oregon's bold move to emulate Portugal's stance on decriminalizing possession of controlled substances. Fast forward to today, and the topic is hotter than ever! Portugal's Change of Heart? Dr. Sellers sheds light on a startling shift in Portugal, once hailed as a decriminalization success story. Referencing a news piece from The Washington Post titled "Once Hailed for Decriminalization, Portugal is Now Having Doubts," he reveals a worrying trend: over the last two decades, Portugal has seen a rise in overdose deaths and drug-related crimes. What's more, the Cato Institute is under scrutiny for overlooking a spike in substance abuse among adults, even though there's been a decrease among adolescents and teens. Oregon's Legislative U-Turn Jared brings the conversation home, citing a recent article from KGW8 Oregon, "Oregon Lawmakers Unveil Plan for Drug Policy Overhaul, Tweaks to Measure 110." Dated January 23, 2024, the article illuminates a bipartisan consensus in Oregon: Measure 110, which decriminalized possession of controlled substances, hasn't lived up to expectations. It's a candid admission of a policy misstep, igniting intense debate. The Role of Law Enforcement: A Balancing Act Both hosts delve into law enforcement's crucial role in aiding individuals to reclaim their lives and ensure community safety. It's a nuanced discussion, highlighting the need for a delicate balance between strict penalties and lenient approaches. Finding Middle Ground Jared passionately argues that while felonies for drug possession can be debilitating for users, mere decriminalization and ticketing fail to effectively redirect behavior. His stance? The solution lies in a middle path that navigates between these extremes. Educational, Insightful, Unmissable! Episode 143 isn't just a podcast episode; it's an educational voyage, weaving together insights from multiple media sources. Jared and Dr. Sellers offer a rich tapestry of perspectives, catering to an audience grappling with addiction issues. Tune in for a blend of knowledge, debate, and thought-provoking discourse! Catch this riveting episode for a blend of intense discussions, expert insights, and a deep dive into the complex world of drug policy and addiction recovery!


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EP 142 - From Grief to Grace with Kristopher Spendlove

In episode 142 of "We Do Recover with Jared Miller," titled "From Grief to Grace," host Jared Miller welcomes Kristopher Spendlove, a testament to the transformative power of hope and perseverance. Kristopher's journey is not just a narrative of recovery; it's a profound story of metamorphosis from witnessing the throes of addiction within his family to confronting and overcoming his own battles. From an early age, Kristopher was a firsthand witness to the ravages of substance abuse through his father. This exposure etched his firm resolve: not to tread the same path. He perceived addiction as a moral failing, an avoidable pitfall. Yet, life's intricate tapestry had other plans. During his adolescent years, Kristopher's casual drug use began to morph into a darker dependency, a shift accelerated by the daunting pressures of impending fatherhood in his mid-teens. The turning point came when Kristopher, entangled in the grip of addiction, was introduced to the drug court program in Washington County, Utah. It was here that the seeds of change were sown. With resilience and the support of the program, he embarked on a strenuous yet triumphant journey towards recovery. Today, Kristopher's life is a stark contrast to his past. As a valued medical staff member at Steps Recovery Centers, he is not just a witness but an active participant in the healing of others. His personal odyssey of redemption has become a beacon of hope, proving that the chains of "chemical slavery" can indeed be broken, paving the way to a life of freedom and prosperity. This episode is more than a story; it's a narrative of transformation, a testament to the human spirit's ability to rise from the ashes of despair to the heights of grace. It's about how the darkest chapters of our lives can become the most illuminating, guiding our steps and lighting the path for others. Kristopher Spendlove's journey reminds us that no matter how profound the abyss is, the ascent to grace is always within reach.


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EP 141 Overcoming A Faith Crisis

Dive into 2024 with the latest episode of " We Do Recover with Jared Miller," where host Jared Miller, Dr. Terry Sellers, and returning guest Mark Pepper explore the depths of spirituality and faith in recovery. This engaging episode kicks off with a lively check-in about the new year before delving into the complex terrain of religion versus spirituality in the context of overcoming addiction. Mark Pepper brings a fresh perspective to the table, challenging listeners to think deeply about the nature of faith crises, sharing that his biggest faith crisis was surrendering to the idea that he had to give up drugs & alcohol. The conversation takes a thought-provoking turn as Dr. Terry Sellers asserts that, in his opinion, a true spiritual connection flourishes in the absence of mind-altering substances, sparking a debate about psychedelic treatments & mind-altering substances in spiritual ceremonies. A highlight of the episode is Jared Miller's candid sharing of his own faith crisis during early recovery. His personal journey and advice to remain curious about spirituality offer invaluable guidance for anyone navigating through similar challenges. This episode isn't just a discussion; it's a roadmap for those looking to find their spiritual footing in the journey of recovery. Tune in for an enlightening experience that's both grounding and inspiring.


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EP 140 - 12 Things That Mess Up Recovery pt2

Join hosts Jared Miller and Dr. Terry Sellers in an eye-opening conversation with Taz Decker from Steps Recovery Center on the We Do Recover podcast. In this episode, they tackle critical topics such as the misconception that sobriety alone solves everything, seeking help for relationship troubles, the illusion of an easy life in recovery, and the importance of making amends. πŸš€ Thought-Provoking Takeaways: 1. Sobriety β‰  Fix-All: Explore the truth behind the belief that sobriety alone can magically fix every aspect of life. 2. Relationship Realities: Uncover the necessity of seeking help for relationship troubles during the recovery journey. 3. Life Isn't Easy: Challenge the notion that life in recovery should be effortless, and understand the real challenges that come with it. 4. Amends Matter: Delve into the significance of making amends in the recovery process. πŸ€” For Those in Recovery: Don't miss this riveting discussion that shatters myths and provides valuable insights for your recovery journey.


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EP 139 - Healing From Trauma with Caprice Compton

Dive deep into the intricate web of trauma, unraveling its roots from past childhood programming. Clinical Mental Health Counselor & today's guest, Caprice Compton, guides listeners through a transformative exploration, shedding light on the power of TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) in the healing process. The episode goes beyond the surface, addressing the complexities of healing from physical, sexual, and mental abuse. Compton's insights provide a beacon of hope for both therapists and clients, offering valuable perspectives on navigating the challenging terrain of trauma recovery. πŸŽ™οΈ Don't miss this educational and informative episode, essential for those in the therapy field and individuals seeking healing. Tune in and discover the keys to unlocking resilience and reclaiming a life beyond trauma.


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EP 138 - 12 Things That Mess Up Recovery PT.1

Dive into Episode 138 of 'We Do Recover' with Jared Miller, where the sobriety journey takes a twist! This episode, titled '12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery,' features host Jared and co-host Dr. Terry Sellers dissecting the pitfalls that can derail recovery, based on Allen Berger's insightful book. They spotlight three critical missteps: the belief that addiction to a single substance is the only issue, the dangers of selective honesty, and the trap of feeling unique. This insightful discussion highlights these critical errors and offers a roadmap for self-awareness and the right action. Whether you're in recovery or supporting someone who is or loves a deep dive into human psychology, this episode is a must-listen. Get ready to rethink recovery and learn why these 'stupid things' aren't just mistakes but valuable lessons on the road to lasting sobriety!


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EP 137 - Cocaine Psychosis with Jared Johnson

Episode 137 of the podcast "We Do Recover with Jared Miller" features an eye-opening talk with Jared Johnson, a dad, husband, snowboarder, music artist, and case manager at Steps Recovery Centers. In this episode, titled "Cocaine Psychosis with Jared Johnson," the host and his guest, both named Jared, get into the details of Johnson's early struggles with drugs. Johnson talks about how he managed to stop using drugs for five years in his late twenties, all on his own. But things took a turn for the worse when he got back with his band and started using cocaine again. He shares a scary experience where he thought his family was in danger while he was locked in a bathroom, a moment that was a big wake-up call for him. The story then shifts to how Johnson got his life back on track. He talks about how getting help, going to treatment, doing twelve-step work, and turning back to his faith helped him clean up his life. Now, he's been drug-free for five years. This episode is a real-life story of falling down and getting back up again. It's about the tough fight against addiction and how it's possible to come out stronger. Tune into "We Do Recover with Jared Miller" Episode 137 to hear Jared Johnson's moving story of recovery and hope.


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EP 136 - Dirty Details of Drug Testing with Anthony Povenza

In this riveting episode of We Do Recover with Jared Miller, episode 136 takes a deep dive into the intricate world of drug testing, featuring guest Anthony Provenza, a former laboratory scientist and current regional director for Precision Diagnostics. Provenza, alongside host Dr. Terry Sellers and counselor Jared Miller, unravels the complex details of urinalysis testing, a pivotal tool in the modern era of substance abuse treatment. The episode begins with a candid discussion about the murky past of drug screening, highlighting the "bad players" of over a decade ago who exploited drug testing for financial gain. Host Jared Miller articulates how these practices cast a shadow over the substance abuse treatment industry, metaphorically giving it a "black eye." As the conversation progresses, the trio delves into the technical nuances of drug testing methods. They compare the simpler point-of-cup or screening tests with the more advanced spectrometer lab-processed confirmation testing. With the advent of cutting-edge technology, they explain how providers can now obtain detailed reports of a patient's substance consumption, measured precisely down to nanograms per milliliter. The episode reaches its climax in the final twenty-five minutes, as the discussion pivots to the critical role of urinalysis in maintaining responsibility and accountability in treatment providers and pain clinic prescribers. The hosts and guest emphasize the importance of distinguishing between appropriate substance use and inappropriate substance abuse in patient care. This episode not only sheds light on the technicalities of drug testing but also underscores its significance in the realm of substance abuse treatment. It's a must-listen for anyone interested in the interplay of science, ethics, and healthcare in addressing addiction and recovery. Listen to episode 136 of We Do Recover with Jared Miller for an enlightening journey into the "Dirty Details of Drug Testing."


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EP 135 - An Alternative Approach with Bryce Conaster

Dive into a compelling session of "We Do Recover with Jared Miller," where Episode 135 features the unconventional recovery journey of Bryce Conatser, a musical artist with a history of addiction. Bryce shares his current experience using medical marijuana to combat his methamphetamine and heroin dependencies while living in a sober house – a controversial method that's not often shared in recovery narratives. In episode 135, Jared invites listeners to approach Bryce's story with an open mind, exploring the potential of alternative paths to sobriety. This episode is a candid discussion about the complexities of addiction and the personalized nature of healing. Tune in to hear a raw, enlightening conversation that aims to broaden perspectives on recovery and the unique ways individuals seek their personal peace and rhythm in life.


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EP 134 - Desperation of a Dying Man by Robert ’Cord’ Beatty

Episode 134 of "We Do Recover with Jared Miller" is here, and it's not your typical Halloween tale! πŸŽ™οΈ Jared Miller, our charismatic counselor and host, kicks off the episode with a nod to the upcoming "All Hollows Eve," setting a fun and festive tone. πŸŽƒ But hold onto your pumpkin spice lattes, because we quickly dive into a captivating conversation with Robert Cord Beatty - an author, speaker, and entrepreneur with a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat. πŸ“š Cord opens up about his journey of recovery and how he channels his energy into helping others through his business, Zions Healing Centers. But that's not all - he's also here to discuss his latest literary masterpiece, "Desperation Of A Dying Man: A Journey of Redemption and Healing." πŸ›€οΈ This isn't just any book - it's a raw and powerful exploration of Step 1 of the 12-Step Program, focusing on the crucial concepts of admittance, acceptance, and surrender. Cord uses his own life as a canvas, painting a vivid picture of transformation and hope. 🎨 Jared and Cord dive deep, discussing how the book serves as an educational tool, using real-life examples to illustrate its principles and guide readers on their own paths to recovery. πŸ—£οΈ So, if you're ready for a Halloween episode that's more treat than trick, tune in to "We Do Recover with Jared Miller." It's a journey of heart, healing, and a little Halloween fun! πŸŽ‰


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EP 133 -From Frankenstein to Brain Spotting with Dawn McComb

Ever thought Frankenstein-style surgeries might be the future of therapy? Jared Miller did! Kicking off the spooktacular episode with some Halloween jests, Jared and his co-host, Dr. Terry Sellers, joshed about the wild side of therapies. But fear not! Dawn McComb, a seasoned therapist, is here to bring clarity out of the chaos. Enter: Brain Spotting therapy. 🧠✨ Not to be mistaken for a mad scientist experiment, this innovative approach treats trauma from the brain's bottom-up – a flip from the traditional top-down method of talk therapy. Dawn admits she raised an eyebrow at it initially. Yet, after diving into the training and seeing its transformative power with her clients, she's now a staunch advocate. Join the trio as they debunk myths, share insights, and shed light on the magic of brain-spotting therapy. Warning: This episode might just rewire the way you see mental health treatment! πŸŽƒπŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬πŸŽ™οΈ


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EP 132 - We Do Hard Things with Matt Blanchard

In this moving episode, counselor Jared Miller sits down with the indomitable Matt Blanchard. Matt's journey is one of heartache, resilience, and redemption. From the life-altering accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down to the darkest corners of his mind contemplating the permanence of his paralysis and battling suicidal thoughts, Matt's narrative takes listeners on an emotional roller coaster. One of the most harrowing aspects of Matt's story is his descent into opiate addiction. Initially seeking refuge from the physical and emotional torment, he became ensnared by the tight grip of Oxycontin. It wasn't until his daughter's painful realization and intervention that Matt recognized the slow poison of opioids coursing through him. But Matt's story isn't just one of adversity; it's also one of hope and rebirth. His poignant account of the struggle to put on socks for the first time post-accident is symbolic of the broader challenges many face. It's a powerful reminder that everyone, at some point, needs help "putting their socks on." Matt Blanchard epitomizes the human spirit's ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. His message? With enough willingness, paths to recovery will unfold before you. This episode is not just a testimony to Matt's resilience but a beacon of hope for all those facing their darkest hours. We hope you enjoy this episode! Please share it with family & friends, someone in the world right now needs to hear it.


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EP 131 - USARA Influencing Legislation

In this compelling episode, our hosts Counselor Jared Miller and Doctor Terry Sellers, dive deep into the world of substance use disorder, non-profit work, and the intricacies of influencing legislation. They are joined by the passionate Evan Done, who offers insights from his unique journey in the field. Evan begins by sharing the touching moments and driving forces that led him to venture into the realm of substance use disorder and the non-profit sector. His story paints a vivid picture of the challenges and rewards inherent in this line of work, giving listeners a glimpse of the person behind the advocate. The conversation turns to the legislative efforts spearheaded by USARA - the non-profit organization Evan is affiliated with. The trio delves into the organization's significant role in shaping policies in the state of Utah, ensuring that the voices of those in recovery are not only heard but also represented. The trio reflects on past episodes tied to this topic, specifically, "Magic Mushroom Bill," discussed in episode 113, and the "Utah Fentanyl News" from episode 116. Evan explains USARA's position on these proposed bills and sheds light on the non-profit's unwavering commitment to the recovery community. This episode is not just for those interested in the connection between legislation and substance use disorder but for anyone keen to understand the profound impact of non-profit organizations in the advocacy landscape. We hope you enjoy this episode!
