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A Podcast of Biblical Proportions

History Podcasts

A Podcast of Biblical Proportions dives into ancient Hebrew history. Our time machine is the countless texts the ancient Hebrews wrote, including stories, historical accounts, songs, poems, prophecies, laws, rules, and regulations. Most of these texts can be found in the Hebrew Bible, aka the Old Testament or the Tanakh. This English-speaking podcast brings a new perspective to reading the Hebrew Bible — that of the person who wrote it, immersing ourselves in his world and perspective. We started with Genesis chapter 1, and have been proceeding in the order in which the texts appear in the Bible. Join Hebrew-speaking writer and editor Gil Kidron on a journey of biblical proportions into the lives of ordinary people living through extraordinary circumstances. Since Judaism and Christianity came out of their writings, the ended up laying the groundwork for so much of human culture.




A Podcast of Biblical Proportions dives into ancient Hebrew history. Our time machine is the countless texts the ancient Hebrews wrote, including stories, historical accounts, songs, poems, prophecies, laws, rules, and regulations. Most of these texts can be found in the Hebrew Bible, aka the Old Testament or the Tanakh. This English-speaking podcast brings a new perspective to reading the Hebrew Bible — that of the person who wrote it, immersing ourselves in his world and perspective. We started with Genesis chapter 1, and have been proceeding in the order in which the texts appear in the Bible. Join Hebrew-speaking writer and editor Gil Kidron on a journey of biblical proportions into the lives of ordinary people living through extraordinary circumstances. Since Judaism and Christianity came out of their writings, the ended up laying the groundwork for so much of human culture.



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New Plan After Oral Surgery

I had oral surgery and cannot record new episodes for the coming 2-4 months. BUT we're going to turn these lemons into lemonade. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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71 - Moses the Natural Born Leader

The depiction of Moses and his leadership style in the parallel populist Exodus narrative is a rare ancient story written by and for the people. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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70 - Who Wrote The Song of the Sea?

Most scholars see the Song of the Sea poem as one of the oldest in the Bible. But in the past, they all agreed it was actually one of the newest texts in the Bible. So which one it is? Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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69 - Let The Complaining Begin

After centuries of oppression, Yahweh takes the Hebrews out of Egypt. And the first thing they do is complain about being taken out of Egypt. Why? Desert Battle Story / Ezekiel (Exodus 14, verses:) 4 When the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled, the Pharaoh and his officials changed their minds about them and said, "What have we done? We have let the Israelites go and have lost their labor!" 5 So he had his chariot made ready and took his army with him. 10 As Pharaoh drew near, the Israelites looked back, and there were the Egyptians advancing on them. In great fear the Israelites cried out to Yahweh. 11 They said to Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us, bringing us out of Egypt? 12 Is this not the very thing we told you in Egypt, ‘Let us alone so that we can serve the Egyptians’? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.” 13 But Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliverance that Yahweh will accomplish for you today, for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall never see again. 14 Yahweh will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.” 23 During the last watch of the night Yahweh overlooked the Egyptian armies in the form of a pillar of fire and smoke and he threw their armies into confusion. 24 He jammed the wheels of their chariots so that they had difficulty driving. And the Egyptians said, "Let's get away from the Israelites! Yahweh is fighting for them against Egypt." 29 That day Yahweh saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. 30 And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of Yahweh displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared Yahweh and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant. Staff on the Stone Story / Ezekiel (Exodus 15 and then 17, verses:) 22 So Moses led Israel into the wilderness, and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water. 23 When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter. That is why it was called Marah. 24 And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” * 2 The people quarreled with Moses and said, “Give us water to drink.” Moses said to them, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test Yahweh?” 3 But the people thirsted there for water, and the people complained against Moses and said, “Why did you bring us out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and livestock with thirst?” 4 So Moses cried out to Yahweh, “What shall I do for this people? They are almost ready to stone me.” 5 Yahweh said to Moses, “Go on ahead of the people and take some of the elders of Israel with you; take in your hand the staff and go. 6 I will be standing there in front of you on the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink.” Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel. 7 He called the place Massah and Meribah,because the Israelites quarreled and tested Yahweh, saying, “was Yahweh among us or not?” Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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538 BCE: A Giant Leap for Mankind

The period known as the Axial Age began right after the establishment of the Persian empire. Gil and Dr. Rutger Vos, an evolutionary biologist and history buff, see it as a direct result of Persia's rise. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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68 - The Crossing of the Red Sea

This is the most epic story in the Bible. Since most scholars agree it was written in Persian times, what could have inspired the writer of this story? Was there an epic crossing of water in Persian times? To read the Crossing of the Red Sea story as it was written, click here Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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67 - The Hebrew Odyssey

The first thing God does after finally freeing the Hebrews from their Egyptian captivity is to send them the wrong way. Why? And why are they carrying with them the bones of Joseph? Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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66 - The Passover Backlash

The Hebrew priests had used Passover to make themselves rich and powerful, and their enemies added new rules meant to persecute the priests into oblivion. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Exodus Recap: The Layers of Passover

In our mini-series into the origins of Passover, we have learned that it has two layers of rules: a universalist seasonal layer, and a nationalistic layer. Let's refresh our memories on how the Passover rules in Exodus, chapters 12-13, were written. Celebrate with us the Barley Chapati Festival of our ancestors! Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Exodus Recap: The Writers

Before we get back to Exodus, we need to refresh our memories about who are the people who wrote and edited Exodus. To join our tribal Barley Chapati Festival, click here Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: Intelligence in the Ancient World

After learning in our Revisiting Genesis episodes that Jeremiah was working for the Babylonians to undermine Jerusalem, we host Bernie from the Fan of History podcast to dive into how rulers used intelligence to further their ambitions Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Revisiting Genesis 7 - The Promised Land

In our Revisiting Genesis series finale (for now): While in prison, Jeremiah gets a very suspicious visit from his "cousin" - fateful visit that would change the course of history Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Revisiting Genesis 6 - Sodom, part 2

In Genesis 19 we can find an action-packed thriller story about an extraction operation of a righteous man from an evil city. We just need to forget about Sodom. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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REPOSTING: 15 - Operation Sodom and Gomorrah

This episode was posted three years, before we knew that the Sodom story was actually about the destruction of Jerusalem. And still, we nailed it anyway. Enjoy this prophetic/nostalgia/cringe episode! Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Revisiting Genesis 5 - Sodom, part 1

The second Genesis story about the destruction of Jerusalem is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, evil cities that Yahweh had to destroy for their sins. Exactly what Yahweh told Jeremiah he would do to Jerusalem. But what does the story reveal about the destruction of Jerusalem? Click here to read more about the next course: six divine comedies from the books of Samuel. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Revisiting Genesis 4 - The Flood

When we read the tale of Noah and the flood in its own context and in the original Hebrew, we meet an ancient sci-fi story with an incredible twist. To read Baruch's flood tale as it was written click here To download the Suffering Servant special click here Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: The History of Judges vs Priests

The conflict between judges and priests is at the core of Hebrew history, and that of human civilization as a whole. And its started as a feud between herders and farmers. Evolutionary biologist Dr. Rutger Vos joins Gil to look at the BIG historical picture and how it connects to Hebrew history. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Revisiting Genesis 3 - Cain and Abel

Where did the writer of the most famous murder story of the Bible get his inspiration? Probably from the second most famous murder in Bible, which he himself wrote. A tragic political assassination. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: Looking for Political Jesus

Garry Stevens from the History in the Bible podcast joins Gil to talk about the possible inspirations for the political stories of Jesus: the overthrowing of the corrupt temple priests, the betrayal by a friend and ally following a last supper and more. To join our tribe, click here. To get more details about our Suffering Servant course, click here. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Revisiting Genesis 2 - The Garden of Eden

The story of the Garden of Eden is about two people who broke the law and have to stand trial in front of a God judge. What kind of people view their God as a judge? For more information about the Suffering Servant course, click here. To join the tribe, click here. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron
