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A Podcast of Biblical Proportions

History Podcasts

A Podcast of Biblical Proportions dives into ancient Hebrew history and ancient Hebrew stories. Our time machine is the texts ancient Hebrew scribes wrote, including stories, historical accounts, songs, poems, prophecies, laws, rules, and regulations. Most of these texts can be found in the Hebrew Bible, aka the Old Testament or the Tanakh. This English-speaking podcast brings a new perspective to reading the Hebrew Bible — that of the person who wrote it, immersing ourselves in their world and perspective. We started with Genesis chapter 1, and have been proceeding in the order in which the texts appear in the Bible. Join Hebrew-speaking writer and editor Gil Kidron on a journey of biblical proportions into the lives of ordinary people living through extraordinary circumstances. Since Judaism and Christianity came out of their writings, they ended up laying the groundwork for so much of human culture.




A Podcast of Biblical Proportions dives into ancient Hebrew history and ancient Hebrew stories. Our time machine is the texts ancient Hebrew scribes wrote, including stories, historical accounts, songs, poems, prophecies, laws, rules, and regulations. Most of these texts can be found in the Hebrew Bible, aka the Old Testament or the Tanakh. This English-speaking podcast brings a new perspective to reading the Hebrew Bible — that of the person who wrote it, immersing ourselves in their world and perspective. We started with Genesis chapter 1, and have been proceeding in the order in which the texts appear in the Bible. Join Hebrew-speaking writer and editor Gil Kidron on a journey of biblical proportions into the lives of ordinary people living through extraordinary circumstances. Since Judaism and Christianity came out of their writings, they ended up laying the groundwork for so much of human culture.



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Resident Academic: The Persian Axial Age Hypothesis

In the first installment of a new series to add an academic perspective to the podcast, I present my "538 BCE changed the world" hypothesis to our new resident academic, evolutionary biologist, Dr. Rutger Vos. Click here to listen to our first episode about the Persian Axial Age hypothesis. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Scholar Rejects My Exodus Hypothesis

In the second half of my conversation with Dr. Gad Barnea from the University of Haifa, he rejects the idea that the Exodus stories about leaving Egypt are merely tales about leaving Babylonia, and he presents his own hypothesis. Dr. Barnea is a Faculty Member at the University of Haifa, Department of Jewish History and Thought, he is a Research Fellow at the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, and for Project BEST at the University of Haifa, Department Of Biblical Studies, and an Associate Fellow at the Department of History of the Royal Historical Society. Click here totoo listen to the As Depicted on Film episode about the Ten Commandments (1956) by Cecil B DeMille Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Researching Zoroastrian Influences on the Hebrews (w/ Dr. Gad Barnea)

For decades, scholars believed that ancient Hebrew letters from 419 BCE proved the continuity of Passover, but a new study shows that, if anything, Passover has Persian Zoroastrian origins. Dr. Gad Barnea from the University of Haifa joins Gil and Garry Stevens from the History in the Bible podcast to discuss his research into the so called Passover Lettersso-called. Dr. Barnea is a Faculty Member at the University of Haifa, Department of Jewish History and Thought, he is a Research Fellow at the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, and for Project BEST at the University of Haifa, Department Of Biblical Studies, and an Associate Fellow at the Department of History of the Royal Historical Society. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: Study Validates Passover Zoroastrian Origins

A new study into the so-called "Passover Letters" reveals the depth of Persian-Zoroastrian influences. I spoke to Bernie Maopolski from the Fan of History podcast to discuss Read the article about this research by Dr. Gad Barnea here Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: The Great Reform of 2 Kings, 23

2 Kings, chapter 23, is one of the most fascinating chapters in the Bible and contains more layers than would seem at first sight. Rabbi Adam Chalom joins Gil to discuss.the Rabbi Chalom is Dean of North America at the International Institute of Secular Humanistic Judaism and Rabbi of his congregation in Kol Hadash Illinois. For secular Jewish holiday celebrations go to Chagim.org.il Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Debunking Richard Friedman's Levite Exodus Theory

Now that we finished going over the book of Exodus, it's time to go over the most famous Exodus theory, offered by the famed scholar Richard Elliot Friedman in a very popular book. In this episode, Gil debunks his whole theory. Watch Friedman's talk about the Exodus at a convention (note: it's actually not from his YouTube channel) Watch Friedman's class about Exodus Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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79 - The Making of Exodus

In this summary episode of our work on the book of Exodus, we go over again all the important things we found in Exodus and how we found them Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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78 - The Ark, the Tent and the Tabernacle

In our final Exodus episode, we tackle the final 15 chapters of the book, which contain mountains of priestly lists. If you thought lists are boring, then wait till we go over them in context. Click here to watch a short clip for how you change הכהן (The Priest) to בן נון (Son of Nun) without erasing a single letter, plus two other such examples/ Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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77 - Bringing Justice to the Hebrew People

The Exodus code of civil and economic laws was a radical overhaul of Hebrew society meant to turn it from elitist to populist. When? In 140 BCE. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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75 - Moses the Horned Murderer

The two priestly Mount Sinai stories star two very different Moses(es), and these differences tell the epic tale of the fall and comeback of the priestly class. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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74 - The Face of God

After getting to Mount Sinai, Moses and the Hebrew VIPs get to *see* their God. What does he look like? And why is he standing on sapphire? Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: If People Wrote the Bible, What Then?

What meaning can we derive from the Bible if we look at it as written by people? Rabbi Adam Chalom, Dean of North America at the International Institute of Secular Humanistic Judaism and Rabbi of his congregation in Kol Hadash in Illinois, joins Gil to discuss. For secular Jewish holiday celebrations go to Chagim.org.il Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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73 - The Calf and the Tablets

The story of the Golden Calf and Stone Tablets is one of the most famous stories ever written, and when we read it in context we can appreciate it to its fullest Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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72 - The Manna Scroll

The Manna from Heaven story is not an account of the Hebrews eating magical bread in the desert, but a story about the destruction of Jerusalem (587 BCE) and the subsequent exile to Babylonia. Manna from Heaven, Exodus 16: 2 The whole congregation of the Israelites complained against Moses and Aaron in the Wilderness. 3 The Israelites said to them, "If only we had died by the hand of Yahweh in the land of Egypt when we sat by the pots of meat and ate our fill of bread, for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger." 6 So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, "In the evening, you shall know that it was Yahweh who brought you out of the land of Egypt, 7 and in the morning you shall see the glory of Yahweh, because he has heard your complaining against Him. For what are we? Your complaining is not against us but against Yahweh." 10 And as Aaron spoke to the whole congregation of the Israelites, they looked toward the Wilderness, and the glory of Yahweh appeared in the cloud. 11 Yahweh spoke to Moses, 12 "I have heard the complaining of the Israelites; say to them, 'At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall have your fill of bread; then you shall know that I am Yahweh your God.'" 13 In the evening, quails came up and covered the camp, and in the morning, there was a layer of dew around the camp. 14 When the layer of dew lifted, there on the surface of the desert was a fine flaky substance, as fine as frost on the ground. 15 When the Israelites saw it, they said to one another, "What is it?" 16 This is what Yahweh has commanded: Gather as much of it as each of you needs, an omer per person according to the number of persons, all providing for those in their own tents." 17 The Israelites did so. 19 And Moses said to them, "Let no one leave any of it over until morning." 20 But they did not listen to Moses; some left part of it until morning, and it became wormy and rotten. And Moses was angry with them. 21 Morning by morning they gathered it, as much as each needed, but when the sun grew hot, it melted. 22 On the sixth day, they gathered twice as much food, two omers apiece. When all the leaders of the congregation came and told Moses, 23 he said to them, "This is what Yahweh has commanded: Tomorrow is a day of solemn rest a holy Sabbath to Yahweh; bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil, and all that is left over put aside to be kept until morning." 24 So they put it aside until morning, just as Moses commanded them, and it did not rot, and there were no maggots in it. 25 Moses said, "Eat it today, for today is a Sabbath to Yahweh; today you will not find it in the field. 27 On the seventh day some of the people went out to gather, and they found none. 28 Yahweh said to Moses, "How long will you refuse to keep my commandments and instructions? 29 See! Yahweh has given you ... on the sixth day... food for two days; each of you stay where you are; do not leave your place on the seventh day." 31 The Israelites called it Manna; it was like white coriander seed, and the taste of it was like wafers with honey. 32 Moses said, "This is what Yahweh has commanded: Let an omer of it be kept throughout your generations in order that they may see the food with which I fed you in the wilderness when I brought you out of the land of Egypt." 33 And Moses said to Aaron, "Take a container (צנצנת), and put an omer of manna in it, and place it before Yahweh, to be kept throughout your generations." 34 Just as Yahweh commanded Moses, so Aaron placed it before the covenant, for safekeeping. 35 An omer is a tenth of an ephah. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Episodes Coming Back Next Week!

The regular episodes are coming back starting next week, and n the ensuing weeks we will finish up the book of Exodus! Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Theories Collab: Semitic Germanic and Follow the Shoe

Gil discusses interesting theories with Bernie Maopolski from the Fan of History podcast and Garry Stevens from the History in the Bible podcast. Listen here to Bernie's conversation with a linguistic archeologist about the Carthaginian words in Germanic theory . Check out here Garry's Cartogram of the Roman Urban Population Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: The Making of the New Testament

Gary Stevens of the History in the Bible podcast joins Gil to discuss when and in what context was the New Testament written and compiled. There are currently three published books in the History in the Bible Podcast Companion collection. Here are the Amazon US links: Vol 1: Genesis to Babylon Vol 2: Age of the Second Temple Vol 3: Coming soon Vol 4: Essential Resources Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: The Passover Layers

I went on the History of the Papacy podcast to discuss the evolution of Passover, from a 538 BCE agricultural festival to a 140 BCE nationalistic one. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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Collab: What's Most Facinating About Ancient World

In one episode, three ancient history podcasters discuss what's most fascinating about the ancient world. Garry Stevens of the History in the Bible podcast and Bernie Maopolski from the Fan of History podcast join Gil to break it down. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron


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New Plan After Oral Surgery

I had oral surgery and cannot record new episodes for the coming 2-4 months. BUT we're going to turn these lemons into lemonade. Join our tribe on Patreon! Check out these cool pages on the podcast's website: Home PageWho wrote the BibleAncient mapsClick here to see Exodus divided into "sources" according to the Documentary Hypothesis The podcast is written, edited and produced by Gil Kidron
