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[Abridged] Presidential Histories

History Podcasts

From Yorktown to the Civil War, Pearl Harbor to 9/11, discover the pivotal moments that defined each president's life and legacy and the lessons we can draw from them. New episodes available the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.


United States


From Yorktown to the Civil War, Pearl Harbor to 9/11, discover the pivotal moments that defined each president's life and legacy and the lessons we can draw from them. New episodes available the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.



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39.B) Jimmy Carter, Stagflation, & Paul Volcker, an interview with Jennifer Burns

When unemployment and inflation began to rise side by side in the 1970s, nobody knew what to do. Economic theory suggested it should have been impossible, and yet the numbers couldn't be denied. Stanford Historian Jennifer Burns, author of Milton Friedman: The Last Conservative, discusses how American presidents of the 70's tried and failed to curb stagflation, what led Carter to Paul Volcker, and how Volcker's medicine may have saved the economy, but doomed Carter's presidency in the process. Support the Show.


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BONUS! The Hail Mary Effect in Presidential Politics, an interview with William Silber

It's commonly accepted wisdom that presidents are less effective in their second terms, when the term limits of the 22nd amendment turn them into Lame Ducks who cannot be elected to office a third time. But what if that common wisdom is wrong? Former NYU economics professor William Silber, author of The Power of Nothing to Lose: The Hail Mary Effect in Politics, War and Business, argues that lame ducks only appear less effective because, with nothing left to lose, they pursue goals that are more ambitious and more difficult. And nothing-to-lose, gamble-it-all-on-the-win behavior can also be seen in presidential campaigns when candidates trail badly in the polls or fear a defeat will end their careers. With two former presidents on the ballet this fall, Silber forecasts what to expect from the campaigns and potential administrations of the contendors. Support the Show.


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39.A) Jimmy Carter, the outsider, an interview with Jonathan Alter

When Jimmy Carter won the presidency, his Democratic party held a 61-37 majority in the Senate and a 292-143 majority in the House. Why then, with such a clear governing majority, were his relations with Congress so poor, and his agenda so challenged? Jonathan Alter, a long-time journalist and author of numerous books on the presidency, including His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, a Life, discusses how Carter's outsider status and a healthy heaping of luck swept him to the presidency, but betrayed him in the White House. Support the Show.


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39.) Jimmy Carter 1977-1981

"The erosion of confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and political fabric of the nation," - Jimmy Carter, July 15, 1979 ~~~ Jimmy Carter may have been the luckiest presidential candidate and unluckiest president in American history. Chasing the presidency after Watergate and the pardon of Nixon had crushed American faith in its leaders, Carter's outsider message was the right note at the right time. But once in office, a combination of economic headwinds and international disasters doomed his administration. From Plains, Georgia, to the White House and back, follow along as Carter navigates southern politics and national disenchantment to try and set the nation on a path for the future. Bibliography 1. His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, a Life – Jonathan Alter 2. Gerald Ford – Douglas Brinkley 3. Ronald Reagan: The life – H.W. Brands 4. Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush – Jon Meacham 5. The Survivor: Bill Clinton in the White House – John F. Harris Support the Show.


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37.C) Nixon v The Supreme Court, an interview with Michael Bobelian

From 1953 to 1969, the Supreme Court was a vanguard of progressive change for the United States. But then came Tricky Dick. Michael Bobelian, author of Battle For The Marble Palace: Abe Fortas, Lyndon Johnson, Earl Warren, Richard Nixon and the Forging of the Modern Supreme Court, discusses how presidential candidate Richard Nixon and senate conservatives blocked LBJ's efforts to cement a progressive court for years to come and, in 3 short years, transformed the once liberal bastion into a conservative bulwark, forever changing how justices are nominated and confirmed in the United States. Support the Show.


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38.A) Gerald Ford in the Maelstrom, an interview with Brooke Clement

A 24-year career in Congress crested at a tumultuous time for Gerald Ford. He was the GOP leader of the house during the Nixon administration, then Nixon's VP, then the president who had to heal the country after Watergate. Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum director Brook Clement discusses the crucible Ford walked as a national leader. Support the Show.


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38.) Gerald Ford 1974-1977

"Our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald Ford, August 9, 1974 ~~~ Gerald Ford is the only person in American history to reach the vice presidency and the presidency without being elected to either. Despite this, he was a popular president - for 1 month. But then he pardoned Nixon, and it was all downhill from there. Follow along as Ford rides his athletic gifts from Grand Rapids to The University of Michigan and eventually Yale, serves his country in World War 2, then embarks on a quest to become Speaker of the House, only to discover the presidency instead. Once there, he'll grapple with the legacy of Watergate, and a bedeviling rise in unemployment and inflation that threatened to send the country's economy over the cliff. Bibliography 1. Gerald Ford – Douglas Brinkley 2. Richard Nixon: The Life – John Farrell 3. Ronald Reagan: The life – H.W. Brands 4. The Vietnam War – Ken Burns (documentary) 5. Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush – Jon Meacham 6. Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream – Doris Kearns Goodwin 7. Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency – Mark K Updegrove 8. His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, a Life – Jonathan Alter Support the Show.


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37.B) The campaigns of Richard Nixon, an interview with John Farrell

It didn't take long for Richard Nixon to earn the nickname "Tricky Dick," but was he really any more tricky than the typical politician? You bet he was! John Farrell, a long-time journalist and author of numerous books on political leaders, including Richard Nixon, The Life, discusses the many campaigns of Richard Nixon, from the red scare tactics that swept him to office, to the southern strategy that changed America's political map forever. Support the Show.


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37.A) Nixon's Domestic Agenda, an interview with Luke Nichter

Richard Nixon was sworn in as President with a Democratic House and Senate across Capitol Hill, which you might expect to lead to legislative impasse. Instead, it was one of the more prolific legislative stretches in American history, including such accomplishments as: Lowering the voting age, Title IX, creating the EPA, the Clean Air Act, abolishing the draft, and more. But were all of these laws passed because of Richard Nixon, or despite him? Historian Luke Nichter, a Chapman University professor who operates nixontapes.org, explores how Nixon and the Democratic Congress came together to pass so much meaningful change. Support the Show.


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37.) Richard Nixon 1969-1974

"People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook." - Richard Nixon, November 17, 1973 ~~~ Richard Nixon's life is a drama unlike any other. A desire to win at any cost earned him the name "Tricky Dick" and carried him from Whittier, California, to the Presidency of the United States, but it also proved his undoing. From Alger Hiss to Checkers, the Chenault Affair, "Nixon goes to China," and Watergate, we will dive into the remarkable rise and fall of the only American to resign the presidency, Richard Milhouse Nixon. Bibliography 1. Richard Nixon: The Life – John Farrell 2. The Vietnam War – Ken Burns (documentary) 3. Gerald Ford – Douglas Brinkley 4. Eisenhower in War and Peace – Jean Edward Smith 5. Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush – Jon Meacham 6. An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917–1963 – Robert Dallek 7. Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream – Doris Kearns Goodwin 8. Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency – Mark K Updegrove Support the Show.


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16.F.) How Lincoln changed American immigration, an interview with Harold Holzer

Migrating to the United States used to be as easy as buying a boat ticket. Getting settled was the hard part, and it became far more daunting when the United States was torn asunder by Civil War in 1861. As more and more northerners were conscripted into the Union Army, Lincoln realized a friendlier immigration policy might be the key to sustaining economic and military strength through the long years of war. Harold Holzer, director of the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College in New York City and Chairman of the Lincoln Forum, discusses his new book Brought Forth on this Continent Abraham Lincoln and American Immigration, which delves into the role immigration played in killing the Whig party, building the republican party, and how Lincoln's views toward immigration changed during through his career and into the Civil War, when he attempted one of the first major overhauls of the American immigration system in U.S. history. Support the Show.


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36.B) LBJ's Great Society, an interview with Mark Updegrove

Lyndon Baines Johnson is one of the most legislatively accomplished presidents in American history - possibly the only president who actually did so much winning, people got tired of it. But how did he make legislating look so easy? Mark Updegrove, president and CEO of the LBJ Foundation and author of 5 books on the presidency, including Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency, discusses the impact and legacy of LBJ's Great Society. Support the Show.


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36.A) LBJ & Vietnam, an interview with Mark Lawrence

Few presidents have a darker mark on their resume that LBJ's handling of the Vietnam war. Though overwhelmingly popular at first, the war divided the nation and broke Johnson's political power just 4 years later. How did the United States get into Vietnam? Why didn't LBJ see what the American people saw as public opinion turned against it? And what can we learn from Johnson's handling of the war in Vietnam? Mark Lawrence, director of the LBJ Presidential Library & Museum in Austin and author of The End of Ambition: The United States and the Third World in the Vietnam Era, discusses the legacy of LBJ's leadership of the Vietnam War. Support the Show.


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36.) Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963-1969

"There is no Negro problem. There is no Southern problem. There is no Northern problem. There is only an American problem." - Lyndon Baines Johnson, March 9, 1965 ~~~ Lyndon Baines Johnson was thrust into the presidency at a moment of tragedy - the public assassination of his predecessor. With the nation in panic, Congress in deadlock, and Civil Rights seemingly out of reach, the challenges were long, but Johnson used his mastery of the legislative process to overcome them. He may have gone down as one of the greats if not for the war that consumed his presidency, the war in Vietnam. Bibliography 1. Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream – Doris Kearns Goodwin 2. The Years of Lyndon Johnson and the Passage of Power – Robert Caro 3. Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency – Mark K Updegrove 4. The Vietnam War – Ken Burns (documentary) 5. An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917–1963 – Robert Dallek 6. Richard Nixon: The Life – John Farrell 7. Eisenhower in War and Peace – Jean Edward Smith 8. Gerald Ford – Douglas Brinkley Support the Show.


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35.C) JFK & The Press, an interview with Harold Holzer

JFK once joked, "the worst I do, the more popular I get." Historian Harold Holzer, director of the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College in New York City, Chairman of the Lincoln Forum, and author of The presidents vs. the Press: The endless battle between the white house and the media, from the founding fathers to Fake News, discusses how JFK used his mastery of the press to become one of the most enduringly popular presidents in U.S. history. Support the Show.


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35.B) Joe Kennedy Sr., The Patriarch, an interview with David Nasaw

Joe Kennedy Jr. used his intellect, connections, and more than a few shady stock market tricks to become one of the wealthiest men in America. Once there, he threw his vast fortune behind the political aspirations of his children, challenging them to do good in the world. But tragedy was always a step away. Within a year of Joe's crowning achievement, the presidential inauguration of his son, Jack, Joe was struck down by a stroke. He lived 8 more years, helplessly watching as two sons were felled by assassins bullets. Historian David Nasaw, author of The Patriarch: The Remarkable Life and Turbulent Times of Joseph P. Kennedy, discusses the Shakespearean tragedy that is Joe Kennedy Sr. Support the Show.


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35.A) The Assassination of JFK, an interview with Stephen Fagin

60 years ago today, John F. Kennedy was assassinated while traveling through the streets of Dallas. Stephen Fagin, curator of The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, takes us through the tragic day and discusses why Kennedy's assassination has attracted so much doubt and dreams of conspiracy. Support the Show.


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35.) John F. Kennedy 1961-1963

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy, January 20, 1961 ~~~ John F. Kennedy presided over three of the most turbulent years of the Cold War. From the Bay of Pigs to the Cuban Missile Crisis and a coup in Vietnam, the stakes have rarely been higher. But how did he overcome youth and bigotry against his Catholic faith to reach the White House? Well, it helps when your daddy has money and you have charisma to spare. Bibliography 1. An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917–1963 – Robert Dallek 2. Richard Nixon: The Life – John Farrell 3. Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream – Doris Kearns Goodwin 4. The Years of Lyndon Johnson and the Passage of Power – Robert Caro 5. Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency – Mark K Updegrove 6. Eisenhower in War and Peace – Jean Edward Smith Support the Show.


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BONUS! 2023 Friendsgiving History Podcast Spectacular

Earlier this year, four podcasters got together to record the second annual Friendsgiving History Podcast Spectacular! Tune in as I'm joined by three fellow history podcasters and friends for a round table discussion on U.S. and presidential history. The other podcasters are: Presidencies of the United StatesCivics & CoffeePlodding through the PresidentsHappy Thanksgiving! Support the Show.


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34.C) Ike, the Last General, an interview with Bryan Gibby

Eisenhower is the last general to have become president. How did his time in the army influence his administration and what stamp did it leave on the presidency? Bryan Gibby, the deputy head of West Point's history department, discusses how Ike's time at the academy, in the army, and during World War II shaped his leadership style and impacted his presidential administration Support the Show.
