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Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs

History Podcasts

U.S. Constitution through the lens of Christianity. Douglas V. Gibbs is a Radio Host, Author, Public Speaker, and outspoken proponent for the spread of constitutional literacy and patriotic advocacy. Doug has appeared on television, radio, and podcasts and is an award-winning blogger and freelance newspaper columnist whose articles appear in both print, and online.


United States


U.S. Constitution through the lens of Christianity. Douglas V. Gibbs is a Radio Host, Author, Public Speaker, and outspoken proponent for the spread of constitutional literacy and patriotic advocacy. Doug has appeared on television, radio, and podcasts and is an award-winning blogger and freelance newspaper columnist whose articles appear in both print, and online.



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Mr. Constitution | 07/20/24 | Assassination

A week ago an attempt on the life of Donald J. Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania has the country stunned, and there are a lot of questions about security and the operations of local law enforcement and the United States Secret Service. Trump credits God for his survival, and at the RNC Convention the GOP is more united than ever before. Mr. Constitution weighs in. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Mr. Constitution | 07.13.24 | Confusion in the Ranks - They Lie

They knew that Biden's mental acuity was fouled up, but they lied and tried to cover it up...and they've been exposed. But, they have nowhere to go so Biden will likely remain their nominee. Meanwhile, the games and lies regarding Project 2025 is maddening, and Trump is not distancing himself from the Heritage Foundation's creation, he simply said he is not attached to it. Obama is not in control, disallowance of federal law regarding freedom of speech is absolute, Money Dysmorphia is a thing, and the Democrats don't know where to go next. Mr. Constitution explains. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Mr Constitution | 07.06.24 2426 | Independence

With the recent celebration of Independence Day, Mr. Constitution takes a look as some July 4th history, and provides a few thoughts about how the holiday is viewed by various groups in the United States, and what it truly means to possess American exceptionalism. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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06.29.24 | Implosion

Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs: The debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden left Biden's last remaining supporters stupified, with the Democratic Party clamoring for a replacement; and everyone has been mentioned except the Vice President, Kamala Harris. Why is that? Also, the Democrats are doubling down on their determination to fundamentally transform America. And, the Supreme Court of the United States took a case regarding social media and federal influence on their censorship policies. Mr. Constitution explains. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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06.22.24 |Sinners and an Angry God

It's beginning to feel like a mix of the 1930s and the dark years right before Rome fell. The signs are all around us, and evangelist Jonathan Edwards who ignited the Great Awakening in 1734 spoke about the things we need to hear. Mr. Constitution explores the idea that we can't get our political house in order if we don't get our biblical house in order. We are on a slippery slope, and God is not going to go there with us. We need to return to solid ground. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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06.15.24 | Hunters Conviction Newsoms Minimum Wage fallout anti christian left FBI fears Trump win

Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs: Smoke and Mirrors -- Don't be sucked in to celebrate the Hunter Biden conviction, it is a case of sleight of hand; Gavin Newsom's California minimum wage law for restaurants has backfired, as expected, with nearly 10,000 food worker jobs lost; At a school district when the atheists complained the Ten Commandments got axed; Members of the FBI say they will flee the country if Donald Trump wins back the presidency. Mr. Constitution explains. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Felon for President

Mr. Constitution explains the hush money trial, the 34 convictions, what happened, what will happened, the historical significance, and the fact that this is not the first time the judicial system has been weaponized to go after political opponents. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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06.01.24 | Americas Monumental Christian Beginning and Harrison Butker

The story of America's Christian foundation by the Pilgrims, Puritans, Thanksgiving, the Great Awakening and the American Revolution goes deeper than we might realize; and, Harrison Butker has responded to the attacks he received regarding the commencement speech he gave at Benedictine, and its a great, godly, response. Mr. Constitution explains. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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The Language of Tyranny

The republic, which we have been convinced is a democracy, is in peril largely due to language. What is the truth? Are the tyrants winning, and how can we turn it around? General Flynn says false flag events are on the horizon to interfere with the election, and Alan Derschewitz says that the antics of Judge Juan Marchan should have Trump's case dismissed due to a mistrial. Mr. Constitution explains. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Presidential Power of Impoundment and Betraying Israel

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American Illusion

Recently, Karl Denninger wrote an article proclaiming that "They make it all up." He was referring to Judicial Review and FISA. We must ask... what else, for the sake of the leftist narrative, have they made up? How much of what we believe about America is based on lies? Mr. Constitution explains. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Federal Republic. Nationalism, Immigration and Executive Orders

What is a federal republic? How does it differ from democracy, nationalism, or any other system of government? Why is illegal immigration such a problem, and why is standing against open borders not xenophobic or a sign of white supremacy? Are Biden's Executive Orders constitutional? What is an executive order? Mr. Constitution explains. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Freedom of Speech, Thought and Parenting

The Constitution was created on a foundation of Christian principles, which are being betrayed today. The Founders understood human nature, and created a republic with checks and balances, a separation of powers, and limited government to prevent the authoritarianism that is on the rise today. Parental rights are now completely under attack by the federal government with Biden's new Title IX changes, the criminalization of speech is on full display with Scotland's hate speech law, and even the Orwellian attack against your thoughts and personal opinions have been targeted by the left here in America, and worldwide. Whose funding it? George Soros is at the forefront, and he is now doing what he can to purchase all avenues of information, with his latest push to go after radio. Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs explains the details, and what might be on the horizon. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Mayorkas Impeachment, Iran-Israel, Bidens Classified Docs and Hunters Laptop

Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs: Impeachment, War, and the Biden Crime Family -- When the House of Representatives sent the Mayorkas Impeachment to the U.S. Senate, the Senate voted to not hear the case 51-49, with Chuck Schumer calling it a waste of the Senate's time, and a frivolous political stunt. Constitutionally, however, the Senate was required to hear the case. Iran recently sent drones to create an illusion that they were attacking Israel. Was it all for show? And what about U.S. support for Israel? Have we been supportive enough of the nation of God's Chosen People? Biden's Classified Documents Case is still being worked on, and a special counsel is working on the "Hunter's Laptop" case. Will anything come out of either? Mr. Constitution Explains. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Abortion and Conspiracy

Arizona's high court recently upheld an 1864 near total ban on abortion, and it was the right thing to do. President Trump responded, agreeing that the issue of abortion belongs to the States, and the federal government has no authority to be involved in the issue. Trump was correct. Mr. Constitution explains. Then, in the second segment, Mr. Constitution explains show all of the indictments against Trump are not only a part of a political game, but that none of them are directly connected to any committed crime. The charges are regarding a "conspiracy to commit a crime." In other words, each of them is based on twisted interpretations of Trump's words, thoughts, and opinions ... not only none of which are a crime, but the weaponized lawfare against Trump violates the First Amendment. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Technology, Communist China and White Supremacy

A paranoid former CIA and Navy SEAL friend of mine will only meet with me if I leave my phone at home and drive my old nineties car. He knows first hand what technology can do, even when the devices are off, and the batteries are removed. Who is listening? Who makes the computer parts? Who makes the chips? Communist China is listening, and through Tik Tok is sending information designed to stir the cultural revolution in America. The aim? Kill God, and create class warfare across the convince you that there is no God, society is flawed, natural rights are an illusion, the Constitution misses the mark, and all white people are racist. So far, the communists have done a good job waging their cultural warfare. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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The Great Flip

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State of the Union, Virtuous Society and the Bill of Rights

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Budgetary Process, spending earmarks and appropriations

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International Polities, Legislative Powers, and Postwar America

The United Nations is calling for international policies to supersede the Constitution of the United States. During the Virginia Ratifying Convention shortly after the writing of the Constitution the delegates voiced concern that international polities through treaties would try to supersede the Constitution, and James Madison explained that such an action would violate Article VI., which states the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. Mr. Constitution then goes word by word through Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution, explaining the establishment of congressional legislative powers by the delegation in 1787. In the final segment Douglas V. Gibbs discusses postwar America and how the Soviet Union after World War II took advantage of FDR's good nature and spread across eastern Europe. Support the show: See for privacy information.
