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The Return Of The Repressed.

History Podcasts

Please support the show! “The Return of the Repressed is exploring the crypto-catacombs of the Ideological State Apparatus. A psychotic wandering through the forgotten crimes, deals and rituals that architectured our every-day life predicament. “ Patreon: Contact:


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Please support the show! “The Return of the Repressed is exploring the crypto-catacombs of the Ideological State Apparatus. A psychotic wandering through the forgotten crimes, deals and rituals that architectured our every-day life predicament. “ Patreon: Contact:



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Ekofascism s02e06 "Gene fluidity and Shaken heredity. Lysenko's season finale."

A season finale is upon us. A lot remains to be said about Lysenko, epigenetics and that original cliffhanger regarding Darwins repressed theory of pangenesis. Not all has been said about Kruschev and the nuclear-bomb-corn of American Big Ag during the creation of the first truly global market of grain speculation, all has not been said about x-ray Mullers letter to Stalin that kickstarted the purge of the natural sciences or how Huxley got him into the soviet union and how they helped exiling Serebrovsky’s deserter students to take part in radiation sterilisation experiments in Nazi Germany. Not much has been said about Lysenko's teachers themselves, Michurin and Timiryazev who, though already seniors when the winter palace was stormed, nonetheless gladly supported the communist reorganisation of their scientific fields. We have yet to explore the great around-the-world adventures of Vavilov which debunked the biblical idea of a single origin of civilization, have not yet in detail told the story of Himmler's SS-biopiracy operations. During which it was not Vavilovs international Rockefeller “colleague” who defended his seed banks in Leningrad, but Lysenkoites who starved to death on their post to protect the work and legacy of a man whom western historians are telling us they saw as an enemy to be eradicated. There is a lot left to be talked about dear listener, but to really get there, we will begin today with something which our Marxist-Botanist Allan G. Morton has stated was and is “In fact, after all, the central problem of genetics, the explanation of Ontogeny.” This is a story of genetic fluidity and shaken heredity, the material dialectic critique of DNA-essentialism.


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[Preview] #44. Ekofascism s02e05 "Fingerprints of the Conspiracy. The 1930s debates"

The roaring 20s finally approached the years of its hangover, the last Brut Nebuchadnezzar popped to the crying ocean of small-savers, Kammerer went to pass and with him the last western lantern on that vast body of water to suggest biological nonconformity went out. Also in the USSR the situation looked bleak as there too environmental concepts were restricted by fruit fly vials, crawling maggots and droning nuisance was said to reveal all secrets of man and her faith. But a newcomer revived the debates of the 1930s and won his public. Today we will take a look those debates at length, read the primary transcripts of the last fundamental critique of what would become the Century of the Gene, when we all got registered as fleshy data hosts, we will track the movement of the conspirators that shut the debate down.


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#43. Paul Kammerer e02: "Solving a hundred years old mystery"

As the answer to a century old mystery is proposed, the gates of a hundred new questions are revealed. Follow me on one of the craziest rides through the history of science that I ever recorded. It is a star studded and celebrity packed episode with all your old favourites, J.P Morgan and Rockefeller and their ario-heroic archaeological expeditions to Central Asia. Bone War contestants like American Museum of Natural History president Henry Fairfield Osborn and his pet snake G.K Noble. Nazi-Purges at German speaking universities of basically the entire subsequent Manhattan Project, compensated with honorary doctorates handed out by Hitler to the namesake behind the T-Rex and the Velociraptor. Old discovered letters filled with secrets and David Attenborough narrated assumptions about evolution that have a dark past. 1930s Julian Huxley propaganda films describing shit even the Swastikalers had to initially hush up. Tying it all together is the adventurous life of Paul Kammerer, a biological rock-star so popular that he could even convince bible belt American workers of his socialist theory of evolution. His days in Moscow and the reasons why some people wanted him gone will with the help of Austrian Investigator Klaus Taschwer finally be revealed for the first time in podcast format and hopefully bring Kammerer's ghost to rest in peace, I know that he would have wanted for you to hear his story.


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#42. Paul Kammerer e01: "A first draft for a communist theory of evolution"

Paul Kammerer was once the worlds most famous biologist, a poor leftist jew from Austria surrounded by monsters, made it big despite the odds through a new form of popularisation of science. His audience not consisting exclusively of learned men as was the custom in the first decades of the 20th century, instead, rather, commoners of all walks of life, men and women alike attended his lectures. But then just as "the eclipse of Darwinism" was declared over by UNESCO's latter head Julian Huxley, radioactive eugenicists all over the world declared him a fraud in the yellow press. The road was now swept clean for a genetic reductionism that did no have to bother about environments. For more than a century with the help of the worlds largest newspapers and the highest price committees of biology this notion of fraudulence have been the common opinion, and Paul Kammerer was forgotten. However, very recently thanks to an investigative journalist from Austria, a new picture has been painted which involves scheming New Yorkers and secret societies of the Hapsburg empire with Siegfried bust heads and student faculty groups known as the Swasitkalers. To a soundtrack of the Neue Deutsche Welle I have tried to translate and reveal this picture for you.


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[Preview]#41. Ekofascism s02e04 "The Thanatology of the Koltsov-Serebrovsky Fruit Fly Mafia"

Where does the hatred towards Epigenetics, Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, The Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics and finally Lysenko come from, where and how did it begin? Today we will launch an assault of historical revelations against a mystified truism of genetics and heredity which unless you were born before 1950 have always already been the dominant mode of thinking. We will investigate the earliest Sci-fi and the experimental science of the 1920s as we go looking for the Neo-Darwinists who in their blind appropriation discarded the materialist core of Charlie's teaching and replaced it with a metaphysical alchemical preformationism. We will go through NKVD files on the mountaineers case, read Evola and his alpine meditations, frighten ourselves with body-less living dog heads, crypts in princely villas of the bourgeoisie quarters of Moscow were people are said to be frozen alive. We will finally learn how the Rockefellers and its Fruit Fly Mafia made its way in to the USSR and who became their recruited intellectuals, linking up of course with the very heart and centre of underground anti-soviet activity. This and a lot more awaits you on this coming three hour journey. Enjoy!


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[Preview]#40. Ekofascism s02e03: "Lysenko finds his ecological niche"

Alas! the biography of Lysenko. Born in a small village which centuries ago unintentionally saw the historical defeat of Swedish Karolinian imperialism at Poltava. From the backwaters of the Ukraine to the hallways of big decisions in Leningrad and Moscow. His techniques and methods revealed as they are remembered by those who met him and lived well-fed under the benefits of his agro-ecological policies. We will begin our story with a theatre play, reasons for which will eventually become apparent as we begin to see the fingerprints of a conspiracy within the life sciences, lost in time. So fill up your kerosene lamps as I take you through old and forgotten pipelines of Soviet exiles. Originally built by the Rockefellers and maintained by senatorial help of contemporary Washingtonian presidents. Hell bent on eradicating the scientific opposition to their genetico-ontological project. We will also begin to familiarise ourselves with Lysenko's domestic enemies, the briefly aforementioned Koltsov-Serebrovsky eugenic clan, the Weismanists, the experimental techs of the Fruit Fly Mafia. Make no mistake about it their listener, in their view we are not the historical subject-object evolved to revolt but rather "biochemical puppets" all watched over by a pax-Americana of Loving Grace.


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[Preview] #39. Ekofascism s02e02: "On Proletarian Science"

Having been introduced to Lysenko and why he still matters, having given a rudimentary picture of agricultural research in the Tsarist days, we will today suit up in the armour of proletarian science, as to be able to fight the beasts that lay ahead. This episode is a bit theory heavy but I've sprinkled it with some comedy, some parallax events and a biological cliffhanger of the centuries! We are standing at the gate of the law but unlike Kafka's protagonist we will not be discouraged by the guard or his warning of other guards, more mightier door after door, come dream or nightmare we must step through for the sake of an environmental future that is not a virtual hologram. Brace yourself dear listener, for it's getting heavier.


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#38. Ekofascism s02e01: "Lysenko strikes back!"

Almost a year ago, the ekofascism series came to a dramatic painful conclusion with the green dossier and the Hunger Plan. If you at some point stopped and wondered during those last spring months how the USSR still managed to feed its people and eventually defeat the fascist monster that stood frothing at the gates of Moscow, then fear not, because the return of the repressed is returning with another longer season of answers. The most demanding expedition yet, one that will answer questions you didn't even know you had. This investigation of the most hated scientists in western modern history, might eventually turn on its head everything you ever thought you knew about biology. Without further ado I present to you dear listener, the story of Trofim Lysenko!


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Bonus#18. Jonestown pt.7 "Brigades of Armed Men, Red or Otherwise"

We discuss further the People's Temple connections to Synanon and related groups, sus Indiana, the Jonestown Red Brigades, Jim Jones' schizophrenic positions on geopolitics, Guyanese politics, normie ass takes on cults, and a few interesting tangents. To finish, we discuss alternate theories to the Jonestown mass casualty event, the ever-important question, "where did the money go?", and our lack of clear conclusions.


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Bonus#17. Jonestown pt.6 "the SwedenBorg Collective’s Mendocino Blues"

We go through Jim Jones's early career, his psychiatric history, Guyanese history and anthropology, the Ukiah era, welfare scams, drug rehabs, several more interesting topics, and my personal favorite: the very curious crossover between Jones's ministry, the Mendocino State Hospital, Emmanuel Swedenborg, and Herb Mullin. Oh, and the first school shooter in the US.


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Bonus#16. Jonestown pt.5 "When Group Therapy Goes Wrong"

This is a reupload of the Jonestown series I did with Jimmy FalunGong from Programmed to Chill. He has been kind enough to let me upload it also on my show for easier access to those who are not subscribed to his show. And who knows might be worth a re-listen for those who forgot.


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34#. Questions and Answers pt3. "Red Shamans of The Communist Kalpa"

In these dark times its difficult to find reason for making believe, this will all change once you hit play. Answering Reid for almost two hours I will do my outmost to lift you spirits to unknown heights. Counterintuitively by taking a deep dive in to Chinese secret societies, covering thousands of years, culminating in a communist community exorcism by the black and red Dao. We are talking apotropaic magic, the swallowing of protective charms, anti-fascist Kung Fu fighting, mystic mind-control and brain washing in the Tang dynasty, social tech of the Henan peasantry and the socialist Shaolin monks who would liberate Beijing from the compradors, the war and drug lords as well as imperialist invaders. God Jul to all followers, occasional listeners and foremost supportive patrons! As always if you like the thought-through homemade covers, the meticulously sampled music, the painstaking congenial research and the many hours of attempting to edit together esthetically pleasing, inspiring and educational content, then please give me a star on your app of choice, write a kind review if possible and why not — if you haven't already — become a paid member and gift me a small Christmas present on Patreon or Spotify. Once again God Jul and a happy New Year, sincerely hope you like this one!


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32#. Questions and Answers pt2. "Interdimensional Yeti"

Follow me to the Himalayas as I try to answer Wendy Paintings questions about inter-dimensional Big Foot. I will make an attempt at revealing how the British Operation Phoenix precursor was responsible for one of the most sold anti-communist book in history and how they spiked it with Yeti mythology. I will then try to link it with that bogeyman which have been haunting me all autumn. That's right more Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels insanities as I read to you from his Theozoology. After that there will be some free wheeling as I answer Fergal from The Kingless Generation and contemplate on my daily and not so daily life in Japan.


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#31. The Stargate Conspiracy pt4. "Just pick up the God phone"

More names, bigger budget, weirder aspirations. We make the jump from subculture to pseudo religion. Board the starship with us or be left behind and fail to detonate your reality, it's your choice, this is the only planet of choice. Though the priests of Solomon have tilted its axis, there is still a chance for you to pick up the God phone ! Music: Squidwards - Soviet Memories Наукоград - Мечты This Mortal Coil - Kangaroo [Remastered]


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#30. Questions and Answers. "Nordic Noir and The Sandman"

Hello and Welcome to the first QnA. I have received a fair share of interesting recordings and written questions which I will my very best to answer. This will become at least three episodes in total. I answer some hosts from other shows that I have visited, old time supporters and guests. Everything from personal questions and the possible childhood damage that led to this show, the real shit of Nordic Noir film-tips, the research of Stieg Larsson, Freud and The Uncanny in 18th century horror short stories and what the Sandman might teach us about Capitalism. Anti-Soviet appropriation of the Abominable Snowman Yeti and the possibility of a Lemur Big Foot. The demonology of landlords during the European peasant rebellions. Bodhisattva-Maoism in Nepal, why the repressed is returning and of course whether Hitler is dead or not. This and much more, so please take a stroll in the autumn landscape while I try and brighten up your weekend!


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[TRAILER]#29. The Stargate Conspiracy pt3. "Did Stalin get roofied?"

We continue to investigate the people orbiting the Nine. Sturgeon nuclear-sub fleet commanders who believe they are talking to conscious super computers on alien space ships from the future. The inherent vice of LSD gurus at Esalen rubbing shoulders with Huxley and Watts. Reid tells us what R.Temple had to say about hypnosis and I try to understand what Lacan meant by psychic rape before we build the case of Puharich guilt. Anti-Communist acid experiments in Czechoslovakia during the Doctors Purge have us wondering if someone roofied Stalin. The early contours of a state crafted UFO-Religion, origin story included, is taking shape. And no one is safe when lizard-men with top connections at an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject are trade-marketing Archetypal Aryan Astrology Charts.


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[TRAILER]#28. The Stargate Conspiracy pt2. "A Round Table for Psychic Warfare"

I’m finally joined by the show's first guests, archeologist Colin and historian Reid. We are beginning a journey that will last throughout the autumn. Stepping through The Stargate, to ask questions about a sus séance unit found in a thick, real X-files dossier within the MIC. Staring broad, introducing forgotten names, decrypting old messages from hijacked TV broadcasts, wondering about the sensory deprivation of space ships, about how long before you go insane on a nuclear submarine and why the Pentagon were hypnotising space children. We felt it was of out-most emergency in our contemporary mess of psychedelic revivalism to ask why in the end of the 40s, during the paperclip briefings, Operation Artichoke doctors went looking for Aztec truth serums, plants and seeds in the footsteps of Ahnenerbe expeditions? Seriously, why did NASA and Jim Jones both pick the year 1963 to go to Brazil to find psychic shamans, don't they know that you should never channel the spirits of surgeons called Adolf Fritz? Was someone "beaming thoughts into their heads" with hidden dental radio transmitters? Finally like others since 1976 we asked: How did the Dogon People of Mali know that Sirus has an invisible twin star, before the invention of the telescope? In short, we're checkin out the show, with a glassy eye, looking at the sun dancing through the sky, did they come by UFO?


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#29. The Stargate Conspiracy pt3. "Did Stalin get roofied?"

We continue to investigate the people orbiting the Nine. Sturgeon nuclear-sub fleet commanders who believe they are talking to conscious super computers on alien space ships from the future. The inherent vice of LSD gurus at Esalen rubbing shoulders with Huxley and Watts. Reid tells us what R.Temple had to say about hypnosis and I try to understand what Lacan meant by psychic rape before we build the case of Puharich guilt.Anti-Communist acid experiments in Czechoslovakia during the Doctors Purge have us wondering if someone roofied Stalin. The early contours of a state crafted UFO-Religion, origin story included, is taking shape. And no one is safe when lizard-men with top connections at an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject are trade-marketing Archetypal Aryan Astrology Charts.


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#28. The Stargate Conspiracy pt2. "A Round Table for Psychic Warfare"

I’m finally joined by the show's first guests, archeologist Colin and historian Reid. We are beginning a journey that will last throughout the autumn. Stepping through The Stargate, to ask questions about a sus séance unit found in a thick, real X-files dossier within the MIC. Staring broad, introducing forgotten names, decrypting old messages from hijacked TV broadcasts, wondering about the sensory deprivation of space ships, about how long before you go insane on a nuclear submarine and why the Pentagon were hypnotising space children. We felt it was of out-most emergency in our contemporary mess of psychedelic revivalism to ask why in the end of the 40s, during the paperclip briefings, Operation Artichoke doctors went looking for Aztec truth serums, plants and seeds in the footsteps of Ahnenerbe expeditions? Seriously, why did NASA and Jim Jones both pick the year 1963 to go to Brazil to find psychic shamans, don't they know that you should never channel the spirits of surgeons called Adolf Fritz? Was someone "beaming thoughts into their heads" with hidden dental radio transmitters? Finally like others since 1976 we asked: How did the Dogon People of Mali know that Sirus has an invisible twin star, before the invention of the telescope? In short, we're checkin out the show, with a glassy eye, looking at the sun dancing through the sky, did they come by UFO?


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#27. The Stargate Conspiracy pt1. "The Arioheroic Backdrop"

Embarking on a new investigation with Reid @seriations and Colin @archaeo_concern in to the Star Gate Conspiracy. First EP will be an introduction to the alt-history backdrop of the SS-Ahnenerbe. We will compare old with new and look at suspicious connections to find out what they're selling. Books : Radikalare än Hitler – Göran Dahl The Master Plan – Heather Pringle Vom Werfenstein zur Wewelsburg – Jost Hermand The Stargate Conspiracy – Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince The Edda Das Geheimnis der Runen – Guido Von List [I will extend this list when I get back to the office] Music: Ofdrykkja – HårgalåtenErnst Busch - Der heimliche Aufmarsch Ebanisteria Musicale C.M. Ferrari – Tagelharpa, Herr Mannelig Mozart –“Lacrimosal” Kolhoosi 13 - A White Sea This Mortal Coil – Song to the Siren
