

History Podcasts

We're a brother and sister duo that love to talk about the mysterious, unusual, and unknowable.


United States


We're a brother and sister duo that love to talk about the mysterious, unusual, and unknowable.





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Unknowable Episode 69: Ogopogo & Michigan Dogman

This week we're all about cryptids! Justine tells us about Ogopogo, a lake monster that is said to dwell in British Columbia, Canada. Gray talks all about the Michigan Dogman, yet another muscular, mysterious beast that has been freaking people out since at least the 1880's.


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Unknowable Episode 68: Jim Sullivan & Emanuela Orlandi

This week we talk about missing people! Justine tells us about Jim Sullivan, the psych-folk musician who went into the desert and never came back, and Gray talks about Emanuela Orlandi, the young girl who went missing from Vatican City -- one of the cases with the most diverse and outlandish theories!


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Unknowable Episode 67: Norwich University & The Vermont Pigman

This episode we have a very new theme for us in what will be a gradually ongoing series of states: Vermont! Gray talks about the Vermont Pigman, a fascinating not-quite-cryptid, and Justine delves into the very haunted history of Norwich University!


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Unknowable Episode 66: Bael & Moloch

WE'RE BACK!!! And just in time for Halloween, which is clearly a perfect time to discuss some well-known demons. Justine tells us about the Christian demon named Bael, and Gray tells us about Moloch, though unsurprisingly we get a bit off track...


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Unknowable Episode 65: The Case of Kathy Hobbs

Kathy Hobbs was a teenager who, unfortunately, met an untimely demise. But what's unknowable about her is how strangely prepared she was for such a scenario...


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Unknowable Episode 64: Oil Pit Squid

A rare Gray episode this week! Back in 1996, workers at a GM bumper manufacturing plant were cleaning a sludge pit when they found some mysterious creatures. So Gray takes a solo dive into a story where life, uh, finds a way...


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Unknowable Episode 63: The Dark Watchers

If you go for a hike in the Santa Lucia mountains in central coastal California, don't be surprised if you see what appears to be the silhouette of an unusually tall, dark being, maybe with a brimmed hat or even a walking stick in hand. It's probably just one of the Dark Watchers...


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Unknowable Episode 62: John Titor

In the year 2000, a man purporting to have traveled back in time appeared on online forums. He spoke of many predictions for our timeline, including that of a massive and deadly World War III. Was this man truly on a mission to try to save us from ourselves?


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Unknowable Episode 61: The Kecksburg UFO Incident

In December 1965, a fireball streaked across at least 8 US states and parts of Canada. It was witnessed by many, including folks in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania -- a small village southeast of Pittsburgh -- who swear the object crash landed in a patch of woods. Nothing was *officially* found, but theories abound. Was it a spy satellite? An extraterrestrial craft? Or something even MORE surprising...


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Unknowable Episode 60: The Afterlife Part 3: Wrap-Up

Our third and final episode in our afterlife series, in this installment we discuss the few belief systems that don't quite so neatly adhere to a belief in either reincarnation or heaven and hell, as well as some of our own personal beliefs in what happens after we die.


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Unknowable Episode 59: The Afterlife Part 2: Heaven and Hell

For part 2 of our afterlife series, we talk about HEAVEN AND HELL. The dichotomy has existed as long as religion but the specifics vary so much between cultures and philosophies. Are these truly places we go after we die? Are they merely a state of mind we experience here on Earth? Are they waiting rooms before Judgment Day? Or is there a neuroscientific explanation?


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Unknowable Episode 58: The Afterlife Part 1: Reincarnation

In a very exciting series, we kick off our first of three parts about THE AFTERLIFE. In this initial episode we discuss reincarnation and whether it seems possible that our souls, our consciousness, our SELVES, live on in some higher plane after our physical body ceases to exist.


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Unknowable Episode 57: Professor Haim Eshed & The Pentagon UFO Photo

For once we're delving into somewhat recent topics: from Professor Haim Eshed, former director of space programs for the Israel Ministry of Defense, saying we've been in contact with aliens for years, to the Pentagon officially releasing a photo and videos of UFOs... who should we believe??


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Unknowable Episode 56: The Boys on the Tracks

It's time for episode 56 and this one is all about the boys on the tracks. Late one night in August of 1987, two teenage boys are run over by a fast-moving train as they lay together on the tracks... but it turns out they were already dead. Who had it out for these kids? And why?


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Unknowable Episode 55: Chicago's Mothman

We are revisiting the phenomenon of Mothman, but this time focusing on the flap (see what we did there?) of recent sightings in the Chicago area. Is it another Mothman similar to the one spotted in Point Pleasant all those years ago? Is it a Thunderbird, a legendary creature from Native American lore? Is it mass hysteria, a giant condor, or an adventurous person with an elaborate costume? See what we think...


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Unknowable Episode 54: The Abandoned Village of Rastess

What explanation can there be when a village of 88 people is simply... abandoned? Was it something as logical as a lack of resources and necessities? Did mermaids lure them to their watery graves? A government experiment? Or is it something to do with those lights that hover above the tree line...


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Unknowable Episode 53: Griffith Park & The Devil's Tramping Ground

An odd episode for us -- make sure you listen to both stories! The theme is haunted parks & woods. Justine tells us about Griffith Park in Los Angeles, a massive public space with a wicked curse in its history. Gray tells us about The Devil's Tramping Ground in Bear Creek, North Carolina, a camping site that may be a recreation spot for Satan himself...


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Unknowable Episode 52: The Solway Firth Spaceman

Imagine having a relaxing day out with your wife and daughter, snapping a few photos to remember the time you had, and then developing the photos only to find what looks like a god dang ASTRONAUT in the background that you KNOW wasn't there on your nature jaunt. That's what happened to Jim Templeton in 1964. Listen to find out what he saw, and what we think the explanation might be...


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Unknowable Episode 51: The Disappearance of Lars Mittank

When Lars Mittank arrived in Bulgaria with his friends, on vacation from their home in Germany, things were relaxed and carefree. But by the end of the trip, Lars had become paranoid and anxious, leaving his belongings at the airport and hopping a fence to run away from threats unknown, never to be seen again. What on earth happened in the span of those few days?


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Unknowable Episode 50: The Disappearance of Sneha Anne Philip

Last seen on September 10th, 2001, Sneha Anne Philip was a medical school resident in a happy marriage. But when she never returned home, the questions started to arise: did she perish in the attacks on the World Trade Center? Did she end up at the wrong person's apartment after a few drinks? Or did she, as some suggest, start a whole new life...
