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ICRT「新聞說分明」 透過輕鬆的聊天對話探討時事,讓你學到最實用的英語表達方式! ICRT BreakDown is a conversational chat about topics in the news, and useful English terms and expressions. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


United States


ICRT「新聞說分明」 透過輕鬆的聊天對話探討時事,讓你學到最實用的英語表達方式! ICRT BreakDown is a conversational chat about topics in the news, and useful English terms and expressions. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn



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把BOSS當貓咪? 「貓奴日」敬年底忙碌工作的我們 // ft. 貓咪也瘋狂公益協會 理事長 廖維欣 Davis

Ep. 14: Cat Herders Day Crazy about cats? We have a feline this episode is purr-fect for you! Join hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, Davis Liao, founder of the CrazyCat Charity Association, as they talk about the charity and all things cat. Hear about what cat herding is and isn’t. Then discover whether these are cat’s meows or pet peeves: purrs like a cat, unmanageable, 呼嚕, and… cat! (“feline” replaces “feeling” in the second sentence) seemingly – (adv.) 貌似、看來 Some cats are seemingly aloof, but when someone they’re comfortable with starts petting them, they close their eyes and melt into a contented puddle of purrs. vaccinate – (v.) 給…接種疫苗 Did you know that cats need to be vaccinated against a variety of viral diseases and infections, including rabies and feline distemper, and may need booster shots? universally – (adv.) 普遍地、共同地 It’s universally agreed that dogs, with their loving nature and need for walks, are more high maintenance than cats, who seem content to laze away their days alone. mechanism – (n.) 制度、體制 TNVR – trap, neuter, vaccinate, and return – is the mechanism the charity uses to help the stray cat population in its community to stay healthy. acknowledge – (v.) 察覺、認可…屬實或存在 Depending on their mood or the temperature in Timbuktu, cats may or may not acknowledge your return, but even if they don’t come to you or meow, they do notice! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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愛玩客不藏私!臺灣私房旅點秘境大公開 // ft. 老外看臺灣 吳鳳

Ep. 12: Fascinating Taiwan Passionate about Taiwan? You’re in good company with hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, Rifat Karlova (吳鳳), an actor, author, and Golden Bell Award-winning host. Hear about the first impression this naturalized Taiwanese from Turkey had of Taiwan, his ways of determining the best destinations and foods for visitors, and his ideas on how to tell the world about all Taiwan has to offer. Then discover whether go local, wanderlust, and live your life to the utmost are Tim, Paz, and Rifat’s pet peeves or cat’s meows! scholarship – (n.) 獎學金 Students from other countries who would like to study at a university in Taiwan should look into the generous scholarships that the Taiwanese government offers. charismatic – (adj.) 充滿個人魅力的 The speakers she finds charismatic are deeply enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the topic they want to share yet consider their audiences and are open to learning. follower – (n.) 支持者、擁護者 With his boundless enthusiasm for exploring all things Taiwanese and sharing his adventures, it’s no wonder that Rifat has so many followers on social media. prolong – (v.) 延長、拖延 Tourists may think they’ll be able to see and do everything in Taiwan in one brief visit, but they’ll find its offerings so rich that they’ll prolong their trip or plan their next one. teamwork – (n.) 協作、合作 Any project aiming to have a significant impact on boosting the number of tourists visiting Taiwan would benefit from solid teamwork across borders. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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讓世界各地的女孩們勇敢追夢 姐姐妹妹站出來! // ft. 勵馨基金會 國際組組長 葉音均

Ep. 11: Taiwan Girls Day Join BreakDown hosts Tim and Paz, and Ingrid, the International Affairs Supervisor for the Garden of Hope Foundation, as they discuss how the foundation works toward its vision of a world free of gender-based violence. Learn who they serve, what services they offer, and how they empower girls across Asia to address the issues they face. Discover if these expressions are pet peeves, cat’s meows, or both: women hold up half the sky, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, glass ceiling, and #girlsdecide. eliminate – (v.) 排除、消除 Gender-based violence has been difficult to eliminate despite years of efforts; the causes are complex and range from the individual level to the national level. assault – (n.) 毆打、攻擊 Knowing the local risk factors for domestic violence, sexual assault, and other gender-based violence helps to develop prevention and support services for women and girls. campaign – (n.) (尤指政治、商業或軍事的)專門的活動、運動 Last year, the foundation’s campaign to support Asian girls launched the “Asian Girls in Action Project” to empower girls to develop their ideas for projects and carry them out. perception – (n.) 見解、看法 The foundation uses its experience of improving the societal perception of girls’ empowerment and gender equality in Taiwan to educate people and help girls abroad. legislation – (n.) 法律、立法 Helping girls and women stand up for their rights can lead to important changes in legislation to codify and enforce the protection of these rights. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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新世代臺灣黑金竟然是人手一杯的咖啡? MIT咖啡豆等你來品味 // ft. VV Café 學長 陳冠哲

Ep. 11: Taiwanese Coffee Does coffee make your world go around? Join hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, Ken (學長 陳冠哲), the founder and managing director of VV Café. Learn how Ken became a coffee expert, where coffee is grown in Taiwan, what his thoughts on the different roasts are, and what makes a coffee good. Then find out whether these terms are pet peeves or cat’s meows: it’s not my cup of tea, coffee snob, and hand drip coffee. After this episode, you’ll crave a cup of Taiwanese specialty coffee! premium (adj.) 高級的、優質的、頂級的 On top of the high number of cafés, big convenience store chains offer premium coffee, evidence that Taiwanese have a taste for high-end coffee and the means to buy it. recognition (n.)承認、認可、接受 International recognition of Taiwan’s specialty coffees has increased to the point where the flavorful beans are on the must-buy lists of coffee aficionados visiting from abroad. metaphor – (n.) 隱喻、暗喻 The café’s name stands for “velvet,” a luxurious material with a silky feel, multi-layered colors, and a mysterious, alluring texture - the perfect metaphor for its specialty coffees. consistent – (adj.) 一致的、符合的 If you grind your own coffee beans, make sure to get a consistent grind size; unevenly ground coffee beans may affect the flavor and smoothness of your brewed coffee. aid – (n.) 輔助物、輔助設施 A great cup of coffee can be had with the aid of an expensive, state-of-the-art machine, but simple tools like a filter and a dripper, plus observation and patience, do the job well. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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少吃多動會越減越肥? 超級鐵人教你怎麼越吃越結實 打造完美體態 // ft. 臺灣鐵人一哥 謝昇諺

Ep. 10: Triathlon Up for some swimming, biking, and running? Get a head start by diving into this episode of BreakDown with Tim, Paz, and triathlete Sam Hsieh (謝昇諺). Hear about Sam, how he became an elite athlete, what the great benefit of exercise is for him, and how he inspires others. Learn what a triathlon is and what triathletes need to succeed. Discover the even longer endurance events that Sam thinks anyone can do! Finally, find out whether these terms are pet peeves or cat’s meows: glutton; bite off more than you can chew; and don't stop when you're tired, stop when you finish! relentless – (adj.) 持續強烈的 He’s relentless about keeping himself in top shape and ready for the next triathlon, always exercising in some way, even while sitting, and maybe even while sleeping! endurance – (n.) 忍耐力、耐受力 Triathletes must have extraordinary endurance to compete in three grueling events in one race, sometimes while coping with unfamiliar weather and route conditions. accomplish – (v.) 完成、達成 The feeling he got when he accomplished something he hadn’t really thought he could do was so good that it led him to tackle more difficult challenges with determination. mighty – (adv.) 非常、很、極 As she crossed the finish line of her first triathlon, the only thing she could think of was how mighty tired every single cell in her body felt. nutrition – (n.) 營養 An essential part of training and competing that some ignore is providing our bodies with the right nutrition at the right time to have the speed and stamina to win. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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街頭塗鴉行不行? 藝人在街頭牆面畫畫讓世界看見臺灣 // ft. 斜槓藝術家 藝人 小馬 (倪子鈞)

Ep. 9: Street Art Join Tim, Paz, and their guest, the artist, singer, TV show host, and actor Xiao Ma for a lively episode on street art. Find out what street art means to Xiao Ma, how he got started, and what helped him draw when he had no prior experience in art! Then hear whether these terms are cat’s meows or pet peeves: beauty is in the eye of the beholder; urban renewal; you don’t know what my painting means, but it’s beautiful; and follow your heart. digest – (n.) 文摘、摘要 Some people say “Give us the Reader’s Digest version” when they want someone to make a long story short, but interesting details can be condensed to nothing in a digest! associate –(v.) 把…連結在一起 Street art can help people associate neighborhoods and even cities with particular identities when it illustrates the lives, values, and history within those communities. innate – (adj.) 天生的 Creativity may be an innate ability that can go undiscovered until something, like the unexpected invitation Xiao Ma received to draw something artistic, brings it out. blend – (v.) (不同的東西或風格的)混合品,混合物 In Xiao Ma’s art, big, bold, colorful shapes that don’t seem like they would go together blend easily into a beautiful, somehow spiritual, abstract whole. frown upon –(phrasal verb) 不贊成某事、不許可 Some frown upon graffiti and consider it an eyesore, a defacement, or an act of vandalism, but others see artistry, skill, and beauty in the typefaces and images. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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記憶中的畫格世界 !Eye 臺灣漫畫// ft.曾建華 (漫漫話畫的創辦人、集合!RENDEZVOUS的總召集人)

Ep. 8: Taiwanese Manga Artists Rendezvous with hosts Tim and Paz, and their guest, 曾建華 (Chien-hua Tseng), renowned Taiwanese manga artist, host of the podcast "漫漫話畫" (Màn Màn Huà Huà), and more! Learn about Chien-hua’s journey to becoming a manga artist, the huge Taiwan-focused project he is working on, and his thoughts on the Golden Comic Awards. Hear about the fascinating evolution of Taiwanese manga. And finally, find out whether *don’t judge a book by its cover, scanlation, *and comic piqued Tim, Paz, and Chien-hua’s interest or made them cringe! renowned – (adj.) 著名的 Taiwan comics are becoming renowned abroad; translated works and their artists have been featured at comic festivals in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. depict –(v.) 描述、描繪 Many Taiwanese manga include elements such as railways that depict life during particular periods in Taiwan’s past, making the stories attractive to people of all ages. portray – (v.) 描寫 The fifth volume of a popular Taiwanese comic portraying tea* *farming was one of the winners of the Comic of the Year award at the 14th Golden Comic Awards. chill – (v.) 放鬆、冷靜下來 If you go to the National Taiwan Museum of Comics in Taichung, their library is a good place to chill and read all the Taiwanese comics you want. specifically – (adv.) 具體地、明確地 “Jí hé RENDEZVOUS,” a comic series specifically aimed at engaging children’s interest in Taiwan’s history, can be read for free on the Creative Comic Collection website. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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來自臺灣的世界皇后 // ft. 薔薇〈薔薇 Chiang Wei|變裝皇后 Drag Queen〉

Ep. 7: Queen of the World Returns **Nymphia Wind keeps blowing us away! Join hosts Tim and Paz, and their guest, **Chiang Wei, professional drag queen, and founder and house mother of The Haus of WOMEN, one of Taiwan’s five major drag houses. Learn about Chiang Wei’s drag persona, belief, and style, their connection to Nymphia Wind, and their thoughts on Nymphia Wind’s influence on drag here and abroad. Then find out whether these terms are Tim, Paz, and Chiang Wei’s pet peeves or cat’s meows: *suck all the air out of the room, slay, on point, *and *beauty is my responsibility*. perspective – (n.) (思考問題的) 角度、觀點、想法 If you start to lose your passion for something, try changing your perspective; a different view may reveal new aspects or opportunities that reignite your enthusiasm. shortcoming –(n.) 缺點、弱點 One tip that Chiang Wei offers for taking better selfies is to know what your shortcomings are, turn them into advantages, and then amplify those advantages. heritage –(n.) 遺產(指流傳下來的具有歷史意義的傳統、語言、建築等) Nymphia Wind loves Taiwan’s rich cultural heritage and takes every opportunity to show it off to the world through creative, elaborate costumes she often designs and makes. amendment - (n.) 修正、修訂 In the past two decades, Taiwan has made a number of amendments to its laws, resulting in a society that is more inclusive and accepting of diversity. fearless –(adj.) 無畏的 Nymphia Wind’s fearless spirit made her push herself when she could have stayed comfortable as a successful local queen; now when she performs, the world watches. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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畢業求職術! MBTI// ft. Kailin Wang, PhD 〈王凱琳的人格心理沙龍〉

Join our hosts**, **Tim and Paz, and their guest, Dr. Kailin Wang, the organizational psychologist, consultant, and career coach who brought the MBTI to Taiwan. Learn how knowing your personality traits can have a positive influence on your career choices and job satisfaction. Hear if *devil’s advocate*, *cray*, *I like to think myself as a(n)___*, and *innate* pique Tim, Paz, and Kailin’s interest, or make them cringe! tangible – (adj.) 真實的、具體的 People on the sensing side of the sensing/intuition scale look for tangible evidence or solid data, and those on the intuition side look for patterns and connections. core – (n.) 核心、關鍵 Some people say core personality preferences change over time, but others say they do not, since as people mature, they learn when a temporary switch is necessary. drain – (v.) 使勞累、使疲憊 People who have jobs that fit their personality preferences don’t feel drained from using energy on functions that do not align with their personalities. vague – (adj.) 含糊的,不明確的 Self-reported personality test questions that are general to the point of being vague or that force a choice between preferred items can lead to inaccurate assessments. evaluation – (n.) 評估 To get a more accurate personality profile, a professional analysis can be better than a personality test done by self-evaluation. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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台灣股市熱潮:尋找下一個投資寶藏!// ft. Jason Shin〈MacroMicro 財經M平方〉

Ep. 5: Stock Market Taiwan’s stock market is hot, hot, hot! Join Tim, Paz, and their guest Jason Shin, Senior Research Analyst at MacroMicro, a macro investing online platform, as they discuss what factors are driving the stock market here and what some investment alternatives to stocks are, depending on your risk appetite! Then find out what go belly up, have currency, ride the wave, bulls make money, bears make money, pigs lose money, and liquidity mean! —Vocabulary commodity 商品 (n.) The analysis of a commodity market for products such as crude oil, natural gas, and wheat includes the impact of wars and conflicts on supply and demand. retail investor 散戶,菜籃族 (n.) Retail investors, or individual investors, are non-professional investors who buy and sell stocks, mutual funds, ETFs and other securities for themselves with their own money. surge 激增 (n.) The demand for data infrastructure to support the proliferation of generative AI in all sectors has fueled the surge in Taiwan’s economic growth. indicator 指標 (n.) Investment tools using generative AI can inform investors about what macroeconomic indicators to look for, what their most recent values are, and where the information is. proportion 比例;比率 (n.) Some investors’ holdings include a large proportion of hot tech stocks, but other investors’ portfolios are diversified to avoid the risk of relying on one industry. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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知道什麼是 Net Zero嗎?一起來認識 2050 淨零排放 // ft. 工研院副總 暨 綠能與環境研究所所長 王漢英

Ep. 4: Net Zero by 2050 Hot topic alert! Join our hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, James Wang(王漢英), Vice President and General Director of Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories at ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute). Learn what Net Zero means, what Taiwan’s strategies and efforts to achieve Net Zero by 2050 are, and how you – yes, you! – can contribute. Then find out whether greenwash and *carbon footprint *are this episode’s cat’s meows or pet peeves!* * —Vocabulary renewable(能源)可再生的 (adj) Taiwan is moving away from fossil fuels, but it faces constraints such as limited land or offshore areas when seeking potential sites for renewable energy projects. emit排出 (v.) The infrastructure that supports a growing array of digital services emits 1% of energy-related greenhouse gases; this must be halved by 2030 to achieve Net Zero by 2050. transition過渡;轉變 (n.) A just transition to Net-Zero emissions by 2050 is an integral part of Taiwan’s Climate Change Response Act; based on respect for human rights, it leaves no one behind. resolve解決 (v.) An important social issue that must be resolved well before a renewable energy project breaks ground is the project’s impact on the lives and livelihoods of nearby inhabitants. carbon footprint碳足跡(個人活動所產生的二氧化碳的份量) (n.) To reduce our carbon footprints, we need to assess the amount of greenhouse gases we produce by the activities we do, the products we have, and the services we use. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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不只實用,也可以很科技!到2024竹博覽會暨世界竹論壇一探究竟,認識更多竹子的應用 // ft. 工研院中分院經理黃盈賓

Ep. 3: 2024 Bamboo Expo and World Bamboo Congress Bamboo… so old-school, isn’t it? Well, no! Join Tim, Paz, and Dr. Ying-pin Huang, a Manager at the Industrial Technology Research Institute's Central Region Campus who works on bamboo technologies. Bamboo… technologies? Yes! There’s no bamboozling going on here! Find out about some bamboo applications that can help us achieve a sustainable world. Hear about the 2024 Bamboo Expo and the World Bamboo Congress. Then discover what Tim, Paz, and Dr. Huang think of to miss the forest for the trees, mycelium,* *and *infinity.* —Vocabulary resilient 有彈性的,有適應性的 (adj.) Bamboo, which is resilient against storms and droughts, has extensive root systems that can control soil erosion and stabilize slopes in landslide-prone areas. primitive 原始的 (adj.) A seemingly primitive, no-tech bamboo product, biochar, a type of charcoal, contains carbon captured from the atmosphere; when added to soil, biochar enriches it and creates a carbon sink. multiple 由許多部份組成的,多樣的 (adj.) The 2024 Bamboo Expo and the World Bamboo Congress, with the theme of “Next-Generation Bamboo,” is being held at multiple venues to showcase Taiwan’s bamboo culture and industries. limitation 限制,侷限 (n.) Although bamboo has been used in many ways for thousands of years, there seems to be no limitation except for imagination on the applications researchers are discovering for it. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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現在就出發馬祖!一起參加最特別的元宵節活動──擺暝嘉年華!(這集還可以學學「閩東話」唷!)// ft. 掐米

Ep. 2: Lantern Festival Baiming Carnival Get a glimpse into the fascinating Matsu Islands’ Lantern Festival with Tim, Paz, and their guest, Matsu YouTuber Chami. Chami champions Matsu’s culture and dialect on her show, 掐米亜店, and you’ll learn some words that describe features of the festival procession perfectly: 擺暝 (pē màng / pě màng), 碗燕 (uāng iěng / uang ngiěng), 拍鼓板 (phák kū pēing / phǎh kú bēing), 迎神 (ngiàng sìng / ngiǎng nìng). You’ll want to see it for yourself! Finally, find out what Tim, Paz, and Chami think about the terms have receipts, dialect, and beat! —Vocabulary dedication致力,奉獻 (n.);subtitle 字幕 (n.) Chami’s dedication to using the Matsu dialect in her videos is great, but since not many people know it, she adds Mandarin subtitles to make her content more accessible. procession 行列,隊伍 (n.) People following the festival procession know what section of the route it’s on since each features different musical instruments; a change means a different god is visiting. interaction 互動 (n.) In one captivating part of the Baiming procession, the deity palanquins weave and spin together as if in greeting; we can only imagine what the gods say in these interactions. nap 午睡,小睡 (n.);insight 見解 (n.) On the 29th day of the first lunar month, you can take a nap at a temple; if you dream, dream interpreters can help you see if your dreams provide insights into your problems. embody 體現,使具體化 (v.) Chami’s favorite term in the Matsu dialect is "拍鼓板" (phák kū pēing / phǎh kú bēing) because the traditional drumbeat embodies the spirit of Matsu’s celebrations for her.


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現在就出發馬祖!一起參加最特別的元宵節活動──擺暝嘉年華!(這集還可以學學「閩東話」唷!)// ft. 掐米

Ep. 2: Lantern Festival Baiming Carnival Get a glimpse into the fascinating Matsu Islands’ Lantern Festival with Tim, Paz, and their guest, Matsu YouTuber Chami. Chami champions Matsu’s culture and dialect on her show, 掐米亜店, and you’ll learn some words that describe features of the festival procession perfectly: 擺暝 (pē màng / pě màng), 碗燕 (uāng iěng / uang ngiěng), 拍鼓板 (phák kū pēing / phǎh kú bēing), 迎神 (ngiàng sìng / ngiǎng nìng). You’ll want to see it for yourself! Finally, find out what Tim, Paz, and Chami think about the terms have receipts, dialect, and beat! —Vocabulary dedication致力,奉獻 (n.);subtitle 字幕 (n.) Chami’s dedication to using the Matsu dialect in her videos is great, but since not many people know it, she adds Mandarin subtitles to make her content more accessible. procession 行列,隊伍 (n.) People following the festival procession know what section of the route it’s on since each features different musical instruments; a change means a different god is visiting. interaction 互動 (n.) In one captivating part of the Baiming procession, the deity palanquins weave and spin together as if in greeting; we can only imagine what the gods say in these interactions. nap 午睡,小睡 (n.);insight 見解 (n.) On the 29th day of the first lunar month, you can take a nap at a temple; if you dream, dream interpreters can help you see if your dreams provide insights into your problems. embody 體現,使具體化 (v.) Chami’s favorite term in the Matsu dialect is "拍鼓板" (phák kū pēing / phǎh kú bēing) because the traditional drumbeat embodies the spirit of Matsu’s celebrations for her. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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It's Farmer's Day! 餐桌上可口食物、假日去的休閒農場,都是農夫的巧手耕耘出來的喔!// ft. 少年阿公

Do you ever wonder what’s behind the delicious parade of fruit and vegetables you eat throughout the year? Join BreakDown hosts Tim and Paz and their guest Leo, host of the podcast “農遊超市Farmtour Market,” to find out. Discover how this rice farmer is showing people aspects of agriculture in interesting, creative ways. Then hear if reap what you sow, hydroponics, aquaculture, aquaponics, and duck are pet peeves or cat’s meows to them! Vocabulary fundamental 基礎的,基本的 (adj.) Agriculture, fundamental to most economies and societies, faces huge increases in demand, space and water scarcity, climate change, and other critical challenges. sustainable (對環境沒有損害或損害很小因而)可持續的,能長期維持的 (adj.) A bird-loving rice farmer in Yilan convinced other local farmers to join him in growing organic rice, started an organic rice brand, and organized recreational tours on his farm, creating a sustainable business for the birds’ sake. prosperous 繁榮的;富裕的 (adj.) People gift tiny sweet and sour kumquats to wish the recipient a prosperous new year; the fruit is such a symbol of wealth that there’s a kumquat museum in Yilan County! sow 播種,種 (v.) The Lunar New Year is an important time of the year for rice farmers, whose paddies collectively cover just over seven percent of Taiwan; it’s when they sow their crops. fulfilling 令人愉快滿足的 (adj.) Connecting with agriculture in some way, such as going on a farm tour and meeting local farmers and eating the food they produce, can be a fulfilling experience. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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什麼是2023技職教育年會?來認識一年一度的技職生態系盛會 // ft. Skills for U 策展企劃中心副主任 金佩瑾

Have a seat with BreakDown hosts Tim and Paz and their guest Peggy, Deputy Director of the Curatorial and Planning Center at Skills for U. Discover what Skills for U does, what the Taiwan Technical and Vocational Education and Training Conference features, why technical and vocational training and jobs are important, and what role English plays. Then learn about these terms: a jack of all trades and a master of none, MOOCs, and empower. —Vocabulary bilingual 雙語的 (adj.) A highly skilled workforce with many bilingual vocational and technical workers will contribute to raising Taiwan’s international competitiveness. corporate 公司的;團體的 (adj.) One challenge in vocational education that corporate ESG and CSR initiatives could address is providing resources for programs that lack up-to-date knowledge and equipment. Note: ESG - environmental, social, and corporate governance; CSR - corporate social responsibility sector 部門 (n.) The conference aims to break down silos in Taiwan’s vocational and technical education ecosystem by encouraging communication between the government, nonprofit, industry, and education sectors within it. incorporate包含;加上 (v.) Vocational and technical schools are incorporating English into their programs, helping to make the language alive and relevant for students, teachers, and Taiwan’s society. vocational 職業的 (adj.) In a society that values education and professional careers, many parents discourage their children from pursuing a vocational job, not realizing that these jobs can be highly satisfying and that they also contribute to a healthy economy. https://bit.ly/3GtvKZ4 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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電影界年度最大盛事─金馬獎,金馬60討論度最高的電影有哪幾部? // ft. XXY 梗你看電影

Are you a fan of Chinese-language movies? Join the crowd! Get comfortable with hosts Tim and Paz and their guest, XXY, host of XXY梗你看電影, which covers everything related to movies. Learn what differences are disguised by the common comparison of the Golden Horse Awards to the Academy Awards. Find out what the range of nominated films and people reflects, and more. Then discover some interesting cat’s meows, pet peeves, and borrowed terms: popcorn, blockbuster, MacGuffin, schadenfreude, and deus ex machina! —Vocabulary nickname綽號 (n.) XXY’s nickname is not related to the movie of the same name or to a chromosomal anomaly; it’s an abbreviation created by the initials of the pinyin reading of his Chinese name. dialect方言 (n.) The Golden Horse Awards used to be exclusively for movies only in Mandarin, but in recent years, the Awards has become more inclusive and now considers Mandarin-based movies that include regional and indigenous dialects. essence本質;實質 (n.) The current crop of films with numerous nominations epitomizes the evolution of the narrative essence of Taiwanese cinema towards more serious themes. nominate 提名 (v.) “Snow in Midsummer”, the film nominated in nine categories at this year’s Golden Horse Awards, is a collaborative effort between Malaysia, Taiwan, and Singapore. marching orders逐客令 (n.) After an actor slapped a presenter at last year’s Academy Awards, the Academy gave him his marching orders, banning him from attending its events for ten years. MacGuffin麥高芬(指推動電影情節發展,但本身並不重要的細節)(n.) MacGuffin and deus ex machina are both names of plot devices that serve to move a story along, hopefully without confusing or alienating the audience. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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Taiwan LGBT+ Pride 與多元同行,擁抱你我他 // ft. Amy, Mooni and 咆哮蒂〈女同志週記lez.weekly〉

Taiwan stands with diversity! Join BreakDown co-hosts Tim and Paz as they talk with Amy, Mooni and 咆哮蒂, co-hosts of the podcast “女同志週記lez.weekly”. Learn about Taiwan’s Pride event and its importance to the local and international LGBTQ+ communities and to Taiwan itself. Then hear about these pet peeves and cat’s meows: true colors, heteronormativity, pansexual, think without branding, and true self. —Vocabulary evolve逐步發展 (v.) Taiwan’s Pride event continues to evolve and now includes a sightseeing bus and short tours to introduce domestic and international visitors to Taiwan’s LGBTQ+ culture. inclusive(團體或組織)可以包容各種人的 (adj.) Beyond LGBTQ+ Pride events, the legalization of same-sex marriage and adoption rights for same-sex couples show how Taiwan is working to make its society inclusive. representation代表 (n.) Seeing representation of the LGBTQ+ community gives people who feel unseen or unsure about their place in society the encouragement to be themselves. advocate支持;提倡 (v.) International participation in Taiwan’s highly visible Pride Parade is a powerful way to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights everywhere. orientation(某人的)特別喜好,價值取向 (n.) Some people know what their sexual orientation is from a young age; others may need time to explore who they are and whom they are sexually or romantically attracted to. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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Asian Games 亞洲運動會開始! 一起來聊聊亞運歷史 // ft. Light、Dan〈走鐘運動日記 〉

A fitness trainer and a history buff? Wow! What an interesting combo! Join BreakDown hosts Tim and Paz as they chat with Light and Dan, co-hosts of the podcast 走鐘運動日記. Learn fascinating details about the Asian Games happening later this month. Then find out what the following mean and if they’re cat’s meows or pet peeves: jump the gun, ever onward, DNF, PB, and PR. —Vocabulary Predecessor 前任;前身;前輩(n.) The Far Eastern Championship Games, held from 1913 to 1934, and the West Asia Games, held in 1934, are considered the predecessors of today’s Asian Games, which held its first edition in 1951. Upcoming 即將發生的(adj.) The upcoming 19th Asian Games are eagerly anticipated in Asia and beyond; originally scheduled for 2022 and cancelled because of the pandemic, the Games open later this month. Kabaddi 卡巴迪(n.) In the 2018 Asian Games, Taiwan’s women’s team won the bronze medal in Kabaddi, a 4,000-year-old sport described as a combination of wrestling and tag. Glue 膠水;黏著劑(n.) 黏合;緊附(vt.) For 15 days from September 23rd to October 8th, sports fans everywhere will be glued to screens of all sizes, cheering for and occasionally screaming at their favorite teams and athletes competing at the multi-sport Asian Games. Jade 玉;翡翠(n.), lotus 蓮花(n.) Hangzhou, China, the host of the 19th Asian Games, displays its close relationship with its culture by including cultural and historical symbols, such as the lotus in both the stadium and tennis center and local geographical features and jade in the medals. 搭乘英語特快車,一起學英文👉English Express ▌English Exress>>https://www.icrt.com.tw/app/english-express/ ▌免費測試英文實力 >> https://www.icrt.com.tw/app/english-express/ ▌2分鐘填問卷,幫助我們創作出更好的內容 >> ​https://reurl.cc/lvEaLj -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


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大稻埕夏日節Taipei Summer Festival最佳煙火觀賞點是...? // ft.Jerome 〈旅行熱炒店〉

*配合8月航班,煙火施放時間調整至20:35* *To align with the August flight schedule, the fireworks display time has been adjusted to 8:35 PM.* Join Tim, Paz, and BreakDown guest Jerome, host of the travel podcast “旅行熱炒店”, as they discuss the fascinating history of Taipei’s Dadaocheng district, the exciting 51-day summer festival there, and some great photo tips for the festival fireworks! Then discover what they think of off the beaten path, no-brainer, and wanderlust. —Vocabulary Back alley陋巷;後巷(n.), eatery 餐館(n.), refined 精緻的(adj.), storefront 店面(n.) Exploring the back alleys of your city might yield unexpected finds hiding behind quiet storefronts, such as a lively neighborhood eatery offering a refined menu of exquisite dishes based on local ingredients. Compiled 編譯(v.) Unable to travel outside of the U.S. during the pandemic, Jerome instead traveled to the far reaches of the country – Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Hawaiian island of Moloka‘i, and Utqiagvik, the northernmost American city – and then he compiled stories of his explorations into a book titled 美國後巷 (American Back Alleys). Navigate 導航(v.) **Dadaocheng became a major international trading port in the late 19th century as ships found it increasingly difficult to navigate further up the Tamsui River. ** Fusion 融合(n.) **The many shops on Dihua Street reflect Dadaocheng’s past and present, with offerings ranging from the traditional to the trendy, along with innovative fusions of old and new. ** Matchmaker 月老、媒婆(n.) Dadaocheng’s Xia Hai City God Temple is famous for being a matchmaker temple in Taiwan and beyond; Taiwanese people and tourists from Japan and South Korea go there in hopes of being granted a romantic partner or a good marriage. Vibe 氣氛(n.) A local team created light installations to complement the Dadaocheng Wharf area, giving it a romantic vibe at night. 搭乘英語特快車,一起學英文👉English Express ▌English Exress>>https://www.icrt.com.tw/app/english-express/ ▌免費測試英文實力 >> **https://www.icrt.com.tw/app/english-express/ ▌2分鐘填問卷,幫助我們創作出更好的內容 >> ​https://reurl.cc/lvEaLj -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
