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ChurchKids Stories

Kids & Family Podcasts

ChurchKids Stories are encouraging, faith-based stories for you and your kids to enjoy at bedtime. Watch on YouTube and the Churchome App or listen on your favorite podcast platform.


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ChurchKids Stories are encouraging, faith-based stories for you and your kids to enjoy at bedtime. Watch on YouTube and the Churchome App or listen on your favorite podcast platform.



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Season 3 Episode 14: The King Maker

Do you know what is better than being the most popular person in school? Being a friend that puts others first. When everyone else is fighting to be first, let's allow Jesus to use us to help others get ahead. Let's become king-makers!


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Season 3 Episode 13: The Smack Down!

Have you ever seen a young kid fight a gigantic deadly warrior? Neither had anyone else until the day David put the SMACK DOWN and God saved an entire nation!


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Season 3 Episode 12: I'm Not Scared of You!

What would you do if a monstrous giant showed up in your neighborhood and everyone else around you ran away? This is exactly what happens to David in tonight's incredible story. But unlike everyone else, refused to be intimidated. In the exact same way, we can choose to have courage in the face of scary circumstances because Jesus is with us!


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Season 3 Episode 11: Lentil Bean Sandwiches & a King

Do you know the shocking food Mr. Damon's mom put in his elementary school lunch? Find out in today's fun ChurchKids Story episode. wasn't pizza!


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Season 3 Episode 10: The Mysterious Voice in the Night

Who is the mysterious voice waking Samuel up in the middle of the night? The answer changed Samuel's life forever and will change ours too!


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Season 2 Episode 15: Talking Fire Plants & a Rescue Mission

When Moses has to escape to the wilderness he thinks his part in God's mission to rescue the Hebrews from slavery is over. Little does he know that Jesus is about to interrupt his day and use a talking plant to it!


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Season 2 Episode 14: Chubby Baby in a Basket

An evil Pharaoh puts the Hebrews into slavery and tries to destroy every Hebrew baby boy. But one mother disobey's the wicked king and sends her chubby baby on an adventure that will change the course of history!


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Season 2 Episode 13: SURPRISE! It's Me!

When a famine threatens the known world, God uses Joseph to save the lives of millions of people. But in the process, Joseph comes face to face with his brothers that hurt him years before. What will Joseph do?


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Season 2 Episode 12: A Prisoner in the Palace

God surprises Joseph by taking him from the dirty dungeon to the Pharaoh's palace in one day! When Joseph gets there, he realizes this was God's plan the whole time!


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Season 2 Episode 4: The Moment It All Fell Apart.

When Adam and Eve disobey God and eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil God shows them how big His love really is.


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Season 2 Episode 3: Best Friends for Life

Out of all the incredible things God created, people are his most favorite. God made you to be His B.F.F.!


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Season 2 Episode 2: The One Who Started It All

God made creation with his words. Everything that exists from animals, to plants to galaxies, to chipmunks all came from Him. Why did he do it? To make a home for his best friends: people!


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Season 2 Episode 1: The Greatest Place Ever

Every wondered what the coolest place in the universe is? It's heaven! Heaven is a real place Jesus created for everyone who says "Yes" to his love. It is more amazing than you can imagine and getting there is way easier than you think!


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Season 2 Episode 11: HELP! I Am Stuck!

Joseph has the worst day ever, but in the middle of his trouble he finds out that God is always with us and is the only one strong enough to help us when we feel stuck.


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Season 2 Episode 10: The Impossible Test

God asks Abraham and Isaac to hike to the top of tall a mountain. When they arrive, Jesus gives Abraham a test that shows him and us just how far He was willing to go to rescue us from sin!


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Season 2 Episode 9: Newsflash: 100 Year Old Man has Baby

God keeps His promise and gives Abraham and Sarah a miracle baby when they are 100 years old just like He said He would!


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Season 2 Episode 8: Look Up & Tell Me What You See

When God makes a promise He always keeps it. But when Abraham doubts this God uses something amazing in the sky to remind him we can always trust him.


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Season 2 Episode 7 - What They Saw in the Sky

After the flood, God promised Noah to never again cover the earth in a flood and God put a beautiful sign in the sky to prove He always keeps His promises.


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Season 2 Episode. 6 - One Big Boatload of Pets!

When God washes the earth with a big flood, he chooses Noah and his family to protect all of the animals. The result is one big boatload of pets!


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Season 2 Episode 5: Hey Feelings: You Don't Control Me!

Cain and Able learn that our feelings are an important gift from God but sometimes they tell us things that aren't true. The good news is our feelings and emotions don't have to control us.
