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The Root + Bloom Project

Kids & Family Podcasts

Just some chats with friends about health, wellness, faith, and family. Come along for the beautiful ride as we root ourselves in Christ & His Church so that we can bloom to our full potential in the world.


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Just some chats with friends about health, wellness, faith, and family. Come along for the beautiful ride as we root ourselves in Christ & His Church so that we can bloom to our full potential in the world.





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Episode 059 Finding Spiritual Growth in Uncertain Times



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Episode 058 So, You're a Homeschooler Now?

So, You're a Homeschooler Now? {EPISODE 58} I caused a bit of a stir with a COVID-19 pandemic related blog post: you can read that here: This is NOT Homeschooling and You Don't Have to Do It. LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE This is Not Homeschooling and You Don't Have to Do ItDeschoolingwebsitebookher podcastBits BoxSaints Around the World BoxKiwi CoLittle PassportsCatholic Family CrateThe Mass BoxRaddish KidsThe Good and the BeautfiulLetter's from AfarWritings from the WildSarah Mackenzie with the...


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Episode 057 Pandemic Schmandemic

Pandemic Schmandemic {EPISODE 57} I caused a bit of a stir with a COVID-19 pandemic related blog post: you can read that here: This is NOT Homeschooling and You Don't Have to Do It. This has been the most Lent Lent ever, am I right? Let's give up Netflix and chocolate and God is all: oh, and mass, and parks, libraries, leaving your house. LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE This is Not Homeschooling and You Don't Have to Do ItDeschoolingLouisiana Infection Rate could see New Orleans running out of...


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Episode 056 Finding Friends & When Friendships Fizzle

When Friendships Fizzle & Finding Friends {EPISODE 56} It's been on my heart for a while to speak about making friends as an adult. That ish is HARD. What happens when those friends we thought were going to be BFFLs fizzle out and you're no longer talking? It's heartbreaking and we can feel like "what's the point in all of that time on that friendship?" The root of it all is the trust that God is either using them or us or both to lead us to sainthood whether or not the friendship lasts 2...


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Episode 055 The Gift of Yourself with Stacey Sumereau

The Gift of You with Stacey Sumereau {EPISODE 55} After many, many a reschedules - I finally got to sit down with the amazing Stacey Sumereau. Former broadway actress, spent a good chunk of her 20's discerning religious life all to come to the conclusion that wife and motherhood was her vocation. What a cherished soul this one is - so many good tips and advice and just a lot of gal talk. We hope you enjoy! THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY… Grove! Check out grove to start replacing your...


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Episode 054 More with the Little Catholic

THE LITTLE CATHOLIC with PRISCILLA pt 2 {EPISODE 54} Priscilla is a doll - inside and out. She's a Catholic Convert and she discusses how her conversion came from a spark instilled by her employers to leaving that job to work The Little Catholic full time. She's a jewelry creator - like stunning, dainty, perfection jewelry all with faith beautifully intertwined. She's a force in the Catholic world but she's sweet, humble and a wonderful soul to have the honor to know. We get to chatting...


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Bonus Episode 3: Advent Giveaway Week 1!

1st WEEK OF ADVENT | #24DaysofAdventGiveaway Preview {BONUS 003} Each Sunday of Advent I will be previewing our big giveaways for the upcoming week. You heard right, there is over $2700 worth of goodies ready to be given away to 24 different winners over the 24 days of Advent over on my Instagram. Why? Well, just because ... Jesus! And giving. And ministry. So fun! The giveaways are happening exclusively on Instagram BUT you can keep up with all the details on my blog, podcast or...


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Episode 053 The Little Catholic pt 1

THE LITTLE CATHOLIC with PRISCILLA {EPISODE 53} Priscilla is a doll - inside and out. She's a Catholic Convert and she discusses how her conversion came from a spark instilled by her employers to leaving that job to work The Little Catholic full time. She's a jewelry creator - like stunning, dainty, perfection jewelry all with faith beautifully intertwined. She's a force in the Catholic world but she's sweet, humble and a wonderful soul to have the honor to know. We get to chatting about...


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Episode 052 All Things Life & NFP with Megan Wells

ALL THINGS LIFE & NFP with MEGAN WELLS {EPISODE 52} How could I possibly sum up our chat in one theme? Yeah, not happening. We talked about college, military brat life, about how I am so clearly 10 years older than her, how in the WORLD I can try to raise my daughters to be as level headed as her plus a good chunk of NFP. Megan Wells is an "I didn't ask for this but somehow it happened" influencer on Instagram in our Catholic bubble. Go follow her, you won't regret it! LINKS FROM THIS...


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Episode 051: Why Are Catholics So Obsessed with Mary?

WHY ARE CATHOLICS SO OBSESSED WITH MARY? {EPISODE 51} If you've been around Catholics for any lengt of time, you know we love us some Mary. Sometimes, it seems we worship her. Put her above God himself. What's up with that? Why we so obsessed with her? With very little time to record I got this little Mama Mary snippet out! Let me know if you have any questions related to Mama Mary and I'll do a deeper diving episode! To add to the things on my plate I recently started a YOUTUBE...


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Bonus Episode 2: Changes are a Comin'

CHANGES ARE A COMIN' {BONUS EPISODE 2} We (I say WE because I've got an assistant (kinda... listen to the episode for more details) have a lot of new, exciting and kinda scary things happening over here at Holy Hot Mess headquarters (aka the YMCA conference room and my bedroom). First off, we're going to set a goal to release a Podcast episode every Monday and then a Youtube video every Thursday. If you want to suggest any ideas for content you can head to this link! Secondly, you can see...


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Episode 050: The REAL Issue with Christians and Birth Control

THE REAL ISSUE WITH CHRISTIANS and BIRTH CONTROL {EPISODE 50} I open up BIG time on the real issue for Christians when it comes to the choice to use any form of birth control. It has nothing to do with being pro life and everything to do with trust, humility and love. To add to the things on my plate I recently started a YOUTUBE channel! Head over and subscribe so you can get updates on new videos I post. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY… NO one (yet)… haha! But if you use any links provided...


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Episode 049 The 7 Promises of the Domestic Church

The 7 Promises of the Domestic Church Family {EPISODE 49} Part deux (that's 2 for all you non-french/non-Cajun (wanna be French) peeps out there) of the Domestic Church episodes - last episode #48 we chatted about our domestic church retreat experience and all the *super secretive stuff* those crazy domestic church people keep so dang secret! Secret's out and it's all in Episode 38: Domestic Church 101. In this episode we dive deeper into what those mysterious 7 promises are that families...


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Episode 048 Creating your own Domestic Church

Domestic Church 101 {EPISODE 48} It's been another hot minute. Why? Well honestly I'm a space case and I have a lot of balls I'm trying to juggle and... I don't know how to juggle. To add to the things on my plate I recently started a YOUTUBE channel! Head over and subscribe so you can get updates on new videos I post. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY… NO one (yet)... haha! But if you use any linksprovided by me then I'll earn a commission to help me fund this podcast and the blog - it's...


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Episode 047: Update after a LONG, random, hiatus!

Sorry for the Hiatus! Life update! {EPISODE 47} Thank goodness this show is called "Holy Hot Mess Mom" because it gives me unlimited excuses for being a ball dropping mess. To add to the things on my plate I recently started a YOUTUBE channel! Head over and subscribe so you can get updates on new videos I post. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY… NO one (yet)... haha! But if you use any linksprovided by me then I'll earn a commission to help me fund this podcast and the blog - it's at no...


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Episode 046: More Chatting with Caroline (pt 2!)

MORE CHATTING WITH CAROLINE pt 2 {EPISODE 46} In this continuation of part 1 of my chat with Caroline from Be Still by Caroline (Etsy & Instagram), we chat about our rough pasts and most importantly how we all need those come to Jesus moments to help us really find our faith. Men's swimwear fashion, saints, cats, babies screaming... it's all there and part 3 will be edited and coming out shortly! You can listen to part 1 of our chat here. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY… NO one... haha! But...


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Episode 045: Gal Talk with Caroline

GAL CHAT WITH CAROLINE pt 1 {EPISODE 45} Oh man, if you're looking for a light hearted, giggle filled, fun and faith-y chat with friends, this one is for you. This is part one of the chat with Caroline because we just simply chatted our faces off for over 2 hours. Meeting virtual friends is pretty cool. Join us as we chat about everything from faith to addiction to Target and dad-shorts. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY… NO one... haha! But if you use any linksprovided by me then I'll earn a...


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Episode 044: Invisible Work

INVISIBLE WORK {EPISODE 44} If you're feeling like you do this mundane, repetitive stuff caring for your home, family, kids, job, anything... and you feel overwhelmed and severely underappreciated then this episode is for you, girlfriend. THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY… NO one... haha! But if you use any links provided by me then I'll earn a commission to help me fund this podcast and the blog - it's at no cost to you. So if you're shopping just click through my links to help a sistah out....


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Episode 43: Idols of this World

IDOLS OF THIS WORLD {EPISODE 43} Have you ever accused a Catholic of worshiping an idol? Or have you ever been accused of it? *ahem* Mary, the crucifix, statues of saints, holy water - the list goes on. I get it, I totally get why people would think we were statue worshipers. I've actually been places where people are reaching over barricades to touch a statue of Mary - and idolatry is dangerous territory. In this episode we're chatting about the whole worshiping of idols thing in the...


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Episode 42: Step By Step Guide to Decluttering the Toys

STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO DECLUTTERING TOYS {EPISODE 42} This is a part 2 from the episode about WHY you should declutter toys. I lay it out exactly HOW I tackle this big task. How to keep the trust with your kids when you're straight chucking 60% of their stuff (totally made up statistic). We go over the books, the toys, puzzles, stuffed animals, and then how to store them for easy access but ALSO so that they can't rip everything out and destroy this newly cleaned and decluttered space. I...
