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Keeping It Young

Kids & Family Podcasts

A weekly podcast hosted by Dave and Bethlie Young who have spoken to thousands of people across America and around the world. Their heart is to encourage, direct, and strengthen your marriage, family, and ministry life. You will find humor, helpful teaching, and great encouragement. Join them each week as together they share Biblical and practical insights.


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A weekly podcast hosted by Dave and Bethlie Young who have spoken to thousands of people across America and around the world. Their heart is to encourage, direct, and strengthen your marriage, family, and ministry life. You will find humor, helpful teaching, and great encouragement. Join them each week as together they share Biblical and practical insights.



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Influences That Kill Potential Part 3

We must continually protect our children from foolish influences. 1) Internet GryphonCovenant Eyes 2) Social Media My Tech-Wise Life 3) Music Have standards Talk thorugh matters and continually offer biblical wisdom No one can handle a diet of unBiblical thinking communciated via music 4) Movies VidangelClearplay


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Influences That Kill Potential Part 2

Dave and Bethlie continue their study in Proverbs. This week, they'll continue their focus on Influences That Kill with a special focus on friendships. We must protect our children from lousy friends. Lousy friends can quickly undo everything we teach our children Better to have no friends than to have lousy ones Amnon (Old Testament) had a friend and it eventually cost him his life A good friend does right and helps you do right We must protect our children from lousy friends


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Influences That Kill Potential Part 1

In this episode, Dave and Bethlie discuss the importance of godly and positive influences in the family. They emphasize the need to shield children and ourselves from negative, harmful influences. Proverbs 13:20 We must emphasize the blessings and dangers of influence. Proverbs 1:11-19 Proverbs 9:6 The best influences are those that impart righteousness and wisdom.


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Words That Destroy Marriages

Dave and Bethlie discuss words that destroy marriage from Proverbs 12. Our words can do massive damage: Beware of the "norms" in our society Determine to be different by:


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How To Have A Happy Family Part 5 | Integrity

Proverbs 11 Teaching our children to have Integrity What it is? Why it matters? How do you get it?


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How To Have A Happy Family Part 4

Part 4 Solomon is writing about how to pursue happiness and success- especially in our families How do we get there? We must emphasize God’s blessings v. 22 Questions:


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Have A Happy Life and A Happy Family Part 3

In part 3 of this series we see that Solomon is writing about how to pursue happiness and success specifically in our families. Question: How do we get there? We must emphasize diligence (Proverbs 10:4-5; 16)


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How To Have A Happy Family Part 2

Happy Family Life: Christian Parenting Tips and Bible Insights! Proverbs 10 continued... Practically, what does it take to have a happy life and a happy family? 1) It takes righteousness v2-3; 6-7; 11; 16;19-21; 24-25; 28; 30-32


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Have A Happy Life and A Happy Family Part 1

We're really excited to dive into Proverbs 10! The US Constitution says that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. life is a rightliberty is a righthappiness is not, it is the pursuit of it and that is a right It seems that Solomon is writing about how to pursue happiness. vs 1 Having a wise son brings gladness and avoids heaviness Get ready for an exciting series!


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Teaching Your Children To Embrace Wisdom Part 3

Join Dave and Bethlie as they close this 3 part series on Teaching Your Children To Embrace Wisdom out of Proverbs 8 and 9. Proverbs 8:32 What is the value of wisdom? (Find point 1-3 in Episode 212) 4. It brings blessings to our lives Proverbs 8:32-36 5. Reminds us that God and wisdom are ETERNALLY connected (vs. 22-31) You don't have one without the otherFolly damages and destroysWisdom builds and strengthens and lasts Proverbs 9 Wisdom is better than folly Wisdom takes time (vs. 1) She has builded her houseDads and moms must recognize thisIt takes a lot of time to train our children for success in lifeIt takes a lot of time to prepare our children for success in life Wisdom takes investment (vs. 4) Come live with me Learn from meWatch me and follow my lead(vs. 5) Come eat at my table Receive waht I offer youLet's talk and lingerWisdom takes decisionsForsake foolishness and liveGo in the way of understanding(vs. 9) Wisdom takes learning(vs. 10) Wisdom takes God Wisdom takes decisions Forsake foolishness and liveGo in the way of understanding Wisdom takes learning (vs. 9) Wisdom takes God (vs. 10) Folly is a horrible way to live Foolish woman is simple and knows nothing (vs. 13)Foolish woman is offering an alternative way to liveTwo choices on the shelf - pleaweing God or pleasing selfTwo choices in chapter 9 - the life of wisdom or the life of folly(vs. 14-16) Notice the offer(vs. 17) Notice the absurdity(vs. 18) Noitce the resultThis is life or deathGalations 6:7-9Deuteronomy 28-30 I set before you life or death, blessing or cursing etc.


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Teaching Your Children to Embrace Wisdom Part 2

Dave and Bethlie continue in Proverbs 8 as we learn to help our children embrace wisdom. Proverbs 8:7-11 What is the value of wisdom?


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Mother's Day 2024

Dave and special guest Charity Young (Dave and Bethlie's youngest daughter) share the traditions that the Young family have shared over the years. Enjoy!


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Teaching Your Children to Embrace Wisdom

PART 1 Proverbs 8-9 These chapters seem to go together with one primary theme: Wisdom What is wisdom? What are the steps to wisdom? What is the value of wisdom? Proverbs 8 What is wisdom? Dictionary defines it like this: What are the steps to wisdom? v1 Wisdom and Understanding are personified v4 We diligently teach it; wisdom itself speaks it; our children continually seek it A powerful 3 fold cord...this provides a wonderful foundation for our lives and our futures and our families.


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Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 6

Solomon Challenges His Son In Four Areas It seems that Solomon is interupting his teaching on immorality to discuss other things. Perhaps he is pointing out that we are a "package"...every area of our lives matter.


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Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs 5 | Sin Is Always Deceptive

Sin Is Always Deceptive Proverbs 5 v.1-2 We need wisdom and understanding adn discretion and knowledge becasue all of us can very easily be overtaken with sin and its deception


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Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 4

Life and Family Lessons Proverbs 4


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Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 3

Life and Family Lessons in Proverbs 3 We should continually be focused on teaching and training truth"My son" is repeated over and over again1:8, 10, 152:13:1, 11, 214:10, 205:16:1, 207:1Wisdom, righteousness and the fear of the LordAre godAre betterAre only available for a limited timeToo late is always said...especially when it cmoes to getting theseWe should continually be focused on seeking, finding, and living truthTrust in the Lord v. 5Fear the Lord v. 7Honor the Lord v. 9Enjoy the Lord v. 4, 8, 13, 18We should expet our homes to be blessed as a result v. 33


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5 Ways To Make Easter Holy

Five Ways to Make Easter Holy Easter is many things. To us it is a HOLY DAY How can we make Easter Holy? Be involved in your church by serving. Remember that Jesus really did die for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. Have you trusted in Him to be your God and Savior? Have you been born again through Him? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. For whoever will call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Jesus Himself borew our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness, by whose stripes you were healed. For Christ has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. For God made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Bethlie and I wish you a happy Easter week and we hope that you too will make Easter Holy!


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Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Overcoming Adultery

Overcoming Adultery Confess it Confront the lies Accept the consequences Acquire help It Takes To To Build proof


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Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Immorality cont...Prov 7

Proverbs 7:6-27 Solomon Gives An Illustration A young man lacking wisdom He is a young man - Bewafre of Youthful Lusts Flee Youthful Lusts He was void of understanding He had bad company He had nothing to do He was out in the night when he should have been resting from a days work He chose the way to her house A married lady who is wicked - she is the leader A glimpse of the results of adultery
