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Learn French with Anthony

Language Learning Podcasts

⭐️Transcripts and language activities for all my podcasts are available on my website www.explorefrench.com ⭐️Discover the most captivating way to learn French! My structured narrations are designed to help you practice vocabulary and grammar level by level, while immersing yourself in fascinating topics. ⭐️Podcasts are read in comprehensible French (speed adapted to each level) and are followed by sentence-by-sentence translation and explanations in English, to help you understand the language and develop your skills quickly and effectively. ⭐️Wanna go further? You can take Skype lessons with me (bookings via my website) to further enhance your learning experience. Plus, you can check out my videos on YouTube, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok for more fun and engaging resources. ⭐️Start exploring French with me!


United States


⭐️Transcripts and language activities for all my podcasts are available on my website www.explorefrench.com ⭐️Discover the most captivating way to learn French! My structured narrations are designed to help you practice vocabulary and grammar level by level, while immersing yourself in fascinating topics. ⭐️Podcasts are read in comprehensible French (speed adapted to each level) and are followed by sentence-by-sentence translation and explanations in English, to help you understand the language and develop your skills quickly and effectively. ⭐️Wanna go further? You can take Skype lessons with me (bookings via my website) to further enhance your learning experience. Plus, you can check out my videos on YouTube, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok for more fun and engaging resources. ⭐️Start exploring French with me!



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🙌🏻 WEBSITE Explore French 👉🏻 PODCAST #1 Learn French with AnthonyTranscripts & Activities 👉🏻 PODCAST #2 Explore France with AnthonyTranscripts & Activities


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B2#04 Agroalimentaire et consommation locale

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this B2-level podcast, we'll talk about the food industry and its impact on the environment. We'll explore different ways to express opposition and contrast, using words such as "but, however, while, whereas" and "even though" in French, and we'll practice vocabulary related to food products, the food industry and business, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak French at normal speed, and in the second part, I will repeat everything at a slower speed, with some translations and explanations in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Le kilomètre alimentaire 2/ Le poulet de dégagement 3/ le cabillaud et les noix de cajou 4/ Les crevettes et les coquilles Saint-Jaques 5/ Le circuit court 6/ La consommation locale et ses paradoxes 7/ Les labels de qualité


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A1#08 Routine et activités quotidiennes

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this A1-level episode, we will talk about routines and daily activities. We will explore how to discuss daily activities, compare the routines of French, Canadian, and Spanish people in terms of work and meals, and I will tell you about my own routine. We will practice reflexive verbs, learn a variety of vocabulary to describe everyday activities, and learn how to tell time in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ La routine 2/ Les activités quotidiennes (1) 3/ Les activités quotidiennes (2) 4/ Ma routine 5/ Le rythme de vie en France et au Québec 6/ Le rythme de vie en France et en Espagne 7/ Sortir de la routine


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B1#06 Français, langues mortes et langues vivantes

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this B1-level podcast, we'll talk about modern and classical languages, explore the history of the French language, and discuss artificial and fictional languages. We'll also practice using complex relative pronouns like "lequel," "laquelle," and "lesquels," as well as expressing doubt using structures such as "I don’t think" and "I don’t believe" followed by the subjunctive. Additionally, we'll review vocabulary related to languages in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Les langues 2/ Histoire de la langue française 3/ L'Académie française 4/ Les langues mortes 5/ L'enseignement des langues mortes 6/ L'espéranto et les langues construites 7/Les langues fictives


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A2#06 Sports, santé et Jeux Olympiques

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this A2-level podcast, we will talk about sports, the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, as well as the increasing use of sports to cure health problems. We will practice the future tense, and learn how to give advice with structures such as "you should", "you could", and "I advise/recommend you to." We will also cover how to translate "never" and "not anymore/no longer," and review the vocabulary related to sports and common health problems in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Faire du sport (ou pas) 2/ Les sports les plus populaires 3/ Pourquoi faire du sport 4/ La marche 5/ Les bienfaits du sport 6/ Quelques conseils 7/ Les J.O. de Paris 2024 8/ Les mascottes de Paris 2024


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A2#06 Blog et nouveau podcast

⭐ Search "Explore French with Anthony-BLOG" and discover my second (brand new) podcast channel! Listen anywhere and subscribe to keep updated with new episodes. https://explorefrenchblog.podbean.com/ https://www.explorefrench.com/ ⭐ In this special A2 level episode, I would like to tell you about my new Podcast channel. So this is actually not a real podcast... But as usual I will talk in French first, and then I will translate and explain all what I said in English, sentence by sentence. ⭐ ⭐ Contents: 1/ Une nouvelle chaîne de podcasts 2/ Un nouveau format de podcasts 3/ Du Blog au Pod ! 4/ Explorez, et n'arrêtez jamais !


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A1#07 Feng shui, couleurs et mobilier

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this A1-level episode, we will talk about furniture, maids' rooms in Paris and the Chinese art of Feng Shui. We will practice vocabulary related to colors, rooms, and furniture, clarify the difference between “falloir” and “devoir” for translating “must/have to,” and work on advanced prepositions of location such as “near, next to, between, far from and opposite ”, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Les chambres de bonnes 2/ Les meubles multifonctions 3/ Les pièces et leur utilité 4/ La couleur des pièces 5/ Le Feng shui 6/ Quelques règles de Feng shui


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B2#03 Agriculture et initiatives locales

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this B2-level podcast, we'll talk about agriculture, sustainable development, and local agricultural initiatives in France and Africa. We'll practice vocabulary related to plants, pesticides, farming, livestock farming, intensive and mechanized agriculture. Additionally, we'll explore numerous French idioms featuring food and animal names in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak French at normal speed, and in the second part, I will repeat everything at a slower speed, with some translations and explanations in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ L'évolution de l'agriculture 2/ La question des pesticides 3/ Des initiatives agricoles au Maghreb 4/ Une initiative agricole à Madagascar 5/ L'élevage et l'écopâturage 6/ Les expressions paysannes


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A2#05 Gastronomie et consommation alimentaire

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this A2-level podcast, we will talk about gastronomy and French people’s habits when it comes to eating and buying food. We will see how to savor a meal, and we’ll discuss markets and supermarkets in France. We will practice the imperative, learn how to express opinions, and review vocabulary related to the five senses and sense organs, as well as adverbs of intensity such as “little, quite, rather, very and much” in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ La gastronomie française 2/ La dégustation d’un plat (1) 3/ La dégustation d’un plat (2) 4/ Les sens, les saveurs et les textures 5/ Les habitudes des Français à table 6/ La consommation alimentaire des Français 7/ les Supermarchés 8/ Le marché de Rungis


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A1#06 Logement et décoration d’intérieur

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this A1-level episode, we will discuss housing and interior decoration. We will talk about real estate, practice using prepositions of place, distinguish between “c’est” and “il est / elle est,” and learn numerous adjectives for describing a house, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Les types de logements 2/ Les loyers 3/ L'immobilier 4/ Les pièces 5/ Chez moi 6/ Mes pièces préférées 7/ Le mobilier et la décoration 8/ La décoration chez moi


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B2#02 Urbanisme, mobilité et big data

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this B2-level podcast, we'll talk about the latest trends in urbanism, new transportation methods, and big data. We'll also wonder whether privacy is becoming a thing of the past. Additionally, we'll explore various ways to express consequence and practice vocabulary related to sustainable development, renewable energies, and new technologies in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak French at normal speed, and in the second part, I will repeat everything at a slower speed, with some translations and explanations in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ L’urbanisme du futur 2/ Les écoquartiers 3/ Les espaces de vie 4/ La mobilité urbaine 5/ Le big data urbain 6/ La disparition de la vie privée 7/ La littérature d’anticipation


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B1#05 Moi, mon parcours, mon travail

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this B1-level podcast, I'd like to share more about myself, my work, and what I'm aiming to develop on my website and across social media platforms. We'll take this opportunity to explore how to discuss educational backgrounds, work experience, websites, and social media in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐Contents: 1/ Mon parcours universitaire 2/ Mon parcours professionnel 3/ Mes cours de français 4/ Mes podcasts 5/ Mes livres audio 6/ Flashcards & "Skill Practice" 7/ Autres ressources 8/ Les réseaux sociaux


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B1#04 Contes et légendes

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this B1-level podcast, we will talk about fairy tales, myths, and legends. We will explore the origins of these tales and how they developed in Europe, Africa and Asia. We will also discuss why reading tales can make children more intelligent, according to Einstein. Additionally, we will learn the names of many fairy tale characters in French, practice stressed pronouns and review vocabulary for feelings and moral values, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐Contents: 1/ Pourquoi lire des contes (1) 2/ Pourquoi lire des contes (2) 3/ Charles Perrault et les Frères Grimm 4/ Les personnages de contes 5/ Le conte de Blanche Neige 6/ Les contes en Afrique de l’Ouest 7/ Les contes en Chine 8/ Les fables, les mythes, les légendes


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A2#04 Cuisines locales et nouvelles tendances

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this A2-level episode, we will talk about local and traditional food in France and French overseas territories, as well as new trends in cuisine. We will see how to express progression with “more and more” and “less and less” in French, we will practise the pronoun “en”, and we will review the vocabulary for food and cooking in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ La gastronomie du sud-est 2/ La gastronomie de l'est 3/ La gastronomie du nord-est 4/ La gastronomie du sud-ouest 5/ La gastronomie des Antilles 6/ La gastronomie de l'île de la Réunion 7/ La gastronomie du Pacifique Sud 8/ Vieux légumes et cuisine fusion 9/ Des fleurs et des restes


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A1#05 La famille et le couple

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this A1-level episode, we will explore topics such as family, modern and traditional types of unions, and the evolution of couples in our society. We will talk about my own family, the Simpsons, and former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. We will learn vocabulary related to family relationships, practice possessive adjectives, distinguish between “c’est” and “il est / elle est,” and explore adjectives for describing people’s character, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Les liens de parenté 2/ Les appellatifs 3/ Les types de familles 4/ L'exemple des Simpsons 5/ A chacun son caractère ! (1) 6/ A chacun son caractère ! (2) 7/ Le couple 8/ L'exemple des présidents Sarkozy et Hollande 9/ Les mariages mixtes


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C1#01 Yoga, méditation et zénitude

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this C1-level podcast, we'll talk about yoga, meditation, Buddhism and people’s search for harmony, well-being, and a more balanced life, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak French at normal speed, and in the second part, I will repeat everything at a slower speed, with some translations and explanations in English. ⭐Contents: 1/ La recherche de l'harmonie 2/ Le boom du yoga 3/ Le yoga en France 4/ Quid du yoga 5/ Entre Orient et Occident 6/ Zen, soyons zen 7/ Le bouddhisme 8/ La méditation


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B1#03 Fêtes et traditions

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this B1-level podcast, we will talk about celebrations and traditions. We will learn how to give advice, express obligations and prohibitions, highlight particular words in a sentence, and we will practice the subjunctive in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐Contents: 1/ la perte des traditions 2/ Les fêtes populaires 3/ Noël et Pâques en France 4/ Le carnaval de Binche en Belgique 5/ La fête de l'Escalade en Suisse 6/ Le Hanami au Japon 7/ Traditions à découvrir à la Réunion 8/ Traditions à respecter au Vietnam 9/ Polémique autour du foie gras


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B2#01 Villes et transformations

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this B2-level podcast, we'll talk about towns and cities—discussing their beauty and ugliness and their development and transformation. We'll also explore various ways to express causation and techniques to avoid repetition in speech. Additionally, we'll uncover the nicknames of many cities in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak French at normal speed, and in the second part, I will repeat everything at a slower speed, with some translations and explanations in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ La ville et la campagne 2/ La ville d'hier et celle d'aujourd'hui 3/ La beauté des villes 4/ La laideur des villes 5/ Le tourisme de villes 6/ Le tourisme de ruines 7/ Les villes fantômes 8/ La transformation des villes 9/ Le devenir des villes


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A2#03 Maladies, vaccins et médecines alternatives

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. ⭐ In this A2-level episode, we will talk about common illnesses, COVID, vaccines, and the mistrust of vaccines, as well as alternative medicine such as homeopathy, aromatherapy, and phytotherapy. We will practice the superlative and questions with subject-object inversion, and we will review the vocabulary for body parts, symptoms, and illnesses in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Les maladies 2/ Les vaccins 3/ Le rejet de la médecine moderne 4/ Les médecines alternatives 5/ L'homéopathie 6/ La phytothérapie et l'aromathérapie 7/ La zoothérapie et la musicothérapie 8/ Le massage


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A1#04 Voyage et stéréotypes

⭐ To go further, visit www.explorefrench.com. On my website, you can become a Premium Member and gain full access to all transcripts, games and language activities for both of my podcast channels "Learn French with Anthony" and "Explore France with Anthony". On my website, you'll also gain full access to my French online courses, "Skills Trainer" modules to enhance your proficiency in French, "Word Builder" modules to expand your French vocabulary, and audiobooks specially designed for learners of French. Allez, on commence ! ⭐ In this A1-level episode, we will talk about travel and stereotypes. We will explore where French people like to travel, stereotypes about the French, as well as French perceptions of other cultures. We will practice verbs related to likes and dislikes, and learn how to express "me too," "not me," or "me neither" in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Le voyage 2/ Les stéréotypes sur les Français 3/ Les stéréotypes sur les étrangers 4/ Le Maroc 5/ La plage, le soleil... 6/ La montagne, les châteaux... 7/ Les souvenirs 8/ Le choix du souvenir
