United States
“The Podcast Local Governments Need to do Business.”
90: Immigration Enforcement
The new federal administration is undertaking new immigration enforcement activities through executive orders, guidance, and more. Keri-Lyn Krafthefer and Margaret Kostopulos join Dan Bolin to discuss what local governments and employers should do when federal immigration authorities visit; how to respond to their requests for records; and the relationship between local law enforcement and federal immigration enforcement. How is immigration enforcement affecting your organization? Email us at podcast@ancelglink.com!
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
89: New Year, New Legislation and Recent Decisions
The holiday season is here, and the Quorum Forum podcast team is ready to celebrate! To ring in the New Year, we will be reviewing case law and legislation that our local government listeners should be aware of as we head into 2025. Email your questions to podcast@ancelglink.com. Happy Holidays!
In the Zone: Changes to Building Code Statutes
Public Act 103-0621
Referendum Could Not Change “Manner of Selection” of Municipal Board of Ethics
Supreme Court’s Analysis: Use of Social Media by Government Officials
Court of Appeals Weighs in On Recent First Amendment Decision Issued by U.S. Supreme Court
Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Road Impact Fees as Condition to Annexation
DOJ Issues New Rules on The Accessibility of Web Content
Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines
General Assembly Sends Major Changes to Sales Tax Laws to the Governor
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Erin M. Monforti
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
88: Election Special
The 2025 consolidated election season is kicking off with its usual verve and a host of complex issues to address. Local election officials and electoral boards have many responsibilities to make elections happen. Meanwhile, local governments are asked to enforce political sign regulations and electioneering laws. Local governments may get involved in elections themselves with their own referenda and public questions. To help listeners tackle these issues, Ancel Glink’s Erin Monforti and Katie Nagy update a classic Quorum Forum election special, featuring insight from equity partner Keri-Lyn Krafthefer! What issues does your local government face during election season? Email us at podcast@ancelglink.com.
2025 State Board of Elections “Running for Office” Directory
It’s Time to Establish Elected Officials’ Compensation for Terms Starting in 2025
Special Considerations about Establishing Compensation of Elected Officials
Election Calendar Changes for Spring 2025 Elections
2024 Local Government Law Institute
IAPD/IPRA Soaring to New Heights Conference
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Erin M. Monforti
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
87: Back to School at the 2024 APA-IL State Conference
Several Ancel Glink attorneys had the pleasure of attending the 2024 APA-IL State Conference at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois to catch up with friends and colleagues in the planning field to discuss all things planning, zoning, and economic development. Tune into this episode of Quorum Forum for some interesting planning law updates, along with insight from our attorneys on their experience attending and presenting at the conference.
Regulating Election and Campaign Signs
In the Zone: Supreme Court Holds that Legislatively Enacted Impact Fees Are Not Exempt from Nollan and Dolan
Supreme Court Upholds Ordinance Prohibiting Camping & Sleeping on Public Property
In the Zone: Court Rejects “Class of One” Equal Protection Lawsuit in Land Use Case
Approval of Contract Extending Beyond Mayor’s Term a Valid Exercise of Home Rule Authority
In the Zone: Seventh Circuit Rejects Challenge to Local Sign Regulations
GovLove: A podcast about local government
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Tyler J. Smith
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
86: Contracts, Liability & Tort Immunity
Contracts are important legal tools local governments use to provide critical services to residents and pursue important projects. When local governments contract with third parties to perform work, and there is a resulting hazard, injury, or other misstep, the risk of liability depends on several critical factors. Tune in to hear attorneys Erin Monforti, Derke Price, and Maulik Sharma discuss key issues surrounding contracts, liability, and tort immunity in Illinois. Share your thoughts and questions with podcast@ancelglink.com
Illinois Supreme Court Resources: Restatement (2d) of Torts Section 414
Andrews v. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Lee v. Six Flags Theme Parks, Inc.
Rangel v. Brookhaven Constructors
Bokodi v. Foster Wheeler Robbins, Inc.
NRPA 2024 Annual Conference
2024 APA-IL State Conference
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
Recess: Supreme Court Rules on Homelessness
Ancel Glink’s Dan Bolin recently joined the Engaging Local Government Leaders’ GovLove podcast to discuss Grants Pass v. Johnson, a recent Supreme Court decision affecting how local governments may address homelessness. For Quorum Forum’s summer recess, we’re sharing a short clip from that episode and inviting our listeners to check out the rest of the conversation with ELGL’s Meredith Reynolds Lauren Palmer, Ben Kittelson on GovLove: https://elgl.org/podcast-grants-pass-v-johnson-and-a-utopian-california-city-govlove-island/
Questions? Email us at podcast@ancelglink.com!
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
85: ADA Reasonable Accommodations
When does the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) require an employer to make reasonable accommodations for an employee with a disability? On the latest episode of Ancel Glink’s Quorum Forum podcast, attorneys Katie Nagy and Daiana Mann discuss the interactive process between employers and employees and how remote work may be a change in the work environment that enables an employee with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunities. Email your questions to podcast@ancelglink.com!
1. Municipal Minute, Court Upholds Injunction Against Water Shut Off to Mobile Home Park: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2024/06/court-upholds-injunction-against-water.html
2. Municipal Minute, Court Holds that Mayor is Not a "Public Body" Under FOIA: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2024/02/court-holds-that-mayor-is-not-public.html
3. Time is Money: U.S. Department of Labor Raises the Bar on Overtime Exemptions: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2024/06/time-is-money-us-department-of-labor.html
4. Municipal Minute, PAC Issues 7th Binding Opinion on OMA Complaint: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2024/06/pac-issues-7th-binding-opinion-on-oma.html
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Julie Tappendorf, Keri-Lyn Krafthefer
Chair: Katie Nagy
Guest: Daiana Mann
Engineers: Matt Smith, Ricardo Perez
84: Legislative Update
The General Assembly recently concluded its spring session and Ancel Glink’s Tyler Smith joins us to talk about recent legislation local government should know, including updates on the grocery tax, small wireless facilities, and more! What new laws are you following? Email us at podcast@ancelglink.com! House Bill 3144 provides that groceries will be generally exempt from taxation; that local counties and municipalities will be authorized to impose a 1% sales tax on groceries; and that non-home rule municipalities will be able to impose an additional sales tax.
Senate Bill 3567 provides that any taxing districts with websites maintained by full-time staff will require Truth in Taxation notices to be clearly posted on either their home page or a page directly linked to the home page.
House Bill 4615 provides that municipalities can charge recurring rates and application fees to small wireless facilities and can increase the annual recurring rate to collocate a facility on an authority utility pole that’s in a right of way.
House Bill 4488 provides that parties seeking judicial review of an electoral board decision must do so within 5 days after it was served, during which they must properly serve each named respondent and file proof of service with the clerk.
Senate Bill 2751 provides that disabled veterans or their caregivers cannot be charged for a local building permit, they must properly apply but are exempt from the fees.
House Bill 2154 provides that battery-charged electric fences do not need a permit to be installed, maintained, placed, or replaced if they meet certain requirements.
Senate Bill 2849 provides that local government now have the authority to set reasonable rules regulating the use of drones for recreation and conservation purposes in the airspace over public property.
Senate Bill 1960 provides that low-speed electric scooters must receive local government authorization to be used in any municipality, park district, forest preserve district or conservation districts; scooters can only be used on roads with limits of 35 mph or greater by those who are 18 and up.
House Bill 2911 would have provided that cannabis dispensaries could have pick-up and drive-through locations if they followed certain criteria. The amendment passed in the Senate but failed to pass in the House.
House Bill 4293 would have provided that the manufacture, sale, marketing and advertising of any hemp or hemp derived products would have to be licensed and couldn’t be made with the synthetic THC used in vapes. Local governments would have the authority to investigate and penalize unlicensed activity. The amendment passed in the Senate but has not yet been voted on in the House.
Proven Business Systems LLC v. Village of Oak Lawn
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
83: Real Estate Law 101 at the National Planning Conference
Ancel Glink’s Quorum Forum podcast was at #NPC24 in Minneapolis to celebrate six years of podcasting and David Silverman’s induction in to the AICP College of Fellows, the highest honor bestowed on a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners. During the conference, David joined an esteemed panel for “Real Estate Law 101” to help planners understand the fundamentals of real estate and property law. Listen and email your real estate questions to podcast@ancelglink.com!
GovLove Podcast, Revisiting Minneapolis 2040 with Heather Worthington, Urban3
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
82: APA-CMS Bar Exam 2024
The American Planning Association Chicago Metro Section recently teamed up with Ancel Glink’s Quorum Forum podcast for the ninth annual “Bar Exam” planning law session, a realistic simulated law school experience testing planners and land use professionals on important planning law cases related to social media, short-term rentals, and more! Recorded live at Vintage Bar on Taylor Street on March 13, 2024 with Ancel Glink attorneys Dan Bolin, Megan Mack, and Greg Jones, everyone literally "passed the bar" after attending this session. Email your land use and zoning questions to podcast@ancelglink.com!
2024 Bar Exam Handout
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
81: Local Government Law Careers
Lawyers have an important role helping local governments do business. In this episode, Ancel Glink’s Dan Bolin and Katie Nagy are on the road talking about their experiences and local government law careers. Then, Jaime Such discusses an important tort immunity case local governments and cyclists should know. Questions? Email us at podcast@ancelglink.com!
Alave v. City of Chicago, 2023 IL 128602 (2023)
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Julie Tappendorf, Keri-Lyn Krafthefer
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
80: Not in my Park! Regulating Controversial Park Activities
Park and recreation agencies manage many acres of public space where controversial activities sometimes take place. What authority does your organization have to address resident complaints over the location of pickleball recreational facilities, homeless individuals’ and migrant populations’ use of public parks, and protests in parks? Find out as Tyler Smith, Katie Nagy, and host Erin Monforti take over Ancel Glink’s Quorum Forum podcast! What controversial activities are impacting your parks? Email us at podcast@ancelglink.com!
2024 IAPD/IPRA Soaring to New Heights Conference
Swart, et al. v. City of Chicago (February 20, 2020 Decision)
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Julie Tappendorf, Keri-Lyn Krafthefer
Chair: Erin M. Monforti
Engineers: Matt Smith, Ricardo Perez
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
79: Non-Home Rule Administrative Adjudication
Public Act 103-0260, which became effective law in Illinois on January 1, 2024, authorized non-home rule municipalities to establish systems of administrative adjudication. Ancel Glink’s Megan Mack joins us to review the process to adopt an adjudication system and discuss the requirements for these systems. Email your questions to podcast@ancelglink.com!
Municipal Minute, New Law Gives Non-Home Rule Municipalities Authority to Adopt Administrative Adjudication System
PAC Finds that NDA for Development Project Was Not Exempt from FOIA
Court Upholds Ordinance Imposing Fees for Towing and Impoundment
PAC Upholds Denial of Police Reports Involving Both Juvenile and Adult Arrests
PAC Finds Public Body in Violation of OMA for Approving Closed Session Minutes in Closed Session
IAPD/IPRA Soaring to New Heights Conference
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Katie Nagy
Guest: Megan Mack
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
78: New Laws for the New Year
The holiday season is here, and the Quorum Forum podcast team is ready to celebrate! To ring in the New Year, we will be reviewing case law and legislation that our local government listeners should know for 2024. Email your questions to podcast@ancelglink.com. Happy Holidays!
Appellate Court Upholds $1.7 Million in Fines for Violations of Municipal Codes
Illinois General Assembly: Public Act 103-0514
Act Expands Reasons for Remote Attendance by Member of Public Body
Public Body Did Not Act in Bad Faith in FOIA Response
Wisconsin Court Finds University Social Media to be Nonpublic Forum
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit: Krasno v. Mnookin, 22-3170 Oral Argument
New Law Ties State Library Funding to Policies on Book Bans
Supreme Court Will Hear Cases Involving Local Officials’ Social Media Activities
Sheetz v. County of El Dorado, Colorado
New Job Posting Law
Court Distinguishes between “Private” and “Personal” Information under FOIA
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chairs: Erin M. Monforti, Katie Nagy
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
77: Housing Affordability at ACSP2023
David Silverman joined Dan Bolin and Ancel Glink’s Quorum Forum podcast to discuss how communities are promoting housing affordability. Recorded live at the 2023 Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, David reviews legal and practical approaches addressing housing opportunities in Illinois and across the country. Thanks to APA Illinois for inviting us to the conference! Is your community taking action on affordable housing? Email us at podcast@ancelglink.com!
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
Producers: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
76: Back to School at the APA-IL State Conference
Ancel Glink attorneys recently attended the 2023 APA-IL State Conference in Naperville, presenting planning law session, providing plan commissioner training, and catching up with friends and colleagues in the planning field. Tune into this episode of Quorum Forum to hear Ancel Glink’s Erin Monforti and Katie Nagy engage conference participants with recent planning law cases, while attorneys Dan Bolin and Megan Mack share their experiences attending and presenting at the conference.
Justice Department Settles Housing Discrimination Lawsuit Against the Village of Hinsdale, Illinois, for $800,000
Court of Appeals Upholds City’s Denial of Cannabis Dispensary
Court Rejects Challenge to Residential Rental Registration Ordinance
Appellate Court Upheld Rulings in Favor of Village in Lawsuit for Property Damages
Appellate Court Upholds Code Enforcement Against Homeowners
Supreme Court Issues Decision in Challenge to Austin’s Sign Regulations
No Taking Where Dam Removal Lowered Water Level Along Owner’s Property
2024 APA-IL State Conference
2023 MCI Training Institute and Academy Registration
IPELRA 2023 Annual Training Conference
Township Officials of Illinois 2023 Conference
Illinois Library Association Annual Conference
IAPD Legal Symposium
Producers: Erin Monforti, Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Erin Monforti
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
75: APA-CMS Bar Exam 2023
The annual APA-CMS Bar Exam is back to celebrate the 75th episode of Ancel Gink’s Quorum Forum Podcast and provide a realistic simulated law school experience for planners and land use professionals. Recorded live at the Haymarket Pub and Brewery on August 16, 2023, listen to Ancel Glink attorneys Daniel Bolin, Megan Mack, and Greg Jones discuss the most important planning law cases of the year. Email your land use and zoning questions to podcast@ancelglink.com!
Seventh Circuit Upholds Digital Sign Ban Citing Recent Supreme Court Case
City’s Citation for Business License Violation Upheld by Court
Appeals Court Decides Challenge to Short Term Rental Ordinance
Court Upholds Charge Against Owner for Removing Buckthorn on Neighbor’s Property
City Immune From Tort Liability in Zoning Case
Court Finds No Common Law Dedication of Detention Pond to City
Municipality Not Liable for Sidewalk Trip and Fall
Annexation Agreement Binds Successor Owner of Part of Property
Supreme Court Finds City in Violation of First Amendment for Denying Religious Flag on City’s Flag Pole
Mogan v. City of Chicago
Trinity Sober Living v. Village of Hindsdale
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
Recess: APA-CMS Bar Exam 2022
This month, Ancel Glink's Quorum Forum podcast is taking a brief recess to prepare for the 2023 APA-CMS Bar Exam by listening back to one of our more popular episodes, recorded live at the 2022 APA-CMS Bar Exam! The APA-CMS Bar Exam is a realistic simulated law school experience for planners and land use professionals (in a bar). Recorded live at the Haymarket Pub and Brewery on April 6, 2022, listen to APA-IL Chapter President Nina Idemudia and Ancel Glink attorneys Daniel Bolin, Megan Mack, and Greg Jones discuss important planning law cases.
The 2023 APA-CMS Bar Exam will be back at Haymarket on August 16, 2023! Visit http://www.ilapa.org or email podcast@ancelglink.com for more information!
--- Credits ---
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: http://www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
74: New Laws
The General Assembly’s spring legislative session is over and Governor Pritzker is signing and considering bills affecting local governments. Ancel Glink’s Katie Nagy joins Ancel Glink’s Quorum Forum podcast to review notable new laws and possibly soon-to-be new laws. What new legislation will affect your organization? Email us at podcast@ancelglink.com!
P.A. 103-0053: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2023/06/ev-charging-act-will-impose-new.html
P.A. 103-0101: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2023/07/act-amends-drones-as-first-responders.html
P.A. 103-004: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2023/06/extension-of-cocktails-to-go-statute.html
P.A. 103-0016/ P.A. 103-0025/ P.A. 103-0072: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2023/06/new-illinois-laws-apply-to-townships.html
P.A. 103-0100: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2023/06/new-law-ties-state-library-funding-to.html
P.A. 103-0067: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2023/06/new-law-modifies-parties-of-record-in.html
S.B. 2123: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/103/SB/PDF/10300SB2123lv.pdf
H.B. 1363: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=112&GA=103&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=1363&GAID=17&LegID=143519&SpecSess=&Session=
S.B. 1476: https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2023/05/illinois-general-assembly-spring.html
S.B. 2368: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=112&GA=103&DocTypeId=SB&DocNum=2368&GAID=17&LegID=147260&SpecSess=&Session=
S.B. 895: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=112&GA=103&DocTypeId=SB&DocNum=895&GAID=17&LegID=&SpecSess=&Session=
H.B. 2845: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=112&GA=103&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=2845&GAID=17&LegID=147976&SpecSess=&Session=
H.B. 3370: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=112&GA=103&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=3370&GAID=17&LegID=&SpecSess=&Session=
H.B. 3792: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=112&GA=103&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=3792&GAID=17&LegID=149050&SpecSess=&Session=
H.B. 1571: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=112&GA=103&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=1571&GAID=17&LegID=143902&SpecSess=&Session=
H.B. 1286: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=112&GA=103&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=1286&GAID=17&LegID=143396&SpecSess=&Session=
Edgar County Watch Dogs v. Will County Sheriff’s Office 2022 IL App 3d 210058 (2022): https://municipalminute.ancelglink.com/2022/12/911-calls-not-automatically-exempt-but.html
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers
73: Tips For Newly Elected Officials
The Quorum Forum hotline is open and Ancel Glink attorneys called with their tips and congratulations for newly and not-so-newly elected local government officials in Illinois. Adam Simon, Erin Monforti, Derke Price, Julie Tappendorf, and Dan Bolin shared helpful tips on local government meetings, public comment, working with staff, and more! What tips do you have for newly elected officials? Call us at 312.604.9185!
Producer: Daniel J. Bolin
Executive Producers: Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, Julie Tappendorf
Chair: Daniel J. Bolin
Engineers: Ricardo Perez, Matt Smith
This podcast is provided as a service to our public and private sector clients and friends. It is intended to provide timely general information of interest, but should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. Read our full disclaimer: www.ancelglink.com/disclaimers