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Lifting the Lifter's Podcast

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This show dedicated to “lifting the lifters” in the day-to-day business of raising families. We will use real-life experiences to discuss topics, ideas, resources, and tools to help lift and fortify the mind, body, and spirit of women and moms so she can nurture with confidence and love! When they are fortified the home, family, and community can thrive!


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This show dedicated to “lifting the lifters” in the day-to-day business of raising families. We will use real-life experiences to discuss topics, ideas, resources, and tools to help lift and fortify the mind, body, and spirit of women and moms so she can nurture with confidence and love! When they are fortified the home, family, and community can thrive!



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Remembering Those Who Have Passed

This weekend we’ve celebrated Memorial Day! Memorial Day for us means a 3 day weekend. Sometimes we have baseball games, that we get rained out of, and sometimes we can sneak in a little camping, a little barbeque in the backyard, some yardwork, and some fun, and it means the end of school and the start of summer!!! Memorial Day was a day that started way back in the 1860s as a day to remember those who passed in the Civil War. It was orinally known as Decoration Day, but has since evolved to Memorial Day and a day we celebrate all Veterans and other family members and friends. How do you remember? Do you go to the graves and headstones and decorate them? Do you have a special tradition, a family food, a treat, or an experience you do to remember? Remember is one of the most important words in our vocabulary. Jeffrey R. Holland said, "The earliest meaning of “to remember” was “to remind.” That is, when you remembered something it was to remind you—to prompt you—to action." In this podcast, we talk about remembering and actions we can take to remember and remind us of the ones who have gone before us. We discuss experiences, the use of stories, and many more! Take the time today to "remember" by listening to this podcast and then TAKE ACTION! Jeffrey R. Holland quote on Remember History of Memorial Day


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Self Deception

Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician who discovered the cause of childbed fever and introduced the "germ theory" to the medical world. Unfortunately, it was through his experience of contaminating his patients that he learned that he was the problem. He was the carrier of the disease that led to many deaths in Vienna General Hospital. Like Semmelweis, we are the problems to our problems. We don't always see it, because we are self-deceived, but we are the contributors to our problems. In this podcast we discuss self-deception, how we contribute to our problems, and how to contribute to the solutions by using two simple questions. Listen in to hear more about Ignaz Semmelwis' story and discovery and how this relates to us in our day-to-day interactions and relationship, and then how to become the solution! Leadership and Self-Deception


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Six Secrets for Graduating Seniors

The school year is quickly wrapping up! With field trips, field days, finals, crazy schedules, and more, the month of May will be over before you know it and summer vacation will be underway! These past few weeks I have loved getting my mail to see graduation announcements from the class of 2024. Friends and families all over are celebrating their seniors as graduation day approaches and they are off and running onto their next great adventure! I have a couple of clients who are graduating this year and I have loved the chance to get their announcements. One mom asked me to write some advice specifically for her daughter and I loved having that opportunity. While her message was specifically designed for her, I thought about the advice I’d give to most all seniors! So if you have a senior pass this along and I’m pretty sure this podcast will apply to all of us! As I started making my list it kept growing, so this in no means is a one-and-done list! While you are listening, think of some of the secrets you’d add, and keep it going! In today's podcast, we will discuss Listen in! God's Intent is to Bring You Home by Patrick Kearon


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What I've Learned from my Mission with Cody Rydalch

It's always a pleasure to interview one of my children for the podcast! This week I chat with my son Elder Cody Rydalch! Cody has been serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Costa Rica for the last 18 months. About a month ago, he came home for health reasons and we have had the joy of having him home while we work to get him well. As he has been home he has continued to serve as a service missionary. In this episode, I talk to Cody about his mission in Costa Rica and what he's learned from that experience, his experience as a service missionary, and much more! Cody is a wealth of wisdom and knowledge! I have loved getting to spend time with him and hope you enjoy listening to him as much as I do!


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Using the Five Pillars to Live a Spirit Lead Life

Our bodies go through a lot in a day. They are the vehicles we use to work, play, serve, teach, nurture, and so much more! They require a little TLC! Last week we talked about the Five Pillars to Living well. Sleep Nutrition Movement Sunlight Connection When one of these is ours, we naturally work to compensate by other means. Sometimes we eat more when we are tired. Sometimes we use coping strategies to compensate. Do you ever notice that when one of these areas is off, it affects our ability to feel the Holy Ghost? In today's podcast, we talk about how prioritizing the five pillars can help us feel the impressions of the Holy Ghost, why it matters, and what we can do to take steps forward! Listen In! Revelation for the Church, Revelation for our Lives Russell M. Nelson The Sanctity of the Body by Susan W. Tanner


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Five Pillars to Living Well

Dying Well. What does that look like? When we think of dying well, it means probably with loved ones, home, comfortable, safe, enjoying life, free of pain and suffering. Does living well look the same? I have wondered if in our efforts to die well, we acutually live well. This podcast discusses Five Pillars to Living (and Dying) Well! They are In each of these areas, there is so much information and so much every one of us has experience in, and also areas we could improve. If we use these Five pillars to start and provide a foundation, we can live and die well! Listen in for more!


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Find Rest with Regulation

Everywhere we go we can find rules and regulations. When we travel to a baseball tournament on the weekends, there are regulations for the number of innings, runs, and pitch counts. The purpose of these regulations is to maintain safety and provide proper rest for the players. Just like a pitcher needs regulations and rest, so do we. We need nervous system regulation to help us flexibly fluctuate between states of arousal and not get stuck or so stimulated that we shut down. In this podcast, we talk about Nervous System Regulation and I offer 5 of my favorite ways to regulate. These are my favorites because they can be done anywhere and sometimes consecutively. They have helped me when feeling completely overwhelmed or exhausted and provided rest and relief so I can reset. Listen in to today's podcast to get some ideas to use in your day-to-day!


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Every single one of us has a problem or challenge that can feel like we are walking around with a 50 pound weight on our shoulders. They can be heavy, burdensom, and tiring. And sometimes it feels like we are completely alone when packing that challenge. I know that I have a tendency to keep my worries and burdens to myself, to not ask for help from God or from anyone else. Probably due to some pride and also some fear. Fear of being vulnerable and letting my gaurd down. Fear of admitting that I don't have it all figured out and can't do it all alone. In this podcast we talk about asking for help. Who do we ask? First, Heavenly Father. The one who knows all and is always working in our favor. Ask Him. He will help us get the answers and solutions we will need to move forward, problem solve, and he will give us the strength to endure. Second, ask others. There is a statistic that says that if we have a challenge and explain our situation to three trusted individuals, those 3 people will be able to help you get the answers and solutions you will need by either having the answer or helping you find the answer. We are not alone in this life or in our challenges. We have many who care and love us and who want to help. All we have to do is ASK! Listen in to hear more and ways to implement this!


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When Things Don't Go As Planned

There are many times when things go just as we thought they would. When we have planned and prepared and everything goes perfectly, and then there are times when they don't. In fact. As I think about most things, they often look different than I thought they would have in my mind, but it's OK. This week we had a surprise text that followed with having our son Cody coming home from his mission from Costa Rica! He has been having several health challenges for months and we've done all we can to support him out there, but after months of "gutting it out" he decided it was time to come home to get some tests and care here. In this podcast I talk about that and what it felt like on this journey. There was sadness, fear, frustration, anger, happiness, joy, and many other emotions. It's been a roller coaster for sure! And there are many things we have learned and are learning. First: It's OK to be sad that things are different than you thought. It's OK to mourn that ideal expectation or scenario. However, sometimes our sadness gets layered on with many other emotions like anger and then we do things that aren't who we are. We can pull away, disconnect, and abandon our true selves. After giving yourselves a minute to be sad, choose to see opportunity. Choose joy. Choose happiness. There will be blessings and more joy, there will be growth and learning, and there will be peace. Listen in for more!


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Replay! This Mother Knows

Easter is coming! I love this holiday and the opportunity to reflect on Jesus Christ. A few years ago I was asked to write an essay to enter into a compiled essay book. While the book is still in the works, I am sharing this essay with you today in celebration of the Easter holiday! Mother's Who Know, Julie B. Beck Will You Engage in the Wrestle? Sheri Dew


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Easter Traditions You'll Love

As promised, this week we are going to talk about Easter and some Traditions to incorporate with your families. Some of you may do easter egg hunts, baskets, and bunnies, and some may not, and choose to just focus on the Savior, his life, and his resurrection. And some may do both. We try hard to find a balance between both. So I am going to give you a couple of ideas for both! There really isn’t a right or a wrong, it is whatever you feel is best for your family. All traditions take a little bit of planning, work, and time. Decide which ones you want to do. Why do you want to do them? Is it just a tradition you just do? Why? My why is because it brings us together. It is fun to spend time together Talk with your families if there is too much and see what they say about your traditions. I know there are some nonnegotiables for me, but there may be some others that the kids could take or leave that you're spending A LOT of time and energy doing! Sometimes, doing traditions can be a bit overwhelming, and a bit much. Sometimes we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have everything look perfect, but we forget the reason we have them. Maybe even just a little bit of simplifying or asking for some help will make all of the difference and your traditions more enjoyable for you. Is there a tradition you’d like to start? So many talented people share ideas online! I always seem to find one that I love, and then make it my own. The reason for traditions is to gather and build relationships with family. They are to spend time together. To have experiences together that bind and create bonds that last, and at Easter to remember Christ.


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How to Handle Worry

We all have things we’re pretty good at. I would say I’m a pretty good cook. I’m a pretty good housekeeper. I’m good at exercising. I’m good at taking care of my family. I’m good at something else. Worrying. I have heard myself say “I’m a worrier” I spend a lot of time thinking, and overthinking, about things. Over and over and over. I spend time worrying about things that others may or may not give a second thought over! Do any of you worry? In today's podcast, we are going to discuss worry, because it’s something that I’ve been learning more about, working on, and trying to help my family and clients with, and also teach you some pretty amazing things that one of my children taught me. If you think about where you're head is when you worry, it’s not present, it’s in the future. It’s not here, it’s there. By keeping our brains busy on the worry, we don’t take action and move forward on items that can be done and off of our minds. We disconnect from present, what’s happening in the moment, and miss what is happening in front of us. Listen to today's podcast as we discuss more about worry and how to handle worry! We will talk about


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Understanding the Stress Response

Every single one of us has stress. We have so much on our plates as we juggle family life, kids, jobs, and the list goes on. We all do our best to manage and deal and cope, but do we understand stress? In this podcast, we are going to discuss the stress response to help us better understand it, and by understanding it, we can help manage it. Stress is caused by the "stressors" in our lives. These are outside sources that we all juggle. Our nervous system then interprets these stressors. This interpretation is influenced by our past learning, cultures, upbringing, health, and so many other factors and imprints that flavor this interpretation. This then elicits the "stress response." When we are all talking about our stress, what we actually mean is our stress response. This stress response causes a reaction in our bodies. Sometimes it benefits and helps us, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes the stress response is no big deal, and sometimes we can get to the point where we are stuck in that hyper or hypo active state due to our stress response. What can we do?! Establish safety. We are all little boys and girls screaming on the inside for safety. Follow these 3 steps: There are many different ways to help us relax and regulate our nervous system to help us manage our stress. Stress cannot live in a relaxed body! Too often we try to go through our minds and talk ourselves through the stress. Try going through the body! We all have stress we are trying to deal with. We all have imprints and stamps from our life experiences. These imprints flavor our interpretations of our stressors. Be kind, we are all doing our best, and are managing the best we know how! Listen in for more!


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Scanning for Safety

Whenever we travel, one of the biggest stressors is getting through the airport. There are so many security checks and measures. There are machines, security guards, and dogs all scanning for danger or threats. We have an internal scanning system called our Nervous System. Our nervous system is meant to scan for safety, danger, or life-threatening situations to keep us safe! It scans outside of us, inside of us, and between us to decide if there is something to be concerned about. Many times our scanning system gets it right! We jump into protection mode and fight, flight, or freeze! However, sometimes, we aren't always in danger but go into the same mode. In this case, there are tools to help us unwind those behaviors. But first, we have to be aware of what is going on! In this podcast episode, we discuss more about our nervous system, neuroception, and gain some awareness of some of the behaviors and reactions we may have! Listen in!


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The Power of Relationships with Dylan Rydalch

This week on the podcast we get to hear from my oldest son Dylan on the Power of Relationships. Dylan and I always had a pretty good relationship, but during his mission our relationship grew and developed. As a missionary Dylan had the opportunity to interact with many different people and companions, and he developed some very valuable skills to improve his ability to connect and have meaningful relationships. Today on the podcast we discuss what he learned, how to apply them, and offer some tips on how to help us in our daily interactions! Listen in to hear more about the Power of Relationships and ideas to improve yours!


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Hopes and Expectations

Rulon D. Pope said, "We live in an age and society where hope becomes expectation, and expectation turns quickly into entitlement." This made me wonder how often some of our hopes may have become expectations. In our relationships with others, we can hope for things, but when expectations arise and those expectations are not met, we have disappointment, resentment, and pain. The truth is, other people can't read our minds, and they don't always do the things we think they will or want them to. Things might look a little different than we thought, and that's OK. We can take a step back an see if our hopes for another may have become an expectation, and loosen our grip. We can admit things look different than we thought they would, and everything will be OK. Listen in to hear more!


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What Does Love Look Like?

What does love look like? Have you ever asked this question? What does it look like for you!? And what would Love look like in every situation? These are a few places I saw love this week: Love is the random sugar cookie on the counter with a note that said: For Mom, love Meg because she knows I love drink shop sugar cookies. Love is walking away from a discussion or argument and saying, “We need to talk about this later when we’re not upset.” Love is a random text that says, “Hey! You’re a great mom.” Think about this as you listen to this episode then ask yourself: "What would love look like right here, right now?" Original Grace by Adam Miller


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Shining Eyes

The winter months can be long and hard around here, especially for playing baseball. Our family does a lot of that and practicing baseball can be tricky. A few facilities are available, and I have found it helpful to hire coaches to do some hitting and fielding sessions with the kids during these months. I hired a coach to keep my 14-year-old Austin in shape and work with him on his hitting for the next few months. One night after Austin’s hitting session he and I were chatting about the session and he asked me if I knew what the fastest muscle in the body is. Our eyes! Our eyes are amazing! They move so quickly scanning for information and sending it to our brains! They also communicate to others so much! We see them, we are listening, we hear them. What do your eyes communicate? Do they shine and do you help other's eyes shine? In this week's podcast, we talk about a TED talk given by Benjamin Zander and shining eyes! Zander's focus is to awaken the possibilities in others and he knows he's doing that when he sees shining eyes. Join in this week's podcast as we discuss this topic and some ideas on how we can be the person who helps others shine! Beautiful Leadership: Shining Eyes Benjamin Zander TED Talk: The Transformative Power of Classical Music The Power of the Muscles in Your Eyes Change Your Game, Change Your Life: How a simple shift in focus will completely transform your relationship to golf—And everything else! By Andrew McKee


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Where Your Focus Goes

Every day our mind is consumed with thoughts and ideas. If we were to look at our thoughts and rank them in how often we think of something, or what is at the top of our minds, what would those thoughts be? Home Family God Work Entertainment Food All of these areas of focus are on my mind constantly, but do I put them in the proper order? Is there an area you could say I worship? Tune into today's podcast as we discuss the themes of our thoughts and worship, and how to keep God at the forefront of our minds in our day-to-day! How to Worship Bruce R. McConkie Yielding Our Hearts to God Neill F. Marriot


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What Every Person Needs to Hear

When our kids were little we took them to Build a Bear Workshop to make a stuffed animal that was especially for them. They could pick the bear or animal, the inside qualities we put in them, the stuffing, the accessories, all of it. They were perfectly tailored to fit each child. Wouldn't it be nice if we could do the same about ourselves? Pick every little thing we wanted and get rid of everything we didn't want. But does all of that matter? We put so much value on the outside things. Our jobs, titles, degrees, number of kids, where we live, what we drive, etc. We make that mean we are valued and important, but when all of that is stripped away, what's left? The stuff on the inside. That's what is left and what matters. In today's podcast, we talk about what really matters. We talk about the main identifier in our life that we can focus on to help us in every other area. That we are Beloved Children of God. That is first and foremost. We will discuss how Satan works to get us to believe the opposite, and how to work to overcome his influence! We can pray to know how Heavenly Father feels about us, read the scriptures for answers, and serve others. Use the gifts we possess to bless others and those gifts will be revealed as we continue to do so! Listen In! Eyes to See Michelle Craig
