Gabriel Garcia Marquez: 1927 - 2014-logo

Gabriel Garcia Marquez: 1927 - 2014


Colombian journalist, novelist, and short story writer Gabriel García Márquez died aged 87 on April 17, 2014 at his home in Mexico City. Márquez was best known for popularizing magical realism in Latin American literature, especially with his 1967 masterpiece One Hundred Years of Solitude. We remember his life with a collection of interviews and remembrances.


Palo Alto, United States




Colombian journalist, novelist, and short story writer Gabriel García Márquez died aged 87 on April 17, 2014 at his home in Mexico City. Márquez was best known for popularizing magical realism in Latin American literature, especially with his 1967 masterpiece One Hundred Years of Solitude. We remember his life with a collection of interviews and remembrances.



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