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Living The Miracle

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Are you ready to take your next step? Living The Miracle will empower you to do so. Wake-up to the joy-filled, limitless life you are meant to live! Discover how to live the miracle of spirit. If you’ve suspected that there’s a deeper meaning to your life than what the world offers you, you will find answers here. You will learn simple, yet, powerful psychic tools to help you live a more intuitive, spirit-centered life and fulfill your soul’s purpose in this world. The time to think yourself into a pretzel and be confused is past. Have certainty in yourself. You are the light of the world. Use your innate ability to see clearly and discern truth from illusion. Live by intuition. It’s your direct line to your innermost knowing and the only way to discover your true purpose. It’s time to erase doubt with kindness, and replace effort, resistance and competition with grace. Live as the bright, creative and powerful being that you are, both in this world and beyond it.


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Are you ready to take your next step? Living The Miracle will empower you to do so. Wake-up to the joy-filled, limitless life you are meant to live! Discover how to live the miracle of spirit. If you’ve suspected that there’s a deeper meaning to your life than what the world offers you, you will find answers here. You will learn simple, yet, powerful psychic tools to help you live a more intuitive, spirit-centered life and fulfill your soul’s purpose in this world. The time to think yourself into a pretzel and be confused is past. Have certainty in yourself. You are the light of the world. Use your innate ability to see clearly and discern truth from illusion. Live by intuition. It’s your direct line to your innermost knowing and the only way to discover your true purpose. It’s time to erase doubt with kindness, and replace effort, resistance and competition with grace. Live as the bright, creative and powerful being that you are, both in this world and beyond it.



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Encore Miracles in the Air

Ever experienced a miracle while you were in the air? Just being afloat in the air, high above the earth might seem like a miracle to some of us. It’s certainly a different environment than when we’re on solid ground, isn’t it? What kind of miracles might happen when we’re in the air in a commercial jet, an antique biplane, a hang glider, strapped to a parachute, or floating silently in a hot air balloon? Maybe the sky’s not even the limit! Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and learn more about miracles, how to be more present and pay attention to the varieties of miracles unfolding from Spirit in your life, and what you can do to welcome more miracles in your life - especially when you are in the air!


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Encore Miracles at Sea

Ever had a miracle at sea? You might have been on a cruise chip, in a rowboat, or even on a submarine. Or perhaps while you were in the water swimming, snorkeling, scuba-diving, surfing, or hanging on to a floating log for dear life. Throughout history, miracles have been reported by people out at sea. Yet, miracles come in all sizes, shapes, and styles and most of them are never shared. Many are ignored or forgotten. Learn to discover more of the diverse ways in which miracles can reveal themselves in your life, especially when you’re at sea or on the shoreline. When you experience them, miracles invariably transform your life for the better. Be sure to tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura to explore the many miracles available on, in, and around our oceans.


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Encore Miracles on the Road

On the road again? We’re probably the most mobile generation yet in history. So, chances are, you’ve had some miracles, while you were on the road in your car, on a bus, on a train, or while riding your bike. Or, did you ignore them? Life offers us miracles everywhere, everyday. We just need to welcome them into our lives no matter where we are and appreciate what they are. So, tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and learn more about the miracles that reveal themselves to you when you’re on the road. As it’s been said, life is more about the journey than the destination!


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Encore Miracles at Home

Our home is a sanctuary for many of us. And, when we feel safe, we can allow ourselves to experience much more of life than we might otherwise do. So, in the refuge of our home, we might allow ourselves to go beyond our normal limits, to have more miracles, to be surprised by life. But, do you notice and appreciate all the various miracles that may be happening in your home life? It’s time to pay much more attention to the miracles that life offers you each and every day in your home. Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and find out what kinds of miracles may already be happening in your home life that you’re ignoring. Learn to invite more miracles into your home.


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Encore Miracles in the Workplace

Ever feel like you need a miracle at work? In fact, for most of us, the greatest challenges we face in our lives have to do with our family, friends, or work. After all, most of us spend at least a third of every day working. And, what do you do if you’ve tried everything you know to do in your work life and nothing seems to work? Well, you need a miracle! Ever have one at work? Be sure to tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and find out what kind of miracles can happen in your workplace and what you can do to have them yourself when you need to work things out - at work!


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Encore How to Have a Miracle

Why not have a miracle today? Or several? In fact, we’re living in challenging times in which we need more miracles than ever. But, waiting and hoping for one isn’t going to bring about miracles. So, what are you to do, if you need a miracle? Be sure to tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and learn how you can start having more miracles in your life.


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Encore Open Your Third Eye and See!

Would you like to see into the spirit world? Look at people’s auras and understand them better? How about seeing how the whole universe is energy? Would you like to see what someone is really saying even if that person can’t articulate very well? Would seeing your spirit guides and guardian angels help you live your life more joyfully? You can’t do that with your two physical eyes alone. You need to open your inner third eye! Join clairvoyant hosts Michael and Raphaelle in this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura. Discover the much larger and more profound world you live in that you can only see with your clairvoyance. Learn how to use more of your innate ability to see with your third eye and live more of the miracle of your soul life.


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Encore Celebrating the Light: What You Need to Live a Joy-Filled Life

Want to live a more joy-filled life? Of course, you do! Who wouldn’t? Is it hard to be joyful in life? If it were easy, wouldn’t many more people be joyful most of the time? Why do we see so few people in the world that are truly joyful most of the time? So, what is the secret to living such a life? How do you find joy in your life? Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura. Michael and Raphaelle will explore what joy is, what the source of it is, and what you need to do to experience more of it in your daily life.


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Encore You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think!

You might be way more psychic than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, most people who are interested in being psychic struggle because they don’t realize how psychic they already are and they overlook or ignore all the ways they are being psychic. The question isn’t about making yourself more psychic - it’s about becoming more aware how psychic you already are and in how many different ways. Until you realize how psychic you already are, you may be unknowingly using your various psychic abilities in ways that make more problems for you rather than help you solve them. Tune-in to this upcoming episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and discover how you can correctly use your psychic abilities to live more of the miracle that is your soul life. Learn to use those abilities that are innate to you as a soul so that you can live a joy-filled life of purpose.


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Encore Clairvoyance: See The Truth and Set Yourself Free

Have you felt stuck about something in your life? In your job? In a relationship? About your health? Your family? Finances? How about in your spiritual growth? To set yourself free from whatever is troubling you, you need to get to the truth of the matter. No matter what the problem is, see the truth and you’ll set yourself free. Your innate soul ability to see the truth is called clairvoyance. Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and learn about clairvoyance and how you can develop it to set yourself free in every arena of your life. Find out how you can better discern the truth from what merely appears to be true in the world and in your life. Everyone already has the psychic ability to see clearly - clairvoyance - but, most people ignore it and never learn to develop it. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll start setting yourself free.


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Encore Communicating with Animals and Your Spiritual Development

Do you love animals? Can you communicate with them? What does communicating with animals have to do with your spiritual development? Communication has everything to do with all relationships and your relationships with animals are no exception. And, the more you learn to communicate with animals, the more you discover a deeper aspect of yourself as a soul. We have that connection more naturally as little children, but most of us tend to lose awareness of that in the rigors of growing up and becoming responsible adults. It’s time to re-discover that aspect of your soul self. Remember, you’re not just a pretty body - you are spirit expressing yourself through a body here. Join us for this enlightening and uplifting episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and discover more about the joys of communication with our animal family. Tune-in and learn how you can communicate more with animals and discover what you can learn from them. It’s about your spiritual growth!


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Encore Clean-Up, Tune-Up and Charge-Up Your Chakras!

How are your chakras today? Do you know? Would you like to find out? There are energy systems that organize, maintain, and help heal your physical body that operate on much more subtle and essential levels than even the cells that make up your body. If you neglect taking care of the organs in your body, your body would not function very well. If you neglect the cells that make up everything in your body, the organs wouldn’t work so well. And, none of it would work if the various energy systems operating beneath and beyond the physical body were not tended to. So, be sure to tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and learn a few simple, but powerful psychic tools to help you Clean-Up, Tune-Up, and Charge-Up Your Chakras!


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Encore: How to Set the Energy for Your New Year

People around the world make admirable resolutions for the new year. Yet, many of them fail to follow through to their intended goal. What happens? As the famous proverb reminds us, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Or, as Saint Bernard of Clairvaux wrote earlier, “Hell is full of good wishes or desires.” We may begin the brand new year with noble desires and intentions, but if we’re not committed to follow-through with appropriate action throughout the rest of the year, well, all we may end up with are a stack of good excuses and disappointment. So, how do we launch this year in a way that we’ll celebrate joyously at the year’s end that we accomplished more than we set out to do? Hint: Everything is energy. Find out one of the secrets to having a joy-filled year of fulfillment by joining us for this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura.


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Encore Effortlessly Manifesting What You Need for Your Life

Overworked and overwhelmed? Have you been not only working too hard, but also trying too hard? Ever think, “Keep trying harder”? That may sound necessary to make it through boot camp, but is trying hard against all odds the way to live your daily life? Can you hope to fulfill your purpose in life that way? Not at all. You’ll only end up overworked and overwhelmed! Commitment and perseverance are all-important in manifesting anything in life. Yet, they don’t mean you have to be in effort. When you’re trying too hard to get something done, you’re going against what you’re afraid will prevent you from having it, rather than keeping your sight on where you’re going. Creativity needs to flow into an open space, but if you direct it against something, it works against you. Tune-in to Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura. Find out how to get out of effort and manifest what you need to fulfill your purpose in your life. Refresh your spirit by refreshing yourself in spirit.


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Encore Appreciation, Gratitude, and Your Souls Worth

Would you like to be truly happy? If you review your life and see when you were happiest, you’d probably find that it was when you were the most loving. You were loving someone, something, doing something, being somewhere, having something. It could’ve been anything, but the key to your happiness was that you were loving. So, then, what is essential to you loving? Have you ever loved anyone or anything when you didn’t have appreciation for that person or thing? Do you value who you are, your soul, more than others’ approval or worldly attainment? How much do you appreciate your soul’s worth? How grateful are you for being who you are? If you truly wish to be happy in life, these are important questions to answer. Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and find out what’s been keeping you from seeing your true soul’s worth, loving yourself, and living a joy-filled life.


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Encore Psychic Tools to Clear Out Your Head

Would you like more clarity in your life? How about seeing your way through life more clearly and with more certainty? When you are in doubt or confused about what to do, is that all you or do you just have too many people in your head? You might just need to learn to clear out your head and have a clear, fresh look at your life! But, intellectually trying to figure things out is only going to clutter your head even more. You need tools to clear out all the psychic junk mail out of your head! Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and learn a few simple, but powerful psychic tools to clear out the energy chatter out of your head everyday, so you can see your way through life with clarity and certainty.


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Encore A Day in the Life of a Clairvoyant

What’s it like being a clairvoyant? Does a clairvoyant live any differently day-to-day than the vast majority of the population who believe they aren’t clairvoyant? Is clairvoyance a psychic gift that a few are born with, but most aren’t? Or is it something anyone can learn to use, like learning to play a piano or use a computer? What are some the experiences that a clairvoyant person may have daily that are just like anyone else and what are some of the experiences that he or she may have that may be considerbly different than most others? And, what makes someone clairvoyant? Get some fascinating answers and insights regarding the daily life of a couple of clairvoyants! Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura. You’ll also hear delightful stories from Michael’s and Raphaelle’s lives about what it’s like for each of them to have lived all these years in this world as clairvoyants.


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Encore Living By Intuition: Going Deeper with Guest Bill Bennett

'I heard a voice early one morning, and it saved my life. Not only did it save my life, it changed my life.' So, begins renown Australian filmmaker Bill Bennett's new book, PGS-Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System, following the release of his profoundly transformative movie by the same title. Garnering phenomenal reviews in Australia and the US, where the film has been shown to sell-out crowds, audiences rave they didn’t just watch a great movie - they had a powerful, healing experience. Tune-In to Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura as Bill Bennett returns for a second interview, Living By Intuition: Going Deeper. Find out about Bill’s experiences and discoveries about intuition and living intuitively, since his first interview on this show four months ago. Hear about his soon-to-be-released book that goes deeper into Intuition as your PGS or Personal Guidance System. Learn how you, too, can navigate through life’s challenges by following your intuition.


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Encore How to Have a Spiritual Relationship

Would you like to have a more fulfilling relationship? Of course, you would! But, what exactly makes a relationship more fulfilling? There are many things we can do in our relationships that can help make them much more enjoyable, safe, comfortable, or exciting, but, how do we have ones that deeply enrich who we are? How can two people truly BE with one another? After all, isn’t that what BE-ing in a relationship is all about? If you can really be all that you are in a relationship, that is a spiritual relationship, since you ARE spirit. Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and find out How to Have a Spiritual Relationship. Learn that your relationships can truly be about each of you as spiritual beings fulfilling your purpose here on earth. Discover how to start treating yourself and the other person as the spirit that you both are. The purpose of every relationship is to help you get to know yourself!


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Encore All Aboard on the Astral Plane! Wake Up to a Third of Your Life

We sleep for a third of our lives. If we live to 81, that’s 27 years we sleep through! Sleep is crucial for the body to stay alive, but where do you go and what do you do when your body sleeps? Just because your body is sleeping doesn’t mean that you have to be unconscious during a third of your life. In fact, as you wake up to you being spirit, rather than a body, you start becoming more aware that you are living a full life as your body sleeps the night away. Often, we call that space in which you live your “sleep time”, “The Astral Plane”. Join us for this fascinating episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and discover what the Astral Plane is about. What happens there and how can you get there? Why don’t most people remember what they do in spirit on the Astral Plane?
