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The Content 10x Podcast

Markets and Investing

Maximize the return from every piece of content that you create! This podcast will teach you how to repurpose your content like a pro. Whether you're a podcaster, blogger or video content creator - creating great content is never easy. Neither is keeping up with the ever growing array of social media platforms. Content repurposing is a critical activity to ensure that your content finds it's audience and your message is heard. Amy Woods, Founder of Content 10x, reveals everything you need to know about content repurposing in biweekly episodes released every other Thursday! Find out more at


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Maximize the return from every piece of content that you create! This podcast will teach you how to repurpose your content like a pro. Whether you're a podcaster, blogger or video content creator - creating great content is never easy. Neither is keeping up with the ever growing array of social media platforms. Content repurposing is a critical activity to ensure that your content finds it's audience and your message is heard. Amy Woods, Founder of Content 10x, reveals everything you need to know about content repurposing in biweekly episodes released every other Thursday! Find out more at







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How to Use Reddit in B2B Content Marketing

With more than 100,000 active communities, Reddit is a vast and often untapped resource for B2B marketers. And so, in this episode of the Content 10x Podcast, host Amy Woods dives into its potential as a tool for B2B marketing. Discover the fundamentals of Reddit, from the unique structure of subreddits to its voting system that brings the most popular content to the forefront. Learn why B2B marketers should consider Reddit for targeted audience engagement, real-time market research, thought leadership, and even lead generation. Amy also shares insights from a previous episode with Amanda Natividad of SparkToro, highlighting how Reddit's niche communities offer unparalleled insights into audience interests and concerns. Tune in to discover how to turn Reddit into a powerful component of your B2B marketing strategy. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners with B2B marketing teams to help them get more out of their content. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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The Changing Face of Marketing with Amanda Natividad

What’s happened in the world of zero-click content and audience research since Amanda Natividad, VP of Marketing at SparkToro, was last on The Content 10x Podcast? In this episode, host Amy Woods welcomes Amanda back to find out about that and much more. Amanda explains a bit about SparkToro, an audience research tool, that reveals critical insights about an audience's preferred websites, social accounts, podcasts, YouTube channels, and even search keywords. She explains their recent improvements and how B2B marketers can leverage these insights to enhance their marketing strategies. Amanda delves into the core idea of zero-click content, which focuses on providing standalone value in native social media platform posts without requiring users to click away. She shares practical examples and how it has become essential for increasing social media engagement and retention. The discussion also explores the implications of AI on search behavior and audience research, emphasizing the need for marketers to adapt and stay updated with changing marketing trends. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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10 Ways to Repurpose Your Webinar

Webinar content is just crying out to be repurposed! So, in this episode of the Content 10X Podcast, host Amy Woods shares 10 practical strategies for repurposing a webinar to maximize ROI. Amy discusses the benefits of webinars for B2B marketing strategies and dives into methods like creating on-demand videos, thought leadership social posts, YouTube videos, podcast episodes, blog posts, carousels, keynote talks, short social videos, industry publication articles, and eBooks. Tune in to learn how to extend the value of your webinars and reach a broader audience. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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How to Repurpose a Talk into a Webinar

Do you have a plan for your talk other than delivering it on a stage – be it at a live event or a virtual stage? Because although one great keynote can be delivered over and over, there are other ways it can be repurposed. In this episode of The Content 10x Podcast, host Amy Woods focuses on the process of transforming talks into engaging webinars. She shares her experience of recently repurposing one of her keynotes into a webinar. She also looks at the benefits, including amplifying your reach and increasing opportunity for audience engagement. Throughout this episode, you’ll hear practical tips and insightful strategies for seamlessly repurposing your talk into a webinar whether it’s a talk to a large audience at an event, or a small presentation internally to colleagues. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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Beyond Remixing: Strategic Content Repurposing for B2B with Chris Hutchins

How do you decide what content to repurpose? What is the best type of content to repurpose? What are some of the biggest misconceptions about content repurposing? These are just some of the questions we get into with our guest on this episode, Chris Hutchins from 6sense. Chris shares his insights on why long-form content is powerful for repurposing in B2B marketing. He emphasizes the value of remixing content to maximize return on investment and enhance team efficiencies. Chris also delves into practical strategies for content repurposing. The episode also explores challenges and best practices in measuring the impact of content repurposing, with Chris offering candid insights into the difficulties of quantification beyond traditional metrics. You’ll also hear innovative ways to approach content creation and repurposing, focusing on strategic planning, team collaboration, and leveraging technological advancements. This is the third and final episode in our B2B marketing leaders mini-series with Chris, Ashley Faus, and Jess Cook. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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LinkedIn Algorithm Insights 2024: What You Need to Know

Need a little helping hand when it comes to creating content for LinkedIn? We’ve all been there. It continues to be the fastest-growing platform and has the potential to have a major impact on your brand and your company, not to mention your career trajectory. So when the annual Algorithm Insights report from Richard van der Blom and his team at Just Connecting gets released, we pay close attention. It’s always eye-opening to see what we can do to help our client’s content and boost our own while uncovering new ways repurposing content can help us reach our objectives for the platform. So we’ve pulled out some of the key insights and have broken them down in this episode. Curious to know how repurposing can help your LinkedIn content strategy? This episode is for you… Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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Repurposing from Long to Short with Erica Schneider

How do you turn your long-form written content into short, snappy, social media content? This is a question that Erica Schneider realized people needed help to answer, and so she collaborated with an AI prompt writer and they created a course called Long to Short in which they help people understand how to turn a piece of pillar content into multiple social posts. Erica is an editing coach, course creator, and founder of Cut the Fluff, which offers training and coaching to entrepreneurs and executives looking to grow their organic presence. She is also a successful LinkedIn and X contributor and we wanted to get her on the show to talk about her systems and processes for repurposing, her secret to writing awesome hooks, building a powerful personal brand, and leveraging AI for content creation, among other things! In this episode, Erica talks to host Amy Woods about all of that. She also shares her journey from freelance writer to head of content to entrepreneur. Plus, how she stays up-to-date on social trends… Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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How to Maximize Content with a Small Team with Jess Cook

Welcome to the second episode of our mini-series featuring B2B marketing experts spilling the beans on their content repurposing strategies, hacks, and eye-roll moments! We are talking to the brilliant Jess Cook in this episode. Jess is the Head of Content and Comms at Island and she featured on our sister podcast B2B Content Strategist where she spoke about how content repurposing helps her small team look big. We want to delve deeper into this, and on this episode Jess talks about how, with a small team, she’s very specific about what they repurpose and how that helps target that C-level audience they want to reach. She also shares some of the unexpected results she has seen from repurposing, big misconceptions and she gives us her top tip for repurposing with a small team. It’s a great conversation! Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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Boosting Content Velocity through Repurposing with Ashley Faus

This is the first episode of our B2B expert mini-series featuring B2B marketing leaders all talking in-depth about their content repurposing strategies, tips and advice. In this episode, host Amy Woods is talking to Ashley Faus, Head of Lifecycle Marketing, Portfolio at Atlassian. Ashley appeared on our sister podcast, B2B Content Strategist and in that conversation they touched on content repurposing, so this time around it was an opportunity to dive much deeper into Ashley’s broad expertise on the topic. She shares her ‘favorite’ types of content to repurpose (SPOILER: LinkedIn comments and presentation slides!) Both provide plenty of excellent content she can use across multichannel marketing strategies. She talks about common misconceptions when it comes to repurposing, what she means by ‘content velocity’, and why it’s so important that marketing teams lean into AI. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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3 Lessons Learned & 3 Mistakes to Avoid From 300 Episodes

Welcome to a milestone episode of The Content 10x Podcast – episode 300! We are thrilled to have journeyed through 300 episodes with you. Together we’ve explored content repurposing strategies every which way, heard from fascinating marketing leaders and we’re just getting started! To mark this landmark episode, host Amy Woods is reflecting on the benefits of B2B podcasting, invaluable lessons learned and inevitable mistakes to be aware of, whether you’re on episode 3 or 300! Amy also delves into three top tips discovered through experience, which have proved to be invaluable time and time again. Tune in as she shares knowledge gained over hundreds of podcast episodes, to empower you on your own B2B podcasting journey. This podcast episode is valuable whether you have a podcast or not, many of the tips and advice shared are relatable for all content creators. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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How to Repurpose A Year of LinkedIn Posts into an eBook with Liz Elfman

Have you ever experienced the frustration of seeing your brand’s most engaging social media content disappear far too quickly at the whim of the algorithms? We’ve all been there. As a marketer, you want to capture these fleeting moments of engagement and transform them into lasting assets. So in this episode we spoke to a marketing leader who did just that! Liz Elfman, Director of Content Marketing at joins The Content 10x Podcast to talk about how she repurposed a year’s worth of LinkedIn posts into an eBook. Host Amy Woods talks Liz through the process, from the initial moment she recognized that she had something of value that needed to be maximized, right through to how she organized the posts into a cohesive eBook, how AI helped with the process and why repurposing short-form content into long-form can be so effective… Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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Repurposing Long-Form Content: 5 Ways to Plan Ahead

Creating a piece of long-form B2B content and want to get the maximum ROI from it? You’re in the right place! Because in this episode we share how to plan your repurposing before you sit down to create the content. Long-form B2B content is rich with repurposing opportunities, from thought leadership-style LinkedIn posts, to stand alone industry insights, expert interviews and even short, engaging videos for social media. But how do you know what’s right for your audience, what will get you the most engagement and ultimately, what will provide the most value? Hear host Amy Woods talk through tips for prep plus her top five ways to repurpose long-form B2B content. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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7 Steps to Transform your B2B Report with Daniel Plume

Editing and developing a repurposing plan for a long, complex B2B marketing report could be an excruciating process, but it doesn’t have to be. Not if you have a tried and tested set of steps to go through that you know are going to get you to that perfect end-result on deadline! What are those steps? That’s what Content Marketing Strategist Daniel Plume is here to share on this episode of The Content 10x Podcast. He had a 55-page B2B marketing report delivered by a client with the brief to edit and repurpose and he talks us through his 7-step process for doing just that. Host Amy Woods asks Daniel to explain each step and why it’s so important not to get ahead of yourself too early, plus the most important step to take before doing that all important final edit. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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How to Avoid Link Dumping: Tips on Thoughtful & Effective Link Sharing

Content marketing is about getting as many of the right eyes on your content as possible, making a connection, and building trust. You need people to be spending time reading your blog posts, downloading your research papers, and signing up to your webinars and newsletters. It can be infuriating when the platform algorithms make it so darn difficult to get our links to our content in front of potential clients and customers. We don’t add value if we just dump links, but there are thoughtful and effective ways that you can share your important links, without alienating your audience and being punished by the algorithms. In the second co-hosted episode of The Content 10x Podcast, host Amy Woods and Marketing Manager Jason Morton unpack link dumping, what it means, why it’s a big no-no, and how to share links in a way that adds to your posts, rather than is the purpose of your post. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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Why You Should Create Content WITH vs FOR Your Audience

The key to a good marketing campaign is content that your audience can relate to and identify with. But what are some of the best strategies to help you achieve this connection? In this episode, host Amy Woods teams up with Content 10x Marketing Manager, Jason Morton, to chat about how you can create content with (rather than just for) your audience. They discuss how you can empower your audience to become the source of the content you create, instead of guessing what they care about and are challenged by. Market research is the part of the marketing budget that gets cut first, and the impact of this isn’t seen until the campaign doesn’t connect the way it was meant to. So, Amy and Jason break down how to put your audience at the center of your content marketing and the benefits of this approach. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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How to Choose the Best Type of Pillar Content for your Brand

Whether you call it core content, anchor content or pillar content, the concept is the same. It’s the long-form content that feeds all the other content you create. Having one main type of pillar content can be effective because you can focus on perfecting it and distributing it consistently. You also free up time and expertise to repurpose it, meaning nothing goes to waste. In this episode of The Content 10x Podcast, join host Amy Woods as she discusses the benefits of having one type of pillar content for your brand, choosing the best type for you and your team, and why it means less boring content! Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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How to Create a Content Brand with John Bonini

All brands publish content, but there are those brands that publish content that’s so good and so helpful that it builds its own tribe of loyal followers. People that follow and share the content and recommend the products or services, without necessarily having purchased or used it themselves. The content is so convincing that they don’t need to! Can you think of any brands that produce content like that? John Bonini, founder of Some Good Content, calls these ‘content brands’ and in this episode of The Content 10x Podcast he joins host Amy Woods to dive deeper into what elements work together to create a content brand, and why optimizing for algorithms is not a long-term win. John is highly regarded in the world of B2B marketing, specifically in the SaaS space. He was Head of Marketing at Databox until August 2023, and he’s now struck out on his own as a consultant helping B2B SaaS companies establish and grow their content brand. In this episode, they also talk about the importance of having an ‘anchor medium’ in your content strategy and how to determine what the best anchor medium is for you and your team, as well as diving into the big no-no that is link-dumping! Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators, and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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How to Create Super Shareable Content by Repurposing

It’s great when your team members share your company content with their audiences. But how do you create content that they actually want to amplify? We share content that we relate to. We share content that shows off our expertise, makes us look intelligent, funny, or aligned with a group or movement. It’s human nature to what to show off our best side, so in this episode of the Content 10x Podcast, host Amy Woods looks at the type of content that can be repurposed for employee advocacy… with a repurposing spin! Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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Why Do People Share Your Content?

The science behind why people share content is one that could be debated ad nauseam. But, as with all things that involve the human psyche, there are no hard and fast rules that will guarantee a viral post, (if only!). However, there are a few tricks that, when applied in the right context at the right time, work together to make your organization’s content more shareable and in turn, your employees more amenable to amplifying your message and getting your content in front of a wider, already interested audience. In this episode of the Content 10x Podcast, host Amy Woods relooks at some of the brilliant insights that came up in her conversation with Bradley Keenan, Founder of DSMN8, in episode 290 and dissects some of the ways we can make our content more appealing and relatable for our employees. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week


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How Your Employees Can Amplify Your Content with Bradley Keenan

More and more, employee advocacy is becoming a niche marketing tool that businesses are utilizing to extend the reach of their content. But there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it, says Bradley Keenan, Founder and CEO of DSMN8. The world have moved away from what Bradley describes as ‘”employee advocacy 1.0”, where the company just use the employees to get their content out there. There is now a focus on social enablement – empowering individuals who have an interest in being active on social, to be good at it. Bradley joins host Amy Woods on this episode of The Content 10x Podcast to chat about the rise of employee advocacy, mistakes that business owners often make when trying to get employees to share their content, how to go about it the right way and why it works so well when you do. Find out: Important links & mentions: Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week
