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I TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING!!! I DONT HIDE NOTHING!!!!! Celebrities relationships drama rumors if they’re true or not people throwing shade


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I TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING!!! I DONT HIDE NOTHING!!!!! Celebrities relationships drama rumors if they’re true or not people throwing shade



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Random thought

Random thoughts on everything


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Stop saying women who are 40 I’m gonna be alone

Married at 40 years old with no children or 40 years old with a cat which that’s a lie there are people they got married at 5060 years old and never been married. There’s some people they also said they wish they would’ve waited.


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Man won’t cheat if you give them all the sex they want lies !!!!

Remember those good old days on Facebook when you see a man put up a post and say if a woman cooks and clean, give a man all the sex he wants he won’t look outside the marriage and then a female will say that’s not true because you can do all that in a man will still cheat then a man will respond and call her bitter or single but there was the episode where a man is telling a woman no matter how much sex you give me I’m still gonna get it outside the marriage, so I want to hear the men’s excuse for this one let’s talk about it


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Men want ladies to be ladies, but not give them a reason to be ladies

Men say they want a traditional women, but was so funny they not even traditional themselves they will sit there and tell them they need traditional woman that mean she has to be a virgin forget these women on the podcast and bash them.


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People were making fun of the girl from the Prime Video

Today’s episode is called being yourself dress in comfortable. Don’t try to fit in people want you to dress certain ways to make them feel comfortable at the end of the day dress for you be comfortable at the end of the year to live your life and what made it so bad it’s so sad they made for this girl I’ll because she wanted to be herself.


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People are saying Lil Nas X is fake being gay

My question is how the hell can you fake of being gay this generation is so stupid they are LGBT artist I’ve been here for decades so let’s get to it let’s talk about it


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People are bitching and complaining about R&B, hip-hop singer Ciara

First of all, it’s a fucking dress if the husband is not complaining, why are you guys complaining and men are Bashan Mr. Wilson what they feel realize they girlfriends want a boyfriend to be just like him


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This generation got soft

This generation is full soft


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Some sick men will get into it with a woman and say they were forced their penis in a woman’s mouth

Men who affirm force their private parts on a woman’s mouth when all she has to do is take a big giant bitand he won’t do it no more


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Aaliyah and Selena

The good news is finally open up the case of Aaliyah and everybody knows her passing was no accident. We’ve been saying this for years so now they’re starting to open uppercase not only that Aaliyah was not no female that put bad influence in females her or Selena.


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The black community is rooting for Dwayne wades wife

The black community feels that D Wade is a bad father, and the child should go back to her mother mom which I’m going to tell you right now nothing good is going to come out of that all they gotta do is fight back-and-forth no matter what and I only get the black community. Be trying so hard to find something negative.


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Ladies do you want to be somebody’s wife or do you wanna be somebody slave

It’s two different types of submitting a marriage is the good submitting and then there’s the best meeting and what is so sad that a good man and a good husband are getting bad for believing in 50-50 why others think a woman supposed to do everything are you supposed to sit on your ass don’t do a goddamn thing my question is if a woman has the cook clean at work and take care of the kids my question is what the fuck are you there for


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Shoot the ass when it comes to rape

On this episode a 13 year old girl was raped And since you cannot get abortion in the USA she’s going to travel to the country in the comments was so ugly it was very very evil called her a murderer talking about it’s alive the girl is a baby her damn self she can’t even get a goddamn job listen to this conversation this is going to get deep
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Stop being picky

Some ppl think if you’re cute you can’t be with someone ugly But then you have the audacity to put on Facebook I can’t get a text back stop thinking that you look good cause I was a member just because you call people ugly there’s somebody out there thinks that you’re ugly too
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Men saying that women are useless women don’t wanna be married

Saying that women don’t wanna be married I don’t want to do is be independent have kids multiple children but nobody said shit with Nick Cannon got baby number 10 and never married any of his baby mamas there’s so many rappers they got so many kids there’s so many men they got so many different baby mamas ain’t married them but you have the audacity to talk about a woman does that make sense
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Men call women toxic when they speaking facts

When you read some post on Facebook or Instagram saying if a woman do everything she supposed to a man won’t look outside the box that’s a lie you could be a great man and a good woman and still get cheated on that’s not being toxic ass speaking facts
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Depression and mental health

They are people that commit suicide every day people don’t tell them it’s okay just get over it that’s not easy There’s people that been there for decades and won’t come out hopefully this episode will help anybody that’s going through any deep depression we got to get out of it we gotta live our life
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So a man goes viral because he says women that don’t want kids is dumb

First of all it’s a woman’s right if she doesn’t want kids or not stop saying just because she’s a woman she’s supposed to have kids it’s her constitutional right when are you men going to learn that you cannot control her life or her body
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They are trying to stop gay relationships

My question is how in the hell are you gonna till a couple that’s been together 10 years or more that they can’t be together anymore because you disapprove of who they are that’s never gonna happen people are willing to fight and die for this especially me why would you try to strip me to being something that I’m not all that’s going to lead to is depression not only that they’re going to try to stop people from having gay sex in their own home
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What a sad day to be a woman

So basically the vagina belongs to the government and more women being raped and had to keep the kids was that sick