Media & Entertainment Podcasts

A look inside what makes RPGs tick. We discuss the "moving parts" of what makes table top role playing games fun and successful. What creates those moments of "great play?" Join us for our deep dives into the rules, systems, and settings of TTRPGs!


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A look inside what makes RPGs tick. We discuss the "moving parts" of what makes table top role playing games fun and successful. What creates those moments of "great play?" Join us for our deep dives into the rules, systems, and settings of TTRPGs!





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014 Classes

This episode’s topic is classes. Wizard, thief, fighter, rogue! We all know the tropes of classic fantasy RPGs but how have these evolved over time? What is the benefit of a class and how do classless RPG systems compare to a more traditional approach? What happens when you unbundle skills and abilities from the bounds of a class model? HOSTS: Erik SaltwellEthan SchoonoverAPPENDIX X: Alan Wake 2Alan Wake 1Archive 81Brooklyn Nine-NineGAMES MENTIONED: Night FloorsWarrenPendragonThe One Ring RPGDelta GreenImpossible LandscapesBlades in the DarkDungeons & DragonsCall of CthulhuAlien RPGSUMMARY: The main topic of the episode, classes in RPGs, is explored from various angles. The hosts discuss the origins of classes, which stem from wargaming and Tolkien-inspired narratives, and how they provide structure and implied play styles for characters. They also delve into the downsides of classes, such as the potential for creating ""generic optimum"" actions that can lead to repetitive and less interesting gameplay. Ethan and Erik talk about the appeal of low-level play in Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), which often feels more classless and encourages creative problem-solving. They also touch on the concept of niche protection and how it can both spotlight individual characters and constrain them within certain roles. The conversation shifts to classless systems like Call of Cthulhu and skill-based RPGs, discussing how these systems allow for more flexible character creation but can still lead to optimized play styles. They also mention games like Blades in the Dark, which offer mechanics like setup actions to encourage lateral thinking and creative solutions. Erik suggests that classes might be more useful for younger or less experienced players, providing structure and helping them learn to share space and collaborate. As players mature, they may find classless or more flexible systems more appealing. The hosts conclude by considering the potential benefits and drawbacks of both class-based and classless systems.


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013 Railroading

In this episode of RPG Ex-Ray, hosts Brendan Power, Jason Beaumont, and Erik Saltwell dive deep into the art and science of railroading in tabletop role-playing games. Our main discussion in the episode is railroading—when and how it's appropriate, the balance between player agency and narrative structure, and how to avoid the pitfalls that can make players feel their choices are meaningless. Key Ideas Discussed include: HOSTS: Erik SaltwellAPPENDIX X: Monarch: Legacy of MonstersU-BootDetective Board GameDreadnought GAMES MENTIONED: PendragonFeng ShuiAlien RPGTrail of Cthulhu - The Big HoodooDungeons & DragonsMasks of NyarlathotepQuotes


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012 Props

This episode’s topic is props. From maps to sound effects, miniatures to background music, props evoke tone, immerse players, and clarify what is going on in your game’s fiction. Join us as we discuss what makes props work, and when they fail. HOSTS: Erik Saltwell Ethan Schoonover Jason Beaumont APPENDIX X: Godzilla Movies (Film, Jason) Alan Wake 2 (Video Game, Brendan) The Expanse (TV, Ethan) GAMES MENTIONED: Blade Runner RPG Thousand Year Old Vampire Apollo 47 Technical Manual Red Markets Call of Cthulhu Monsters and Other Childish Things Dread Dungeons & Dragons Delta Green Pendragon SUMMARY: In this episode, we look at how props effect gameplay in tabletop RPGs. Topic points include:


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011 Agendas

This episode’s topic is Creative Agendas. Whether we aspire to overcome challenges, embody characters, or simply socialize with friends, our high-level goals determine many of our choices and define what we are proud about in our roleplaying sessions. HOSTS: Erik Saltwell Brendan Power Ethan Schoonover APPENDIX X: Marvel's What If (TV, Erik) The Guns of August (Book, Ethan) Routledge Atlas of the First World War (Book, Ethan) Slow Horses (TV, Brendan) GAMES MENTIONED: Sorcerer Apocalypse World My Life with Master Microscope SUMMARY: In episode 11 of RPG Xray we dig into the concept of creative agendas in RPGs. We workshop the definition of agendas as the underlying motivations and goals that players and game masters bring to a role-playing game session. We explore different types of creative agendas, including gamism (focus on challenge and strategy), narrativism (emphasis on storytelling and thematic exploration), and simulationism (desire for realism and consistency in the game world). The discussion also touches on the history of RPG theory, particularly the contributions of Ron Edwards and The Forge, an online forum where many ideas about game design and player motivation were developed. We debate the usefulness and limitations of categorizing player motivations into distinct creative agendas and discuss players with multiple simultaneous as well as how these motivations can lead to more satisfying gaming experiences. We also explore the dangers of pigeonholing players or assuming that one type of agenda is superior to others.


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010 Rulings

This episode’s topic is Rulings. The use of at-the-table decision making is one of the defining features of tabletop roleplaying games that allows for unlimited player creativity. Relying on other humans, though, can leave your table open to bad behavior and interpersonal conflict. Join us as we discuss the differences between rules and rulings in RPG HOSTS: Erik SaltwellEthan Schoonover APPENDIX X: Loki Season 2Ham RadioFunk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and LegendHome Theater Remodel GAMES MENTIONED: DreadDungeons & DragonsApocalypse WorldNights Black AgentsCurse of Strahd SUMMARY: In this episode we tackled “Rules and Rulings" in RPGs. We differentiate between "rules," which are the mechanical aspects defined by the game system, and "rulings," which rely on human judgment to adapt or create new rules on the fly to accommodate unique situations in the game. We explore the concept of "tactical infinity," the idea that anything is possible in tabletop RPGs, a feature that distinguishes them from computer RPGs and we cover how rulings can enhance gameplay by allowing for more creativity and flexibility while looking at the challenges of balancing rules and rulings to maintain fairness and player engagement. We talk about the importance of trust between game masters and players, and how a shared understanding of the game's rules and the willingness to adapt can lead to more rewarding gaming experiences. We conclude by discussing the “what if” scenario of a game system based entirely on rulings and the implications for game design and player dynamics.


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009 Licensed IP

This episode’s topic is Licensed IP, which provides RPG gamers the promise of being a hero in stories they already love, while utilizing their knowledge of a property’s setting and tropes to improve the tabletop role playing experience. Join us, to learn how licensed IP can enhance, or break, your gameplay. HOSTS: Erik SaltwellEthan SchoonoverAPPENDIX X: A Murder at the End of the WorldWarlockBlood MeridianGAMES MENTIONED: GhostbustersStar Trek AdventuresBlade Runner RPGTerminator RPGDune RPGAlien RPGSUMMARY: In Episode 9 we delve into the topic of licensed intellectual properties (IPs) in role-playing games. We discuss the advantages and challenges of using licensed IPs in RPGs including how licensed IPs can facilitate play by providing familiar settings and narratives, lowering the barrier to entry for new players. We also consider how these IPs can constrain creativity due to their predefined worlds and stories. Our conversation touches on various examples, including "Alien," "Blade Runner," and "Terminator," exploring how these IPs have been adapted into RPGs and their impact on game design and player experience. We compare licensed IPs with original content, discussing the impact of world-building versus story-building in games and the mechanics used by different games to capture the essence of their respective IPs. We reflect on our experiences playing RPGs based on licensed IPs and original content, sharing insights on what makes these games compelling and challenging.


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008 Authorities

This episode’s topic is Authorities. Who can say what, and when can they say it, in an RPG? Authorities determine this, and have, since the foundation of tabletop role playing. Small changes to the authorities in your game can have huge, sometimes unexpected impact on the gameplay experience. HOSTS: Erik SaltwellEthan Schoonover APPENDIX X: City of Darkness: Life in Kowloon Walled CityOld Army Firearm Training FilmsSCPAlan Wake 2The Night House GAMES MENTIONED: Psi*RunInspectresDungeons & DragonsCall of CthulhuSpelljammerMasks of NyarlathotepThe Pool SUMMARY: Episode 8 of the “RPG XRAY” podcast, titled ""Authorities,"" dives into the concept of authorities in role-playing games (RPGs), a topic discussed by hosts Jason Beaumont, Ethan Schoonover, and Eric Saltwell, along with their experiences and insights on how authority distribution affects gameplay. The episode begins with the hosts sharing their recent media consumption and its relevance to gaming. Ethan discusses the book ""City of Darkness: Life in Kowloon Walled City,"" reflecting on its implications for world-building in RPGs, particularly in creating dense, lawless environments. Eric shares his exploration of World War II training videos and SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) Foundation content, highlighting their potential for storytelling in games. Jason talks about playing ""Alan Wake 2,"" emphasizing the game's use of sensory experiences and subjective reality to enhance horror elements. The main discussion centers on the concept of authorities in RPGs, referring to the rules that dictate who can say what within a game's narrative and mechanics. The hosts outline three primary roles with potential authority in RPGs: the player, the game master (GM), and the rule system. Traditional games typically grant players authority over their characters, the GM authority over the game world and narrative, and the rule system authority over the outcomes of actions. The conversation explores various distributions of authority and their impact on gameplay. Examples include traditional games, where the GM has significant control, and non-traditional or story games, where players may have more narrative authority. The hosts discuss how shifting authority can create different play experiences, from collaborative world-building to games where players have significant control over the story's direction. The episode concludes with the hosts reflecting on their personal preferences and the potential for experimenting with authority distribution in their games. They express interest in exploring how changing who has authority in specific situations can lead to innovative and engaging gameplay experiences.


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007 Systems

This episode’s topic is Systems. Unlike video games, role playing games separate game engine, game concept and game level into distinct pieces. We dig into the various ways that RPGs split authority for the design of each piece between designers, game masters and players. What effect do these choices have on the experience of the game, and how can you use them to foster great play at your table. This episode’s hosts: Erik SaltwellEthan Schoonover This episode’s Appendix X HitmanControlThe Lost RoomSCPHistory of Beauty Games discussed in this episode GURPSPendragonTop SecretPsi*RunLasers and FeelingsAshen StarsStar Trek AdventuresYellow King RPG Games mentioned In passing Trail of CthulhuCall of CthulhuDelta GreenFall of Delta GreenRiftsTrophyBlades in the DarkDungeons & DragonsBlade Runner RPGDune RPG The podcast episode delves into the nuances of role-playing game (RPG) Systems, emphasizing the contrast between universal and specialized systems. We compare the experiences provided by generic systems like GURPS with those crafted by more setting & scenario focused games including many indies. We discuss the trend in video games of moving from proprietary to universal engines and relate this to RPG development, pondering whether a generic RPG system can capture the distinct feel of different genres. We cover the appeal of one-shot games versus long-term campaigns, the enjoyment of learning new mechanics in one-shot games (which often have bespoke systems that enhance the thematic experience). Why is it that once played, the interest in revisiting these games tends to diminish? We chat about whether playing a variety of self-contained indie games or engaging in a traditional extended campaign would be more enjoyable. The final part of the discussion addresses the design intentions behind RPG systems, particularly concerning homebrew settings and the adaptability of systems for such purposes. We tackle the importance of setting expectations when introducing a new system, emphasizing the need for clear communication abou


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006 Progression

This episode’s topic is PROGRESSION. Whether it’s levels, experience points, that scar your character has with an epic backstory, or some other measure of character development, PROGRESSION is a mechanic that stretches back to the earliest days of RPGs. We will dig into the layers of what and how games offer progression to players in this episode of RPG Xray. Appendix X: The RookMt. Baker-Snoqualmie National ForestGuns on YoutubeStarfieldTraveller RPGThe X-FilesVeronica Marsa|state RPGChat GPT


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005 Horror

This episode’s topic is HORROR. Horror is one of the oldest RPG genres and has wrapped its tentacles around much of modern tabletop game play, but what is it? What makes an RPG horror in tone, mechanics, or gameplay? Are horror games scary? Should they be? Can they be? All this and more on this episode of RPG XRAY. Appendix X Links Dave the DiverGods TeethGravity FallsRoad TripThe Laundry FilesThe RookEspresso Chalet


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004 Mysteries

This episode’s topic is MYSTERIES. What does investigative gaming look like in table top RPGS? Are all RPGs mystery games at their heart? Are there games which appear to be detective and mystery oriented that aren’t mystery games at all? What is great play when it comes to mystery games? Hopefully you come out of this episode with clues that you can use in your own mystery gaming. Appendix X for this episode: ChatGPTRedfallFar Cry 5Invisible CitiesNotes on Blood MeridianBlood Meridian


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003 Fiction

In this episode we talk FICTION. Specifically how do fiction and mechanics interact in role playing games. This is a broad topic and there’s a lot of ground to cover. From Clocks to Metacurrencies to Resolution systems, we’re diving deep but hopefully bringing it back to how these concepts can be applied at your own table. Appendix X References: Twenty Thousand Herz [Podcast]Audio Commentary Tracks [Audio]An Immense World [Book]The Wager [Book]Return of The Obra Dinn [Video Game]


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002 Failure

In this episode, we discuss failure in role playing games. Unlike video or board games, tabletop RPG scenarios are rarely replayed, making failure more significant, final and problematic. Excessive failure can create an adversarial game, while too little tension can result in dull gameplay. Join us as we explore how to grab the tiger by the tail and use failure as a tool to enhance gameplay. Appendix X References: The Making of the Atomic Bomb[Book]Alien Series[Film]Gibson's Alien 3[Audiobook]Dishonored 2[Video Game]Murderbot [DiariesBook]How to sell a haunted house[Book]


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001 Fun

In our inaugural episode 1 we talk about the most critical factor at the RPG table: fun. What is it? How do we bring the most fun to every game we play? What is the relationship between fun and difficulty? Do different players experience fun differently? All this and more, coming up on RPG Xray. Appendix X References: Disco Elysium [Video Game]Only Yesterday [Book]Game Wizards [Book]Road Warden [Road Warden]Citizen Sleeper [Video Game]
