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The Jag Show

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

Jon "JAG" Gay creates podcasts for businesses and nonprofits through his company, JAG in Detroit. A 15 year radio veteran, he brings a decade and a half of audio experience and perspective to the podcasting world. Once a week, this podcast will cover industry news and tips to make your show sound better.


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Jon "JAG" Gay creates podcasts for businesses and nonprofits through his company, JAG in Detroit. A 15 year radio veteran, he brings a decade and a half of audio experience and perspective to the podcasting world. Once a week, this podcast will cover industry news and tips to make your show sound better.





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10 Questions to Ask Your Podcast Listeners

In this episode, we explore the significant impact listener surveys can have on a podcast's success, especially during the holiday season. Listener surveys allow us to connect directly with our audience and understand their preferences, making it easier to create content that resonates. In the radio world, we called this “Hugging your P1s”—a term for our most loyal listeners. Providing incentives, like gift cards, can increase participation, especially during this time of year when engagement may naturally decline. Listener surveys also serve as valuable content. By dedicating an episode to discussing survey questions and linking a Google form in the show notes, we can keep our audience engaged and gather data simultaneously. Credit for many of these survey strategies goes to Melissa Joy Dobbins of the Sound Bites podcast. Here are the ten questions we recommend asking: How long have you been listening?How did you discover the show?Where do you follow or subscribe?How do you consume the show?What topics or guests should we cover more?What topics should we cover less?Have you shared an episode?Would you leave a review?Would you support the show financially?Demographic insights:By using these questions, we gain actionable insights to refine our content, marketing, and engagement strategies for 2025 Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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What the Tyson-Paul Fight Can Teach Us About Content

In this episode of The Jag Show, we dive into the lessons learned from the highly anticipated Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight and how these insights can be applied to podcasting and content creation. Join us as we explore the essential elements of creating buzz, the unpredictability of viral moments, and the critical importance of technology in delivering a seamless experience. Create Buzz and FOMO: Embrace Viral Moments: Ensure Reliable Technology: Build Up vs. Payoff:Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, these insights will help you create compelling content that keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more. If you have questions about content creation, especially in the podcast realm, reach out to us at Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Spotify is now PAYING Podcasters!

SPOTIFY WILL NOW PAY FOR YOUR CONTENT The world of podcasting is constantly evolving – and Spotify is now trying to keep up with YouTube.And that means PAYING its creators! This week, Spotify announced they are rebranding their Spotify for Podcasters interface, now calling it Spotify for CREATORS. This comes on the heels of allowing all podcasters to upload video files of their podcast to the platform – regardless of whether you use Spotify as your host. Now, one of the reasons YouTube has made such strides in podcasting, in addition to video of course, is how easy it is to monetize the platform. It’s way more turnkey than Apple or Spotify – with their subscription and advertising options. Well Spotify figured this out too. According to PodNews and Sounds Profitable, the new Spotify for Creators program is open to creators who’ve published 12 episodes, had 2,000 unique Spotify users interact with your show in the last month, and have 10,000 streamed hours in the past month. Now, those bars are much higher to clear than YouTube’s benchmarks of 1,000 all time subscribers and 4,000 streamed hours in the last year, but it’s a step in the right direction for Spotify. Now, aside from the tougher requirements, here’s the million dollar question. How do you want to track your analytics? In the old days of podcasting, your host tracked downloads or streams via your audio host, and who grabbed your content from your RSS feed. To track metrics on VIDEO podcasts – be it Spotify OR YouTube, those views will NOT come from your RSS feed. So now you’re in a position where you have to take your downloads, then add your views from YouTube and/or Spotify. And of course, downloads, streams, and views are NOT apples to apples comparisons. So you have to decide – is having your podcast on video important enough to you, to not have the same consistency in evaluating and reporting your numbers? Maybe the video presence and monetization opportunities say yes. Or maybe you have stakeholders that need consistent measurement and KPI’s, such as a corporate podcast, and audio is just fine. These decisions are yours to make as a creator, as the world of podcasting continues to evolve. And as always, if you have any questions about the industry, or your specific podcast, find me at Lata! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Could Podcasts Decide The Election?

Could podcasts help decide the election? Here we are in the final days before the most consequential Presidential Election of our lives.Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are criss-crossing the battleground states – and the podcast studios! Sure, we’ve got wall-to-wall TV and radio ads as always. My wife and I have YouTube TV as our cable provider -the ads are also there, and on traditional YouTube, where we spend a fair amount of time as well. But as Trump and Harris make their closing arguments to Americans, they’ve found a new arena this cycle– podcasts. And with podcasts having pretty well-defined audiences, even the largest ones, both candidates are staying in their respective lanes. No matter how you slice it, 45% of the country’s going to vote for Harris, and 45% is going to vote for Trump. Now while both would love to reach that 10% in the middle, they are also trying to drive turnout among their predicted supporters. Harris has been on one of the top podcasts consumed by females, Call Her Daddy, to talk about reproductive rights. She’s also been on All The Smoke, with former NBA players Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson, Club Shay Shay with former NFL player turned analyst Shannon Sharpe, and Unlocking Us with Brene Brown. For Trump’s part, he’s gone on the world’s biggest podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, as well as Barstool Sports’ Bussin With The Boys, and the comedy Podcast Flagrant. Now, I’m not saying that podcasts are GOING to decide the election, but their influence and reach are certainly being considered by both campaigns. Yes, our media landscape is split among ideological lines, and podcasts are no exception. But media as a whole is now so fragmented. Gone are the days were network news shows were the end-all be-all of media reach. You’ve got to meet your audience – and your potential voters – where they are. And they’re listening to – and watching podcasts. Lata! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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What Podcasters Say Matter

What you say as a podcaster matters. You know what also matters? Who you work for. Evan Lazar is an employee of my New England Patriots, who much to the delight of most football fans, have crashed back down to earth, hard, and are one of the worst teams in the league. (Hey, no complaints here – we got 6 rings when I was young enough to follow sports more religiously). Anyway, Evan is a co-host of the Patriots Catch 22 podcast, produced by the team. And by and large, the show can be critical of the team when warranted. But following a bad loss in San Francisco last week, Evan said there was a “mutiny” in the Pats’ locker room. THIS did not sit well with his employer in Foxboro, Massachusetts. The episode has since been taken down from YouTube, and Lazar has walked back the comments, essentially saying he got riled up in the moment, according to Boston media. Are podcasts journalists?Well, depends on who you work for.Lazar is an employee of the team, and while they give him a long leash, they ultimately have veto power over the content. What if he worked for the radio station that has the contract to carry the team’s games?Well, that’s a little murkier.But unless he’s either employed by a news organization, or completely independent, he doesn’t have the freedom to say whatever he wants. There are two lessons here.1) if you’re recording a podcast, always be mindful of WHO you are producing that content for, especially if it’s your employer. And 2) While the beauty of podcasting is that it’s meant to be a free-flowing natural conversation, be wary of getting carried away and saying something that might come back to bite you. Also of note here:The usually media-savvy New England Patriots have removed the podcast from YouTube. However, as of 9:15am on Friday, they have NOT removed it from Apple or Spotify. This supports the argument that YouTube is now the biggest platform for podcasting. If your show isn’t on YouTube, it NEEDS to be – even if it’s an audio only show. If you need help, feel free to reach out to me. Finally, I recorded this episode in the new Descript Rooms feature on Descript, a web-based studio that will eventually replace Squadcast. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes. Lata! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Remembering September 11th, 2001

On September 11th, 2001, I was a senior in college. My memories of that day are still so vivid. It's wild to me that we now have a generation of adults entering the world that are too young to remember this day. I feel it's incumbent upon us to share our stories - so 9/11 isn't "just another date in a history book." Bonus: Here's a group of us recalling the day at WJPZ, our student run radio station: Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Podcast Movement 2024: What I Learned About Audio Metrics and YouTube's Importance

I came out of Podcast Movement 2024 with two key takeaways: better audio analytics, and the importance of YouTube. Today, I explain that downloads, while still industry standard, do not paint the whole picture of who's listening to your show, when, and for how long? The real key data can be found on your dashboards within Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. Speaking of YouTube, the biggest change in podcast survey data between 2023 and 2024, per Tom Webster of Sounds Profitable, is the percentage of consumers who are discovering podcasts on YouTube. Having at least your audio on YouTube is crucial at this point. Should you have your video there as well? Ideally yes in the world of SEO and algorithms, but Tom explained why it may not be a good idea for everyone. Finally, what about growing your podcast? I share some tips I learned on how to do that. Spoiler: you have to do more than blast each episode onto all your social media channels. Also, the Sounds Profitable Podcast Landscape webinar is this Wednesday, featuring a treasure trove of conumption data. You can sign up here: Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Show Me The (Podcast) Money!

Podcast Superfriends Episode Dedicated to "The Money Chase" Lately, I've been seeing a number of large podcasts chasing additional revenue - everything from The Daily to Pod Save America to The Tucker Carlson show. And they've all made critical errors, each in different approaches. I explain. Yes, there are ways to monetize your show, even if you aren't pulling millions of downloads and selling off your numbers. Today, I give a quick overview - everything from sponsors, to premium content, to subscription models and more. Please don't make the same mistakes corporate radio did as it continues its slow death spiral. For a deeper dive on how to make money off of your podcast, check out our episode of the Podcast Superfriends at the link above. Finally, will you be at Podcast Movement in DC next week? If so, let me know. I'd love to say hello. Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Has Podcasting Caught AM/FM Talk Radio?

Has Podcasting overtaken AM and FM Talk Radio? Well, yes and no. This is from Edison Research’s Share of Ear Survey. In 2017, 66% of all spoken word audio was consumed over AM and FM radio. Only 13% of ears went to podcasts. Well fast forward to the second quarter of 2024. Talk Radio is at 43%, and Podcasts are catching up at 36%. But if we dig a little deeper, among ages 13-64, Podcasting has ALREADY surpassed AM/FM Talk Radio – 41% to 39%. So the only reason the radio still wins is the 65+ demo, who pick the radio 5-1 over podcasting. So while talk radio listeners are yelling “get off my lawn!” podcasting will catch up – if not this year, probably by 2025. This change will be accelerated by increased podcast discoverability. According to PodNews, Matthew Passy and the folks at Custom Podcast Solutions will be debuting an NFC-enabled Bluetooth Beacon. You can wear it on your wrist, and instead of telling someone to search, or scan a QR code, you can have them tap their phone to open your podcast. This is supposedly going to be on display at the Podcast Movement this August in DC., so I’ll be sure to report back. Some Spotify-related news to close with this week First, Spotify is ditching polls and adding comments to podcast episodes. And unlike Apple, you can approve comments, block trolls, and manage the comments on their new Spotify for Podcasters app, not to be confused with the Spotify App itself. And finally, Spotify is now bragging that they have 250,000 Video podcasts on their platform. I’m still leery of this – I don’t want to use Spotify for Podcasters to access this tool, because I don’t want Spotify to own my show. For me, I’m going to stick to producing an audio podcast via my RSS host, Simplecast, for Apple, Spotify, and more. And I’ll put the video directly on YouTube, which has a much bigger audience than Spotify. And because these episodes are short, I’ll keep posting the video directly on my social media channels via JAG in Detroit.Because each social media app’s algorithm likes videos that keep people in their app. I’m more interested in getting my content to as many people in as many places as possible. Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Podcasts Are Like Puppies

Over the long holiday weekend, my wife and I puppy-sat for Henry, a 4-month old golden doodle. And this got me thinking. Puppies and Podcasts have a FEW things in common. When you start a podcast, you probably have the exuberance of a puppy. Henry has a habit of BOUNCING when he walks – he’s very excited, and it’s very cute. But at some point, you need to learn HOW to walk. And you can learn that by observing other podcasters. Our cousin, Henry’s owner, said on walks, he’d just plop down on the sidewalk. But when we walked our 10 year old coonhound Jules, Henry would follow her around, like, well, a puppy dog. The added bonus, 3+ miles of walking per day makes for a very tired, and thus very well behaved, pup. You may have a plan for your podcast, but in the early goings, you may have to change course.The plan was for Henry to sleep in a crate in our bedroom. But his first night with us, this well behaved pup screamed and cried and barked from 11pm to 1am. Now, I’m sure some neighborhood fireworks didn’t help, but around 1:15am, we called an audible.Henry would sleep in our bed all week.Sorry to his Mom and Dad if you’re listening – I’m sure he learned some bad habits here at Camp Jules. Bottom line, you may think you know what you’re podcast is going to be – but if it’s not working, it’s OK to change – even after you’ve launched. Then there were the puppy teeth – who knew they were so sharp? Yes, they hurt when he nipped at my ankles – and yes, those first few podcast mistakes may leave a mark. But outside something drastic, or outside the realm of common sense, you aren’t going to destroy anything in your first few episodes. No matter how hard Henry went at those deer antlers or stuffies, he didn’t cause any real damage. It’s OK as a new podcaster to be “teething.” At the end of the day, your new podcast needs a lot of attention – you are still figuring out your new world. But the more time and care you put into it, the better your results. You might need constant reminders about mic technique and avoiding tangents – the podcast equivalent of “don’t eat that and don’t pee on that.” Lata! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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3 Podcast Mistakes to Avoid

Today I’m going to tell you three podcasting mistakes to avoid with your show. First one, pretty straightforward. Avoid the word “podcast” in your show title. Two reasons.One, if someone is consuming your show, they already KNOW it’s a podcast. Two: SEO. According to James Cridland and PodNews, there are 700,000 podcasts that include the word “podcast” in their title – 16% of all shows currently listed. How the heck is your show going to stand out in search, if it’s using the same words as a sixth of all PODCASTS? Next mistake – assuming listeners skip ads. Sure, we’ve all skipped ads from time to time when listening to a pod. But a new study from Sounds Profitable shows 68% of listeners, more than two thirds, have listened to at least SOME ads in podcasts.Now maybe they’re multitasking and can’t reach the skip button, or maybe the ads are well executed. But either way, in a world where it’s harder and harder to grab someone’s attention, don’t write off podcast ads. Also, they don’t have to actually BE ads. They can be promos, announcements about your show, calls to action.The possibilities are endless. OK, final mistake to avoid.And bear with me because there’s some nuance here. Spotify recently opened up video to ALL podcasts, not just the ones hosted ON Spotify. So if you’re more invested in video views than audio downloads, great. But if your show is audio first, and you use audio downloads and streams as your most important metric, DON’T put your video on Spotify. Back to James Cridland and PodNews – who say if someone consumes your video content on Spotify, it won’t count as an audio download with your host. And you’ll lose those numbers. So if audio downloads are most important to you, leave your show on Spotify as audio only, just like you have been, and just like I’m doing. Lata! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Audio or Video Podcast: How To Split The Difference

It’s one of the hardest questions when you start a podcast. Should I do video, or just audio? Well, I think I’ve found a way to split the difference. I was helping a new client launch a podcast this week, and we were talking, as is often the case, about audio versus video. In a perfect world, we’d all have a video team of several people who can put together something that would make Steven Spielberg proud. But the cost of that – in terms of money AND time – don’t make it possible for most of us. Also, the hardest part of starting a podcast is AFDI – Actually (hmm) Doing It. The barrier to entry in podcasting is low, and we want to keep it that way. We don’t want someone MORE scared of getting into the space. Trust me, as an ex radio guy – it’s a lot easier to SOUND good than to LOOK good. However - online video, particularly short-form video, has exploded in the last couple of years. And Reels are helping with podcast discoverability. And with our goldfish attention spans – you probably need a more compelling visual than a moving waveform and static image of your podcast artwork. So here’s how to get the best of both worlds. RECORD video of your podcast interview. You can do this with any remote recording software, like Squadcast, Riverside….even Zoom.Or, if you’re in person, use your smartphone. You’re still doing an audio podcast, but you now have all the video footage. Grab some 30 second clips of your guest saying something great – and use a service like Descript or Headliner to make eye catching captions, and throw it up on Tik Tok, YouTube Shorts, Facebook and Instagram Reels, you name it. Then link back to, or promote the actual podcast. Knowing you’re only going to take very short clips can take some of the pressure off of video – you don’t need to make eye contact with the camera at all times, the lighting doesn’t have to be perfect, and your hair doesn’t either. It’s much easier to have TOO MUCH content, than NOT ENOUGH. So, provided your guest consents to being filmed, grab the video to use, repurpose, and promote your show later. As always, no matter what you budget, video or audio only, if you need help with a podcast, you can find me at Lata! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Spotify For Podcasters is Changing (Again)

Spotify for Podcasters, or Anchor, as it used to be known, is a free platform for hosting your podcast. But as we all know, nothing is TRULY free. I've long said that Anchor, or now Spotify for Podcasters, is a great tool if you're dipping your toe into podcasting. They won't charge you a monthly hosting fee, and you can kind of get the hang of your craft. Because the hardest part about doing a podcast - is actually starting one. Well some previously announced changes for the platform are about to take effect. The first one probably won't affect you - the "Music and Talk" pilot that allowed you to do a podcast that included full licensed songs on the platform. I played with this in an experiment called "The JAG Throwback Show" - mostly to scratch the itch that comes with being a former radio DJ. But you couldn't talk over the intros of songs (what's the point of doing a radio show if you can't hit a post?) and only Spotify PREMIUM subscribers would hear the whole song. Users on the free tier would only hear the begining and end. So fun idea, but no big loss. Here's a link to that show: On the podcast side, Spotify is eliminating their internal production tools, and beginning a partnership with Riverside, the podcast recording platform. Riverside has some great tools, and you can read and watch the announcement from Spotify here: So again, if you want to do a podcast as a hobby and have a very limited - or no - budget, great. But if your aim is to really put time and effort into a show and grow it, this isn't the place for you. You are putting all you eggs in the Spotify basket. You're hosting with them, you're editing with them, and you're getting all of your analytics from them. This means you are at their mercy if there's a service outage, or if they decide to make any changes. And when it comes to the analytics side, Spotify has decided to no longer participate in IAB download metrics - an industry standard that the majority of hosts use to track the number of people listening to your show. I'll spare you all the tech stuff, but Bryan Barletta of Sounds Profitable wrote a scathing open letter to Spotify - mentioning that they are no longer a podcasting peer - they are their own game. You can read that here: Bottom line: If you live entirely in Spotify's ecosystem, they control everything. It's like having your entire retirement portfolio invested in stock of your employer. That's great when things are going well. But what happens when they take a turn? Here's my recommendation. Host on a platform like Simplecast, Buzzsprout, or Libsyn. Their plans start at around $15 per month, which if you're investing in your show, isn't much money. Your metrics will be legit, you'll still be on Spotify independently, and you won't be beholdent to them. And if you're recording remotely, use either Riverside (I've got a referral code in the show notes), or Squadcast. Both are excellent quality, and have a number of bells and whistles. It's just figuring out which of the two is more intutiive for you. Squadcast was recently acquired by Descript, which is where most of their editing and tools have migrated to. And they've got an announcement of new tools coming next week. And as always, if you have any questions at all about your podcast or how to start won, find me online at Lata! Here's my referral code if you want to try Riverside: Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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The Current State of Podcasting

5/24/2024 The Edison Research Podcast Consumer 2024 report, providing a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of podcasting. As we head into the holiday weekend, it's the perfect time to reflect on these insights and what they mean for podcasters and listeners alike. Podcast listenership is at an all-time high, with two-thirds of the U.S. population aged 12 and up having listened to a podcast, and over a third tuning in weekly. The average time spent listening to podcasts has surged by 450% since 2014, Podcasts now constitute 11% of all audio sources and 20% of ad-supported audio sources, showing a substantial increase from previous years. We also explore the diversity of podcast listeners. Podcasting spans all generations, with significant engagement across various age groups. For example, 59% of those aged 12-34, 55% of those aged 35-54, and even 27% of those aged 55 and older listen to podcasts monthly. Gen Z, in particular, shows a strong affinity for podcasts, often spending more time with this medium than older generations, drawn by the depth of topics and unique perspectives offered. The demographic breakdown of listeners is becoming increasingly diverse. The percentage of Black Americans and Latinx Americans listening to podcasts monthly stands at 48% and 43%, respectively. Additionally, the gender gap is closing, with 45% of U.S. women now monthly podcast listeners, indicating a more balanced audience. Interestingly, female listeners tend to consume more episodes weekly compared to their male counterparts. Podcasts are not just popular; they are also effective for advertisers. An impressive 46% of weekly podcast listeners report purchasing a product or service based on a podcast ad. This statistic highlights the medium's power to drive consumer behavior and its value for advertisers. The top podcasts in the U.S. continue to draw massive audiences. Leading the list is "The Joe Rogan Experience," followed by "Crime Junkie," "The Daily" from the New York Times, "New Heights" with Jason and Travis Kelce, and "Dateline NBC." Other popular shows include "This American Life," "Call Her Daddy," "SmartLess," "Morbid," and "Stuff You Should Know." As the industry continues to grow, it presents numerous opportunities for businesses. Podcasts can serve as a powerful tool for internal communication or as a platform to engage with a broader audience. If you haven't yet started a podcast for your business, now is the time to consider it. Have a great holiday weekend, and remember to share this episode with friends and family to help grow your podcast network! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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The Case for Long Podcasts

In this episode of The JAG Show, we tackle the ever-persistent question: How long should a podcast be? The answer isn't one-size-fits-all. We dive into the nuances of podcast length and what makes an extended episode worthwhile. With personal anecdotes and industry insights, we explore scenarios where longer podcasts not only work but captivate. From celebrity-packed interviews, like Julian Edelman's deep dive with Ernie Adams, to niche passions such as travel hacks and Taylor Swift conspiracy theories, we illustrate why content, not length, dictates a podcast's success. Whether it's sports, politics, or entertainment, we discuss how established shows and A-listers like SmartLess can pull off hour-long episodes that leave listeners wanting more. So, if you've ever pondered the perfect podcast duration or sought to justify a lengthier listening experience, tune in as we affirm that as long as it's engaging, it's the right length. Don't forget, the best way to grow your podcast is through word-of-mouth, so if you enjoy this episode, pass it along! For all your podcast queries, reach out at Smartless: Taylor Swift Hits Different Pod: Games With Names: Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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What Does A TikTok Ban Mean For Your Podcast?

WHAT WOULD A TIK TOK BAN MEAN FOR PODCASTING? Well, like most things in life, it’s all about knowing your audience. OK, I’m not going to get into all the international politics about TikTok, and their Chinese-owned parent company, Byte Dance. But as you may have heard, President Biden, depending on when you consume this podcast, is expected to sign a bill requiring Byte Dance to sell off their ownership in the company, or have the app banned in the US. In 2023 and 2024, the big discussion around podcasts has been about video. And while I’ll spare you the audio only or video for FULL podcasts discussion today, short video clips can be a great way to market your show to new audiences. I can think of two shows, New Heights with the Kelce brothers, and Games with Names, with Julian Edelman, that I’ve seen hilarious short clips from, and it’s resulted in me checking out the full podcast. Now the jury is still out on what the conversion rate is between short term video clicks to podcast downloads, but the more places you can market your show, the better. According to my favorite annual survey, Edison Research’s Infinite Dial, Tik Tok is now the #3 social media brand among Americans age 12 and up, trailing only Facebook and Instagram.91% of this total population is aware of it, and 35% use it. (Some of that actually comes from Twitter and X being a dumpster fire lately. Thanks Elon!) Now as you might expect, Tik Tok usage DOES skew younger. While 13 % of everyone age 12+ say it’s their MOST used social media app, that number jumps to 23% among age 12-34. And it falls to single digits age 35 and up. So back to my original question. WHO is your audience? Who is your podcast talking to? If it’s a younger demo, a Tik Tok ban could affect your discoverability. And you’re going to have to keep tabs on WHERE your audience Is going, and be where they are. If your audience skews older, keep banging the Facebook and Twitter drum. If your audience is more in the professional space, don’t forget about LinkedIn too. Fish where the fish are. As always, if you have any questions about podcasts or the industry, you can always find me at! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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How CBS Screwed Up Billy Joel's Concert and What We Can Learn

This week's podcast addresses a significant issue within our modern media landscape, highlighting the incident where CBS cut off the final moments of a Billy Joel concert broadcast. This mishap, which occurred after a live broadcast of The Masters golf tournament, exemplifies broader industry challenges. Due to the golf event extending beyond its scheduled time, the subsequent programming, including the concert special at Madison Square Garden, was delayed. This concert was Billy Joel's 100th sold-out show of his monthly residency, a milestone that CBS intended to celebrate with substantial viewership. The problem arose when the concert, scheduled to end at 11:30 PM, was cut off prematurely by many CBS affiliates. This was due to automated or remotely controlled master control operations—a result of budget cuts and staffing reductions in the TV industry. Some affiliates managed to continue broadcasting the concert until its actual conclusion, while others could not, causing frustration among viewers and a flurry of complaints on social media. In response, CBS apologized, investigated the incident with affiliate stations, and scheduled a re-broadcast of the concert. The episode serves as a cautionary tale for the podcasting industry, particularly large companies that might be tempted to overly invest without sustainable strategies. The podcast emphasizes the importance of prudent investment in quality personnel and sustainable practices rather than unchecked spending. It warns against the potential pitfalls of rapid expansion without solid groundwork, suggesting that a thoughtful approach can help avoid the kinds of disruptions experienced by CBS Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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iHeart's Shady Podcast Deal with Ted Cruz

It’s an election year, and there’s no doubt podcasting will play a role. Here’s an interesting one.Ted Cruz is hosting a podcast, 3 days a week, distributed by Premiere Networks, part of iHeartMedia. Now Senator Cruz, who’s up for reelection this year, isn’t being paid directly for his time, but get this. His Political Action Committee, or PAC, is producing the show. And a share of the ad revenue – over $630,000 so far – is going to a SUPER PAC – no his, but one that supports him. What does this mean for podcasts and politics? More: Now we’ve all been warned about campaign shenanigans created by AI, and podcasting is certainly grappling with this emerging technology. It’s the wild wild west out there. And just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD. A podcast company just settled with George Carlin's estate after they created a 60-minute episode of content with with him. The show has since been taken down.. More: Speaking of AI – OpenAI, and Chat GPT say they ingested and transcribed over a million hours of YouTube content, including podcasts, in order to train its latest version, Chat GPT-4. Now, this has lots of legal ramifications that are too complicated for me to get into here – but if you’re going to train a large language model – I guess it makes sense to turn to the largest source for content in the world. Chat GPT can be a great tool. I often use it to draft show notes based on podcast transcripts, which I then tweak. My theory on AI is that it’s always improving, but you need a human gatekeeper to check the work. As always if you have questions about podcasting, or are interested in starting a show – find me online at JAG in Detroit dot com. Lata! Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Google Podcasts Gone, Transcripts in Apple, and Infinte Dial Listening Data

OK, fine, I podfaded. Other client projects took priority, and it's been awhile. But today was the perfect day to bring back The JAG Show. Google Podcasts, as of April 3rd, is no longer available to listen to shows on. Users are going to have to go elsewhere. If you want to take your subscriptions with you, you can TRY. Here's Google's how-to. Meanwhile, Apple Podcasts has unveiled auto-transcriptions, beginning with iOS version 17.4. I found the transcriptions to be pretty good, except that there are no timestamps or speaker labels. I found it very difficult to upload my own transcript, and my podcast host (Simplecast) advised me to just use Apple's automatic transcript for now. Apple did not give podcast hosts an early heads up about this, and they are playing catchup. Speaking of Podcast Hosts, Spotify for Podcasters (formerly Anchor) is the decisive leader for episodes published in March, 2024. I'll tell you why I'm very lerry of using Spotify as a host, though. Finally, Edison Research's Infinite Dial survey is out. This is THE benchmark survey for podcast listening every year. I'll go through some key takewaways on podcasting being at an all time high, its growth among women, and its potential to steal ad dollars from television. As always, reach out with any questions. Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at


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Don't "Curt Schilling" Your Podcast

I don't care who you are, what your podcast is about, and how many listeners you do or don't have. Do not do what Curt Schilling did in his podcast last month. So, quick background for those of you who aren't baseball or Red Sox fans, the Red Sox went 86 years without winning a World Series. They had a number of heartbreaks over the years, including Bucky Dent's home run in 1978, the ball going through Bill Buckner's legs in 1986, and then most recently, the Aaron Boone home run in game seven of the 2003 American League Championship Series off Tim Wakefield. So to set the stage, Tim Wakefield was terrified at the end of 2003 that he'd be the next Bill Buckner. Flash forward to 2004. The Red Sox bring in star pitcher Curt Schilling. He embraces the whole break the curse thing. He even does a Dunkin Donuts commercial where he says, "I'm here to break an 86 year old curse." And then in the playoffs has a tendon in his ankle, surgically sewed on so that he's able to pitch in heroic fashion. And you would think at that point, as the Red Sox go on in the World Series, that Curt Schilling is never going to pay for dinner in Boston ever again. Well, as the years go on, first Curt Schilling becomes a political troll. Now, whatever your political beliefs are, don't be a troll. Although being a right wing troll in Massachusetts is probably not a good idea. He then decides to invest in a video game company and somehow gets Rhode Island taxpayers to front millions of dollars before he bankrupts it and costs the taxpayers a whole bunch of money, and he's just generally a bad person. Contrast that with Tim Wakefield, who spent years and years and years doing charity work and working with the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the Boston Red Sox Charitable Foundation and just did amazing things and was beloved. Well, flash forward to September 2023. Curt Schilling has a baseball podcast. He reveals on the podcast that Tim Wakefield has terminal brain cancer. And, oh, by the way, his wife also has pancreatic cancer. Not a very high survival rate. Now, nobody that wasn't close to the Wakefield family knew any of this. Curt Schilling decided that he had the right to go on his podcast and tell the world this very personal nugget about a terminal cancer diagnosis for Tim Wakefield. Naturally, Curt had a ton of blowback on this, and sadly, within about a week of this story coming out, Tim Wakefield passed away at 57 years old. Now, what does all this mean to you? You may be privy to information in a podcast that's not public. You may know things. People may tell you things in confidence. It is your responsibility to maintain that confidence. It is not your right to tell somebody else's story that they don't want shared publicly. And this goes for, of course, social media, texting telephone, you name it. But it's true in podcasts especially. They say the Internet lives forever. Well, podcasting is part of that. Anything you put in a podcast can be picked up by anyone, anywhere, and amplified. Do not talk about something in your podcast that is not your place to talk about. You may think it's just an aside or a brief comment, but there are ramifications. How does all this turn out? Well, Tim Wakefield is recognized as a hero on and off the diamond all over Boston, and tributes have been pouring in for the last week. Curt Schilling, after thinking he'd never pay for a meal in Boston ever again, and the World Series win, would probably come out from dinner in the North End and have his tires slashed for the terrible person he's become. Don't be Curt Schilling. And be careful what you say on your podcast. And a tip of the cap. Rest in peace, Tim Wakefield. Find jag on social media @JAGinDetroit or online at
