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Woke Mommy Chatter- The Podcast

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

A podcast for all those socially conscious moms. I'm a black mom, raising black kids in a white world and this podcast is about the funny and not so funny moments that come with being a person of color in today's world. This is real talk about social issues, black and brown lives, black hair, relationships, mommy'ing through those terrible three's (yes I said three's), parenting kids of all ages and all the fun that comes with motherhood... all discussed with a twist of color.




A podcast for all those socially conscious moms. I'm a black mom, raising black kids in a white world and this podcast is about the funny and not so funny moments that come with being a person of color in today's world. This is real talk about social issues, black and brown lives, black hair, relationships, mommy'ing through those terrible three's (yes I said three's), parenting kids of all ages and all the fun that comes with motherhood... all discussed with a twist of color.





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A chat with Bellamy Shoffner

Bellamy Shoffner is a social entrepreneur, writer, blogger living in Charlottesville. Bellamy and I first connected for the podcast, a few years ago to discuss her magazine Hold The Line. That first conversation has turned into annual check in’s- as we both navigate Black motherhood and social activism. In this conversation Bellamy and I chat about George Floyd, the protest his death have ignited, our frustration with sudden allyship- including the inclusive lessons teachers are now sending home and defunding the police.


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Black Lives Matter - A response to the George Floyd murder...



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S4 E2: Nefertiti Austin - Motherhood so White PART 2

This week, I am finishing up my chat with Nefertiti Austin, author of Motherhood So White: A Memoir of Race, Gender and Parenting in America.


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S4 E1: Nefertiti Austin - Motherhood so White PART 1

This week, I am chatting to Nefertiti Austin. Author of Motherhood So White: A Memoir of Race, Gender and Parenting in America. Stay tuned at the end for a preview of part two of our conversation. I also reference the group Parents of Black Children. You can learn more here: www.parentsofblackchildren.org


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S4: Intro Episode

I'm so excited to bring you Season 4 of the podcast. This is a mini epsiode. Just an introduction to the season and a special chat with the little madam! She drops some home truths on this woke mommy. I referenced the advocacy group I started with a number of amazing Black moms, - check out the website. If you are interested in starting a chapter - connect with me! Let's take this global! www.parentsofblackchildren.org


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S3 E8: Kim Williams- Single Black Motherhood PART 2

In the Season 3 finale, I continue my chat with Kim Williams, host of the Single Black Motherhood Podcast,gets real about Black Single Motherhood. We chat about the single Black Fathers she ha interviewed, some of her highs and lows as a single mom and her hopes for the future. A few articles mentioned in the podcast can be found here: https://www.thestar.com/life/parent/2016/10/25/please-dont-call-me-a-single-mother.html Black Dads Involved in Kids Lives https://www.huffingtonpost.com/josh-levs/no-most-black-kids-are-no_b_11109876.html


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UPDATED: S3 E7: Kim Williams- Single Black Motherhood

There are so many stereotypes about Single Black Motherhood. In this episode, Kim Williams, host of the Single Black Motherhood Podcast,gets real about Black Single Motherhood. We chat about anti-Black sentiment around single mothers, the challenges and triumphs and we also chat about how stereotypes about Black Mothers, affect Black Fathers. A few articles mentioned in the podcast can be found here: https://www.thestar.com/life/parent/2016/10/25/please-dont-call-me-a-single-mother.html Black Dads Involved in Kids Lives https://www.huffingtonpost.com/josh-levs/no-most-black-kids-are-no_b_11109876.html


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S3 E6: A chat with Jeff Martin, Author of Brothers/Sisters from the 6

Jeff Martin, Author, Police Officer, Father and Motivational Speaker chats about his new book, Brothers/Sisters from the 6: Role Models in my Community, the importance of giving back, wh he decided to be a police officer and why representation matters. Jeff is doing amazing work. You can find him at:jeffadmartin.com You can follow him at: IG/FB/Twitter : @jeffadmartin You can purchase his book, proceeds of which go towards his Brothers from the 6 foundation on Amazon.


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S3 E5: Black Aunties and Childless Mothering....a discussion

"Hi Auntie" We are talking, aunties in the Black community, particularly Aunties without children of their own, the role they play in the Black family, the complicated family dynamics, the toll that role takes on them and why Aunties are so important to the Black community. This week, I am joined by Judie Powell, a friend and colleague who is an Auntie to 4 little and little-ish people, and Maria Daniel, my sister, who is an Auntie to two little people.


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S3 E4: Bellamy Shoffner, Hold the Line Magazine and two Black Moms Musing

Deuces 2018! On the last episode of the year, we are looking back at Hold The Line Magazine 1 year on, with Creator and Editor in Chief extraordinaire Bellamy Shoffner. Bellamy and I reflect on 2018, we talk about what it is to be Young-ish and creating content for the masses as Black mothers and the toll it takes on us and we chat about white allies. Is allyship really a thing...and is it effective?


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S3 E3 Parenting 101,102 and 103! Your questions answered

We are all winging it when it comes to parenting. At least that is what I tell myself. This week, I am chatting with someone who isn't just winging it. Samantha-Kemp Jackson is a parenting expert, mom of four, author of the Multiple Mayhem Mamma blog and the Parenting Then and Now Podcast. Her answers to questions like, how do you talk to kids about consent, how do you manage public tantrums and how do you not get in an argument with a 5 year old are the things every parent needs to hear or be reminded of. You're doing a great job, but grab a coffee or tea and a huge piece of cake and sit down and listen to Samantha as she answers your parenting questions with humor, sage advise and a practical confidence every parent needs! Don't forget to visit the woke mommy chatter podcast to help support the blog! Your support means I can do more great shows, and you'll get a say in some of the episodes we cover ;) You can support at: www.wokemommychatter.com You can follow Samantha on Facebook, and Twitter.


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S3 E2 A Chat About Mental Health....And Black Women

On this episode we are talking mental health and well being...for Black Women. We are droping the 'strong Black Woman' stereotype and getting real about how we can take care of ourselves, put our well being first and just breath. I am joined by Marsha Hibbert, Social Worker and Psychotherapist. http://composetherapy.ca/about/ And Taina Mayberry, Social Worker, Therapist and founder and creator of an organization called The Most Nurtured, a holistic wellness safe space for Black women.


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S3 E1 Educating the System - A Black mom, the N word, and a school board

Last year an elected school board official in Ontario, Canada, called Charline Grant the N-word. Then that official refused to resign and blamed 'old age' and 'dementia' for her use of the N-word. Charline battled the school board until a resignation happened and then she took it upon herself to run for School Trustee. She's a trail blazer, who is giving voice to the struggles that Black students and parents face on a daily basis in the education system. This is her story, it's my story and it's the story of the Black experience in education and how we have to educate the system to work for us. We reference a few reports in this podcast that you should read. The first is a report by Dr. Carl James called Towards Race in Education. If you are a teacher, if you are a Black parent, if you are someone interested in education or human rights...read this report. You can't read it and not be appalled by what it says and the outcomes for Black students in Toronto, Canada. Another report to read is the Under Suspicion report, put out by the Ontario Human Rights Commission. It talks about racial profiling in general- but also spends time focusing on racial profiling in Education. You can follow Charline Grant on twitter at: @charlineGrant


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S2 E8: A Chat with Tanya Hayles, Founder of Black Moms Connection

When the boy child called me ‘Blackie’ from the back of his car seat and then told me proudly that his friend from school told him that word was another word for Black people, I started down this path to unpacking what it means to be a Black parent to black children in this world. Part of the village that keeps me sane is the Black Moms Connection, an online mecca for Black mothers. Tanya Hayles the founder, chats with me about black motherhood, the backlash to Black Moms Connections, Black Panther and much more.


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S2 E6 The Secret Lives of Black Moms

Black kids are struggling in school. This is a fact all across North America. Canada is no exception. For many there's chronic underachievement. In this episode, I chat with Trish, author of the Confessions of a Hustling Mama blog. We begin and end by talking about the challenges of learning while Black, but we also talk about our own experiences of working and living as Black women.


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S2 E5: PART 2 Brianne DeRosa- On not leaning in, but not leaning out

This episode I continue my discussion with Brianne DeRosa author of the Red, Round or Green blog, about finding work life balance as a working mom, race, privilege and the fact that children never stop needing a parental presence. Be sure to Brianne's article that started this conversation, written for Motherwell Magazine, On not leaning in, but not leaning out.


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S2 E4: PART I Brianne DeRosa- On not leaning in, but not leaning out

There's a silent struggle that many women, of all colours are facing today....the seemingly impossible search for work-life balance. Brianne DeRosa is the author of the Red, Round or Green blog and in the first part of my conversation with her, we talk about her article written for Motherwell Magazine, On not leaning in, but not leaning out.


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S2 E7 Aja Rutledge on Living Your Best Life...Abroad

What would it be like to just pack up and leave it all behind for a new country? What would it be life to NOT have to have the dreaded Black parent 'talk' with your son? What would it be like to live a life free of daily microaggressions and stress completely related to your race? Aja Rutledge found out. The day after Donald Trump was elected president, she applied for a passport and soon, she packed up her son and her life and moved....to Mexico. This is her story.


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S2 E3: The Traumatic Three's, Elsa and the Black Village gone wrong

Parenting a three year old is hard, parenting a three year old as a Black parent is an added layer of issues to address and deal with. From banishing Elsa from your house, to parenting in private for fear of condemnation, to trying to instill a sense of self-love and Black pride in your kids, we are discussing it all on this episode of the podcast. Join in the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and share your threenager parenting horror story #WMCTHREE


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S2 E2: Finding my own Wakanda....Diving into MY Black history

On this episode, I talk to the researcher of my family history....my sister, about doing her DNA test, what drives her to want to find out more about where we came from and who are people are and what some of the challenges are for Black people trying to trace their roots.
