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Beyond Your Past Radio


Beyond Your Past Radio, with your hosts, Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP, and Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP. Join us each week as we talk with guests who have overcome their past and are using their powers for the greater good! Clinicians, Life Coaches, Advocates, Bloggers, and others will be here to help inspire and encourage you that no matter what you have been through, there is Hope and You can make a difference. In addition, as Coaches, we give you practical strategies and insight you can use every single day to help you move forward from what's been keeping you stuck. Contact us anytime with your thoughts on the show, topics you'd like us to cover, and please consider sharing the episodes with someone who might find it helpful. Contact us anytime by emailing us at "podcast at beyond your past dot com"


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Beyond Your Past Radio, with your hosts, Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP, and Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP. Join us each week as we talk with guests who have overcome their past and are using their powers for the greater good! Clinicians, Life Coaches, Advocates, Bloggers, and others will be here to help inspire and encourage you that no matter what you have been through, there is Hope and You can make a difference. In addition, as Coaches, we give you practical strategies and insight you can use every single day to help you move forward from what's been keeping you stuck. Contact us anytime with your thoughts on the show, topics you'd like us to cover, and please consider sharing the episodes with someone who might find it helpful. Contact us anytime by emailing us at "podcast at beyond your past dot com"




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Is it Time to Get Help for Your Mental Health?

Have you thought about reaching out to a therapist? Have you considered working with a Counselor? What about working with Life Coach? In this episode of the podcast, we talk about the importance of making your mental health a priority and deciding if it's time to seek professional help. Now more than ever, with your life being turned upside down, and dealing with the uncertainty surrounding everyday life due to COVID-19, you have a whole new set of pressures to work through every day. Then, what happens when life gets back to what it used to be, or a new version of what it used to be? Maybe your daily life will change in ways you never expected. We talk about the benefits of deciding to seek out help for your mental health and the blocks that may be holding you back from doing so. You'll learn how the perspective and insight that a mental health professional can give you, in virtually any aspect of your life, can be an invaluable resource in helping you feel more encouraged, inspired, grounded, and focused to handle what's coming. We'll also discuss the very important fact that, "You don't have to have a mental illness to seek out therapy". We always want to hear from you, so hit us up anytime using the contact form at You rock and we appreciate you so much. Thank for the listens, likes, and shares! Don't forget to give us a review and subscribe on your favorite podcast app. The video from Jodi Aman that was referenced in the podcast can be found here. Matt and Joanne Support the Show.


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Essential Employees - Tips and Strategies for Dealing with Overwhelm, Stress, and Uncertainty

We're talking to an essential employee, and offering support, encouragement, and validation to everyone who is on the front lines in hospitals, doctor's offices, animal hospitals, grocery and food store workers, and so many others who are dealing with a seemingly unending amount of stress and uncertainty. We share insight, tips, and strategies to help everyone who has to be away from home, away from family, friends, pets, and their usual routine. The long hours, lack of sleep, lack of personal time, and feeling like there's no end in sight can be debilitating and take its toll on not only our physical health but our mental health. Joanne and Matt talk about ways essential workers can cope and reach out for support. Mindful Breathing, Planned Worry Time, Exercise, Focusing on What You Can Control, Understanding and Embracing that this is a Season, Telling Your Family What You Need, Doing Everything Mindfully and Intentionally, and more! If you have a question, suggestion, or comment, please reach out anytime at - we'd love to hear from you. The next episode will focus on helping loved ones and those who are at home holding down the fort while their partners are away. Support the Show.


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Tips for Dealing with Anxiety and Worry during Isolation and Uncertain Times

After a 5 month hiatus from recording new episodes, we're back with a special edition of Beyond Your Past Radio, and we couldn't be happier to be rejoining the podcast airwaves and spend some time in your podcast playlist this week. :) As certified coaches working with clients, and continuing our own healing, awareness, and discovery, we wanted to spend some time talking about the struggle of isolation and the uncertainty that comes with the covid19 crisis, and how it takes its toll on our mental health especially. After catching up for a few minutes, we talk about the differences between Concern and Worry; and how understanding the two can make a big difference in how you approach the unknown and uncertainty that is so prevalent in life these days. We also share several strategies to deal with anxiety and isolation, putting our own unique spin on ways you can cope and reframe the challenges that face us all in the coming weeks and months ahead. A huge thank you to everyone who continues to listen to our previous 170+ episodes, and is hopefully finding them to be validating, encouraging, and yes even a bit entertaining at times! We promise it won't be 5 more months until the next episode. Be sure and subscribe on your favorite podcast app, and give us a 5 star review if you wouldn't mind. ) Matt and Joanne Support the Show.


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What We Learned in Therapy and How We Continue to Heal.

The long-awaited and wildly anticipated (more or less) return of the Mental Health Megacast is here! Season 3, Ep. 2 I believe is where we are, although truth be told it's hard to say for sure what episode it is. If you're a regular listener of these podcast episodes with Wes, Mike, and Myself, you know that episode numbers and times are a running joke with us. Anyways, on to the topic of What We've Learned About Ourselves Through Therapy. We discuss, in a round table format coming from 3 guys who are mental health advocates and recovering from our own struggles, not only what we've learned but also the struggle of overcoming the shame and stigma that therapy can bring. It's a candid chat where we talk openly about our own lessons and struggles and ways we've found to overcome some aspects of our past and of course still continue to figure out much of it as we go. Anyways, just in case you aren’t familiar with the Megacasts, you can check out past episodes here, and also my cohorts platforms as well…. To that end, the Megacast is the combined collaborative brain powers (more or less) of Wes from and Mike from, and myself. I encourage you to check out and follow them online and through your favorite podcasting platform. Each of these guys has a tremendous message to share and an inspiring and unique way in how they go about it. We hope you enjoy this latest episode, and if you do have suggestions for future shows, we are always happy to field your ideas. One of the best things about these episodes is that that they are completely unedited, unscripted, just us hanging out and having a chat, to which you are always invited to listen in on. Be sure and follow Wes on Twitter @WesA1966 and Mike @Mike_Douglas_ & Open_Journal_ …oh and don’t forget to follow and subscribe to all of our shows on your favorite podcasting app! All conversation and information shared during participation on the Beyond Your Past Radio, and on is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on these podcasts or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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Using Creative Expression to Navigate PTSD and Heal, with Amy Oestreicher

Healing from physical pain, disease, or trauma is not an exact science; there is no "one size fits all" approach to healing. Each of us is different and experiences the feelings and emotions that come from healing in different ways, and of course on our own timeline. We talk often on the podcast about different ways that survivors of trauma, chronic pain, or illness, have found to embrace healing. The ways they have taken what's happened to them in life and figure out a way to turn it into a learning experience and being able to help others. Our guest on this episode, Amy Oestreicher, using art and creative expression in her journey, and she talks about that with us in an inspiring chat that is sure to leave you encouraged. Amy is many things, but first and foremost, she is a storyteller...she is an artist, writer, and influential speaker whose work is rooted in inspiration and built to be eclectic. From the visual arts to music to writing to education, click on any of the pictures above to explore her work and services offered. These include offerings such as a variety of hailed workshops and outreach programs, the sale of her visual art and fashion line, her original multimedia solo-musical PASSAGEWAYS, and her newly released book available below! During our chat, Amy talks more about how she uses creative expression to heal and navigate PTSD: You can learn more about Amy, her story, her artwork, her one-woman show, Ted Talks, her book "My Beautiful Detour, and more, over at her website, Be sure and follow her on social media as well! instagram/amyoes70 If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? 1. Share it with someone who might find it helpful. 2. Leave a review on your favorite podcasting app. 3. Subscribe so you never miss an episode. That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! Support the Show.


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Gratitude and Forgiveness, Essential Aspects of Healing and Empowerment, with Lisa Cybaniak

Since gratitude and forgiveness are key to healing, feeling empowered, enforcing healthy boundaries in relationships, and so many other aspects in life, we wanted to bring back a guest for a podcast episode who specializes in fostering a mindset of gratitude and understanding forgiveness. Lisa Cybaniak has dedicated her life to helping women in particular, and survivors as a whole, to find their voice. To begin to realize that they too have the ability to reach out for help, work through their past moving from victim to survivor, and ultimately from survivor to warrior. Lisa Cybaniak is a Motivational Speaker, Success Coach, NLP Practitioner, Author, and survivor of 10 years of child abuse. Over the last 3 years, her work has been featured on radio programs, podcasts, in magazines, and other media outlets. Her first book, Survivor to Warrior is available now on her website, and on Amazon. She outlines on her website, I’ve developed three healing streams to empower you to build a life of purpose after abuse, wherever you may be on your path to recovery: Reaching Out, Victim to Survivor, and Survivor to Warrior. During our chat with Lisa, we talk more about how we learn gratitude and embrace forgiveness: If you’d like to learn more about working with Lisa, her programs, upcoming new book, and her speaking engagements, just head over to…and be sure and tell her, “Beyond Your Past, sent you”. 😉 You can follow her on Twitter: @LisaCybaniak ,, and Instagram: @Life_Like_You_Mean_It If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? episodeThat’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on the Beyond Your Past Podcast, on, and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on these podcasts or posted on the above-mentioned websites are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and directio Support the Show.


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Re-Victimized, the Risk of Sharing Your Trauma Story with Family, with Miranda Pacchiana

Childhood trauma is going to affect you into adulthood, and even with doing the hard work of healing, there will still be times of struggle. The difference is, the understanding, awareness, and skills you learn with the help of a trauma-informed professional can make all the difference in coping during those ongoing tough times. Our chat on this episode of the podcast is with Miranda Pacchiana, MSW: I am a writer, social worker, and survivor of childhood sexual abuse. When I first disclosed to my family that my brother had abused me as a child, I thought my whole world would change. I assumed my family members would share my desire to examine what had gone wrong in our home and pursue a path toward healing together. I was sadly mistaken. In fact, their behaviors left me feeling as though the abuse didn’t really matter. Yes, they believed me–but my family members still seemed determined to brush my trauma under the rug. Over time, I came to realize they viewed me as the problem for focusing on the abuse. Not the brother who had abused me or whatever damaging experiences he had undergone as a child. During our chat, we discuss the challenges of confronting family members who your childhood trauma, in particular: Be sure and follow Miranda on Twitter and Facebook: @SecondWound, and on Instagram: @TheSecondWound. Learn more about her coaching, clinical work, and her story at as well as her podcast "Truth and Consequences, Navigating the Aftermath of Trauma." If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversations and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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The Rule of 7, How Narcissists Use Repetition to Manipulate You, with Kim Saeed

Our guest on this episode of the podcast is well known in the narcissistic abuse recovery circles and has dedicated her life to exposing the tactics of narcissistic individuals and helping people break free from the grasp of a narcissist. I like to say that Kim Saeed is a narcissist's worst nightmare, because she's got the knowledge, skills, and lived experience to expose them for what they are trying to do in the lives of their victims. Her website, is the hub of all of her books, coaching programs, videos, blog posts, and materials...."I created this collective space after visiting seven different therapists, which not only failed to offer relief from my symptoms of narcissistic abuse, I felt further invalidated and more confused than ever. Most of the modalities and self-help out there simply don’t provide the solution for lasting relief. During our chat on the podcast, we dive into some specific aspects of narcissistic abuse and the tactics that a narcissist will use, including Cognitive Dissonance, Gaslighting, and Brainwashing. Kim explains each of these terms and how a skilled narcissist uses these manipulations in such a way that you don't even know something is happening until they've already got a grip on you. We talk about how to recognize when you're in an unsafe relationship and ways you can begin to pull yourself out of it when you're ready to take that step. As Kim mentions, they won't just go quietly into the night, they will step up their game to keep you in their grasp and believing their lies. Kim talks about the importance of paying attention to patterns, not words, in order to see a narcissist for who they truly are rather than what they've led you to believe. In addition, you'll learn how a narcissist can even use a therapy environment to their advantage, where you believe they are honestly trying to change, but in reality, their agenda is still the primary goal. Be sure and check out Kim Saeed on her website, for information on her courses, The Essential Break Free Bootcamp, and Beyond No Contact. You definitely don't want to miss her blog posts and her YouTube videos, all done in a way that is both educating and validating. If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversations and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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There is No Shame in Recovery from Addiction, with Lisa Boucher

Recovery and addiction sadly often go hand in hand. What is modeled for us as a child, or not modeled for us, along the trauma of any type of abuse can lead to struggles with addictions of drugs and alcohol. Our guest today, Lisa Boucher, joins us to talk about her life which started out with abuse early on in the home, and a mother who was an alcoholic, and how those events and circumstances paved the way for her own struggles with alcohol. Lisa Boucher is the author of Raising the Bottom: Making Mindful Choices in a Drinking Culture, an award-winning book that won the 2017 Best Book Awards in the category of women’s health and placed as a finalist in the category of addiction/recovery. She is also a speaker. After short stints where she trained polo horses, worked as a flight attendant, hairdresser, and bartender, she realized that the time to implement serious change had arrived. She gave up drinking, revamped her life and settled in as a registered nurse where living a life in recovery became her way. For the past twenty-eight years, Lisa has worked with hundreds of women to overcome alcoholism, live better lives and become better parents. She was prompted to write Raising the Bottom when after twenty-four years of working in hospitals, she realized that doctors and traditional health care offer few solutions to women with addiction issues. She is dedicated to not only help women recover from alcoholism, but has extended her reach to educate and help corporations deal with the growing addiction problem that has permeated every sphere of American life. An author of five books, she holds a BA in English, and is the mother of twin sons. She currently resides in Ohio with her husband. During our chat with Lisa, she tells us more about her childhood and the circumstances that lead to her struggles with alcohol, and the events that transpired which help her begin the healing process from not only her trauma but also overcoming her addiction, and leading to her to a life of advocacy and helping others who struggle. We discuss the link between childhood trauma and addiction, as it relates to the ACES Study. WE also talk about how society today glorifies alcohol as the primary means of having fun, unwinding, and enjoying times with friends and family; that glorification can have a dramatic impact on a growing childhood and young adult. There's so much more to our chat with Lisa Boucher, that I hope will inspire you and encourage you that regardless of your childhood and regardless of the circumstances you are currently in, there is hope in healing, and there is no shame in recovery. Learn more about Lisa Boucher on her website, and find her book on Amazon or your favorite book store. You can also follow her on Facebook , Twitter, and Instagram If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! Support the Show.


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Taking Charge of Your Trauma Narrative, with Dorothy Pierre-Joseph.

How do you figure out what a trauma narrative is, how do you even know if what you went through was indeed trauma? What steps can you take to make sense of all the struggles you've endured throughout life, and how can they be traced back to that trauma you may have experienced? These types of questions are what our guest on the podcast helps you begin to figure out. Dorothy Pierre-Joseph talks about the movement she is starting, "The Trauma Tour", where you can come and experience a safe place of learning about trauma and how to not only tell your story but also embrace the progress you make as you begin to heal. As Dorothy Pierre-Joseph outlines on her website: Born to immigrant parents from Haiti, I can tell you from experience that life can be challenging. I was a product of a very abusive relationship and a victim of sexual abuse as a child. Much of my life was spent in anger and darkness. My decisions were heavily influenced by my brokenness. However, I always had a passion for learning and helping. I just did not realize that in order to fully help others I had to get healing myself. After a tumultuous period in my life, I attempted suicide and that was the turning point in my life. During our chat, Dorothy begins by sharing her background, which is in Psychiatric Nursing, and the circumstances that lead her to change her career direction from seeking to become a doctor, to become a nurse. We discuss what a trauma narrative is, and how when we begin to first tell our story, it's often from the perspective of being a victim because that's all we know. She shares how we learn to tell our story as we heal and not make the victim side of the story, the only side of the story. As Dorothy mentions, "Learning to Command Your Story, not Your Story Command You". She shares how as you begin to heal, not only does your story change but you change. You become more confident, more empowered, and able to release the shame of what you not be bound by those experiences in life. We also discuss more about the Trauma Tour that she created, how to inform and educate your childeren about your struggles as you navigate your own healing while being a parent, and much more. If you'd like to learn more about Dorothy Pierre-Joseph and the Trauma Tour, check out her website, If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversations and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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Navigating Daily Life and Continued Healing, after Sharing Your Survivor Story, with Larry Ruhl.

Friend of the podcast, author, artist, and survivor, Larry Ruhl, joins us to talk about what life has been like since he released his book, "Breaking the Ruhls", and the new challenges that daily life brings after his openly wrote about his experiences. Larry joined the podcast previously, back in episode 72, where he talked about the experience of writing his book, why he did it, and the message he wants to share through his writing. Larry Ruhl serves as a board member for Taking Back Ourselves, which facilitates weekends of recovery for female survivors of sexual abuse, and is a registered speaker with the RAINN network (Rape Abuse Incest National Network). He previously served as a board member at Male Survivor. He also spoke at colleges and retreats to increase awareness of sexual abuse against men and boys. Today he shares his story publicly to spread awareness and to help others shed the shame and stigma associated with sexual abuse. He graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), with a degree in Display & Exhibit Design, and worked as a creative director at a textile firm for ten years until opening his own home furnishings/interior design business in 2004. He works as an artist and designer in the Hudson Valley. You can learn more about Larry on his websites, and During my chat with Larry, he gives us a recap on what's been happening in his life since his book has been published, including new speaking opportunities at conferences and some travel he's been able to do in support of his art. If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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Self-Esteem and Reframing Negative Core Beliefs in Healing from Complex PTSD.

Today's guest on the podcast, Austin Robin, is a survivor of childhood trauma and lives with Complex PTSD. She has also hosted her own podcast, "The Complexities Podcast", where she shares in-depth about her story and the challenges of living as a survivor and healing. While the show is currently on hiatus, it's most definitely worth a listen to the 30+ episodes. During our chat, Austin shares some of her back story of being a survivor, and we dive into some specific areas surrounding self-esteem: All this and more during my chat with Austin Robin. While Austin is not actively podcasting at this present time, and taking a break from social media, she can be reached via the Complexities Podcast Instagram Page or by emailing her directly at Complexities dot Podcast at gmail dot com. If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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Childhood Trauma, Addiction, and the Hope of Recovery, with Tricia Moceo

Tricia Moceo advocates long term sobriety by providing resources to recovering addicts and shedding light on the disease of addiction. Tricia is a mother of two, actively involved in her local recovery community, and is passionate about helping other women find hope in seemingly hopeless situations. She is also an Outreach Specialist for Recovery Local, a local addiction/recovery based marketing company. She advocates long term sobriety by writing for many addiction recovery outlets online. During our talk, Tricia shares more of her personal survivor story, which included being molested by a family member starting at 5 years, and then her attempt at reaching out for help during a school seminar, which would ultimately pushed into decades of staying silent, internalizing the shame, and trying to deal with it on her own. The lack of support and understanding of just how much her past was affecting her as she grew up, lead to experimenting with alcohol late in high school, and then more heavily in college, eventually leading to her dropping out because the numbing and avoiding that had taken over through addiction. When her stepmom passed away of a heart attack, she was left to try and hold the family together, while still taking care of her young son, resulting in a turn to drugs to help cope. The perfect storm of losing one of her only support outlets, combined with her existing struggles with alcohol, and running the family business virtually on her own, caused her to spiral into drug addiction, unhealthy relationships, co-dependency, other unhealthy coping skills which eventually found her in the midst of a Child Protective Services case and the reality that she may lose her son. Tricia talks about the rock bottom moment of sitting in a jail cell, detoxing on a cold cement floor and realizing something had to change. Through the help of her caseworkers at CPS, she checked herself into a rehabilitation facility and began the process of healing. It was during that healing process that she finally found a healthy support system, including a therapist that she felt safe enough with to finally talk about the childhood trauma she experienced and the resulting CPTSD symptoms that she had battled her whole life. If you'd like more information on Patricia Moceo, just simply Google her name, and you'll find her story on countless rehabilitation and mental health-related websites. You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram. If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? Share it with one person who might find it helpful. Leave a review on your favorite podcast app. Follow the podcast on that same app, so you never miss an episode. That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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Living with BPD, One Hourly Battle at a Time, with Jody Betty

The official definition of Borderline Personality Disorder, as outlined by the National Institute of Mental Health: Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image, and behavior. These symptoms often result in impulsive actions and problems in relationships. People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense episodes of anger, depression, and anxiety that can last from a few hours to days. Jody Betty is a Certified Crisis Responder and a Trauma-Informed Peer Support mentor. She is a survivor of trauma and multiple suicide attempts and lives with BPD. She is also a blogger and podcast host, and her work as a mental health advocate with Sick Not Weak, is well documented through her writing and social media presence. Jody is a returning guest on Beyond Your Past Radio. She joined us back on episode 109, where she talked about some of her survivor story and life as a survivor. You can listen to that episode here or on your favorite podcasting app. She also wrote a blog piece a few years back, on Surviving My Past, where she talks about her safe place as a child. During our chat on the podcast, Jody gives us insight into what life is like living with BPD, and the constant struggle to understand what's happening, where her emotions are taking her, and utilizing the coping skills she's developed throughout her life. You can learn more about Jody's advocacy work, check out her podcast, Mental Health Raw & Open, and read her blog, over at If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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A Diagnosis She Would Not Accept, and a Holistic Approach that Changed Her Life.

Our guest on this episode of the podcast, Kimberle Taitano, has seen her share of challenges in life, physically, mentally, and emotionally. She joins us to talk about her experiences and how all of the challenges she's faced, brought her to a place of being able to work with others to help them heal and keep fighting for never give up, regardless of a diagnosis or a traumatic past. Kimberle is an Integrative Wellness and Life Coach, Survivor, and Speaker: As survivors of sexual abuse trauma, we seek a way to find and achieve healing from the past. Here at Surrender 2 Wellness our unique perspective and life experience with the impact sexual abuse leaves in a survivor’s life is key to our coaching approach. Low self-esteem, self-worth, and lack of a positive self-image and self-love affect every area of your life. After an eight-year journey to find alternative healing modalities, Kimberle a sexual abuse survivor discovered new Fields of study. Studying with Deepak Chopra; David Simon; and Davidji learning the principle steps needed to obtain overall healing and closure. Kimberle has integrated these teachings and personal experiences with other holistic healing modalities. Resulting in a unique trauma recovery-focused process. During our chat with Kimberle, we talk about the diagnosis that brought her to a crossroads in her life, and already being a place of dealing with a traumatic past. If you'd like to learn more about Kimberle's story, or if you're interested in potentially working with her as your coach, head over to, and check out her coaching practice and more of her survivor story. Be sure and also follow her on social media: If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and/or are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on t Support the Show.


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"Feel to Heal", Integrative Wellness for Healing and Life, with Delisa Richardson

Our guest today on the podcast, Delisa Richardson, has dedicated her life to finding the balance of living with chronic illness, recovery from being a survivor, being a mom and wife, and working with clients in her coaching business. As she outlines in her bio: Delisa Richardson Wellness focuses on empowering women to break the chains of trauma and abuse. I work with you to develop Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual balance & wholeness. This will enable you to thrive and live your BEST life! My goal as a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach, NLP, EFT practitioner, and Hypnotherapist, is to help break the chains of trauma, end destructive relationships, help you to learn to love yourself not only survive but THRIVE! You will learn how to fully and confidently step into your life purpose. During our chat, Delisa and I talk about some of her survivor story, which started around the 9 and lasted until she was 13. She shares how and why she kept her abuse a secret and how it affected her all throughout her teenage years and into early adulthood, especially in the area of relationships. You can find Delisa on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter just search for "Delisa Richardson Wellness" If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on Beyond Your Past Radio and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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Chronic Suicidality, It's Always on the Table...with Frank King

Even in today's world, where mental health is becoming more mainstream to talk about, there's still a stigma surrounding those dreaded two words. Even more than that, what about the judgemental mindset that comes with admitting you've attempted suicide, or live with chronic suicidality? It's for those very reasons that I wanted to bring Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, onto the podcast so we can discuss not only some of his story and his work, but primarily in hopes of helping at least one person start a conversation that could make the difference between being alive today, and gone tomorrow. Frank King, aka The Mental Health Comedian, is a Suicide Prevention and Postvention Public Speaker and Trainer who turned a lifelong battle with depression into a keynote worth spreading. His mission is to end the stigma surrounding mental health by sharing his insights with anyone and everyone who will listen in an effort to “start the conversation.” Frank uses comedy and personal life lessons to help break the ice and start an engaging conversation amongst those struggling with mental and emotional stability. This act of faith helps those struggling to find a voice to express themselves. He believes that where there is humor there is hope. And where there is laughter there is life… Nobody dies laughing. During our chat, Frank shares how he got started as a comedian, speaker, and trainer, and how he's able to use his own life experiences to create a sense of support and understanding for those who struggle, and those who are supporting them. He talks about living with chronic suicidality, and how that affects even the most normal of everyday circumstances. The stories Frank shares of his experiences throughout his life are sure to not only move you deeply but also make you smile and laugh...a combination you don't see very much in the world of mental health and suicide prevention. If you get the opportunity to see Frank King perform, please don't pass up the opportunity. He's an amazing guy who has dedicated his life to helping people stay on this planet, one day at a time. Be sure and head over to and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & YouTube. If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on Beyond Your Past Radio and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.


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Healing from Abusive Therapy, It's Not Your Fault.

This topic of an unhealthy or abusive relationship in therapy is not something you probably hear about every day, and unless you've experienced it personally or know someone who has, you may not even know it's actually a thing. My guest on the podcast today, Analie Shepherd, has experienced this type of abuse first hand, has written a book detailing her experiences and healing and speaks at conferences and with therapists on this topic. Analie joined the podcast previously back in 2017, where she first shared some of her experiences and gave us some insight into the world of healing from an abusive therapy experience. Today we continue that discussion as Analie shares a recap of her story and discusses more in-depth some of the more pertinent aspects of what abusive in therapy actually is, how to recognize it, and what healing looks like. From her website, - During the last four years, I have fulfilled one of my life dreams! I am a published author! For many years, friends have encouraged me to write the story of my life. Recently, I went through a traumatic experience, and have struggled to reclaim my life. This struggle became the motivation to finally write my story. Mending the Shattered Mirror chronicles the life-shattering abuse I suffered in psychotherapy, but also tells the life-affirming story of my search for healing and wholeness. Within the pages of this book, I have included my remarkable life journey--the sometimes tragic, sometimes triumphant, story of me! During our chat on healing from abuse in therapy, we cover: You can purchase Analie's book, Mending the Shattered Mirror, A Story of Recovery from Abusive Therapy, on Amazon. Be sure and also follow her on Twitter: @AnalieShepherd If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You! All conversation and information exchanged during participation on Beyond Your Past Radio and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or superse Support the Show.


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Understanding the Needs of a Community after a Mass Shooting, with Melissa Glaser

Our guest today is an expert in the field of helping communities heal after mass shootings and other trauma's, and she shares some of her insight and experiences with us on this episode of the podcast. Melissa Glaser, MS, LPC is a community response and recovery leader. She was the coordinator of the Newtown Recovery and Resiliency Team (NRRT) from 2014 to 2016. Glaser is currently in private practice as a psychotherapist and actively consults with other organizations and communities. Previously, Glaser has served as a clinical and behavioral health director to several Connecticut non-profit organizations. Melissa is the author of, "Healing a Community: Lessons for Recovery after a Large-Scale Trauma", which outlines the twenty months spent in Newtown, Connecticut as the leader of the Newtown Recovery and Resilience Team. Her task as the leader of this team was to address the emotional impact and guide the mental health response after a gunman killed twenty children and six adults at Newtown's Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012. Our chat with Melissa does not cover the issue of gun control, nor was that the intent of bringing her on to the podcast. Rather, we wanted to talk about the ways that we as every day people can help a community heal from such a tragedy; providing insight into the needs of survivors and their families and outlining some of the struggles that face not only the community but also the first responders and mental health professionals. We appreciate Melissa Glaser's willingness to come on the podcast and share her insight on this topic that affects us all so much. You can learn more about her work as a counselor and her book, on her website, If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? Support the Show.


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Living Your Best Life through Healing Your Past, with Karen Cesario Rizzo

When you come to a point in healing from your past, from all of the abuse, the trauma, the years of suffering, you may come to a point where you just break down, fall to your knees, and cry out for help. That's exactly what our guest on this episode of the podcast did, and the answers she received were life-changing. Karen Cesario Rizzo is a spiritual coach, clairvoyant, and author: Having experienced tragedy and pain as a young child, I knew I felt different. But I always knew I was being protected by angels. I could hear them, feel them, speak to them and see them at an early age. After many years, I made the decision to lift the veil of pain and fear. It was a painful process I had to endure. As a result, I began experiencing increased psychic awareness beyond what I could comprehend. The journey has been amazing. During our chat with Karen, we talked about her unique survivor story and the journey of healing that lead her to be in a place of writing two books so far, and sharing her clairvoyant gifts and experiences with others through her coaching program: Be sure and follow Karen Cesario Rizzo on her website and on Twitter: @KCesarioRizzo and Facebook: FlyingOnEaglesWings If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us? That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us. All conversation and information exchanged during participation on Beyond Your Past Radio and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers. Support the Show.
