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VT Radio is a fully 100% independent voice of the people radio network produced by independent writers, hosts, radio people and people of conscience. There is ABSOLUTELY NO CENSORSHIP allowed on VT Radio. Anything goes and everything is up for discussion. Each show has its own producer, director, host, and content. The Veterans Today Networks sponsors the radio network precisely in this freedom format so it’s NOT anything like MSM that takes its orders from the top. At VT Radio, we take our orders from the people and so it’s run by human people; people that will be bold to speak truth to power; people you can depend on! AT VT Radio you may get your sensibilities offended because we don’t tow the MSM line. So listen carefully and watch where you step because VT Radio is coming at you with Freedom as its uniform with Liberty and Justice for all loaded into its cyber guns. So get on board! Get on VT Radio. Call in and chat with the live hosts. Get involved and contribute to the great debate! Don’t just stand there…get up and fight for your right to be heard. That’s what we’re here for! The Veterans Today Network represents and provides news for members of the military and veteran community and all human beings of compassion and care in areas of national security, geopolitical stability and domestic policy. * All hosts and content are fully independent and represent their own point of view and not necessarily the point of view of any other host, show, writer, administrator or entity.


United States


VT Radio is a fully 100% independent voice of the people radio network produced by independent writers, hosts, radio people and people of conscience. There is ABSOLUTELY NO CENSORSHIP allowed on VT Radio. Anything goes and everything is up for discussion. Each show has its own producer, director, host, and content. The Veterans Today Networks sponsors the radio network precisely in this freedom format so it’s NOT anything like MSM that takes its orders from the top. At VT Radio, we take our orders from the people and so it’s run by human people; people that will be bold to speak truth to power; people you can depend on! AT VT Radio you may get your sensibilities offended because we don’t tow the MSM line. So listen carefully and watch where you step because VT Radio is coming at you with Freedom as its uniform with Liberty and Justice for all loaded into its cyber guns. So get on board! Get on VT Radio. Call in and chat with the live hosts. Get involved and contribute to the great debate! Don’t just stand there…get up and fight for your right to be heard. That’s what we’re here for! The Veterans Today Network represents and provides news for members of the military and veteran community and all human beings of compassion and care in areas of national security, geopolitical stability and domestic policy. * All hosts and content are fully independent and represent their own point of view and not necessarily the point of view of any other host, show, writer, administrator or entity.



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Speaking Truth to Empire with David Hartsough - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network



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RAG RADIO: Morning or Midnight in America? Analyst Glenn Smith & Thorne Dreyer on the Conventions and Presidential Politics - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

Is it morning in America or midnight in America? Prominent political analyst and commentator Glenn W. Smith and Rag Radio host Thorne Dreyer discuss the Democratic and Republican conventions and presidential politics. Among topics covered on the show: 1. The juxtaposition of the tone and messages of the two conventions. From the Democrats' upbeat, we're strong enough to meet challenges together, to Trump's fascist "only I can save us." 2. Bernie Sanders. The extraordinary job he did...


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RAG RADIO: Keith Maitland, Director of UT Sniper Documentary, ‘Tower,’ and Charles Whitman Victim Claire Wilson James 'Tower' documentary director Keith Maitland and Charles Whitman victim Claire Wilson James - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

On August 1st, 1966, a sniper rode the elevator to the top floor of the University of Texas Tower in Austin and opened fire, holding the campus hostage for 96 minutes. When the gunshots were finally silenced, the toll included 16 dead, three dozen wounded, and a shaken nation left trying to understand. It wasthe first mass shooting at a U.S. school. The 50th anniversary of the event is being memorialized on the UT campus on August 1, 2016. Our guests on Rag Radio are filmmaker Keith...


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Nice/Munich terror suspect Einat Wilf linked to false-flag-loving WINEP - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

These false flag terrorists, drunk on chutzpah, don't even bother to wipe their fingerprints off the murder weapons.


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Comment with George Galloway: Britain before and after Brexit - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

George Galloway back with another episode of comment discussing the Brexit.


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RAG RADIO: Acclaimed Austin-Based Jazz Singer & Songwriter Sarah Sharp Award-winning jazz singer & songwriter Sarah Sharp on Rag Radio - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

Multiple Austin Music Award-winning jazz singer and songwriter Sarah Sharp joins us in conversation and live performance, accompanied by guitarist Russell Scanlon. When Sarah was featured on NPR's Song Travels with Michael Feinstein, Feinstein predicted that her original songs were destined to become "part of the Great American Songbook." According to Bill Oakey, writing in The Rag Blog, "Sarah is poised to scale the tall slopes that stand between her and national record success." Oakey...


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Short End Of The Stick with Mike Harris: Ian Greenhalgh is the guest - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network



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RAG RADIO: Larry Bogad on Tactical Performance, Creative Resistance, Radical Ridicule, and Guerrilla Activism Larry Bogard is a master of tactical performance and guerrilla activism. - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

Larry Bogad, Thorne Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio, is committed to "speaking mirth to power." He has been called "the love child of Lenny Bruce and Saul Alinsky," and, according to Truthout, his "artful activism blends the strategies of civil disobedience with heaping doses of Harpo Marx." UC-Davis professor L.M. Bogad, who was co-founder of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, is the author of Tactical Performance: The theory and practice of serious play, which analyzes and critiques...


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The Veteran Next Door: A Discussion of Liberty - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network



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Comment with George Galloway: Britain and EU Separation Trials - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

Comment is back to discuss the British exit of the EU and what this could mean going forward.


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RAG RADIO: Classicist and Social Commentator Thomas Palaima on ‘Good Shepherds: A Forgotten Concept’ Social commentator Tom Palaima on the lost concept of the 'Good Shepherd' - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

Thorne Dreyer's guest is Thomas Palaima, a classics professor at the University of Texas at Austin who since 1999 has written regular commentary for the Austin American-Statesman where he primarily taps lessons from the classics and the classical era to comment on contemporary topics. On the show we address "Good Shepherds: A Forgotten Concept"; Tom talks about social responsibilities that used to be placed on people of power but that he says no longer exist. "The concept," he says, "has...


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Talk Nation Radio: Peter Kuznick on Untold Nuclear History and No War 2016 - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

Host David Swanson from Talk Nation Radio speaks with Peter Kuznick.


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TRUTH JIHAD: Kevin Barrett explains God to Gordon Duff, but keeps getting interrupted - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

Hashing out the God problem with VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff.


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Speaking Truth to Empire with Steve Lendman - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network



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Talk Nation Radio: Sandy Davies on Asking World’s Help in Resisting U.S. Crimes - VT Radio from Veterans Today Network

Host David Swanson from Talk Nation Radio speaks with Sandy Davies.
