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Curtis Audiophile Cafe // Curtis Radio

Music Podcasts

Audio cafe, cocktail bar & record store. Our sound system includes a Class A Passlabs XA30 amplifier, a couple of "In The Groove" phono amps by Pathos, a P.S Audio Power Plant, Radius4 rotary mixer by Mastersounds, a couple of Heresy III oak wood Klipsch speakers, 3 roof mounted Omionda Sky designed by our friend Stephan Rodiqs for local brand Triple Onda and, of course, a pair of Technics 1200G with good old Shure M44G cartidges. Our space has been designed to offer a pleasant listening experience and a feelgood comfy vibe. DJ sessions every weekend and a great selection of records, books and magazines to browse, listen, read and buy. New!! Curtis Radio Show every 2 weeks featuring worldwide DJs, diggers and selectors playing an exclusive and nicely curated selection of 10 songs that they keep close to their hearts. Launching our 1st show on June 10th 2022 and we will upload a new show here every second Friday. C/ Mallorca 196, Barcelona, Spain. WE LOVE MUSIC. WE LOVE SOUND.


United States


Audio cafe, cocktail bar & record store. Our sound system includes a Class A Passlabs XA30 amplifier, a couple of "In The Groove" phono amps by Pathos, a P.S Audio Power Plant, Radius4 rotary mixer by Mastersounds, a couple of Heresy III oak wood Klipsch speakers, 3 roof mounted Omionda Sky designed by our friend Stephan Rodiqs for local brand Triple Onda and, of course, a pair of Technics 1200G with good old Shure M44G cartidges. Our space has been designed to offer a pleasant listening experience and a feelgood comfy vibe. DJ sessions every weekend and a great selection of records, books and magazines to browse, listen, read and buy. New!! Curtis Radio Show every 2 weeks featuring worldwide DJs, diggers and selectors playing an exclusive and nicely curated selection of 10 songs that they keep close to their hearts. Launching our 1st show on June 10th 2022 and we will upload a new show here every second Friday. C/ Mallorca 196, Barcelona, Spain. WE LOVE MUSIC. WE LOVE SOUND.



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Skygaze es el proyecto musical del gijonés Jaime Tellado, arquitecto de profesión y explorador musical por pasión. Lleva más de una década "in the game", y en estos diez años de constante evolución todo el material que hemos escuchado de él ha sido siempre muy creativo y de altísima calidad, una exquisita fusión de géneros, un tapiz sonoro multicolor con la poderosa fuerza de groove como denominador común. Cinco álbumes publicados como cinco soles, Sonar, MIRA, LEV, Boiler Room, cientos de actuaciones en selectas salas y festivales del propuesta musical de Skygaze es heterogénea, basada en una deconstrucción del ritmo roto, desde compases lentos cercanos al hip hop de herencia jazzística, hasta tempos más enfocados a la pista de baile como el house o el jungle. Además de sus múltiples proyectos personales, También podemos encontrarlo en la dupla creativa “Yamaralazu”, en un proyecto colaborativo con Helios Amor, centrado principalmente en la exploración de la música jazz en conjunción con otras corrientes contemporáneas como el deep house, el hip hop abstracto y la electrónica. Nos complace muchísimo contar con Skygaze en este nuevo episodio de Curtis Radio. Ha seleccionado 10 preciosos temas que importan en su maravilloso universo musical. Dale play, baja la luz, sube el volumen y disfruta de este singular viaje sonoro pilotado por Skygaze.


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Estamos muy emocionados de compartir un nuevo episodio de Curtis Radio seleccionado por la legendaria DJ y productora Colleen 'Cosmo' Murphy. Su apasionante y exitoso viaje musical se extiende a lo largo de 4 décadas, desde su adolescencia trabajando en tiendas de discos y estaciones de radio en su ciudad natal, hasta su vinculación y amistad con el padrino de la música Disco David Mancuso y sus seminales fiestas Loft, hasta los proyectos actuales Balearic Breakfast, Classic Album Sundays, Love Dancin' Sound System, entre muchos otros, su currículum es demasiado largo y rico para enumerarlo aquí. Simplemente podemos decir que para un humilde audio bar barcelonés que se preocupa por el sonido y la música de calidad, que Colleen 'Cosmo' Murphy seleccione 10 canciones que le gustan para ser presentadas en nuestro programa de radio es un evento importante y es un honor compartirlo con nuestra audiencia. Colleen no sólo toca discos. Ella cuenta las historias detrás de la música. En sus propias palabras… “Soy un amante de la música, curadora musical y educadora musical. Se trata de intentar trascender la vida cotidiana a través de la música. Cuando la gente dice que Balearic Breakfast les ayudó a superar la pandemia, creo que es porque la música tiene una cualidad curativa. Cuando la gente está en la pista de baile, quiero que se olviden de su vida cotidiana. Y lo mismo ocurre con los Classic Album Sundays, cuando la gente está completamente inmersa escuchando un álbum, los lleva a otro lugar. Esas experiencias han sido muy importantes para mí. La búsqueda es interminable y eso es lo que me motiva. Nunca me propuse hacer nada de esto intencionalmente; simplemente sucedió debido a mi pasión. Una cosa llevó a otra que alimentó a otra que alimentó a otra. Nunca dejaré de descubrir la música. Siempre hay que estar mirando hacia adelante, ampliando horizontes”. Así que hagamos precisamente eso, sentémonos, relajémonos, subamos el volumen y expandamos completamente nuestros horizontes musicales con estas 10 hermosas canciones seleccionadas con amor por Colleen 'Cosmo' Murphy. Dale al play y disfruta.


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Here it is! The 42nd episode of our Curtis Radio Show, a place for discovery and celebration of our deep love for music! This month's show is curated by Vincent Roussarie, also known as Psycut, a highly respected digger and DJ from Paris with more than two decades of experience unearthing and spinning musical treasures in the organic music vibrant scene, be it funk, rare grooves, jazz, hip hop, reggae, afro-cuban or brazilian music. His deep knowledge of all these genres, a remarkable turntable technique, a constant quest of old and fresh sounds and his insatiable desire to share them with the world, has led Psycut to play everywhere, from underground connoisseurs events to the most renowned venues, both in France and abroad, with always the same goals at heart: pleasing the ears, filling the dancefloors and offering a unique “body & soul” experience to everyone. We've had the pleasure to enjoy his impeccable selections and turntable magic a few times at Curtis, and we are happy to have him on board in our monthly Radio Show selecting 10 very special and magnificent songs for our listening pleasure. So sit back, relax, turn the volume up and enjoy a journey of musical discovery in ten songs selected with love by Psycut. · ¡Aquí lo tienes! ¡El episodio de 42 de nuestro Curtis Radio Show, un lugar para descubrir y celebrar nuestro profundo amor por la música! El show de este mes corre a cargo de Vincent Roussarie, también conocido como Psycut, un digger y DJ muy respetado de París con más de dos décadas de experiencia desenterrando y pinchando tesoros musicales en la vibrante escena de la música orgánica, ya sea funk, rare grooves, jazz, hip hop, reggae, música afrocubana o brasileña. Su profundo conocimiento de todos estos géneros, una notable técnica en los platos, una búsqueda constante de sonidos antiguos y nuevos, y su insaciable deseo de compartirlos con el mundo, ha llevado a Psycut a tocar en todas partes, desde eventos underground hasta los eventos más reconocidos, en Francia y en el extranjero, siempre con los mismos objetivos: complacer los oídos, llenar las pistas de baile y ofrecer una experiencia única en “cuerpo y alma” para todos. Hemos tenido el placer de disfrutar de sus impecables selecciones y su magia en los platos varias veces en Curtis, y estamos felices de tenerlo a bordo en nuestro programa de radio mensual, seleccionando 10 canciones magníficas y muy especiales para nuestro placer auditivo. Así que siéntate, relájate, sube el volumen y disfruta de un viaje de descubrimiento musical en diez canciones seleccionadas con amor por Psycut.


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Every first Sunday of the month we present a new episode of our Curtis Radio show, introducing an exclusive 10 song selection put togehter by some of the best artists, diggers, DJs, musicians and record collectors from around the globe. Today's 41st show is curated with love by Brasil born, London based turntable wizard D.Vyzor. A staple in the vibrant groove music London circut, resident at the Jazz Cafe and a fixture opening for the biggest Brazilian acts, his massive musical knowledge and impecable turntable technique make him one of our favorite DJs and we've had the pleasure of having him grace our decks at Curtis a couple of times. He presents a rare, exquisite "all brazilian music" 10 songs set, and you can be sure that this is not you average "bossanova" playlist. So sit back, relax, turn the volume up and embark on a journey in ten songs to the wonderful universe of Brazilian music. TEN TUNES TRACKLIST: Baque Lua - Brilha Raul de Souza - Wires Jaime e Nair - Sob o Mar João Gilberto - Undiú (Salvador Space Edit) João Donato - Me Deixa Djangada - Sitio do Pica Pau Amarelo Amaro Freitas - Malakoff Hermeto Pascoal - Avestruz do Fabricio na Madrugada Let Drum Beat - Itacarai Toco - Guajiru


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Curtis Radio is back!! After a short break and an improved website section (check check check !!!), today we proudly present a new episode of our beloved Curtis Radio Show. With 39 dope shows in our archive you know the formula by now. We reach out to DJs, musicians, diggers, collectors, and any other breed of vinyl aficionado from around the world and ask them to select 10 songs that they keep close to their heart. Here’s an impeccable selection, as you would expect, by none other than London stalwart and Wah Wah 45s co-owner Dom Servini. A DJs DJ, equally at ease in a club or festival booth, in radio format or as a highly knowledgeable music journalist, his energetic and open-minded mix of anything soulful, be it afro-beat, jazz, house or hip hop, make him a strong favourite in the groove-based music worldwide circuit. We are grateful to have him on board today, presenting these 10 beautiful songs for our 40th episode of Curtis Radio. So sit back, relax, turn the volume up and enjoy the musical journey in ten songs from the massive and treasured record collection of Dom Servini.


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We at Curtis are longtime fans of Rainer Trüby. A constant and always reliable source of music discovery thanks to his DJ sets, productions, remixes, compilations, Trüby Trio, Compost, Sonar Kollectiv, Glücklich, Brazilian music, A Forest Mighty Black...all consistently dope, never a bad note, music for the soul. We met Rainer personally when our local duderino and Curtis skipper Guille de Juan worked at Sonar office, many moons ago, back in the nineties. A staple in the Barcelona festival and club circuit for a long time, we've enjoyed and danced to Rainer's sets many times. We are so honored and happy to have him in our Curtis Radio series. So sit back, relax, crank the volume up, and enjoy a deep musical journey in ten songs, handpicked with love by Rainer Trüby 10 TUNES TRACKLIST: Mal Waldron - For Every Man There´s A Woman Joe Sample - Night Flight Raw Soul Express - The Way We Live Lô Borges - Tudo Que Você Podia Ser Re:jazz - Twisted Tashan - Thank You Father Cedar Walton - Latin America Incognito - Out Of The Storm - C´s Planet E Special Mix Tamba trio - Reflexes Galaxy 2 Galaxy - High Tech Jazz


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It's with great pleasure and excitement that we present a new series of Curtis Radio shows, announced as "Curtis Radio Meets", where we expand the "10 songs" format to include a conversation with an artist and/or music aficionado from any corner of the world, who wants to share his music and thoughts and vision with us. In our first instalment of the series we are so honored to present Brazilian composer, musician, voracious record collector and al-round "bon vivant", Ed Motta. He is presenting his just released new album (the 14th in his extended impeccable career), beautifully titled "Behind The Tea Chronicles" (MPS/Germany) and is also keen and generous to share his precious insight with us about production techniques, the importance of mastering, sound textures, comics, cinema, world travels, food, good wine, Steely Dan, and the pleasures of live in general. Thank you Ed Motta!! we absolutely loved the talk and welcome all our beloved listeners to our new Curtis Radio Meets series. More to come, watch this space. Sit back, relax, press play and enjoy the show. Ed Motta ladies and gentlemen!


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We met Nickodemus about 15 years ago in Barcelona at a common friend's dope music basement and tasty Mexican restaurant called Dostrece. We were already big fans of his music and his globe-trotting gigs when we got to shake hands with this good man. But getting to meet the person Nico Simone behind the revered artist Nickodemus, only increased our admiration and respect for him. He is not only an outstanding DJ and a very accomplished producer of global beats, but most importantly he is a compassionate, beautiful, peace-loving human being who understands the power of music to spread love and break borders. His worldwide touring schedule (managed by himself) is dazzling, millions of miles travelled across the world on a noble mission to spread positive vibes and unite peoples through the transforming power of music. One Nation Under a Groove, you know. So it is with great pride and excitement that we present today a very special Curtis Radio episode, introducing 10 important songs that Nico keeps close to his heart. So sit back, relax, turn the volume up and enjoy the musical journey. If you are in Barcelona do not miss his next show on November 11th playing at the historic ballroom La Paloma for our friends at the mighty Poly-Rythmo night. It's going to be such a vibe! 10 TUNES TRACKLIST Yusef Lateef - Back Home Mama's Gun - This is the Day Q-Tip - Man Woman Boogie Soul II Soul - African Dance Celia Cruz - Un Bembe pa' Yemenya (Jose Marques Remix) Ray Baretto - Indestructible Novalima - Beto Kele Chancha Via Circuito - Ilaló (Baiuca Remix) Curtis Mayfield - Move on Up Ernest Ranglin - Surfin


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Yo mama Joe Bataan is playing on Curtis radio!! Yes, yes you heard that right! THE Joe Bataan, THE legendary musician from NYC, king of Latin Soul...from the streets of El Barrio (Spanish Harlem) in his teenage years, to recording eight essential albums for seminal label Fania Records, to founding his imprint Salsoul and pioneering a new music genre (hip hop) with his smash hit Rap-O Clap-O, to his most recent release "Call My Name" on Vampisoul, Joe Bataan's stunning and everlasting career spans six long decades, and the list of achievements is simply too long to list here. He is without a doubt one of the most important artists of that rich and fruitful melting pot of soul, jazz, and Latin music that emerged in the Big Apple in the second half of the 20th Century and that, to this day (Bataan is still very active at his 80 years of age) continues to inspire, induce body movement and uplift the souls of music lovers from across the globe. So it is with great pride and excitement that we present this beautiful 10-song selection from the "alma" of Joe Bataan directly to yours. So sit back, relax, turn the volume up and enjoy the show. Joe Bataan ladies and gentlemen!! 10 TUNES TRACKLIST: Joe Bataan - Ordinary Guy Smokey Robinson - Ooo Baby Baby Frankie Lymon - Why do fools fall in love Judy Garland - Somewhere over the rainbow Joe Bataan - Rap-O Clap-O George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue Joe Bataan - The Prayer Tito Rodriquez - Cara de Payaso Frank Sinatra - Young at Heart Joe Bataan - Mujer Mia


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Marcos Valle, Nicola Conte, Prime Cuts, Mark de Clive-Lowe, bwoy stakes are higher than high with our Curtis Radio series...and the list of dope guests goes on for 35 sensational episodes covering all sorts of amazing records from all eras, tempos and colors. Every second Sunday we unveil a 10 song selection handpicked with love by a A-List of DJs, musicians, producers, diggers and collectors from across the globe. Today we proudly present an essential selection curated by Parisian ace beatmaker and funkateer extraordinaire Onra. As true lovers of a dope hip hop beat and absolute suckers for that 80's slow and phat ass boogie basslines, we found in Onra's sound something close to a musical Holy Grail. That's why we are honored and extremely pleased to present this new episode, with 10 tunes that we love and that make perfect sense in the context of Onra's genuine and irresistible approach to music. This should be played at high volume!! Press play & enjoy. 10 TUNES TRACKLIST: Jodeci - Pump It Back Tha Dogg Pound - Let’s Play House 2pac - Picture Me Rollin’ Slum Village - Fan-Tas-Tic Barrington Levy - My Woman Devin Morrison - Too Far Gone Roy Ayers - Poo Poo La La Alec Mansion - Maintenant Bootsy Collins - I’d Rather Be With You After Hours - Waterfalls (3AM Mix)


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Essential New Episode Alert! "Way before jazz hybridity became a worldwide phenomenon, de Clive-Lowe was busy designing its blueprint". This is a quote and a true statement taken from an article in renowned Jazziz magazine that perfectly encapsulates the pioneering and unorthodox musical approach of Japanese-New Zealander composer, jazz musician, remixer, and electronic music producer, Mark de Clive-Lowe. Equal parts jazz musician and beat-scientist, LA-based since 2008, Mark has released twenty solo albums and counts hundreds of collaborations on stage and in the studio. With over 20 years in the game spanning multiple genres and continents, the list of releases, projects, collaborations and artistic achievements is just too big and too long to be listed here. Let's just say that it's an immense pleasure and an absolute honor to be presenting a new Curtis Radio episode with 10 important songs carefully handpicked by the wonderful musical mind of Mark de Clive-Lowe. So sit back, relax, press play, turn the volume up and enjoy the journey. Music for the soul! 10 TUNES TRACKLIST: Ahmad Jamal - The Awakening Joe Henderson - Tress-Cun-Deo-La Donald Byrd - Stepping Into Tomorrow Herbie Hancock - Nobu Ryuichi Sakamoto - A Thousand Knives Goldie - Inner City Life 4Hero - Loveless Slum Village - Get Dis Money Moodymann - Black Mahogani Afronaught - Transcend Me


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An avid record collector since his early teens, Joel aka DJ Prime Cuts has spent the last 25 years rocking crowds across the globe with 15 years as resident at iconic London's Fabric nightclub. Hip Hop was the first calling and via the music's foundations in Funk, Soul and Jazz, Joel began a lifetime obsession with digging for the extraordinary. With an almost peerless DJ battle history, both solo and as founding member of the legendary Scratch Perverts, Prime Cuts has won four DMC world titles. He has invented his own scratch technique (the Euro Scratch)and played an important role in the technological development and design of the Pioneer DJ mixer series (DJM-909 & DJM S-9) This year he released Chartist EP on the The Trilogy Tapes imprint, a contemporary dancefloor oriented production, that draws influences from the Chicago and Detroit electronic sounds. A love of sampling culture, crate digging and Electronic Music continues to feed into the studio output and blistering live shows performed in stages around the world. This 10 song selection for Curtis Radio shows his broad and deep musical scope, digging for the perfect samples and beats regardless of trends, genres, colors or tempos. Today we proudly present an impeccable selection of ten carefully handpicked songs from the massive record collection of Prime Cuts. From Cybotron to Chez Damier to Terry Callier, these are indeed 10 Prime Cuts that you need to listen to. Turn it up and enjoy!


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For today's very special Curtis Radio episode we step into the territory of modern jazz royalty, with a 10 song selection carefully handpicked by italian composer extraordinaire Nicola Conte. Nicola Conte established himself as one of the finest and most eclectic musicians, producers, and composers in the Italian and international jazz scene. As a classically trained guitarist, bandleader, crate-digger, and DJ, Conte's journey into music originating from beyond Europe defines his brand of cosmic jazz. A prolific producer, Conte's musical oeuvre echoes a spectrum of influences deriving from bossa nova, film soundtracks of the 60’s, spiritual jazz, Latin America, and African music. It's an honor and a great pleasure to present this exclusive musical selection curated by Nicola Conte, which showcases in just 10 songs his exuberant, colorful and boundless musical universe. Sit back, relax, turn up the volume and enjoy the musical ride. Food for the soul! 10 TUNES TRACKLIST: MILTON WRIGHT - BROTHERS AND SISTERS OVEOUS - LEGACY MICHAEL OLATUNJI - GIN-GO-LO-BA CLARK TERRY - SWAHILI TOMORROW PEOPLE - OPEN SOUL (T-GROOVE EDIT) SABU MARTINEZ - HOTEL ALYSSA SOUSSE (Danny Krivit Edit) THE SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY JAZZ ENSAMBLE - SAMBA DEE LECI BRANDAO - QUESTAO DE GOSTO HERMON MEHARI - TENAFAQUIT (DANILO PLESSOW RMX) LE STREGHE - KAPUA PELE EA


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The broad concept of eclecticism takes on a new level of excellence and depth when Lydia González, known in the music world as T.Modet, stands behind a mixer and a pair of turntables. Born in Seville, she received a valuable family musical heritage that was quickly expanded and enriched with a new and enormous spectrum of sounds and influences resulting from her extensive travels around the world from a very early age. In Barcelona we are lucky to be able to enjoy her always surprising and colorful selections thanks to a regular presence in the bills of the best clubs and festivals in the city (Laut, Nitsa, Mira, Primavera Sound, Sonar, Sound It, Brunch ...) alone as T.Modet or with Virginie, another voracious digger and excellent DJ, under the alias Shakti Alliance. In a more experimental and electronic way, in a global discovery format without borders or labels (take a tour of the archive of her wonderful programs Círculo de Borneo for dublab radio), or moving feet and cheering souls on the best dance floors with her inimitable sets, there is no doubt that T.Modet is a polyhedral and absolutely free artist that we admire and enjoy. So we are very pleased to present here this exclusive selection of 10 songs for Curtis Radio that show the beauty, substance and originality of T.Modet's musical palette. Press play, turn it up and have fun! 10 TUNES TRACKLIST JOHNNY GUITAR WATSON - Love that will not die DONALD LANGESTRAAT - I'm ready for dancing LARRY HEARD - Caribbean coast SADE - Why can't we live together SYSTEM OLYMPIA - Passi Mai AL DOBSON JR. - Santiago Black (Ptaki Version) SAHARA_JA - I'm an arabian knight BASIL HARDHOUSE - City streets FOCUS ZULU - Rock Batlanga LEE TRACY - Jesus going to clean the house


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En nuestra búsqueda constante para conectar con selectores, DJs, buscadores de oro negro, coleccionistas, y demás especies apasionadas de ese precioso y amado formato musical que es "el disco", teníamos que cruzar caminos de forma inevitable con Ainara Marañon, also known as Sama Yax. Bilbaína nacida en México y afincada en Barcelona, lleva ya largo tiempo compartiendo su pasión innegociable por la mejor música disco y house, con sets de factura exquisita, pinchados estríctamente en vinilo (respect!), en clubs y festivales pequeños, medianos y enormes, a lo largo y ancho de todo el país. Con un olfato infalible para seleccionar discos que activan y estimulan en nuestros pies, cerebro y alma, los receptores del factor "groove", nunca le hemos escuchado pinchar un tema obvio o simplón. Nunca. Siempre con clase, siempre imaginativa, siempre "underground" y combativa en sus selecciones y en su actitud, tenemos que confesar que amamos bastante a Sama Yax. Por eso nos complace especialmente presentar este nuevo episodio de Curtis Radio, el número 30 ya, con 10 temas* que importan en el maravilloso y emocionante universo musical de Sama Yax. Dale play, súbe el volumen y disfrútalo. *hay un tema incluído del gran Marcos Valle, y queremos recordaros que actúa en Barcelona (Sala Apolo2)el próximo 21/08, con warm-up a los platos nada menos que de Breixo Martinez. Conciertazo y sesión previa absolutamente recomendables. ** hemos observado en el track-list un tema de autor "unknown" y título también "unknown". Son esos white labels misteriosos que no tienen ninguna información y que un feliz día cayeron en tus manos no sabes como. Atención nerdaza@s del disco out there, sabemos que hay unas cuant@s, ¿sabéis de que tema se trata? ¿conocéis al autor y/o el título?. Ahí va el reto. Quien lo sepa que lo diga y gana 3 discos de nuestra cuidada sección a cargo de Tropikon Records, y un par de nuestros refrescantes cocktails Gin Scott-Heron. TEN TUNES TRACKLIST: WILLIAM PITT - CITY LIGHT SEAWIND - FREE MARCOS VALLE - ESTELAR TATA VEGA -(I’VE GOT MY) SECOND WIND3 THE JONES GIRLS -NIGHTS OVER EGYPT THE S.O.S BAND - GROOVIN’ UNKNOWN - UNKNOWN MBG - Ore: Nove Nove Nove FELIPE GORDON - I’M A JAZZ CAT MALIK ALSTON - IN A BETTER WAY


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We met Gino Grasso and Luca Trevisi aka LTJ Xperience, two of the finest DJs and most avid record collectors from Italy, in Soundcloud. Back then the platform was a very fertile and active hub for music discovery and exchange for likeminded music lovers from around the globe. We instatly connected with the deep, slow but heavy on the beats and bass, discofied dope sound they were releasing, and we bought and had all their releases and edits in constant rotation in our sets. Next natural step was to invite them to deejay at some of our Playtime events in Barcelona, and then we became good friends. Music has this power. It's a universal language that creates powerful and long lasting bonds. The bio and list of achievements in Gino's extended 4+ decades career is too long to be listed here so we will keep the bio stuff short and let the music play and do the talking. Just check out G&D (the project he shares with fellow groove master Dino Angioletti)or the essential compilation curated for BBE Recordings with his brother Federico as The Grasso Brothers "We Know How To Boogie", or this new Curtis Radio episode right here, and you will understand the level of knowledge, passion, dedication and the immense depth and value of Gino's record collection. So it's with great joy and excitement that we present today the 29th installment in our beloved Curtis Radio "10 Songs" series, masterfully handpicked by our amigo and disco Don Gino Grasso. Turn it up and get your groove on, Gino sure knows how to boogie! TEN TUNES TRACKLIST: Jonh Mavis - Move your Body Mendes y Mendes - Mitamio Ebony Band - Sing a happy song Joe Gibbs and Steel Band - Don’t stop til you get enough Hugh Masakela - Give it up Doug King - Baya Latinos Illusion of a Band - Party with you For Real People - Love begin with you Merchants Pilgrim - Instant Funk Voltage Brothers - Happening in the streets (Domo Domo rework)


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Numbers are important. They let us humans understand and anchor our possition in relation to time, space and the cosmos. Ever since the days of early civilizations, people have used numbers to keep track of time, predict the future, and map out the stars. One sunny June afternoon in Barcelona, while chatting with trailblazer DJ and voracious record collector Ben* (Turntablejazz/Yasiin Bey's DJ/Love Wax-Cologne+Tunis) about our Curtis Radio show, we mentioned that in a complete 12 months season we have released a total of 27 episodes from a carefully handpicked selection of DJs, record collectors, artists & musicians from across the globe. He expressed instant interest in doing a show, and said he would like to participate with a "10 songs" episode that would be number 28. The 2 and the 8, that is a number that means to Ben*, he has a personal project related to that particular sequence of numbers. And here it is. Press play, turn it up and dive deep into these 10 beautiful and soul-lifting songs that Ben* keeps very close to his heart. Being a seasoned record digger with true love for the vinyl format for more than 25 years, Ben* has conceived his selection as a concept vinyl album. Side A (or part 1) containing 5 songs, 4 of them from his current favorite artist Kahil El Zabar plus "Harvest Time", an eternal spiritual jazz cut from recently passed genius Pharoa Sanders. Side B (or second part of his selection)where he takes us on a more uplifting and spacey path of uptempo grooves with 5 rare gems that will induce body movement while still keeping the spiritual element and touching the heart & mind. Curtis Radio show guest selectors can present their 10 desert island records or they can focus on a particular genre or pick 10 tunes from their last favorite producer. The songs can be in random order and unmixed or smoothly blended in the form of a mini DJ set. It's a free format with just one rule. Only 10 songs. Not 6 not 14. Only 10. So let's now count like Kraftwerk in our robotic voice, and feel the importance of numbers... Eins, zwei, drei, vier Fünf, sechs, sieben, acht One, two Un, deux, trois Uno, due, tre, quattro Un, deux, trois Uno, due, tre, quattro... 10 TUNES TRACKLIST: KAHIL EL ZABAR - THE OPENING PHAROAH SANDERS - HARVEST TIME KAHIL EL ZABAR - A TIME FOR HEALING KAHIL EL ZABAR - WE GET THROUGH THIS KAHIL EL ZABAR - SPIRIT GATHERER MICHAEL BOOTHMAN & CHARMAINE FORDE - WHAT YOU WON’T DO FOR LOVE LOUIE VEGA & UNLIMITED TOUCH - MUSIC IS MY LIFE RECORD PLAYER - FREE YOUR MIND THEO PARRISH & MAURISSA ROSE - THIS IS FOR YOU CASSIETTA GEORGE - DON’T GIVE UP


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And now for our next number we'd like to return to the we proudly present a guest show by none other than Marcos Valle, a true legend of bossa nova, samba and popular brazilian music in general. Valle started playing the piano at the age of five, educated in classical and soon leaning towards jazz and soul, he began his recording career in the mid-sixties, when he was still a teenager. Since then he has built a monumental body of work with close to thirty albums published and a songbook of more than three hundred compositions, with which he has also provided material for Caetano Veloso, Dizzy Gillespie, Sarah Vaughan, Stacey Kent and Diana Krall among many others. Guitarist, producer, arranger, composer of soundtracks, also well versed in his approaches to rock, funk or electronics, Marcos Valle is an all-rounder who has done it all in the world of music. This very special episode in our Curtis Radio series marks the first anniversary of the show, and we want to express our enormous gratitude to all the artists that so generously shared their most treasured records with us, and to all the listeners and music lovers who play and enjoy the shows making this project born a year ago in our beloved listening bar in Barcelona such a beautiful reality. So without further ado here are ten songs that really matter in the wonderful musical world of Marcos Valle. Press play and turn it up. Food for the soul! 10 TUNES TRACKLIST: Emicida - Pequenas Alegrias da Vida Adulta Astrud Gilberto - The Face I Love Lulu Santos - Aviso aos Navegantes Céu - Menino Bonito Moreno Veloso - Não Acorde o Neném Jovem Dionísio e Marcos Valle - Melhor do Mundo Joyce Moreno e Marcos Valle - A Chuva Sem Gal Seu Jorge - Quem Não Quer Sou Eu Dorival Caymmi - Dora Joyce Moreno - Feminina


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En nuestra constante peregrinación por las sendas del ritmo para encontrar a los mejores coleccionistas de discos y a los más ávidos selectores del panorama nacional e internacional, teníamos que dar de forma inevitable con el bueno de Javi Bayo. Figura clave de la escena underground de este país desde hace más de dos décadas, Javi es un DJ de DJs, tanto en el club como en la radio (Radio Relativa, NTS, Worldwide FM, Dublab...), y un auténtico erudito del groove global en todas sus vertientes, en especial aquellas más desconocidas y alejadas de la corriente popular. En 2012 compiló el disco "Fetén", una colección de grabaciones olvidadas de jazz hechas en España en los 60-70, y más recientemente ha publicado “América Invertida” (Vampisoul-Little Butterfly Records, 2019), una muestra de los excitantes sonidos del Uruguay de los 80, donde los arreglos de voces etéreas y guitarras acústicas cohabitaban con sintetizadores y cajas de ritmo; el candombe y la música de raíz latinoamericana se aliaban con los sonidos de new wave y dream pop. Aquí en Curtis Radio nos complace enormemente presentar esta exquisita selección de 10 canciones que importan en el maravilloso y exuberante universo musical de Javi Bayo. Dale play, sube el volumen y disfruta del viaje sonoro a bellos lugares de África y América Latina. 10 Tunes Tracklist: · Bebeto Di Sao Joao | Nega Milagrosa · Trio Nago E Roberto Luna | Capoeira · Yolandita Monge | Alegría · Los Tigres | Qué Belleza · Black Sugar | Muévete Muévete · Grupo Camaleón | Quiero Ya Tu Amor · Lito Barrientos | Para Qué · Grupo Sta. Cecilia | Africa Bump · Banana 5 | Banana 5 En Percusión · Los Corraleros De Majagual | Baila Mi Boogaloo


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The Curtis Radio "10 songs only" series keep gaining momentum, the list of very special guests keeps growing strong and today we reach episode number 25 with another top musical talent and international star. We follow DJ Vadim's extended and highly prolific career since day one. It was the early 90s and Vadim aka The Dub Catcher was already on our radar as he was starting from a foundation in instrumental hip hop and releasing great music on his label Jazz Fudge and in seminal UK imprint Ninja Tune too. But a voracious appetite for musical discovery and experimentation made it impossible to pigeonhole and restrict his musical palette to just one genre or style. Both in the studio (with 17 albums released to date)and in stages and DJ booths around the world (over 3000 gigs in 78 countries) he has achieved a trademark and highly personal Vadim sound that combines hip hop, reggae, dancehall, bass culture, latin, disco, funk, world sounds, and beyond. So it's with great pleasure that today we present here 10 songs that represent and matter in the always soul-lifting and colorful musical world of DJ Vadim. Press play, turn it up, and enjoy the ride! Daddy Vad is in the house Ladies and Gentlemen.
