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Endless Metal Podcast

Music Podcasts

Heavy music is a vessel for endless connections—to music past and present—to lyrical content, philosophy, history, and beyond. With the relaunch in 2023, The Endless Metal podcast is co-hosted by Ben and Jeff, two close friends and former bandmates from the Philadelphia area. Now in or near middle-age, we share our continued devotion to extreme heavy music. We blend short snippets of heavy music and other content into a free flowing and open-ended conversation. We hope other kindred spirits from our neck of the woods in the Philly area and beyond will join us as well.


United States


Heavy music is a vessel for endless connections—to music past and present—to lyrical content, philosophy, history, and beyond. With the relaunch in 2023, The Endless Metal podcast is co-hosted by Ben and Jeff, two close friends and former bandmates from the Philadelphia area. Now in or near middle-age, we share our continued devotion to extreme heavy music. We blend short snippets of heavy music and other content into a free flowing and open-ended conversation. We hope other kindred spirits from our neck of the woods in the Philly area and beyond will join us as well.



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Titans to Tachyons: The Gift of Sally Gates

When Sally Gates moved from New Zealand to Florida, she was already an accomplished guitar player. Playing live in a metal cover band and the grindcore assassins, Relentless Attrition, she honed her chops in the Aukland scene. A year or so later circa 2008, she had moved to Miami and became the touring bass player in the mighty death metal cosmic destroyers known as Gigan. Touring on the band's seminal album "The Order of the False Eye" --a death metal record full of mind bending tempo changes and otherworldly aural assaults--Sally began her sonic journey in the U.S. with a proverbially sonic bang. But there was only one problem, she wasn't a bass player! Now writing and creating with her axe of choice, Sally's Orbweaver project picked up where Gigan left off--launching the listener to the outer orbits of extreme prog death metal. At the same time, Miami's ever expanding noise scene seeped into her restless improvisatory soul. The fearless artist followed her own path. Landing in Brooklyn's ever expanding instrumental improvisation scene, Sally Gates could not be happier. Ben and Jeff were thus so excited to talk to Sally about her new band TITAN TO TACHYONS. An all instrumental experimental jazz-metal group featuring drummer Kenny Grohowski and two bassists: Trevor Dunn (Mr. Bungle, Fantômas, Tomahawk) and Matt Hollenberg (Cleric, John Zorn). The band's second album "Vonals" is as mesmerizing as explosive--a strain of heavy music they simply can not get enough of!!! So cozy up with a Tired Hands Brewery Eviscerated Pathway of Beauty Double Citra IPA and enjoy! Music from this episode comes from the composition "Neutron Wrangler" from the album vonals. Check out some of Sally's incredible guitar playing here: Looping the Seas of Primus Beethoven Piano Tapping And gorgeous paintings here: https://sallygates.myportfolio.com/


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Talking 10 Years of the Metalheads Podcast with Our Buddy, Markisan Naso

He's back! Literally the day after the Metalheads recorded their just released 4+ hour episode 150, 10th anniversary podcast! The inspiration of this podcast was not only huge for rebooting Endless Metal but for appreciating how metal is something much more than music--namely, forging lasting friendships. While not a great photo--a lot of blue light-- you can see Ben and Jeff with Markisan at the April 2024 Decibel Metal & Beer Fest. While it was our first time meeting person, we're excited to join Markisan and all the boys next year's fest! This cast features some of Markisan's most memorable moments on air with the boys, our shared love for the new Glassing record From the Other Side of the Mirror--we include the track "Nominal Will" at the end of this episode. We turn next to favorite concerts and merch at mid-year! A really fun free-flowing discussion. So crack open a 66.6 ABV DDDDDDHHHH Moonshine Barrel Aged IPA and enjoy!


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Metal or Die: The Gift of Kingdom of Tyrants

Ben had a great time talking to Kevin Curran and Mike Munro—two legends of the incredible and underrated Boston power thrash metal scene of the 1980s and 1990s. They talk about the brotherhood and musical vision behind their new super group Kingdom of Tyrants and the band's absolutely phenomenal debut album “Architects of Power.” From Ben's signature metal gushry LOL to deep dives into song development and Mike's vocal arrangements, this interview covers a lot of ground. Rather than proceed in any canned linear way, we talk about Mike's artistic development since his last record with Meliah Rage, the tour de force "Masquerade." We also explore the importance of history in Kevin's approach to song lyrics and how the timeless themes of the Guilded Age created connective tissue between each of "Architects of Power" nine tracks, including the mythological lessons of "Daedalus" and the album's epic "Ghosts of Industry." We also hear from the band's manager and videographer par excellence, Rudy Childs! Exploring the early origins of Steel Assassin and Mike's early band Speed Limit, some great stories and laughs are shared as they drink brews and talk metal past and present. Samples of songs on this episode appear in this order: Introduction: Daedalus (from Architects of Power by Kingdom of Tyrants) II. History Will Tell (from Masquerade by Meliah Rage) III. Ghosts of Industry (from Architects of Power by Kingdom of Tyrants) IV. Metal or Die (from Architects of Power by Kingdom of Tyrants) Links to Album Bandcamp sites: Buy or die!!!! ⁠Kingdom of Tyrants - Architects of Power⁠ ⁠Meliah Rage - Masquerade⁠ Kingdom of Tyrants Videos by Rudy Childs ⁠⁠A Boston Metal Story - KINGDOM OF TYRANTS interview⁠⁠ ⁠KINGDOM OF TYRANTS "Ghosts of Industry" music video⁠ ⁠KINGDOM OF TYRANTS "Kingdom of Tyrants" music video⁠ ⁠Kingdom of Tyrants - The Judas Gate⁠


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Talking Metal and Otherwise

Getting back to why we created this cast in the first place: We're great friends who love metal and digressions about books and other things on our minds! We zoom, drink a beer, and chat it up. Always enjoyable! This chat was in anticipation of the Decibel Magazine Tour 2024 with HULDER, DEVIL MASTER, WORM and NECROFIER on March 8 at Underground Arts in Philly. The picture for this episode is of Ben and Jeff at the venue in full metal pose. We'll talk about that show and the recent Decibel Metal and Beer Festival on future casts! Music for this episode is "Serpent Drug Cult Mythology" from the album "Death Rituals" by Swamp Witch.


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Doom the World: The Gift of Sorrow

With few exceptions most short lived metal bands make forgettable comeback albums. One very recent and clear exception to this rule is the stunning death doom record "Death of Sorrow" by Sorrow (Extreme Records, 2023). "Death of Sorrow" is equal parts catchy crushing riffs and and deeply personal ferocity--killer vocals and lyrics that are brutal commentaries on political corruption, religious hypocrisy, and the dark side of the human condition. If you've listened to earlier episodes, you know Jeff and Ben are huge fans of hardcore punk legends Black Flag, Minor Threat, and many others. We appreciate hardcore's brutally honest lyrics, DIY ethos, and take no prisoners delivery. To that end, Sorrow is a rare gem. While they play slow crushing death metal, songs like "Doom the World" and "Judicial Falsity" are heavy smack downs on America's broken social systems and suffocating hypocrisy. Most importantly, this deeply personal record is characterized by a seething ferocity that acts as a pressure valve for decades of pent up aggression (fear, hatred and disgust too). Not surprisingly "Death of Sorrow" was #15 on the Endless Metal top 30 of 2023. And it may even be higher now, as we continue to listen to this record over and over into 2024. It was thus an honor to interview Sorrow's original and now reformed lineup: Andy Marchione (Vocals and Bass), Bill Rogan (Guitars), Brett Clarin (Guitars), and Mike Hymson (Drums). **** While it may be a point of debate, Sorrow put "death metal" and "doom" on a flier in 1990 and are thus one of the first band's to integrate two of our favorite metal genres. We revisit their (mostly bleak) past, although they played some killer shows in the early 90s with fellow death doom legends Winter and, as the accompanying visual shows, Sorrow headlined a show with another incredibly influential doom band, Grief (now Come to Grief). Prior to becoming Sorrow, the band in the late 1980s cut their teeth as Apparition in Long Island's (New York's) burgeoning extreme death metal scene. A scene where their friends from the obscure (wink, wink) death metal band Suffocation were tearing up now defunct local clubs like Sundance. We learn about the band's early struggles as perpetual outsiders to the scene as well as some classic and harrowing stories from the road. Classic tales are told of Sorrow's ill fated signing to the infamous Roadrunner Records in the early 1990s--the label that released the band's first EP "Forgotten Sunrise" and first proper full length "Hatred and Disgust" (1992)--and then summarily dropped Sorrow barely two years later. Fortunately, the band's last rehearsals of new material were captured on video. Although they considered a reunion circa 2010, it took eleven more years for Sorrow to reunite, re-learn, and properly record a new record. Some 30 years later, thanks to the miracle of home digital recording by Andy (mixing) and Brett (mastering) "Death of Sorrow" was finally given its proper release. While it is highly unlikely that Sorrow will ever play a live show again, there is a possibility we may hear some new music in the future (Sorrow from the Grave?). So turn off the latest news of our corrupt, war ridden world and, indeed, enjoy the gift of Sorrow! Music included in this episode appears in the following order: "Doom the World" by Sorrow "At Dawn They Sleep" by Slayer "Infinite Universe Infinite Death" by Journey into Darkness "Eternal Frost" by Winter "Hidden Fear" by Sorrow "Judicial Falsity" by Sorrow "Leave Me in Hell" by Venom "Flight of the Bumble-bee" by The Great Kat "A Wasted Cry for Hope" by Sorrow "Small Man, Big Fan" by Minor Threat "Dumb and Dumber: So you're telling me there's a chance" "Fracture" by Spacedive "Remembered Eternally" (Complete Track) by Sorrow


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A Heart Wide Open - The Gift of Rebecca Vernon of The Keening

Ben had the great privilege of talking to one of his favorite artists, Rebecca Vernon of the great @subrosaslc and now, after many trials and tribulation @thekeeningmusic Rather than presenting linear interview audio, the episode is mixed to reflect Rebecca’s journey in music. As the drummer for bands such as Violet Run and the all women power punk of Stiletto, Rebecca takes us into the Salt Lake City scene as it was blowing up in the late 90s- early 2000s. Working as a reviewer for City Weekly and the associate editor for Salt Lake Underground (SLUG) magazine, Rebecca was completely immersed in the scene—writing exquisite mini-reviews of cutting edge bands—and interviewing dozens of Salt Lake bands and covering hundreds of shows. We talk about the @red.bennies —the legendary sludge rock band that performs with unmatched sonic intensity—and had the most lasting impact on Rebecca’s musical vision and trajectory. We learn also about the genesis of SubRosa and the stunning timeless album “More Constant than the Gods.” Of course, we talk about The Keening’s deeply inspired chamber doom masterpiece “Little Bird.” Ben gushes (surprise!) and learns the harrowing story of how this record was recorded. And how a second album, “Devotion,” is also complete. Enjoy this joyous mini-podumentary! Music heard in this episode comes from: The Keening, Red Bennies, and SubRosa. #chamberdoom #folkdoom #heavymusic


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Talking Metal 2023 and Beyond with Markisan Naso

He’s back! We’re back! After a crappy start to the new year for Ben, we are joined by our buddy Markisan Naso of the Metalheads podcast. It’s an epic beer guzzling hang and recap of best live shows, and metal albums from 2023 that continue to grow on us, including “Foreordained” by the mega monsters of doom Phobocosm and post metal-hardcore mind-blower of a record “Vanta” by Bear (as a special treat, this cast ends with the killer title track of that album released by @pelagic_records in 2023). And then we talk about new records we are looking forward to in 2024, including Glassing, LLNN, Judas Priest, High on Fire and more, including bands not scheduled to release this year but really should (Are you listening, Evoken!?!). A lot of laughs and great time was had by all! So crack open a Third Rye Blind Double Dry-Hopped Rye Double IPA w/ Hallertau Blanc, Simcoe and Citra hops by Mikerphoner Brewing and enjoy! **The first 1:32 intro to the show is the extended saxophone solo from the killer song “Until the Sun Illuminates” from the album “It all Began with Loneliness” by The Anchoret —Markisan’s #1 record of 2023 and a huge grower for Ben!


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Timeless Threnody: The Gift of Rannoch

On this special, end of the year episode, Ben welcomes Ian Gillings of the West Midlands (UK) band Rannoch. After another banner year for metal, Ben selected Rannoch's incomparable epic "Conflagrations" * as his number one album of 2023. The interview was thus an opportunity for Ben to both gush and deep dive into this stunning and, indeed, timeless prog death metal album. In a three hour-plus dialogue, Ben and Ian dig deep into the album's artwork, lyrics, and Ian's process as the band's lead song writer, among other topics. So sit back, crack open your favorite beverage, and enjoy this special interview to cap off 2023! *From Rannoch's Bandcamp page: Accompanied by Australian drumming legend, Dan Presland (Ne Obliviscaris, Black Lava) the seven tracks contained within open up new levels of musicality, punishing aggression, melancholic refrains and winding aural avenues of dark depths and complexity. Produced by Ian Gillings and mixed by James Stephenson (Cradle of Filth, Onslaught, Ghosts of Atlantis) “Conflagrations” represents a new hybrid of progressive death metal. credits released July 21, 2023 Ian Gillings - Guitars, vocals, synths and electronics Richard Page - Guitars Paul Lloyd - Bass Dan Presland - Drums Music included: Episode introduction: "Conflagrations" (sample) Post-Interview: "Threnody to a Dying Star"


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Revolutionary Riffs: The Gift of Kannabinõid

We open with the killer RIFF slamming-heavy-AF track "Ootah" by the“Pop Doom” band Kannabinõid @kannabinoidband. Zooming in from Tailin, Estonia--a country with a remarkable history of struggle and recent independence in the early 1990s--an easy going and informative conversation follows with both Mihkel–Madis Rebane (drums/ vocals/guitar) and Taniel Tegelmann (guitar/vocals). We begin with the guys roots as children of “The Singing Revolution” in the ancient capital city of Tallinn and blast into Kannabinõid's origin story and the evolution of their fantastic new record MASS. We discuss the lyrics to "Ootah," and the band's reemergence after the covid lock down. After the interview ends we close with another banger of a track "Vaata." Big thanks to the guys for the chat! Please enjoy! #heavymetal #sludgemetal #riffs #stonermetal #metalpodcasts #tallinestonia #estonia #popdoom #popdoommetal


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Light in the Suffering: The Gift of Oktas

We open with a snippet of "Light in the Suffering," a track from the Philly post-metal cello doom band Oktas's 2022 record The Finite and the Infinite; a mournful congregation of four talented musicians that is nothing short of a sonic masterpiece. As huge fans of Oktas, Ben and Jeff were honored to interview the entire band--Agnes, Bob, Carl, and Ron-- in person at Surreal Sound Studios in Philadelphia. In a free flowing conversation, we dip into the origin story of this truly unique heavy band. From tales of cutting teeth in Philly's hardcore, metal, post-rock, and Agnes fascination with cello in heavy music (we send our deepest thanks to Bob's wife Nicole for connecting her with the guys!). Oktas then takes us on the road with them--we absolutely love the vicarious enjoyment of tour stories--and this interview doesn't disappoint. We also get a chance to talk to Bob about his poetic lyrics on the Carl Sagan inspired title track and hear briefly about Agnes's passion as a longtime music teacher in Philly's school system. We left this interview feeling inspired and our thirsts well quenched (cheers!). Thank you to the Oktas for having us. Please enjoy!


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Promethean Wounds: The Gift of Aiwass

Ben welcomes Blake Carrera, mastermind behind the genre bending doom metal project, Aiwass. Hot on the heels of an epic new release, "The Falling," released on the excellent King Volume records, we were excited to go deep into this masterpiece as well as to learn more about Aiwass's origin story. The title of this episode, "Promethean wounds," speaks to a visionary musical language forged in pain and an ongoing healing. Blake's life experience is the catalyst for his tremendous creativity and clarity of vision. While only his second full length album, "The Falling" combines massive heavy doom with stunning neoclassical atmospherics and Blake's hypnotic Gregorian chant-like vocals. This record must be experienced, because no words can do it justice...We explore the album's incredible artwork--a surrealist painting by the artist Justyna Koziczak--and lyrics to the massive album opener, "Prometheus." These points of engagement serve as touchstones for going deeper into understanding how this music cuts the listener so deep. Please enjoy! **Many thanks to Spencer Jacob Grau for mastering to the interview audio,


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Sacred Destruction: The Gift of Oldest Sea

Ben and Jeff welcome Sam and Andrew Marandola of the ethereal and immersive doom group, @oldestsea . After seeing the band live for the first time in August at Philadelphia's legendary Kung Fu Necktie, Ben and Jeff were eager to talk about what inspires the band's haunting brew of beautiful melodic vocals, cowboy chords, and crushing heaviness. The discussion explores the origins of Oldest Sea as Sam's solo dark folk project inspired by her visceral fascination with time, landscapes, and Pangea: The massive Paleozioc era contiguous continent that combined all of North America, Africa, South America, and Europe. We move into the band's ever developing sound and forthcoming album, "A Birdsong, A Ghost" (due in December from @darkestrecords). Exploring lyrics from the band's first single. "Sacred Destruction”—a fitting title from a deeply personal and inspiring record—we learn about Sam's recent journey to sobriety. We end with some fun riffs on Oldest Sea's love of professional wrestling, Andrew's surprising inspiration for power weight lifting, and the band's upcoming intentionally less big city tour of New England and upstate New York with Philadelphia post-metal doom innovators @oktasband. Enjoy! ::Available wherever you listen to podcasts::


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Heavy Catharsis: The Gift of A.L.N. of Mizmor

We had a really nice chat with A.L.N. aka Mizmor @whollydoomedblackmetal - the powerful blackened doom metal force behind a series of 4 deeply personal and cathartic records—including the recent raw energized epic “Prosaic” released on @profoundlorerecords in 2023. Jeff and Ben were especially excited to catch up with A.L.N. after seeing Mizmor’s epic live performance in Philly in August. We get a chance to dialogue about Mizmor’s first national tour, the potency of experiencing the band live, and the enormous commitment and reward A.L.N. shares about playing such emotionally HEAVY music live. The interview then covers some points on the timeline of Mizmor’s origin story, including creating with longtime collaborator M.S.W. mastermind behind the seminal bludgeoning doom band HELL @loweryourhead, his early years in the Salem’s small but incredibly talented scene of extreme metal musicians and sonic experimenters. We explore A.L.N.’s path back into Christianity and his subsequent crisis of faith. We hear about A.L.N.’s experiences reconnecting with M.S.W. as well as his gradual reemergence at Salem’s Burial Grounds (BG) house—a place that spawned several incredible bands including Leech, Hell, Blood Incantation, and Mizmor as a touring band. The interview winds down with some dialogue around a shared passion for classic ambient drone music and Mizmor’s mesmeric collaboration “Dialethia” with his best friend, longtime collaborator, touring band mate, and ambient sound sculptor, @andy_____black . Please enjoy! #nerdtalk #metal #agnosticism #atheism #antiguru #catharsis #metalcommunity #dronemetal


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Heavy Intentions: The Gift of Aidan Baker/Nadja

Ben chats with one of his favorite artists in heavy music, the prolific (anti) guitarist, vocalist, and even flautist, Aidan Baker. Aidan is incredibly prolific artist who releases solo works under his own name and the epic doom gaze duo with bassist Leah Buckareff: Nadja. We learn about Aidan's early years in the punk scene growing up in a rural town near Toronto. And then after a move to Montreal his early engagement with metal. We discuss perhaps Nadja's heaviest record ever, Labyrinthine. We also talk quite a bit about Aidan's approach to songwriting and improvisation in his own work and numerous collaborations, often blurring genre boundaries.


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Adam Wright of Crucial Blast Records Part 1

Jeff and Ben are joined by Adam Wright, owner of one of the most important extreme music labels of the 21st Century, Crucial Blast Records. As artists who released records as part of the label's Crucial Bliss CD-R series, it was wonderful to finally meet and talk to Adam at some length. During the interview we cover a lot of fascinating ground, including his early years as a musician in the Maryland doom and hardcore scenes, the enduring influence of horror films in his love of heavy extreme music; a theme that moves from Adam's earliest years to the devastating horror noise doom-filth of the infamous Crucial Blast artist Maurice de Jong aka Gnaw Their Tongues. We also discuss the label's origin story and some of Crucial Blast's seminal early releases by Merzbow, Weed Eater, The Angelic Process, The Goslings, among numerous others--the beginning of a deep dive into the label's massive discography. The interview covers a lot of interesting topics including the evolution and eventual nexus of hardcore and extreme heavy music, our shared love of harsh noise, and Adam's recent passion for the emerging improvisational death metal scene. We really look forward to part 2 and hopefully meeting Adam in person in the near future!


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Sonic Journeymen: An Interview with Ufomammut

Jeff and I had the pleasure of talking to Urlo and Poia, founding members of the incomparable heavy psych-sludge band UFOMAMMUT. We explore the early history of the band, how their sound evolved and is connected to their work as incredible visual artists, and Ufomammut's total embrace of their craft as an unfolding sonic journey. We hope you enjoy this special interview!


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Andrew Corson of the Fathoming Heavy Podcast

Andrew Corson's Fathoming Heavy podcast was seminal for what Jeff and Ben have aspired Endless Metal to become--namely, a place where both deep appreciation for heavy music and shared bonds of friendship could happen effortlessly and without the typical boundaries associated with the traditional interview format. While Fathoming Heavy has been on an indefinite hiatus, it was a true gift to hear Andrew reflect on the experience as whole. And he shares thoughts on some memorable interviews, including an epic dialogue with the great Mike Scheidt of Yob. This dialogue also takes a most welcome detour into our shared love for the late and great Leonard Cohen (among other heavy off ramps). We also learn about Andrew's recent trip to the Roadburn Festival! Occurring annually in April in the Dutch city of Tilburg, he shares how his ninth Roadburn experience differed in exciting ways. Specifically, the festival has evolved away from stacking lineups with established bands into showcasing some of the most fascinating, truly underground artists in heavy music. Andrew shares with us songs from two of his favorite new discoveries from this year's fest--the captivating folk drone worlds of ambient viola player and vocalist Allison Cotton. We listen to a portion of a composition from her latest record The Portrait You Painted of Me (2022 Rocket Recordings). And then plunge into a stunning work of oppressive heavy, almost ritual industrial from Mütterlein. Another solo artist whose latest album Bring Down the Flags (2021 Eitrin Editions) has quickly become a new favorite of ours. We were also excited to listen to a snippet from the great Ufomammut's latest record album Fenice (Neurot 2022)--another one Andrew has been spinning a lot lately.


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Surrender into Sound: An Interview with Steve Von Till

Steve Von Till is an American musician, songwriter, educator, and poet. He is best known as a singer and guitarist in the highly influential and genre defying collective, Neurosis, which has been credited with changing the face of heavy music over the last 35 years. Since 1999 Von Till has composed and recorded five solo albums of his unique style of sonic composition. Under the guise of his alter ego, Harvestman, Von Till has recorded several rural psych albums including the film score for the Italian thriller, H2Odio. He oversees the fiercely independent record label, Neurot Recordings, from a pole barn outside his home in the forests of North Idaho where he also teaches elementary school. Harvestman: 23 Untitled Poems and Collected Lyrics, released in 2020 is his first book of published poetry. Jeff and I had the privilege to speak with Steve on the heels of a European tour beginning in August. We speak to Steve about his touring band and plunge into an extended history of the present and past. In a very organic dialogue, we learn about his early years as a serious tape trader and zine owner. Focusing on his two favorite bands from the mid-80s, Neurosis and Christ on Parade, Steve tells us the story of how he met Dave Edwardson and joined his dream band in 1989. He shares many stories, and we soon realize we are all huge music nerds. We then have a fascinating discussion of the meaning of the drone and what Brian Eno recently described as the power of surrender in ambient music. Steve shares how surrender has long been central to his own creative process as part of Neurosis and his solo works. Along the way, we listen to music from Neurosis keyboards and electronics wizard, Noah Lands' new band Tension Span's incredible record "The Future Died Yesterday" released on Neurot Recordings in 2022. We also listen to "Trial" by Tribes of Neurot, a song with deep and profound meaning to Jeff. And end on a crescendo when Jeff asks Steve about the Hungarian cosmic sound geniuses, Galloping Corroners—a band that Jeff holds near and dear. Steve shares an unforgettable story recording with the Galloping Corroners vocalist, Attila Grandpierre, during a late night session after Neurosis played with the legendary band in Budapest.


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The Gift of Endless Metal with Paul Kaplan of Candle$

Jeff and Ben welcome Paul Kaplan, baritone guitar player from the San Diego sludgecore band Candle$. Paul and Ben go way back as colleagues, friends, and fellow metal heads. We get to hear about Paul's metal origin story--growing up in the Bay area--seeing Neurosis in the mid-90s and playing bass in different bands. We listen to a track from the killer new demo from his band Candle$. Formed during the height of the pandemic in San Diego, the band has been tearing it up in both the metal and hardcore scenes, including opening for the classic sludge doom band -!6- (and others). Paul also shares two of his favorite tracks from the mighty Yob! A band Ben and Jeff saw recently with Cave In and High Reaper. And, by the time this episode is uploaded, Paul will see Yob with Pallbearer and Faetooth (a killer San Diego "Fairy Doom" band heard briefly at the beginning of the episode).


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Emotion Never Dies: An Interview with Greg Chandler of the Legendary Death Doom Band Esoteric

On this episode of the Endless Metal Podcast, we** are joined by Greg Chandler, one of the founding members of the seminal extreme death doom band Esoteric. The dialogue comes at a very exciting time for the band, as Esoteric prepares to tour Australia for the first time. We also celebrate Esoteric’s return to the U.S. for the first time in eleven years; they perform at the Maryland Deathfest in Baltimore May 23-26, 2024. We cover topics such as Ben’s belief in long form extreme death doom music as classical music, the emotional language of Esoteric through exploring lyrics and listening to select tracks from the band’s most recent album A Pyrric Existence (“Sick and Tired”) as well as The Maniacal Veil (“Silence”)—a monumental record celebrating its 15th anniversary—and Greg’s recent guest appearance on Ahab’s latest record The Coral Tombs (“The Maelstrom”) (among other topics). We are grateful to Greg for joining us from the UK after a very long day working in his studio and only one week out from the band’s Maniacal Pyrronism Tour of Australia. **Unfortunately, due to rolling blackouts and ensuing confusion, Jeff was not able to join Ben for this interview.
