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Pod Ween Satan

Music Podcasts

Ween is The Greatest Band in The World. This is the Greatest Podcast in The World about The Greatest Band in The World....Ween. We will introduce you to Ween in all their grandness and splendor. We shall take you on a tour of the entire Ween Catalogue...One album at a time...One song at a time...Until the end of time. Together we will listen to each and every Ween song. Together we will spread the good word of The Boognish. Buckle up Bitch. Step inside this spaceship and take a ride straight into the Abyss! Also, check out the Patreon Bonus version of the show at https://www.patreon.com/PodWeenSatan


United States


Ween is The Greatest Band in The World. This is the Greatest Podcast in The World about The Greatest Band in The World....Ween. We will introduce you to Ween in all their grandness and splendor. We shall take you on a tour of the entire Ween Catalogue...One album at a time...One song at a time...Until the end of time. Together we will listen to each and every Ween song. Together we will spread the good word of The Boognish. Buckle up Bitch. Step inside this spaceship and take a ride straight into the Abyss! Also, check out the Patreon Bonus version of the show at https://www.patreon.com/PodWeenSatan





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192. Chocolate & Cheese Bonus Album Teaser

It's been awhile gang! Just giving you all a little heads up that eventually we will be uploading a new season of Pod Ween Satan covering the bonus album included in the Chocolate & Cheese Deluxe edition. We are currently deep in the weeds recording the season and I imagine we will have it out to you on the main feed by early 2025 sometime. If you can't wait that long and you just need a taste of that sweet sweet gold then head over to the Patreon show and sign up for 3$ a month for unlimited access. We are releasing the C&C episodes as we record them...about 1 every other week (interspersed with regular PWS eps of course). So head on over to the Patreon for the pure advance notice uncut pure goodness. Otherwise...see you in 2025 piggies! https://www.patreon.com/PodWeenSatan


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191. Pod Ween Satan: The Movie

Nice to see you, it's been awhile! We're still over at the Patreon doing the bonus show and having a deelightful time indeed. We're now doing a variation on the show called Pod Ween Satan: The Movie where we analyze shitty movies (instead of analyzing Ween songs for 2 minutes then talking about shitty movies and our telling stories from our jobs...I'm looking at you SampfordAndSun). It's been a blast and we wanted to let you know it was going on...maybe you want take a glimpse at our beautiful creation???? We do a pt.1 pre-amble on the 1st of every month and then a pt.2 full episode on the 3rd Sunday of the month. It's fun and cool and don't you wish you were there to partake in the glory? http://patreon.com/PodWeenSatan 3$ a month. Get involved Man.


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190. Mailbag pt.2

So....see previous episodes description about Jay expressing his love for you through anger and vitriol. Special sorry to Scott from the UK. You caught it bad on this one. That said...you kinda brought it on yourself now didn't you? Think about it. Come to patreon.com/podweensatan The show lives on every Sunday with new episodes. Only 3$ a month. C'mon!


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189. Mailbag Pt.1

It's not quite over! We read your fan mail and give lots of shoutouts. It was such a huge success we had to break it up into 2 episodes! Now remember...when Jay makes fun of you it's because he loves you....not because he's secretly insecure and so he compensates by being a bully. It's because he LOVES YOU.


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188. Your Party

We did it. We made it. 188 episodes and just over 3 years. We look forward to doing the next season of the show when/if Ween puts out another studio album. We sincerely hope that day will come but until then....Patreon anyone? https://www.patreon.com/PodWeenSatan


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187. Woman and Man

Penultimate tune alert. Here it is. One take. It's the closest you'll hear Studio Ween sound like Live Ween. They captured the sweaty ear ringing intensity that's fer damn sure.


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186. Lullaby

Crazy tape hiss. Put on those headphones and really listen to it. The sincereity is unprecendented. Ween at their most delicate and beauteous.


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185. Sweetheart

Could've sworn this was always called Sweetheart In The Summer. Oh well. Deaner gets vulnerable and sensitive. Strings! We love it.


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184. Shamemaker

Merry Christmas! Twas about this time 3 years ago when we began this journey. Only a few weeks before we complete the saga. Snuggle up next to the fire and take a moment to appreciate the good things in life.


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183. Spirit Walker

Dontcha just love when Ween puts on the wizard's cloak and gets all proggy?! Makes me want to bust out some of those old King Crimson albums that gather dust. I'm talking Lizards, Islands, Larks Tongue in Aspic. You know those ones that suck but are also awesome? If Robert Fripp had "auto tune" to play with back then...man...a little auto tune and a little mellotron. Mmmmmmm good.


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182. Fruit Man

Hey sometimes you have to crack one open and poke around a bit before you dive in head first.


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181. My Own Bare Hands

Top quality Deaner lyrics. This one shreds. A pure delight to see LIVE.


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180. Learnin' To Love

Horse Racing. Doo ba lebb'ing. All the good stuff.


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179. Object

Do you hear the horns now Dave? Do you? Do you now?? Yes I can hear the horns Clem Fandango.


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Upcoming Mailbag Episode!

Submit your questions, comments and queries to our awesome email address at: podweensatan2@gmail.com We will wait until November 20th (ish) 2023 before recording the episode and read some of your (hopefully) insightful and (likely) insane thoughts on the air. Don't forget to sign off on the msg with your preferred Handle/Moniker so that we aren't tempted to read email address on the air. This msg will self deestruct in T-Minus 10 days....


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178. Friends

If there ever was a Thesis Statement for Ween as a band it would be "Friends". Friends. Friendship. That is what Ween is all about. Never say "fwends". That is absolutely awful.


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177. Blue Balloon

Getting some Zoloft vibes off this one. Great tune that is often overlooked.


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176. Fiesta

Herb Alpert meet Ween.


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175. Intro To La Cucaracha

We're back! It's time for the (non-pen)Ultimate season of Pod Ween Satan. It took us a while to get it going and we thank you for your patience. Life got all turned upside down in 2023 but we're here to make it right.


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174. Patreon Episode UNLOCKED (Suckin' Blood From The Devil's Dick)

Hello you beautiful people! We are still busily recording the upcoming La Cucaracha season. In the meantime we wanted to unlock one of our fan favorite Patreon Episodes. This one sparked a lively debate in the msg boards. The WGA/SAG strike has all of us crew members in Hollywood on our knees begging for mercy. We originally designed the Patreon as a means to pay for the expenses of making a podcast. Until this strike ends the Patreon Bonus Show is our sole source of income to buy food and feed the food into our fat piggy mouths. If you've been on the fence until now use this desperate moment in film crew history to dig into the couch and retrieve 3$ in quarters to throw our way. You get just shy of 200 episodes of PURE UNCUT GOLD. That's right people. Gold. For 3 Dollars. What a deal! We love you and we appreciate the support.
