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The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour (That Feels Like Two Hours)

Music Podcasts

Because it's really two hours long. Sometimes even longer. How long a musical journey would you go on without having replaced the windshield blades?


United States


Because it's really two hours long. Sometimes even longer. How long a musical journey would you go on without having replaced the windshield blades?







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06/05/24 Show 210 : Making Plans For Nigel('s Continued Abject Humiliation)

This past tuesday, Brexit architect / all-around shit bag Nigel Farage got hit in the face with a flying milkshake. Remarkably, this was only the second time in 5 years Farage has suffered an assault of this sort ; given his words and deeds, it’s somewhat amazing he’s not being pelted with shakes, malts, DQ blizzards and all forms of sticky/gooey substances on a daily basis. There’s not been any confirmation on what sort of shake landed on Farage however news reports about the 2019 attack suggest it was a Five Guys banana & salted caramel shake, which seems a little extravagant under the circumstances. This week’s show delves into the burning question, if you had an opportunity to drench a universally despised public figure in the soft-serve concoction of your choice, what would it be? Answers like “mint chocolate chip nail bomb” or “frozen Liquid Plumber” will not be accepted because these are not real things (though very likely easier to digest than anything on the Steak & Shake menu)


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05/29/24 Show 209 : No Pussyfooting For The New Cinderblockaders

over the weekend while attending a very glamorous music festival, I overheard a fellow behind wondering out loud why venues / stage managers cannot employ the most rudimentary of means to stop bass drums from sliding all over the place (perhaps a series of hooks or a curved plastic fixture). Much as I hated to play mr. know-it-all, I carefully explained in my least condescending tones that such efforts would fall short due to the vast resources of BIG CINDERBLOCK. People don’t like to talk about how the cinderblock lobby has a stranglehold on this aspect of live entertainment and with good reason. Those things can do a lot of damage and no one wants to have the skull rearranged by a falling cinderblock. This show, however, is all about truth-telling regardless of risks posed to yours truly so strap your yourself in for TWO HOURS of explosive revelations about the cinderblock industry’s pervasive influence.


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05/22/24 Show 208 : If I Pat Myself On The Back Any Harder, I'm Gonna Be Done For Assault

today marks the program’s 4th anniversary and while I certainly appreciate all the well-wishes (which by and large, are preferable than learning you wish I’d fall down a well), I must humbly plead for the barrage of gifts to STOP. As you’re undoubtedly aware, the 4th anniversary is considered a fruit/flowers occasion here in the USA and much like Elton John, I’ve got too many flowers in the house already. The fruit was nice for a day or two but now it’s starting to rot and I nearly broke my neck tripping over the fruit baskets assembled in front of my doorway. To make matters worse, the rest of the world thinks this is a SILK anniversary and at the risk of seeming ungrateful, some of these silky garments sent by strangers are as inappropriate as they are (ahem) comfortable. So please, just this once, let’s not make a big fucking deal (out of a spectacular achievement most of you could only dream of).


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05/15/24 Show 207 : Not As Good As Last Week's Episode, So Don't Get Your Hopes Up, Cheese

with the passing of Steve Albini some 7 days ago, you'd think I would have more than enough time to prepare an appropriate tribute program and that was what I reckoned, as well. That is until, my plans to play Sockeye's "Steve Albini Fucked Pac Man" 50 times in a row sans commentary were scuttled by Sockeye's representatives. It seems the most consecutive plays of the song in question they would allow is 40 and I'm sorry, but I'm not the sort of person to compromise. So I cobbled something else together. Chances are there's two sides to this story (not the one about Sockeye lowering the boom, the one about Pac Mac) but that's why there are so many other radio programs doing a dedicated and deserved look-back. Also, I picked out songs by Crain and Jack O' Nuts that didn't make it here because I was so distracted by the DM's from Sockeye's lawyer. I could say, "tune in next time", but there won't be a next episode like this one so just pretend you're listening to Crain during whatever 3-4 minute portion you dislike the most (perhaps the parts where I'm talking)


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05/08/24 Show 206 : A Public Plea To Revise Steve Bent's Wikipedia Entry

It's been said this program sometimes finds itself bogged down in subject matter arcane or marginal. Not Arcane Device or Marginal Man, mind you, though even by making those associations it seems I've validated such claims. The primary topic of discussion on this week's show is the grave injustice in veteran character actor Steve Bent's Wiki page making zero mention of his recording career. It's almost as though it never happened, though I can assure you, it absolutely did. It seems unconceivable that no one is willing or interested in vandalizing (sorry, EDITING) Mr. Bent's wiki, though perhaps this is the very sort of appeal that will MOVE THE NEEDLE.


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05/01/24 Show 205 : Write Your Own Constitution (Or Simply Dictate It)

With NYC Mayor Eric Adams expressing the deeply researched opinion that protestors at Columbia University are being propped up by "outside agitators", let's once again revisit the 2011 clip in which which Adams --- a NY State senator at the time --- provided tips for beleaguered parents on how to properly search and seize guns and drugs from their childrens' bedrooms. "There are no First Amendment rights in your household, " Adams promised, and it doesn't appear as though there were any Second Amendment rights either (perhaps the future Mayor thought he was taken a stand against a fanzine revival) .


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04/24/24 Show 204 : Where Does The Suit End And Perk Begin?

s I, like many of you, am overcome with PLAYOFF FEVER. Whether imy favorite basketball team's heroic attempts to win a championship for one of the world's worst humans (and one of the top 5 worst guitar players) or my favorite hockey team's heroic atempt to win a championship for the very same worst human (and embarrassment to all-things-guitar), I'm not sure how I am meant to focus on music this spring. The first time I tried inhalants I envisioned sacrifices as having something or other to do with killing for satan, but in the many years (ok, weeks) since I did those inhalants, I have come to understand that true sacrifice means hard work (ie this radio show) and putting a cause above your own self interests. The second part of that should really be optional, but as the saying goes DON'T MENTION THE SCORE, some of us are recording the greatest radio program of all time while the rest of you are watching the game


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04/17/24 Show 203 : Every Week Is Fashion Week

This week'd program was recorded, uploaded and published to all of the relevant platforms but I am sorry to say the the entire episode had to be taken down due to some unfortunate remarks by the host (ie. me). In the aftermath of Monday’s WNBA’s draft, I suggested that one very prominent player (whose name I will not type because I am tired of having my car keyed) “couldn’t be bothered to get dressed up for the event”. Well, as many of you have been all too happy to inform me, said superstar-to-be, was in fact, custom outfitted for the event by PRADA. There’s an old saying in the online radio game — if your aesthetic is Modells discount bin (see above) YOU DON’T GET TO EVER TALK ABOUT WHAT ANYONE ELSE IS WEARING. I’ll try to keep in that mind going forward. Also, I’ll try to stop bragging about having a car.


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04/10/24 Show 202 : Breaking The Silence On (Thoroughly Unrealistic) Zombie Knife Violence

This week we bid a not-so-fond farewell to "Coronation Street"'s Mason Radcliffe who appears to be headed for stretch in the stoney lonesome following his conviction on bullying & weapons charges. With any luck, the small screen will no longer be graced by this paragon of abject dipshittery, with his zombie knives, ,his selling-vapes-to-children side hustle and his Richard Spencer haircut. To call this colossal schmuck the modern day Eddie Haskell is giving him and the show's creator's far, far too much credit. May Radcliffe's prison stay be ENDLESS and when he eventually returns to Weatherfield, no doubt he'll be portrayed by another thespian, hopefully someone who's range is a tad deeper than "look like a complete asshole, 24/7"


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04/03/24 Show 201 : Ringing The Bell Ten Time at Casa del Forgeo

This week's program --- while exceptional musically, as always --- finds your host remiss in acknowledging the passing of comedic titan JOE FLAHERTY, whose 8 year run as a cast member and writer for SCTV established such indelible characters as Guy Caballero, Sammy Maudlin and Count Floyd. That Flaherty's finest moments are currently unavailable on any streaming platform is not exactly the injustice of the century (this one or the last one), but it has to be considered somewhere in the top 25 injustices of the century. Making a list of those injustices and/or taking a listener poll is the sort of thing another, far more popular program is likely to trade in and I hope you enjoy the suspense (when playing someone else's show).


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03/27/24 Show 200 : Double Century Special (With Apologies To Sir Donald Bradman)

When I began this program nearly 4 years ago, I had some pretty lofty aspirations. With the world engulfed in a horrific pandemic, it was up to someone (ME) to address to looming paucity of online radio shows(the CDC won’t admit it, but we were in danger of falling to fewer than one show per member of the adult population). As much as it was quickly obvious this endeavor was going to raise the medium to new heights (or at the very least go from a medium to an extra large), I don’t think I ever would’ve imagined my many friends and associates would shell out for a congratulatory message from It doesn’t get much more humbling, though you’ve got nearly 4 years to arrange something for episode 400 (preferably ANYTHING else)


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03/20/24 Show 199 : Bach's (Design Team Hitting) Bottom

Not since the 2013 release of Black Flag's 'What The...' has semi-prominent album release featured cover art nearly as diabolical as Sebastian Bach's forthcoming 'Child Within The Man', though spare a thought for the original designer who misheard his instructions and delivered a sleeve bearing the title, 'Man Within The Child', which for obvious reasons would not fly. Nearly 5000 recycled jackets later, here we are with a printed cover which is deeply confusing (as opposed to highly offensive). Analysis of the aesthetic atrocity in question takes up much of this week's program, though you'll be pleased or relieved to know none of the music is featured. Not for the usual rights clearance issues, mind you, I misplaced the album on the "Bach" shelf and now i can't find it anywhere.


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03/13/24 Show 198 : Thanks For (Not) Listening (Hard Enough)

Much as I thoroughly enjoy Fabio's "Strength Thru Failure" program on WFMU each week, I was a little concerned during yesterday's fund raising broadcast when the host sought to characterize his audience as "great listeners". Pandering aside, I could not help but wonder, HOW GREAT ARE THEY REALLY? Take this show for instance. I am sure each of you has some remarkable attributes and maybe there's a small percentage that could realistically be called "great". But great listeners? Great at listening? I've been incorporating subliminal messages in The Radio Hour That Feels Like Two Hours for nearly 200 episodes, and not one of you has followed my instructions when it comes to transferring money from your bank account to mine. No one has done my bidding and sought to slay or dismember any of my enemies. If i want snacks I HAVE TO GO TO THE STORE. At best, you're all mediocre listeners, maybe not even that.


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03/06/24 Show 197 : A plea for calm / keeping an open mind about raw foodism

as we're in the run up to that trade fair to end all trade fairs, South By Southwest, I've been made aware that some artists are boycotting the event due to SXSW's ties to Ray Of Today. While fully respecting the right of any performers, established or not, to make their own decisions, it's hard for me to understand the depth of animus toward Mr. Cappo. I mean, last time i checked yoga seemed universally popular. Sure, raw foodism isn't for everyone but it's not as though healthy eating is a prerequisite for enjoying the music of Youth Of Today or Shelter (contrary to popular belief, no one ever had a kebab knocked out of their hands at a Youth Of Today show, though that might have more to do with no one serving or selling kebabs at the venue). Everyone has to do what they believe is right but this seems a little hysterical, and you won't find a bigger critic of SXSW than me (save for Victor Wembanyama whose Austin showcase is scheduled for the day EVERYONE GOES HOME, WTF) (UPDATE : OK, it seems this has nothing to do with Ray Of Today and it’s all about RAYTHEON’s presence at SXSW. Which is a different matter entirely. Please ignore the post above, though I do think there’s a lot to be said for exploring raw foodism)


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Not to put myself on too high a pedestal, but I tend to think of this program as a public service (you're welcome). And I'm sure many of you have been wondering, "is it possible to fully comprehend the plot twists and intricate character studies of 'The Equalizer 3' if I've not seen 'The Equalizer 2'?" Well, i think that is a very fair question and it poses even more questions. For instance, presumably things were equalized at the conclusion of "The Equalizer", then thrown into a state of unequality following "The Equalizer 2". Without giving away the twist ending, I'm here to assure you that with the resolution of "The Equalizer 3", once again, we have achieved EQUALITY. And by we, I of course mean fictitious persons in a made-up world. Here back on earth, the boot remains on the neck of those oppressed and anyone daring to stand up for them will continue to be gas lit,, slurred or much, much worse. Fun (?) fact : a ways back Denzel was top billed in a not so wonderful star vehicle called "Man On Fire", and no one questioned his or the filmmakers' mental health. As though some of you assholes have ever cared about the mental health of anyone besides yourself.


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02/21/24 Show 195 : No (Old) Country (Buffet) For Persons Of Any Age

The month of February has been almost a total wash for me — creatively, personally, professionally, you name it. I’ve spent so many hours watching the Old Country Buffet Training Video — analyzing it, looking for easter eggs, finding inconsistencies, etc. that everything else in my life has gone down the fucking toilet. While the rest of you were enjoying the Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, etc., I was mesmerized by the Old Country Buffet Training Video. And I still am. I realize that my friends, family and colleagues are at a breaking point with my behavior, but the sad truth is THEY JUST DON’T GET IT. Just the other day my significant other told me that I “really needed help” and she couldn’t be more right. I need help finding a 25th hour of the day in which I can watch the Old Country Buffet Training Video.


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02/14/24 Show 194 : 4 Lovers Only

TWO HOURS OF TEDDY PENDERGRASS....would have been a far more romantic option for this week's program, however after recording all-Teddy sets for the last 3 Valentine's Day, I have been served with a cease & desist notice from the Pendergrass estate. Which I intend to honor.


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02/07/24 Show 193 : You Can't Spell Litigious Without Gout

Not to be outdone by Elon Musk funding Gina Carano’s lawsuit against Disney, Peter Thiel has offered to back my litigation against Light In The Attic charging full price for a bent-corner copy of Les Rallizes Denudes’ ‘Cittá 93’. It seems a little unnecessary, to be honest. If not the equivalent of blowing up an ant hill with a nuclear bomb, than at the very least exploding a gopher hole with a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast. Maybe you don’t think that’s a helpful analogy and I can’t help but be curious what sort of weaponry credentials you possess that are SO MUCH MORE impressive than mine. This is the sort of dispute that can only be settled by someone with more money than god trying to sue you out of existence over a slight real or imagined (in this case, absolutely imagined but I’ve got a long list of real ones, too).


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01/31/24 Show 192 : Don't Jump Me Mother (I'm Getting Off The Plane As Fast As I Can)

a faulty microphone cable briefly derailed my long story about boring a fellow airline passenger with an even longer story about Boston's DMZ (or more to the point, my DMZ shirt) yesterday. The entire experience left me so disoriented and disillusioned, I misidentified Peter Greenberg as "Jeff Greenberg". I apologize to all listeners (and Peter Greenberg) for the lack of professionalism. I would consider apologizing (again) to my fellow travelersfor delaying their exit from the plane while I continued to talk about DMZ but in retrospect it seems a bit rude that not one of them bothered to thank me for letting them know DMZ's 1978 Sire debut is readily available on Discogs for a rather modest price. There's so many things that have gone wrong with air travel these days and with the possible exception of the side of the plane suddenly opening up and sucking out passengers, IMPATIENCE WHILE I AM DISCUSSING DMZ is at the very top of the list. #unfriendlyskies


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01/24/24 Show 191 : A Computer Took Your Place, Daddy

there was a considerable amount of frustration last week following the announcement a media outlet that at one time seemed part of the fabric of everyone’s routine was essentially being shut down by ownership. And while I would never applaud anyone losing their jobs, in the case of The Hard Times, yeah, this was a moment for celebration. Fuck that unfunny pseudo-Onion-putting-the-tired-in-satire fucking garbage. If you ever sent me a link to that shit or posted one FOR SHAME. In the overall scheme of “Hard Times”, here’s how they’re ranked : 1) Dusty’s oft-imitated / never equalled promo 2) Walter Hill’s 1975 film starring Charles Bronson as a barnstorming bare-knuckle fighter 3) every other use of the phrase “Hard Times” or the words “hard” and “times” appearing on the same page or screen 4) the website, The Hard Times. (As it stands, the outlet in question turned out to be Sports Illustrated. RIP FOOTBALL PHONE)
