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Erik Marchand & Rodolphe Burger

Pop Talk etc... #12 Il était une fois 2 grands aventuriers de la musique d'Ici et d'Ailleurs, Erik Marchand et Rodolphe Burger ... De cultures musicales fortes et différentes (rock ou folklore breton), ils décidèrent un jour de mettre à profit leur viscéral sens de l'ouverture pour se lancer dans une aventure commune ... Associant d'autres excellents musiciens à ce projet, le résultat est à la fois détonnant, toujours ancré et pourtant définitivement ailleurs ... L'ambition est toujours...


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Duke Garwood

Pop Talk etc... #11 What strikes you first in the music of the Englishman Duke Garwood, is this unique breathing... This music is not there to chase after something or to fit into a mould but seems to be a most sincere transposition of internal resonances ... And as he is a highly talented instrumentalist, the result is most of the time overwhelming ... If the blues clearly appears to be a matrix of his music, he nevertheless loves the crossroads and also excels in collaborations, such as...


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Darren Cross

Pop Talk etc... #10 An important and respected musician, but also a producer and video director on the Australian rock scene for the past thirty years, Darren Cross first played in the band Gerling for fifteen years, before gradually slipping into a solo career, while constantly maintaining parallel projects such as the duo Jep and Dep with Jessica Cassar, an outstanding singer and songwriter on the Australian scene... For the time being, priority seems to be given to his instrumental...


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Curse Of Lono

Pop Talk etc... #9 Curse Of Lono's music, somewhere between pop, rock, country and ambient, likes to spread out in a large format to better embrace the world in its complexity ... Ambitious but never superfluous, this music seduces over time until it becomes truly addictive ... With the release of their excellent 3rd studio album, "People In Cars", it's time to discover who's behind Felix Bechtolsheimer's voice, a precious songwriter of our time ... La musique de Curse Of Lono, entre pop,...


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Camille Bénâtre

Scène Française #5 Camille Bénâtre fait vraiment partie de ces artisans aussi humbles que talentueux qui font la richesse et la grandeur de la #scenefrancaise ... Si les influences premières de sa musique semblent fortement anglo-saxonnes - exprimées notamment dans son projet précédent Alone With Everybody -, si sa belle appétence pour la mélodie qui fait mouche nous saute aux oreilles, il nous apparait tout aussi évident que la facilité avec lequel il se meut aujourd'hui dans la langue...


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Scène Française #4 Fragile et puissant, ténu et infini, passionnément ouvert et amoureusement têtu, tel est l'art hautement singulier de LOU ... Sans ports d'attache apparents, elle semble préférer la haute-mer, confiante en cette petite voix qui saura toujours la guider là où elle se doit d'aller, même en eaux troubles ... Geste musical magnifique et irréductible, qui à rebours de nombreux autres artistes, l'amène à nous offrir, quand le moment est arrivé, des albums toujours plus denses...


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Ben Lee

Pop Talk etc... #8 Rare are the musicians that one follows since their 14 years ! ... First in the band Noise Addict and then quite quickly with a manifest solo debut album "Grandpaw Would", the young Australian Ben Lee marked his ground with a pop writing at the same time harsh, rock and deeply melodic... Almost 30 years later, after ups and downs, as in any real career, he is still there, with the same qualities, but these have been refined to take us to lands where facetious...


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Brunoï Zarn

Scène Française #3 Ce qu'il y a de certain, c'est que Brunoï Zarn est vraiment de ceux qui font la grandeur de la Scène Française ... Activiste sur de nombreux fronts musicaux depuis une vingtaine d'années, il y multiplie les projets (Boucan, Double Hapax, Kestekop,...), jusqu'à son tout dernier, La Foule, avec toujours la même appétence ... Que ce soit en solo ou en groupe, ce qui caractérise la musique de Brunoï Zarn est cette alliance rare entre l'instinct et la musicalité la plus...


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Cheval Sombre

Pop Talk etc... #7 Since its beginnings 12 years ago, the music of Cheval Sombre has always evolved between the sky and the depths of the earth... And it is to us, bipeds a little stuck in our uniforms, that the New Yorker Christopher Porpora comes from time to time to offer the result of his travels ... And this one is often overwhelming ... As if just out of a dream and still half awake, he takes us with him to explore new fields where, behind the sadness, the hoped-for light emerges...


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Pop Talk etc... #6 ... Alors que s'apprête à sortir, "Arsenic" (Microcultures), nouvel album à paraître le 5 Novembre, il est grand temps de mettre un beau coup de projecteur sur Nesles ... Il en est des artistes comme des hommes, difficile de se trouver si on ne se cherche pas ... Et assurément, Florent Nesles est un cherchant ... Passionnant ... Et les 30 minutes d'écoute qui suivent vont vous sembler passer à la vitesse de l'éclair, promis ... Côté musical, qu'il est beau d'assister à...


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Pop Talk etc... #5 For almost twenty years now, this musician from the Faroe Islands has been distilling a subtle yet accessible pop music that doesn't take the easy road... Like his Scandinavian colleague Ane Brun, recently podcasted in our VIPop, he is pursuing an international career with grace while remaining viscerally attached to his native land... Is it this deep-rootedness that allows him to venture onto many musical playgrounds and to consider with enthusiasm multiple...


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Jack Cheshire

Pop Talk etc... #4 Folk ? Pop ? Rock ? Psychedelic ? Electronica ? ... It's difficult to define precisely the music of the English musician Jack Cheshire, and yet, for the last ten years and the realization of 5 albums, he has been indisputably inscribing an elegant and convoluted songwriting at the heart of the rich British musical scene ... Like a modest and determined artisan, he weaves from album to album a delicate and bewitching canvas which reveals all its splendour to those who...


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Simon Merle

Scène Française #2 Trésor "trop" bien caché de la scène musicale française, Simon Merle, après avoir longtemps officié sous le patronyme de The Bankees, s'est décidé depuis peu à créer à visage découvert, quoique ? 😉 ... Chantre - par choix ? - d'un DIY tout autant érudit que libre, il réussit à perpétuer une écriture ô combien délicate héritée des sixties en la transfigurant avec grâce ... En jouant souvent à cache-cache avec ses modèles, il finit toujours par se perdre et nous amène...


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Terry Edwards

Pop Talk etc... #3 For almost 40 years, English musician Terry Edwards has been taking his talent and adventurous spirit to the heart of the rock scene ... Whether it's for his personal projects or during his many collaborations, the work of this multi-instrumentalist is a manifesto for breaking down musical borders, and all this while keeping an unfailing integrity ... A visceral love of music that transpires here behind each of his words and that must be (re)discovered on the 3CD "The...


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Marianne Dissard (english version)

VIPop #42 Le Village Pop discovered Marianne Dissard's music late, so it's all the more urgent to catch up with her ... Marianne was born in France, but has since spent a large part of her life in the Anglo-Saxon world ... Her music, like her, is nomadic as much as it's expressionist... Borrowing elements from here and there from her successive home ports, she has succeeded in creating a deeply personal universe where "lukewarm" has no place... To be breathed fully here, punchlines...


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Marianne Dissard (french version)

VIPop #42 Le Village Pop a découvert tardivement la musique de Marianne Dissard, il n'en est que plus pressé de rattraper le temps perdu … Marianne est née en France, mais a depuis passé une grande partie de sa vie dans le monde anglo-saxon … Sa musique, à son image, est nomade autant qu'expressioniste … Empruntant de ci de là des éléments à ses ports d'attache successifs, elle a réussi à créer un univers profondément personnel où le « tiède » n'a pas sa place … A respirer pleinement ici,...


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Sarah Amsellem

Scène Française #1 Auteure-compositrice-interprète, Sarah Amsellem a sorti son premier album "Miracles" en 2019 et fait preuve depuis d'une appétence et d'une liberté dans son travail véritablement réjouissantes ... Chantant alternativement ses textes, soit en français, soit en anglais, elle navigue ainsi au gré des mots sur différents registres mais toujours avec une profonde musicalité ... Le voyage n'en est sans doute encore qu'à son début, mais arrêtons-nous tout de même 1/4 h pour...


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Sage Francis

Pop Talk etc... #2 Why the music of Sage Francis once entered your mind will never leave you ? ... Maybe because it doesn't do anything for that ? ... Maybe because the deep love of hip-hop that this music conveys is so powerful that it allows it to take all the unexpected paths without asking false questions? ... Maybe because this unique flow carries a visceral but floating quest that is forever removed from any dogmatism ? ... Maybe also simply because Sage Francis has the pride, the...


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The Wave Pictures

VIPop #41 It's an understatement to say that at the Pop Village we love The Wave Pictures ... We adore them ! ... Over the past twenty years, this English trio has become an icon of a certain DIY rock'n'roll, but for us, The Wave Pictures are above all a racy and erudite songwriting, and 3 excellent musicians united as a gang for the love of music ... In concert, whether they play in front of 10 or 1000 people, their commitment is the same and they don't need to turn up the decibels to make...


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Ben Vaughn

Pop Talk etc... #1 Ben Vaughn is great ... Deeply in love with American popular music, his career is a model of freedom and integrity ... If public success has not always been there, it doesn't matter, he has never ceased to show his curiosity and desire to make his music and to help others discover music that is often forgotten or denigrated ... Come and discover here a clear, fair word where you can feel behind each word a "flame" that is not ready to be extinguished ... Doesn't Ben...
