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A Republic, If You Can Keep It

News & Politics Podcasts

Analysis and commentary on Michigan politics from former Democratic Party chair Mark Brewer and former Republican Party executive director Jeff Timmer.


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Analysis and commentary on Michigan politics from former Democratic Party chair Mark Brewer and former Republican Party executive director Jeff Timmer.





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A New Ballgame (Guest: Pollster Bernie Porn)

Still another amazing week in our nation's 248th year, with Michigan right in the center of it all. This week’s agenda: The Harris campaign comes together in a matter of 2 days: we focus on a week that will go into the history books (except history books in Florida schools) Next up: choosing a running mate, with just 2 weeks to make a decision Republican panic begins as the GOP grapples with the change at the top President Biden shifts into legacy mode Governor Whitmer makes it clear … again … that she’s not looking for a new job New polling says Carl Marlinga is up 6 points over Congressman John James in the critical 10th District congressional race… And for those who remember that government is also about actually governing, a new state budget is signed into law Mark and producer Walt Sorg talk with veteran pollster Bernie Porn for his insights based on 40 years of taking Michigan’s political pulse. Bernie and his colleagues at EPIC-MRA have been measuring Michigan voter sentiment for four decades. EPIC-MRA is regularly rated as the top polling firm in the state, and is regularly quoted in media across Michigan and the nation. A week ago, his poll (one day before President Biden's announcement) showed Trump up by 7 in Michigan. Now it's a whole new ballgame. (Full disclosure: EPIC-MRA is a sponsor of the podcast.) =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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America’s Hitler (Guest: Senator Dayna Polehanki)

There are only two political stories on our agenda this week, both from the top of the ballot: the “will he or won’t he” waiting about President Biden, and the GOP National Convention which they branded as a unifying event but, in reality, only united the dominant MAGA movement while horrifying just about everyone else. Key to the discussion over the Democratic ticket: polls, polls, polls. Links to some of the most credible: Public Policy Poll: Michigan & Pennsylvania Most say Biden should withdraw from the Presidential race - AP-NORC YouGov Michigan Senate Poll - July 4-12 YouGov Poll - Harris for President, Issues Blue Labs Polling of Alternative nominees - Kelly, Moore, Shapiro, Whitmer The Republican convention was a four-day celebration of lies, half-truths and grievances in the style of their Lord and Savior, would-be Dictator-on-Day-One Donald. Fact-checkers worked overtime to chronicle the most outrageous denials of reality, including the team at The Washington Post: Fact-checking Day 1 of the 2024 Republican National Convention - The Washington Post Fact-checking Day 2 of the 2024 Republican National Convention - The Washington Post Fact-checking Day 3 of the 2024 Republican National Convention - The Washington Post Fact-checking Day 4 of the 2024 Republican National Convention - The Washington Post One of the many outrages in the Republican Party Platform is the outright call to return women’s rights to the 1950’s June Cleaver model: the perfect homemaker whose primary function is giving birth. Trump brags about getting Roe overturned by his appointments to the Supreme Court, Vance has endorsed a nationwide abortion ban with no exceptions. Implicit in the agenda are bans on contraception and fertility treatments including invitro fertilization. Women are the driving force for Michigan Democrats. A majority of both the House and Senate Democratic caucuses are women; most of the state’s top elected leaders are women. Joining the discussion to talk about the implications of the GOP misogyny for November: state Senator Dayne Polehanki of Livonia. She is a two-time Teacher of the Year award winner and has nearly 20 years of experience in the classroom. She serves as the Majority Caucus Chair for the Michigan Senate Democrats and is in her second term. Polehanki earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Central Michigan University, has a major in English and teacher certification from Alma College, and a master’s degree in teaching from Marygrove College. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management =========================== The 34 for 45 Commemorative Mug Felony schmelony! Get your "34 for 45" mug today!


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“Fill in the Blank” for President

Hard to believe, but there are stories other than the President’s health…but they mostly tie together. Among them: Gretchen Whitmer is on a national book tour promoting “True Gretch” including an appearance with Stephen Colbert, while saying that she absolutely is not running for President this year even if Joe Biden pulls out… Biden has his first defection from the Michigan congressional delegation: Hillary Scholten urges the President to end his candidacy – quote – "for the good of our democracy.” Inflation continues to go down, with prices on groceries, airfare, and used cars actually going down in June. Economists are united in warning that Trump's economic plan has the potential to crash the economy. In the “it’s about time” column, two members of Congress have introduced articles of impeachment against well-traveled, highly pampered Justice Clarence Thomas. The Authoritarian Manifesto “Project 2025” is finally getting the attention it deserves, and Donald Trump is doing what he can to put some distance between the toxic end-of-our-democracy battle plan and his campaign. Mention Project 2025, and he echoes Sgt. Schultz: "I know nothing...nothing!" And, oh yes, a four day fantasy camp is in Milwaukee this week: the national convention of the Donald Trump Kool-Aid Club. But topping it all is the turmoil amongst Democrats over Joe Biden. Party leaders have apparently discovered that Biden is old and finally admitting he’s showing signs of advanced age. That's the focus of this week's discussion. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management =========================== The 34 for 45 Commemorative Mug Felony schmelony! Get your "34 for 45" mug today!


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I Dissent (Guest: Oakland County Commission Chair David Woodward)

On the week's podcast: As we celebrate the revolution 248 years ago that ended the rule of the British monarchy over our nation, we face the prospect of reverting to our British origins. The U.S. Supreme Court’s radical-right majority has effectively turned this and future presidents into Kings and Queens who are above the law, able to do anything (s)he want under the mantra of "Official Acts". So God Save the King, Joe the First. We focus on the implications for November and beyond. In more mundane-but-still-important news: Governor Whitmer pushes back in VERY plain language that she's angling to replace Biden on the 2024 national ticket, or that Biden can't win Michigan. In more normal news, there’s a new state Senate map from the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. We’ll chew over the partisan implications. Louisiana’s Ten-Commandments-In-Every-Classroom law is challenged in the courts even as Oklahoma requires biblical training in public schools Lost in the deluge of last minute rulings is a Supreme Court decision which legalizes a form of political bribery Another little-publicized SCOTUS ruling represents a huge power shift away from both Congress and the Executive Branch - both subject to voter oversight - and into the hands of unelected judges with lifetime appointments. Michigan’s Legislature finalizes an $82.5-billion budget that targets education, housing, public safety and economic development Trump Whisperer Steve Bannon is in Federal Prison 🥳 We're joined on the podcast by a key leader of what may be Michigan’s most important county politically: Oakland County Commission Chair David Woodward. Woodward has served as Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners since 2019. He is in his 19th year on the commission.. He previously served as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives from 1999 to 2004. His day job is Michigan executive director of the Center for Progressive Leadership, where he’s worked for 18 years. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management =========================== NEW: The 34 for 45 Commemorative Mug Get your "34 for 45" mug today!


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Lies, Sighs and Old Guys (Guest: Dr. Richard Cole)

This week in politics: The U.S. Supreme Court gives Donald Trump the best possible gift: the longest possible delay in his federal trials In Michigan, a new state Senate map from the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Louisiana’s Ten-Commandments-In-Every-Classroom law is challenged in the courts even as Oklahoma requires biblical training in public schools The Supreme Court also handed down a ruling which legalizes a form of political bribery Michigan’s Legislature finalizes an $82.5-billion budget that targets education and economic development And two senior citizens got into an argument about golf in Atlanta last night. We will devote most of the podcast to that argument and other things they discussed. We are joined by one of Michigan’s top political communications experts, Dr. Richard Cole. Cole was Governor Blanchard's communications chief and later Blanchard's chief of staff. He later chaired Michigan State University’s nationally respected Department of Advertising and Public Relations. He also served as the top communications man at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, working under company president Richard Whitmer … and was a close unofficial adviser to Whitmer’s daughter in her first campaign for Governor. Cole’s mentors include the legendary Dr. Edward Bernays, the creator of modern public relations whose principles of PR are still the standard a century later both within and outside of politics. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management =========================== NEW: The 34 for 45 Commemorative Mug Get your "34 for 45" mug today!


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Strippers and Gun Play (Guest: Political consultant/author Mike Madrid)

Jack Ohman - Tribune Content Agency In politics this week... We are days away from the first of two scheduled presidential debates. The big question: will Trump stay awake for the full 90 minutes? Trump’s latest tax proposal - all tariffs, no income tax - is a huge gift for the wealthy (of course) and a disaster for the rest of us (also of course!) The Republican National Committee and conservative TV have embraced the art of “cheap fake” videos: deceptively edited videos designed to make Joe Biden appear feeble and mentally failing. The Biden campaign is taking direct aim at Trump’s criminal record Louisiana will require the display of the 10 Commandments in all public classrooms, even though their leader has violated just about all of them. The never-ending battle between Attorney General Nessel and the Enbridge Line 5 Pipeline takes another twisting turn - one that favors Nessel A black church in Detroit temporarily turns white … thanks to an appearance by the aforementioned Donald Trump New polling of black Michigan voters shows many want a change in the Democratic ticket … with either Gretchen Whitmer or Michelle Obama as the presidential candidate. Both women have already said they are not running The state House, in a near-unanimous vote, is outlawing A.I. - generated X-rated deep fakes. Sinclair floods local news websites with hundreds of deceptive articles about Biden's mental fitness - Judd Legum/Popular Information Trump Wasn’t Going to Stay in Milwaukee for the Republican Convention - The New York Times Former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels: The GOP has a lock on some states, Democrats others. It’s not healthy. - The Washington Post Top revelations from Fauci’s book, including conversations with Trump - The Washington Post Why so many Americans have misconceptions about crime trends - Judd Legum/Popular Information In Trump’s orbit, some muse about mandating military service - The Washington Post Joining this week's conversation is Mike Madrid a communications expert and a nationally recognized expert on Latino voting trends. He graduated from the Edmund G. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in 1997, where he wrote his senior thesis on Latino politics and the perspective that politicization of emerging Latino voter groups in Southwestern states was unique in American history. The completion of his thesis at Georgetown University in Washington DC on Latino voters became the basis for his pioneering work on Latino communications and outreach strategies in California, Texas, Florida and nationwide. Mike has played a key role in pioneering Latino outreach and communications strategies. In 2001 he was named as one of America’s “Most Influential Hispanics” by Hispanic Business Magazine. He is a regular commentator on Latino political issues in statewide and national media publications. He is a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, and author of a just-released book The Latino Century which explores the true meaning of America at a time of rapid cultural change, the founding principles of self-government and individual responsibility, and one man’s journey through a political party that has turned itself inside out. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management =========================== NEW: The 34 for 45 Commemorative Mug Get your "34 for 45" mug today!


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We Love Milwaukee!

In national politics this week: Convicted felon Donald Trump returns to the scene of one of his crimes, with Congressional Republicans falling all over themselves to kiss his ass. Hunter Biden’s 3-count felony conviction means he needs just 31 more to become the Republican presidential nominee. Inflation continues to go down, more jobs are created, incomes are up – but Biden continues to get low polling numbers on the economy More free trips for Clarence Thomas are revealed even as Senate Republicans block an ethics code for the Supreme Court. Senate Democrats also force Republicans to go on the record regarding the right to contraception, and protecting IVF … while Senate Republicans say they’ll block all action in retaliation for Trump’s 34-count conviction Accused felon Matt DePerno is running for the Michigan Supreme Court, even though he may lose his law license or go to prison for election machine tampering. Democrats are publicly horrified and privately laughing gleefully The legislature moves against artificial intelligence being used to create sexually provocative photographs of unwilling people. A state house committee approves legislation revamping Michigan’s economic incentives for new business investments. Good news for Michigan’s budget: Michigan overtakes California as top cannabis market by sales volume (also good news for Taco Bell!). Last year the state collected more than 260-million-dollars in weed tax. Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication mifepristone | AP News Trump’s Campaign Is Funneling Cash Back to His Businesses: Daily Beast Michigan Court of Appeals rejects Kumar’s attempt to get back on the congressional ballot • Michigan Advance Michael Rulli wins special election for Ohio House seat; GOP vote down 19 points from 2020 - AP News FBI: Crime down sharply under Biden administration - Judd Legum/Popular Information Also this week: Walt Sorg's chat with state Representative Penelope Tsernoglou over her bills protecting us humanoids from some very real abuses of A.I. Ann Tenaes - Washington Post =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management =========================== NEW: The 34 for 45 Commemorative Mug Get your "34 for 45" mug today!


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The Greatest Generation (Guest: Kalamazoo County Clerk Meredith Place)

We are recording Thursday afternoon on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion that saved the world from a narcissistic, paranoid, racist and psychotic would-be world dictator. Our mission 80 years later as beneficiaries of their courage and sacrifice: constantly protect their legacy. In this week’s political news: Convicted felon Donald Trump and his gang of MAGAs, several of whom are also convicted felons, are openly planning on turning the U.S. Justice Department into their revenge squad. The former president’s conviction has produced a small pro-Biden bump in the polls, meaning it’s still a tossup election. His vice president is in Detroit this weekend, headlining the state Democratic Party’s annual fundraising dinner. Post-conviction polls ABC-Ipsos Poll May 31-June 1 Economist/YouGov Poll June 2-4 Quinnipiac Poll 6/5/24 - Georgia 2024: Trump Ahead Of Biden, 16% Of Voters Express Support For Other Candidates In Broader Race, Quinnipiac University Georgia Poll Finds; 50% Of Voters Agree With Guilty Verdict In Trump NYC Trial | Quinnipiac University Poll Times/Siena Recontact Study of Previous Poll Respondents - The New York Times Republicans in the U.S. Senate are blocking a vote on legislation guaranteeing the right to use birth control … are we headed back to the rhythm method? Another state has joined Michigan is charging participants in the fake electors scheme criminally. House Foreign Affairs Chairman McCaul Warns Jen Psaki — Testify Or Face A Subpoena - The Daily Caller Now Trump Says Voting By Mail Is Good - Washington Post Biden issues new executive action: Much of southern border to close at midnight - POLITICO Biden’s Climate Record Is Highlighted in New Ad Campaign - The New York Times We’re joined by one of the many local officials who have the unenviable task of running elections in an increasingly very hostile environment. Meredith Place is in her first term as Kalamazoo County Clerk and Register of Deeds. Born and raised in small-town Iowa, she is a proud graduate of the University of Iowa where she majored in Political Science, Communication Studies, and earned a certificate in Sustainability. Clerk Place previously served on the City of Portage’s Planning Commission, as Vice Chair of Kalamazoo County’s Environmental Health Advisory Council, and as an active member in the League of Women Voters. In 2018, Meredith was elected to the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioner representing the City of Portage from 2019-2020. Mark Fiore - markfiore.com =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management =========================== NEW: The 34 for 45 Commemorative Mug Get your "34 for 45" mug today!


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Donald Trump, Convicted Felon (Guest: Lauren Gibbons)

Photo is A.I. generated We recorded this week's podcast at 5 p.m. EDT Thursday. Minutes before we hit the ‘record’ button, the New York jury handed down its verdict...so Jeff had to put on his Lincoln Project hat. In his absence Walt Sorg joins Mark on a day that will go down in American history. Clearly the guilty verdict on 34 felony counts is our #1 topic, but there are other talk-worthy stories in our political biosphere: Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito refuses to follow the ethical standards demanded of all federal judges except him and his colleagues. Flags or no flags, he’s not recusing from January 6-related cases because it’s all about his stubborn wife and has nothing to do with him. Sure. Chief Justice John Roberts adds to the court’s arrogance by declining an invitation from the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to talk about his court’s ethics. The movers and shakers of Michigan business and politics are just now ending their annual policy party on Mackinac Island. We’ll review the highlights of a pretty substantive week with Bridge Michigan reporter Lauren Gibbons. Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel hints he’ll run for Governor in two years … and then says he won’t vote for President Biden. That’s not going to help him much with Democratic voters. Tudor Dixon’s gift of a half-million-dollars from her losing gubernatorial campaign draws a second look from state regulators. Democrats Plan $100 Million Push on Abortion Rights to Win House Michigan voters losing trust in democracy, education and economy, poll finds Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fundraising tour \ Opinion | Detroit sues Census Bureau, claiming vast undercount. It has a point. - The Washington Post Democrats add five candidates (including Sen. Kristin McDonald-Rivet) to Red to Blue program - Roll Call (including McDonald-Rivet) Hollier appeals decision to remove him from U.S. House ballot - Detroit News Rigging Elections: Why the new platform from the Republican Party of Texas matters Secretary Benson, Detroit Regional Chamber and business leaders launch new coalition to support safe and secure elections - Secretary of State 'New reality': Michigan clerks sued as activists seek voting records Dana Nessel calls for pork politics reforms amid Clare grant probe Joining the conversation: Bridge Michigan reporter Lauren Gibbons who has spent the week on Mackinac Island, tracking the many significant policy and political developments that are an annual feature of the Greater Detroit Chamber of Commerce Policy Conference. Prior to joining Bridge's Capitol team, she worked at MLive where she led coverage of the state Legislature and the redistricting process, and before that covered the state Senate for the MIRS Newsletter. Lauren has covered the ins and outs of Michigan politics for nearly a decade and has won awards both for her political coverage and her work documenting the Larry Nassar sexual abuse case. She grew up in the Lansing area and graduated from Michigan State University, majoring in journalism and history. She lives in Ferndale, and … according to her official biography … her party tricks include Irish dancing and telling friends what political districts they live in without looking. Mark Fiore - markfiore.com =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management =========================== An historic moment for our nation, commemorated with this tasteful annotated coffee mug.


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My Wife Did It!

It's the most anticipated verdict since O.J. Topping the political news as we record: Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession, and most blame Biden - The Guardian The planned debate of U.S. Senate candidates fizzles out as GOP frontrunner Mike Rogers pulls out … and Democratic frontrunner Elissa Slotkin responds by saying “me too” It’s official: congressman Shri Thanedar won’t have to deal with Adam Hollier on the primary ballot The Biden-Harris campaign continues to focus on Michigan, with Kamala Harris keynoting the state party’s annual dinner There’s a major disconnect between public perceptions on the economy and reality and that’s bad news for Joe Biden The U.S. Supreme Court’s ultra-conservatives continue to embarrass the court with a stupid political display at the Alito home, an even dumber explanation ...and a second flag ... from Justice Alito Democrats begin to focus on warning of a future Supreme Court with a majority appointed byDonald Trump 2 Liberal Groups to Spend $5 Million on State Supreme Court Races - The New York Times SCOTUS hands another pro-gerrymandering, anti-VRA ruling Louisiana's Republican legislature labels abortion drugs as dangerous and very illegal Michigan GOP Leader Matt Hall Apparently Gambled $73,000 in One Month - Rolling Stone Voters Fear Trump Won’t Leave If He Wins 2024 Presidential Election - Bloomberg After blaming his 2020 loss on mail balloting, Trump tries to make GOP voters believe it’s OK now - AP News Vulnerable House Republicans Set the Stage To Challenge 2024 Election Results - DCCC Michigan redistricting holds public hearings on draft maps -Detroit Free Press Trump allies face skepticism as they try appealing to disaffected Arab Americans in Michigan - AP News Student loans: Biden administration announces additional $7.7 billion in debt relief - CNN Politics The cost of groceries declined in April as inflation continues to cool - TAI News Schumer Plans Vote on Contraception Access, Teeing Up a Campaign Issue - The New York Times Trump's online account promotes ‘unified Reich’ video, adding to alarming pattern - Maddow Blog Biden - Unified Reich? via X Tudor Dixon dissolves campaign fund after giving $500K to nonprofit. Move questioned - Detroit News =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Dedicated to the late, great Hannibal Lecter (Guest: Craig Mauger)

Let's Get Ready to Rumble... The Main Event: Battle of the Presidents Maybe. Maybe not. Trump’s Peanut Gallery takes over the sliming of the criminal justice system Robert Kennedy’s running mate demonstrates her major qualification for office: donating another $8-million to prop up the campaign There’s another ethics embarrassment brewing in Lansing over lobbyist gifts of tickets to sporting events Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are the A-list of targets for the Biden campaign Lansing lawmakers file their first financial disclosures. We’ll learn more about that in a moment when we’re joined by award-winning Detroit News investigative reporter Craig Mauger Crowd shows up to back lawyer, ex-clerk facing charges over voter data breach - Detroit News Barra says GM will go 'where the talent is' to make software-driven cars - Detroit News Biden Levies Sweeping Tariffs on China, Intensifying Trade Fight With Trump - Wall Street Journal Small, well-built Chinese EV called the Seagull poses a big threat to the US auto industry - Detroit News House Democrats launch probe of Trump’s dinner with oil executives - The Washington Post Supreme Court orders Louisiana to use congressional map with additional Black district - AP News Craig Mauger Lansing has been a cornucopia of corruption, much of it first revealed through the efforts of an excellent band of investigative journalists. One of the best is Craig Mauger of the Detroit News. The Society of Professional Journalists named him Michigan Journalist of the Year in 2022 and this year honored him and Robert Snell for their reporting on a marijuana licensing corruption scandal involving former House Speaker Rick Johnson, Lansing lobbyists and secret payments that flowed to Johnson before he became the state's top cannabis regulator. Much of his reporting is built on the advice of Watergate’s famed background source for Woodward and Bernstein, known as Deep Throat, whose mantra was “follow the money”. Craig follows the money … and quite often, what he finds is pretty shocking. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Benghazi is Back! (Guest – Ari Berman)

This week's guest: Mother Jones national voting rights correspondent Ari Berman, author of the new book "Minority Rule: The Right-Wing Attack on the Will of the People—and the Fight to Resist It" Every week it seems politics gets even more bizarre. A week after Kristi Noem destroys her political career by revealing she’s a puppy killer -- Bobby Kennedy Jr. tells us a brain worm has caused permanent damage to his cognitive ability. The latest polls show momentum for President Biden as he campaigns in swing states while Donald Trump alternates between naps in a New York courtroom and fundraising at Mar-a-Lago. Kamala Harris makes a stop in Detroit to highlight the administration’s support for the auto industry electric transformation, and reemphasize the GOP’s drive to outlaw abortion nationwide. Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Mike Rogers is getting blasted for what opponents call a coverup of Hillary Clinton and Benghazi. The very Republican former Lt. Governor of Georgia endorses Biden. In an op-ed in the Atlanta Constitution, Geoff Duncan writes “I am voting for a decent person I disagree with on policy over a criminal defendant without a moral compass.” Another Georgia Republican, the operations director of the state’s Secretary of State office, is leading a nationwide Republican campaign defending the honesty of elections. Trump’s court appointees are paying him back for their jobs with Florida Judge Aileen Cannon effectively tanking the Espionage Act trial, while the U.S. Supreme Court dithers on whether the President is effectively above the law. Give me money, I'll protect your metro dollars: Trump seeks $1 billion from oil CEOs, vows to limit EVs ‘A little bold and gross’: Oil industry writes executive orders for Trump to sign How ‘History and Tradition’ Rulings Are Changing American Law Lisa Benson - Counterpoint Media =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Catch and Kill

It’s been a great week for the late night comics: Trump’s courtroom catnaps, Kristi Noem’s one-person animal control program, and Joe Biden’s week-late contribution to the annual 4-20 marijuana celebration. Abortion laws continue to torment elected Republicans South Dakota abortion rights groups collect enough signatures to advance ballot measure - NBC News Joe Biden has an epiphany with a reclassification of weed Trump opens up to Time magazine about his 2nd term plans – and it’s dystopian preview Donald Trump on What His Second Term Would Look Like - TIME And the Trump stage show drops into Michigan to heap insults on state Democrats, judges and prosecutors ‘Everything’s bad,’ Trump tells Michigan rally, offering policy solutions - mlive.com Trump warns of tax hikes, EV doom in Michigan rally. Here are the facts - Bridge Michigan Trump backs surveillance and prosecution of women to enforce abortion bans - Judd Legum/Popular Information Alleged Republican leaders who loudly proclaim Donald Trump is a threat to the nation say that’s not as bad as Joe Biden Peter Meijer concedes the obvious: he can’t win the GOP Senate nomination GOP frontrunner Mike Rogers has a residency problem - his alleged Michigan home has been torn down Two top-level Michigan congressional candidates face challenges on their petitions. We hear from the state’s top election lawyer … that would be Mark Brewer! =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Unindicted Co-Conspirator #1

Matt Davies - Washington Post Another week, still more insanity... It’s O.J. without the white Bronco as the first-ever criminal trial of a former President gets underway with the former publisher of National Enquirer throwing Trump under the bus. “Catch and Kill” was a strategy for keeping Trump out of political trouble. Now it describes his legal predicament: he got caught, and it could kill his candidacy, his company and possibly his freedom. New York law enforcement and corrections officials are reportedly conferring with the Secret Service on what to do if Trump is sent to jail for contempt of court. Arizona joins Michigan, Georgia and Nevada in criminally indicting fake electors … with Trump named an unindicted co-conspirator in both Michigan and Arizona, and facing criminal charges in Georgia. The U.S. Supreme Court hears Trump's argument that, as President, he is above the law - free to kill, stage an insurrection, accept bribes and ignore parking tickets. Two more polls show a tightening presidential race, with one showing Biden in the lead among likely voters Marist Poll 4-22-24 NBC April 2024 Poll Sexual predator Larry Nasser is now a $1-BILLION disaster with a $138-million settlement from the FBI to victims for slow-walking the investigation. This is on top of $500-million being paid out by Michigan State University and $380-million from USA Gymnastics. Another draconian anti-abortion law reaches the U.S. Supreme Court as Democrats focus on women’s reproductive freedom as Issue Number One. We recorded this week’s podcast on Thursday (April 25): the 10th Anniversary of the day the Flint water supply was switched from Lake Huron to the Flint River. What lessons have we learned, and what lessons should we have learned? Also in the news this week: Republicans are starting to worry about RFK Jr. - POLITICO RNC Ditches Recently-Launched ‘Bank Your Vote,’ Vows New Program | Conservative America Today - Conservative America Today Republican false electors in presidential election misled by leaders, attorneys say - mlive.com Millions more salaried US workers are set to be eligible for overtime pay starting July 1 - AP News Biden Unveils $7 Billion “Solar for All” Investment for Earth Day – Mother Jones Biden administration issues new rules on airline fees and refunds - AP News Tennessee passes bill to allow armed teachers in public schools - AP News One-third of sitting Michigan House lawmakers to see primary challenge - Detroit News Opinion | Mike Pence: Donald Trump Has Betrayed the Pro-Life Movement - The New York Times Our guest this week is the likely Democratic nominee for an open seat on the Michigan Supreme Court, University of Michigan professor Kimberly Thomas. The Michigan Democratic Party’s executive committee has formally endorsed Thomas for the open seat created when Republican nominee David Viviano decided against running for reelection. Thomas is a clinical professor of law, and the director and co-founder of the Juvenile Justice Clinic at Michigan Law and also teaches in the Civil-Criminal Litigation Clinic. She specializes in trial and appellate practice, youth justice, and criminal sentencing law. In 2017, Thomas served as a US Fulbright Scholar at the University College Cork School of Law in Cork, Ireland and is a former editorial board member of the Clinical Law Review. Before joining the Law School faculty in 2003, Thomas served as a trial attorney with Defender Association of Philadelphia. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations


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Nap Time for Sleepy Don

Still another week like no other: the previous guy napping at his own criminal trial, the current guy seeing his polling numbers nudge upwards with an economy that the Wall Street Journal calls "The Envy of the World", and a stunning tipping point in a major Michigan political scandal: Attorney General Nessel stuns Lansing with criminal indictments of former House Speaker Lee Chatfield and his wife. We’ll talk with outspoken campaign finance reform advocate Bob LaBrant. Democrats, as expected, win the 2 special elections to fill state House vacancies, restoring the Dem’s trifecta control of state government. More campaign finance shenanigans, with our Mark Brewer hot on the trail of the malefactors. In national political news – Sleepy Donald Trump’s social media company’s stock matches his New York trial energy level: sinking fast. Joe Biden continues to gain ground in national polling as he campaigns while Trump fumes in court. The U.S. economy is, in the words of a Wall Street Journal Headline, “the envy of the world” … but that’s not registering with American voters. Crime in the U.S. is dropping … but that’s not registering with voters either. Our focus is the story of the week (and maybe the year) in Michigan: a 13-count indictment of former House Speaker Lee Chatfield. Dave Grandlund - Caglecartoons.com =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Trump Trials, Episode 1 (Guest: Mark Ludwig, MI Democratic Rural Caucus)

What a week as things go from bad to worse for the Martyr of Mar-a-Lago: History will be made this week as the first-ever criminal trial of a former President gets underway Trump announces his “whatever” wishy-washy abortion policy during a total eclipse, only to have an Arizona court ruling shove his weasle-words into a harsh spotlight. A federal court has rejected Republican efforts to overturn Michigan’s voter approved election reform laws The Republican National Committee is fundraising with a robocall that repeats the Big Lie - no surprise from the Lara Trump-run subsidiary of the Trump Companies Trump, at Fund-Raiser, Says He Wants Immigrants From ‘Nice’ Countries - The New York Times (he forgot to include Slovenia on his list) The House Majority PAC has announced $186-million in advertising buys, with a huge chunk of that focused on 3 races in Michigan A new Biden administration rule will close the gun show loophole, increasing background checks. Still more student loans are forgiven through Presidential action 'On life support': Senate Republicans are prepared to sink the child tax credit bill Michigan Democrats are serious about restoring the party’s standing in rural Michigan. Jeff and I areMark were at the party’s annual Rural Caucus Summit. They are joined on the podcast by Rural Caucus chairperson Mark Ludwig. Mark was born and raised in Michigan. His youth was spent assisting his father during the early days of the environmental movement, studying Great Lakes water birds affected by industrial pollution. He settled in Allegan County, founding a small beef farm in Clyde Township in 2005 with his wife Kim. Mark served on the Fennville Public School Board, Clyde Township Planning Commission and currently serves on the Allegan Conservation District Board of Directors. Mark graduated from Michigan State with a degree in Environmental Issues and has a Short Course Degree from UW Madison in Grass Based Dairy. Christopher Seyant - Boston Globe =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Let’s Nuke Gaza 💣!

Jack Ohman - Tribute Content Agency “Let’s Nuke Gaza”: that is apparently the new middle east strategy of Michigan’s "unremarkable and brain dead" congressman Tim Walberg (R-Tipton). Also this week: We were blessed with a visit from Mar-A-Lago librarian and bible salesman D. J. Trump, who announced a consolation call and more than a few so-called facts in a Grand Rapids harangue that didn't quite match reality. Dan Kildee dropped a huge hint … a $14,000 hint … about his preferred successor in Congress A federal court OK’d a new state House district map that does no favors for Democrats Two special elections on April 16th will bring the state House back to full strength. The Republican candidate in one of those races is called out for promoting a new state abortion ban. Michigan’s Republican Party (or at least, one wing of it) X'd that a statement from the Mayor of Baltimore “Another shining example of colored Communism.” In Alabama, another major upset signals that women's reproductive rights proves to be a winning strategy for Alabama Democrat. No Labels = No candidate Florida will be voting in November on legalizing abortion and marijuana thanks to a state Supreme Court ruling this week. In the world of political fundraising, Elissa Slotkin continues to pile up the Benjamins: $4.4m raised, $8.6m cash on hand and Congressional candidate Curtis Hertel tallied $1.3m raised, $2m cash on hand And the imaginary company Truth Social's stock bubble is already bursting, down more than 40% from its public trading launch as investors realize there's no there there. Mark and Jeff will be speaking April 12-13 at the Rural Summit at Shanty Creek. The event is open to the public. Click here for program and registration information. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Convicts and Conspiracy Theories (Guest: Stuart Stevens)

Ann Taenes - Washington Post Trump's RNC is reuniting the band: convicted criminals Paul Manafort and Steve Bannon (and maybe now-in-jail Peter Navarro) plus world-class whackos Steven Miller and Corey Lewandowski...under the "leadership" of daughter-in-law Lara Trump. It's looking like a rerun of 2020, but better organized but without Jared or Ivanka. Just this week, we're seeing The screening for new Republican National Committee employees: do they agree that the 2020 election was stolen? Michigan’s Ronna “Don’t Call Me Romney” McDaniel’s NBC gig lasts half a Scaramucci after an on-air rebellion The Zillow listings for Trump properties will have to wait as the Sneaker-and-Bible Salesman gets a $300-million reprieve from a New York appeals court Trump gets a tenuous windfall with Truth Social, but the company continues to lose money and could end up bankrupt (just like Trump casinos, Trump Airline, Trump Water, Trump University etc. etc.) Trump gets to pray about his first criminal trial, now set to begin on April 15th (which likely means fewer rounds of golf). Around Michigan: Former Governor Granholm returns to the Mitten bearing gifts: $1.5-billion to restart the Palisades nuclear plant Ottawa County may be Michigan’s most conservative politically, but its voters aren’t at all happy with the new ultra-right-wing mob running the county Protecting healthcare, Social Security and Medicare are back as fundamental campaign issues The most successful one-night fundraiser in political history gets launched with Biden's backup band: Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Biden’s polling numbers are up in Michigan and nationally, and the campaign opens a 2nd office in Michigan. Meanwhile Trump’s Michigan remains in shambles. We're joined this week by longtime Republican political consultant Stuart Stevens, now a senior adviser with the Lincoln Project. Stevens has worked at the top level of more presidential and senatorial campaigns than just about anyone. His first presidential effort: the Bob Dole campaign in 1996. His book The Big Enchilada is a chronicle of George W. Bush’s 2000 campaign. He is also a prolific writer. It Was All A Lie: How The Republican Party Became Donald Trump is his eighth book; his ninth book, The Conspiracy to End America Five Ways came out last October. He has also written extensively for dramatic television series, starting with Northern Exposure and including I’ll Fly Away, K. Street, Commander in Chief and others. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Mar-A-Lago Garage Sale (Guests: Authors of “White Rural Rage”)

This week's politics begin with a check on Zillow listings... The man who once claimed a net worth of more than 10-Billion dollars says he can’t come up with a measly half-billion to satisfy a New York court judgment. If he’s so rich, why can’t he simply mortgage one of his many many many amazing properties? M.Wuerker - Politico There are more signs of cracks in Trump’s support within the Republican Party as Trump is dissed by former Veep Mike Pence, Indiana Sen. Todd Young, and Nikki Haley donors On the plus side for the former game-show host, it appears that the judge in his trial for stealing top-secret documents is totally in his hip pocket Michigan Supreme Court Justice David Viviano says he won’t seek reelection, giving Democrats a chance to solidify their majority on the officially-but-not-really nonpartisan court Electric-powered cars are taking center-stage in the Michigan presidential campaign Two anniversaries highlight the week: The 14th anniversary of the signing of Obamacare: state Democrats are turning up the heat in federal races, going after Republican candidates on healthcare The 10th anniversary of the first same-sex wedding in Michigan Also this week: The UAW makes an endorsement in the Democratic primary race to succeed Dan Kildee The Legislature ends Michigan’s ban on surrogacy contracts and, in the process, protects In-Vitro Fertilization. Michigan Democrats are taking on the challenge of reconnecting with rural Michigan. We talk with the authors of a provocative analysis of the partisan divide between rural and urban/suburban Michigan: “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy”. Journalist Paul Waldman is a former columnist for The Washington Post, The Week, and TheAmerican Prospect. He is currently an MSNBC columnist, writes The Cross Section newsletter, and co-hosts the Boundary Issues podcast. Tom Schaller is a professor of political science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. A former columnist for The Baltimore Sun, he has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. He is the author or co-author of four other books, including Common Enemies, The Stronghold, and Whistling Past Dixie. =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================


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Photographic Recall (Guest: House Ethics Chair Erin Byrnes)

Just some of this week's political happenings -- The Trump-appointed prosecutor who questioned the President’s memory has his own memory losses when questioned by Congress The President returns to Michigan in what will become a recurring political story for our state Donald Trump weighs in on the Republican race for U.S. senate, endorsing a candidate who once called Trump’s political tactics “destructive”. In a move that will bring joy to the hearts of the football and basketball coaches at Michigan and Michigan State: the NAACP is urging black student-athletes to avoid Florida due to DeSantis anti-DEI edicts RFK Jr. proves his campaign is pretty much a joke as he floats the names of Aaron Rodgers and Jesse “The Body” Ventura as his running mate Democrats in Lansing are taking another stab at passing meaningful financial disclosure laws. A group of state House Democrats are once again introducing comprehensive financial disclosure legislation,disclosures that go far beyond the minimalist requirements enacted last year in response to the 2022 ballot proposal enacted by voters. Leading the charge for putting teeth into the law is Representative Erin Byrnes (D-Dearborn), chair of the House Committee on Ethics and Oversight. Rep. Byrnes is serving her first term representing the west end of Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. She earned a bachelor’s from the University of Michigan and went on to graduate school in New York City, where she served as a middle school special education teacher and took classes in the evening. After returning home to be close to family and serve her community, Rep. Byrnes continued her work as an educator at the University of Michigan in 2011 and completed the Michigan Political Leadership Program at Michigan State University in 2015. She’s served as a member of the Dearborn City Council since 2018 and most recently as council president pro tem. Trump jumps onto the third rail of politics: Social Security/Medicare. Ouch! =========================== This episode is sponsored in part by EPIC ▪ MRA, a full service survey research firm with expertise in: • Public Opinion Surveys • Market Research Studies • Live Telephone Surveys • On-Line and Automated Surveys • Focus Group Research • Bond Proposals - Millage Campaigns • Political Campaigns & Consulting • Ballot Proposals - Issue Advocacy Research • Community - Media Relations • Issue - Image Management • Database Development & List Management ===========================
