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Bold and blunt: Washington Times online opinion editor Cheryl Chumley brings her no-holds-barred take on the big issues of the day.


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Bold and blunt: Washington Times online opinion editor Cheryl Chumley brings her no-holds-barred take on the big issues of the day.



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Trump moves swiftly to jumpstart MAGA economy

Look around and watch as the savings grow: President Donald Trump's new administration is taking it seriously to save the U.S. taxpayer from waste and corruption. There's a cut coming to USAID. There are billions of dollars in cuts coming by way of Elon Musk's DOGE. There are cuts coming by way of the pause in federal grant funding. And it's all good for citizens who want a government of transparency and accountability. Bill Walton, whose widely skilled background hails from the worlds of business and finance and media and even movie-making -- he says Trump has come in and issued a sort of "shock and awe" type of agenda. It won't be long before citizens start feeling the financial boom that's on its way.


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Abolish fed ed department, smash the teachers' unions

If you want to see this nation's public education system returned to its days of glory -- when it really educated kids and taught them to critically think -- then it all starts with abolishing the federal stranglehold on K-12 public schools. Abolish the Department of Education and watch as the teachers' unions fall; watch as the Democrat Party's ability to shove radical and Marxist ideologies into the school systems fail; watch as America's next generation of leaders start emerging from schools with the truthful teachings of American Exceptionalism they need to keep this country on top of the global stage for years to come. Erika Donalds is an education expert who says it's high time to get rid of the Department of Education -- and that President Donald Trump is just the right guy to make that happen.


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And like that, DEI seems dead

President Donald Trump's first few days in office have been filled with speedy, decisive actions and thankfully, giving the boot to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies has been a top priority. No more DEI in the federal government. No more DEI in the military. And the trickle-down effect is impacting businesses and schools and soon enough, there will be no more DEI in corporations and the education system. Marxists are crying. Americans are applauding. And people like Ryan Walters, superintendent of Oklahoma schools, who has been fighting DEI against Democrats for years -- can finally rest a bit easier. America is certainly entering a golden age.


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It's two-gender time, as common sense makes comeback

It's the dawning of truth again in America, as President Donald Trump issued an executive order making clear there are only two sexes, male and female. And all the leftists go: No! The LGBTQ community that has so long, under Democrat coddling, pushed its extreme and radical and deceptive agenda into the public square is up in arms about this executive order. They know it's more than just a message. It's a complete policy reversal that's going to have a ripple effect into the states, into the school systems, and having an effect on everything from jail placements to passports. The chaos that's coming for the long-time liars who've insisted boys can be girls whenever they want is actually quite humorous. It's a confusion that's of their own making. But for the rest of us, common sense is making a comeback. Parent Cheryl Saltzman, a whistleblower for Campus Reform, talks about how her daughter's college Resident Assistant was a male who purposely pretended to be a girl just so he could room right alongside the real girls.


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Donald Trump's MAGA is on the march

In barely a blink of an eye after the inauguration, President Donald Trump was already moving to undo many of the damaging agendas brought forth by the previous Joe Biden team. MAGA is on the march. And for the next four years, expect more of the same. Jenna Ellis, who served as Trump's legal adviser during his first presidency, speaks to the next four years and what Americans can expect. And guess what? It's pretty much positive for the patriots of the nation. The media? The media may sell a different narrative, though. Be on guard for spin.


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Muslims turning to Christ in droves

There's a boom in the number of Muslims who are turning to Christ, and the reasons are varied but it all basically comes down to this: the truths of the Bible cannot be ignored. The spirit is on the move. And if Christians want to learn how best to engage with those of different faiths, particularly of Islam faith, then this is the show that teaches. Hedieh Mirahmadi Falco is a real warrior for Christ. But she wasn't always this way. She followed the Muslim faith for years and years until one day, she heard the voice of Christ and knew: she could not deny the promises of Christianity were true.


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New year, new terror risks to America

The new year in America sadly kicked off with terrorist attacks that left scores dead and injured. But more may be on the way. The warnings to America about the threats of radical Islamist terror have been on the walls for years now. It's just that too many political leaders, particularly in the Democratic Party, have failed to acknowledge them and act accordingly. Thankfully, Donald Trump is taking over the White House and bringing with him a team of officials who fully understand you can't fight terror with fancy talk and diplomacy and concessions. But that doesn't automatically erase the risk. As Israel Ellis, author of a book about the warning signs of terror, says: America must wake up and smell the terrorism. Our nation has been ignoring the signs of looming attacks for far too long, he says.


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Defeating deep state crime lies with state laws

The federal government, back in campaign season, put out word that violent crime in America was down -- and not just by a little, but by quite a bit. The government put out this word because that's what the FBI said to be true. So Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and all the Democrats and the leftist boot-lickers in the media went on a concerted journey to tell how Donald Trump was lying when he said crime in America was up, up, up, and also how lucky Americans were to have a president like Biden who actually lowered crime around the nation. Then the FBI's revised statistics came out and voila, suddenly it was seen: Trump was right. Crime was up, up, up. Violent crime had risen under Biden. And all the deep staters went, whoops! Democrats and deep state players will always pretend like crime falls under their watch, even when it's oh-so-untrue. But states don't have to rely on the feds to provide border security and crime-fighting tools to ensure their communities are safe from criminals. As Christopher Holton, a senior analyst with Center for Security Policy says, states can do a lot right now to make sure criminals aren't committing crimes in their local communities. Tune in for the recommendations.


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America has 'created a monster' with China

For far too long, America has tried to work with China, instead of fight against China, all due to the misguided hope that if the communists were only given enough economic opportunity and treated to the same sort of U.S. foreign policy favoritism as other nations, then the CCP would shed its commie ways and walk a more Western government path. Now the cows have come home. Now it's time to pay the piper. Now the facts are showing that China has simply pretended to work with the West all the while building up its military, its economic influence, its communist propaganda plans, its psychological warfare. China expert and author Bill Gertz says America's missteps on China policy has "created a monster." But it's not too late for America, he says, so long as the political winds shift in the right direction.


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Jimmy Carter's legacy: He's not the worst

Ask most Americans who follow politics to name the worst president in U.S. history and Jimmy Carter regularly comes to mind. But because of the utter fecklessness of Joe Biden -- Carter's legacy has changed a bit and now he seems better when compared to the present administration. But the gaslighting can only go so far. One media outlet is even claiming Carter wasn't a liberal -- that he was a conservative who paved the way to Ronald Reagan. As if Ronald Reagan needed paving. Historian and best-selling author Craig Shirley looks at Carter's presidency and talks about the truths of the 39th president's legacy. It's not all bad; but he definitely wasn't a conservative.


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How to share the faith

We're all commanded to share our faith with others -- but Christians don't always do a good job of it for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they are afraid they won't have all the right answers. Perhaps they are worried about sounding like a Jesus freak. Perhaps they are uncomfortable talking openly about their personal lives. Or perhaps they don't feel equipped to speak on behalf of God because they don't, for whatever reason, think they're good examples of God's grace. Whatever the reason, though, fact is: we're still commissioned to share our faith in Christ -- and this is what Sarah Rivette does on this episode. If you want to hear a touching story of how God works, and why you need God -- from someone who did not always believe in God -- then tune in.


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The power of God's grace

It's Christmas season, so no time like now to hear how God works in the lives of His believers. Billy Hallowell, one of the nation's premier "faith" journalists -- who covers faith issues -- shares how God has worked in His life, through good times and bad, light times and dark. And the takeaway for listeners is simple: God loves you just as much and works in your life just as frequently. The key to knowing God's will, and how He's working, is to listen and to read the Bible.


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Christians in Syria on edge over new regime

Christians in Syria are facing a dangerous unknown. Will the de facto leadership grant them religious liberty? Or will they become the latest target of Islamic leaders who abuse their positions to persecute Christians? Remember how the Taliban in Afghanistan promised to respect the individual rights after America withdrew forces -- and then practically overnight broke those promises. The same could happen in Syria. As Rusty Reno warns, Christians in Syria are a bit on edge right now, and justifiably so.


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Drones? What drones? Dems are utterly feckless

Drones are flying in hundreds of spots above several states on the East Coast and the response from the White House, when asked what they are and who's flying them and what they're doing, is this: eh -- don't worry about it. If Americans could only trust their federal government officials, maybe that'd be an answer that would sell. But trust in government has fallen dramatically in recent decades. And trust in the Joe Biden administration in particular is at a deep, dip low -- and that's because this White House has been feckless on national security issues from beginning to end. As retired Lt. Col. and best-selling author Tony Shaffer says: "It's like a scene from Blazing Saddles" with this White House. That is to say: comical at best.


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The prophetic return of Donald Trump

Is Donald Trump's White House return the fulfillment of prophecy? That's the question asked -- and even answered -- by Troy Anderson, author of the best-selling "The Trump Code," a journalistic look at a fiction title penned 130 years ago that has striking similarities to today's politics and culture, including an eerily copycat image of Donald Trump's son, Barron.


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Joe Biden's legacy of crimes by illegals

Everybody knows President Joe Biden failed to enforce border control. Everyone knows one of this administration's most dangerous policies for American citizens was the White House's utter refusal to keep illegals out of this country. But guess what: it's even worse than you imagined. The numbers of crimes committed by illegals are even higher than reported. John Lott has tracked the figures and analyzed the data and his findings are this: the costs to citizens from illegals are tremendous -- and it's not just financial, but personal safety that's the issue.


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Transgenderism has found yet a new evil

There's a new transgender threat in town, and this one is really hitting hard at the children. Down in Florida is a community that's been allowing men dressed provocatively as women to hang out in a park -- where children play. What is wrong with this picture, America? A few years ago, such displays would've required the intervention of police. Now? They go forth with alarming frequency. Guest Kelley Yates, an etiquette expert who's been warning of the LGBTQ madness for some time, details this latest evil, as well as what she's doing to fight it.


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Hunter skates, J6ers rot

President Joe Biden just gave his son, Hunter, the pardon of all pardons, one that doesn't just erase his known and jury-convicted crimes, but also whatever other crimes he may or may not have committed over the course of a ten-year period. How sweet to be the family member of this corrupt Joe Biden. Meanwhile, back in the federal system, rot away hundreds of others who've been tossed behind bars for the crime of -- protesting? Being a conservative? Supporting Donald Trump? The January 6 imprisoned ones aren't all completely innocent of criminal behavior. But as Ed Martin, one of the attorneys who has been working their cases from Day One, says -- most are facing punishments that far and away exceed whatever crimes they supposedly committed. Some, he says, are completely innocent. What of their plights? Ed Martin discusses.


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Jack Smith called Obama's 'enforcer'

Special counsel Jack Smith may be stepping aside from his prosecutorial persecutions of Donald Trump -- at least, for the time being. But he leaves behind a trail of destruction. And one such victim, Steve Stockman, former congressman, says he spent three years in jail due to Jack Smith's unjust investigations and prosecutions that came largely in defense of Barack Obama. Stockman apparently made the political mistake of using his congressional platform to investigate Obama -- and for that, he had to pay. Stockman talks about his time in jail and his dealings with Jack Smith, whom he describes as "Obama's enforcer" and a very evil man.


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Missiles and mines and more war, oh my

Joe Biden's administration has sent America hurtling down a path of war, with the latest reversals of policy allowing U.S. long-range missiles to be sent to Ukraine for use in Russia. But blink, and Biden's reversed another long-standing policy, i.e., he's also OK-ing America to send anti-personnel mines to Ukraine for use against Russia, as well. Thing is, Ukraine has signed a global treaty committing itself to never using the anti-personnel mines. The mess Biden is leaving Donald Trump is just getting uglier. No wonder America's allies can't wait for him to exit, stage left, the White House. Foreign policy expert Shea Bradley-Farrell discusses how Trump can speedily end the Ukraine-Russia war, just like he promised on the campaign trail.
