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British Thought Leaders

News & Politics Podcasts

British Thought Leaders features in-depth conversations on issues that affect and shape our society and culture, giving a voice to those marginalised by legacy media. Hosted by NTD UK’s News Director Lee Hall.


United Kingdom


British Thought Leaders features in-depth conversations on issues that affect and shape our society and culture, giving a voice to those marginalised by legacy media. Hosted by NTD UK’s News Director Lee Hall.



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We Need to Recognise the Constant Chinese & Russian Infiltration of Britain: Philip Ingram

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with former senior military intelligence officer Philip Ingram MBE to talk about the war in Ukraine, Russia’s infiltration of Britain, and why the Chinese Communist Party is the West’s biggest problem.


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When It Comes to Human Society, the More You Plan, the More You Fail: Vladislav Bogorov

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with author and former lawyer Vladislav Bogorov to talk about his book on why the world has seen so many examples of failed social engineering, and how growing up under socialism showed him the the ultimate failed system.


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To Understand Modern China, You Need to Understand the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre: Wang Dan

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Wang Dan, one of the student leaders of the June 4th 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. The Chinese Communist regime opened fire on democracy protesters with deaths thought to be in the several thousands. The massacre was a turning point in Chinese history.


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Iranians Have Only Two Choices, Join the Crazies Running Iran or Be Oppressed by Them: Elaaheh Jamali

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Iranian human rights activist Elaaheh Jamali to discuss the situation in her homeland, the Islamic regime’s persecution of people in Iran and abroad, and why she’s had to go into hiding.


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Britain Was Not Built on Slavery, Colonialism Just Benefitted a Handful of Elites: Kristian Niemietz

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Kristian Niemietz, Editorial Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs. Kristian's new book presents empirical evidence that the British Empire was not very profitable. He says the idea that Britain’s success was built on colonialism and the slave trade does not stand up to scrutiny.


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We’re Looking at Shrinking Communities, We’re Looking at Societal Collapse: Stephen J Shaw

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with data expert and documentary maker Stephen J Shaw to discuss population collapse, why birth rates are plummeting and what we can do about it.


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The Pharmaceutical Industry Is out of Control, Safety Standards Have Divebombed: Hedley Rees

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Hedley Rees, Managing Director of Pharmaflow, who has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 40 years.


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We Are Seeing a Visceral Hatred for All the Achievements of Western Civilisation: Frank Furedi

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with author, commentator and sociologist Professor Frank Furedi to talk about the attempted cancellation of NatCon Brussels, the decivilisation of Western society, and the ideological remoulding of our young people.


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The Mask Is Falling—Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia Lead to Eugenics Movements: Kevin Yuill

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Professor Kevin Yuill, CEO of Humanists Against Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, to talk about attempts to change the laws around assisted deaths and why he thinks the public won't support them.


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We Have Forgotten the Belief System That Made Britain Great: Andrea Williams

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Andrea Williams, CEO of Christian Concern & the Christian Legal Centre, to talk about the difficulties of upholding belief when the world – and the church – has gone woke, and the legal battles faced by those who are punished for their faith.


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The Science Simply Does Not Support the Ridiculous Hysteria Around Climate At All: Martin Durkin

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with film-maker Martin Durkin, director of ‘Climate the Movie’. Martin talks about overcoming censorship to bring his film to millions, why challenging the climate agenda is so taboo, and the new class of people that push environmentalism.


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BBC Is Trying to Close Down Freedom of Expression Using Verify: David Keighley

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with David Keighley, Managing Director of News-watch. News-watch has spent 25 years tracking bias at the BBC. David says the BBC has been ideologically captured by the Left and can no longer compete with contemporary entertainment providers.


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Surrounded by Brainwashing & Indoctrination, I Thought Kim Was My God – Timothy Cho, NK Escapee

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Timothy Cho, a North Korea escapee who now campaigns to bring freedom to the country he describes as a dark prison.


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'You Can Hear the Mob Coming’ – Charlie Bentley-Astor Went Undercover to Fight Cancel Culture

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Charlie Bentley-Astor, a recent student of Cambridge University. Charlie talks about going undercover to prevent the cancellation of controversial speakers such as Jordan Peterson, Kathleen Stock and Helen Joyce. Charlie also talks about the need for student secret societies to discuss works and ideas that may be considered right-wing or conservative.


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This Obsession With Carbon Dioxide Emissions Has Led to Tragedy – Rupert Darwall

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Rupert Darwall, author and senior fellow of the RealClearFoundation. Rupert talks about green virtue signalling, the death of Britain's car industry, and why he thinks the economics of environmentalism are even worse than Marxism.


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Stephanie Davies-Arai: We Need to Ban Puberty Blockers More Widely and Stop Playing God

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Stephanie Davies-Arai, director of Transgender Trend, to discuss: - the growing indoctrination of children & society - the grooming of girls to have no boundaries with the opposite sex - manufactured studies by activists used as scientific evidence - a new cohort of adults who’ve never been through puberty - puberty blockers lowering children’s IQ - the heroics of JK Rowling and Graham Linehan


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Harry Scoffin: England’s Leasehold Laws Are Unfair and Immoral

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Harry Scoffin, Britain’s leading campaigner on leasehold reform. Harry says the problems with England's leasehold laws reflect deeper problems in the nation's politics. He talks about powerful interests that benefit from the system, preventing governments from reforming it for over a century.


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Pete North: Britain's Real Far Right is Islamic Extremism

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with writer and commentator Pete North, X’s Northern Variant, to discuss the Far Left, the Far Right and the state of British politics.


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Momus Najmi: The Islamists and the Far Left Are Opposed to the Existence of Britain

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with writer and commentator Momus Najmi to discuss Islamic extremism and its communist origins, Islamist threats to the British way of life, and politicians' recent focus on Islamophobia.


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Gwythian Prins: The World Is at War – The West’s Green Policies Are Playing Into Our Enemy’s Hands

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Gwythian Prins, Emeritus Research Professor at London School of Economics, and adviser to NATO and the Ministry of Defence. Gwythian says we are part of a global conflict and there's an urgent national security need to reinstate Britain’s industries, instead of relying on our antagonists. He explains the folly of carbon neutral military vehicles, and why China’s military leaders are delighted by Britain’s Net Zero policies. See Gwythian's report at
