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C-SPAN's The Weekly


Connecting today's political discourse with the past 40 years of politics. Using audio taken from C-SPAN's vast Video Library, each episode focuses on a theme tied to current events providing a unique perspective on today's news.


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Connecting today's political discourse with the past 40 years of politics. Using audio taken from C-SPAN's vast Video Library, each episode focuses on a theme tied to current events providing a unique perspective on today's news.






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Ronald Reagan’s Funniest Jokes About His Age

During the 2024 presidential campaign, we’ve heard a lot about how old the candidates are. How did the last famously “old” president -- Ronald Reagan -- handle the age issue? With jokes! Like this: I remember when George Bush and I took office, January 1981 -- or as another Republican President might have put it: 4 months and 7 years ago. You know, I've waited 125 years to say that. That was President Reagan opening a Republican fundraising dinner speech. The date: May 11, 1988 … The age: 77. What were Ronald Reagan’s funniest jokes about his age? Find out in the latest episode of C-SPAN’s podcast “The Weekly” … It’s the best of Ronald Reagan jokes… about being old. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Presidential Acceptance Speeches: Top Lines and Phrases from Conventions Since 1960

This summer, C-SPAN is bringing you live, gavel-to-gavel coverage of both the Republican and Democratic party conventions … featuring the presidential nomination acceptance speeches of Joe Biden and Donald Trump … If history is any guide, there will be at least one memorable line or phrase from each speech. Like in 1964: "So let us here tonight, each of us, all of us, rededicate ourselves to keeping burning the golden torch of promise which John Fitzgerald Kennedy set aflame” That was President Lyndon Johnson, accepting the nomination at the 1964 Democratic National Convention… He ran for president a year after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. And here’s his opponent -- Senator Barry Goldwater -- accepting the nomination at that year’s Republican National Convention “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue” The latest episode of C-SPAN's podcast "The Weekly" puts all these famous lines in historical context – going back to 1960. What were the most iconic or meaningful or campaign-altering sentences and phrases from every acceptance speech since 1960? What were the quick but big rhetorical moments that affected every presidential campaign over the past 64 years? Find out in C-SPAN’s “The Weekly.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Olympics Champions and Party Conventions: Pledging Allegiance and Endorsing Candidates

Every four years, there’s a Republican convention. And every four years, there’s a Democratic convention. And every four years, there’s a Summer Olympics. What happens when you put them all together? You get this: “Delegates and guests, please welcome Olympic gold medalist, gymnast Gabby Douglas to lead us in the pledge of allegiance” That was the 2012 Democratic National Convention. And here’s the 2004 Republican National Convention: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome two of our favorite all-American heroes, Mary Lou Retton and Kerry Strug.” It happens every four years: Olympians at both conventions: They pledge allegiance ... They endorse candidates… They make people laugh … They make people proud. Which American Olympic champions have spoken at which conventions? And what did they say? And whom did they endorse? Find out in the latest episode of C-SPAN’s podcast “The Weekly.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Fourth of July: Bob Michel Sings Patriotic Songs

It's the Fourth of July. Here at C-SPAN Radio, we hope you're enjoying the holiday ...and America's independence. In the mood for hearing patriotic songs? Then you won't want to miss this week's episode of C-SPAN's podcast "The Weekly." Because we're featuring patriotic songs sung by Bob Michel. Elected to the House in 1956, he served as House Republican leader from 1981 until his retirement on January 3, 1995…. And he spent much of his time singing. Bob Michel – not just a Republican leader – a baritone singer. For the Fourth of July, download and listen to "The Weekly" and hear Bob Michel sing about America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Debate Moderators to Debate Audiences: SILENCE!

Presidential debates without studio audiences … 1960 between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon … 1976 between Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford … And now, 2024 … Which means -- before the upcoming CNN debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, you won't hear anything like what moderator Jim Lehrer told the audience on October 3 , 2000 … before the debate between Al Gore and George W. Bush: I'm going to sit here and ask questions for 90 minutes. And you all are going to remain absolutely silent for 90 minutes. One exciting feature of presidential debates used to be: watching debate moderators give the audience instructions on how to behave. Instructions based on a simple yet stern premise: be quiet. If you're going to miss hearing presidential debate moderators tell presidential debate audiences to pipe down, then the latest episode of C-SPAN's podcast "The Weekly" is just the thing for you. A heart-warming nostalgic stroll down memory lane, remembering all the ways moderators used to tell audiences: keep your mouths shut. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Ross Perot’s Greatest Moments in the 1992 Presidential Debates

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wants to be included in the upcoming debate on CNN between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. There hasn’t been a third participant, an independent candidate, in a presidential debate in over three decades…. Since Ross Perot in 1992 “No hedges, no ifs, ands and buts. I'll take the pledge. Because I know the American people want to talk about issues and not tabloid journalism. So, I'll take the pledge and we'll stay on the issues. Now, just for the record, I don't have any spin doctors. I don't have any speech writers. Probably shows. I make those charts you see on television. But you don't have to wonder if it's me talking. What you see is what you get. And if you don't like it, you got two other choices, right?” That was Ross Perot in the 1992 town hall – the first-ever general election presidential debate held in a town hall format…. A citizen asked the candidates to "focus on the issues and not the personalities and the mud." What were Ross Perot’s greatest moments, notable remarks, and most famous lines from the 1992 debates? Find out in the latest episode of C-SPAN’s podcast “The Weekly” -- when we revisit the last time an independent candidate was allowed in a presidential debate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Netanyahu's Record-Breaking Four Speeches in Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited to address a Joint Meeting of Congress. It would be his fourth time. And that sets a few Congress records: The greatest number of official speeches in Congress by one foreign leader. His introduction by Speaker Mike Johnson marks the fourth time Benjamin Netanyahu has been by introduced by a Republican speaker. And Israel takes over first place for the greatest number of total speeches by leaders of a foreign country to a Joint Meeting of Congress. Ten times by an Israeli Prime Minister or President. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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George Bush Would Have Been 100 – And He Might Have Jumped Out of An Airplane

President George H.W. Bush would have been 100 years old. He was born June 12, 1924. And to mark that milestone birthday, he might have jumped out of an airplane. Like he did when he turned 75 … and 80 … and 85 … and 90. Why jump out of airplanes as he got older? Here’s what President Bush said in 1998: It was about closure because on September 2nd, 1944, I made a parachute jump and I did it badly. My life was spared. Off the island of Chichijima. During Word War II. But I made a mistake again went out too early and bad things happened. So for years I wanted to do it right. But what I thought the press would ridicule me. But what happened was. And maybe there's a lesson here for other old guys if there are others in this room. And somehow that silly parachute jump awaked in a lot of people that very thought. We can. We can do something even at our age. President George Bush was serious about the jumps. But he often joked about them. And he used First Lady Barbara Bush as his comedy foil. What were his best birthday parachute jokes? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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D-Day 80th Anniversary Presidents Speak at Normandy

Through the words of American presidents who have spoken over the years at Normandy, this week's episode of C-SPAN's podcast "The Weekly" marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. We hear presidents talk about American soldiers who fought there and died there. Some of the greatest and most legendary speeches of the modern American presidency have been delivered at Normandy for D-Day anniversaries … In all, American presidents have spoken at Normandy eight times since D-Day … Hear the stories and the speeches – in “The Weekly." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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When Presidential Candidates Warned About “More of the Same”

“This debate tonight has made crystal clear a challenge that is as old as America — the choice between hope and fear, change or more of the same.” That was Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton – his closing statement in the October 11, 1992, presidential debate… “More of the same” – It’s a phrase Bill Clinton famously – and quite effectively – used during the 1992 campaign… And you don’t just hear it from Bill Clinton …”More of the same” is a warning you typically hear from other presidential candidates in other presidential campaigns. But probably not this year…. In 2024 – with a repeat of the same two candidates from the last presidential election – we likely won’t hear either side talk much – if at all – about “more of the same.” So let’s do it ourselves – Let’s use this week’s episode of C-SPAN’s “The Weekly” to remember when “more of the same” was common campaign rhetoric… Yes, in this podcast we hear more of the same – about more of the same. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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National Enquirer and Presidential Politics Reporting: Gary Hart 1987

The Trump hush money trial has us talking about the National Enquirer. But it seems like the tabloid never left the political conversation. The National Enquirer’s pictures, scoops, and reporting have influenced the establishment political media for years. In this week’s episode’s of C-SPAN’s podcast “The Weekly,” we revisit what we might be the most famous example of how National Enquirer reporting shapes broader political reporting – and even the presidential race. Our focus: Gary Hart. How did conventional media react to the National Enquirer’s reporting of the Democratic presidential candidate having an alleged affair in 1987? Hear all the self-reflection and hand-wringing in “The Weekly.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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What Doug Mills Saw On 9/11

During the recent White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, New York Times photographer Doug Mills got an award. He got an award for his photography at last year's dinner, too. And the Association awarded him in 2020 as well. The Association gives out only five awards every year — and until just a few years ago, those awards did not acknowledge visual journalism. So let’s make up for lost time. Let’s recognize Doug Mills work before the Correspondents Association started giving him awards. In this episode of C-SPAN’s podcast “The Weekly,” we’ll revisit a specific moment in presidential history that changed America – and made many Americans aware of Doug Mills legendary work. We'll remember – in Doug Mills' own words from his appearances on C-SPAN – what he saw and experienced covering President Bush during the terror attacks of 9/11. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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The Senate Prays … for O.J. Simpson

The recent death of O.J. Simpson reminds us of one of the most controversial episodes involving a prayer opening a session of Congress…And its aftermath. In this week's episode of C-SPAN’s “The Weekly, you’ll hear the full Senate prayer for O.J. Simpson following his arrest … plus, the rare rebuke by a U.S. Senator. And then, you’ll hear the surprise twist that happened next. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Mitch McConnell Comedy Festival

Elected in November 1984, Mitch McConnell now has over 4,300 speaking appearances on C-SPAN. And he’s been telling jokes from the beginning. And - in this week’s episode of C-SPAN's “The Weekly” – we hear them! We recently remembered Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman by hearing his jokes, quips, and humorous one-liners. Now, it’s part II – BALANCE! -- we hear a Republican Senator telling jokes … So, once again, get ready to have a good time … and listen to the first ever Mitch McConnell Comedy Festival….. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Nixon Death 30 Years Later: Remembering Congress Reaction

It is my sad duty to inform you officially of the death of Richard Milhous Nixon, the thirty-seventh President of the United States Born in 1913, he was first elected to the Congress in 1946, a member of that historic freshman class of World War II veterans that also included John F. Kennedy. He was elected to the Senate in 1950, and served two terms as Vice President of the United States between 1953 and 1961. His career in the Congress coincided with the great expansion of the American middle class, when men and women from backgrounds as humble as his own secured the triumph of freedom abroad and the promise of economic growth at home That was a message from President Clinton … read at the beginning of the House session on April 25, 1994. It was the first day Congress met after Richard Nixon’s, death three days earlier. In 1968, Richard Nixon was elected the 37th President after previously serving as a U.S. Representative and a U.S. Senator. Richard Nixon is the most recent president who served in both the House and the Senate. In fact, he was the last of three straight presidents who served in both chambers, following Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy. In all, ten presidents have served in both the House and Senate. Many of the speakers in Congress that April day remembered Nixon in personal terms and with personal stories … As we approach the 30th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s death … April 22nd … this week's episode of C-SPAN’s “The Weekly” remembers what was said about him -- in both chambers–-- as Congress mourned one of its own. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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The War Between the States – of the States Addresses

It’s the war between the States – of the States addresses! Folks are moving here in record numbers to become a part of our winning way of life. Californians and New Yorkers have never seen a state like ours – one that trusts our people, and one that embraces and promotes liberty and Freedom. That was Republican South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem … her State of the State address …Now here’s Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer – her State of the State address: In some states, educators are being undermined, micromanaged, and even criminalized just for doing their jobs. In Florida, teachers are disrespected and book bans are rampant—heck, just two weeks ago, a district banned the dictionary! The dictionary! In Texas, nearly 1 in 3 teachers aren’t even certified. Governors who knocked other states – states whose governors happen to be from opposite parties. It happened a lot this year in State of the State addresses. Instead of the Blue versus the Gray, this civil war – the rhetorical civil war -- is the Blue versus the Red. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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Joe Lieberman, Rest In Comedy

Joe Lieberman is being remembered as a Senator, a Presidential candidate, and a Vice Presidential candidate… But also part of Joe Lieberman’s legacy: comedy. What were some of his funniest quips, jokes, and real-time reactions? Find out in this week’s episode of C-SPAN’s “The Weekly” – as we remember Joe Lieberman’s journey through politics -- with the jokes he told and the funny things he said. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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In 2012, America Held a Presidential Election. So Did Russia.

You know that in 2012 America had a presidential election– Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama. But did you know Russia had one, too? And it happens again in 2024 -- both America and Russia have presidential elections. Russia’s presidents serve six-year terms … So the last time the U.S and Russia both held presidential elections in the same year was 2012 .. and Putin was a candidate both times. In the 2024 U.S. presidential election, Russia and Putin are a hot topic. But what about 2012? As you’ll hear in this week’s episode of C-SPAN’s “The Weekly” … in 2012 presidential candidates also had lots to say about a country and a president it seems we’re always talking about -- Russia and Putin. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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A C-SPAN Playlist: 45 Notable Moments from 45 Notable Years

It’s C-SPAN’s 45th anniversary … and C-SPAN’s “The Weekly” is marking it the best way we know how … With big, famous, legendary, significant, tragic, angry, hilarious, and otherwise notable moments from those 45 years … Some you’ve heard before, some perhaps you’re hearing now for the first time … So put on your tuxedo, toss some confetti, and enjoy this anniversary show. … 45 clips for 45 years….... A C-SPAN Playlist! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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What Else Did Congress Say On March 19th, 1979, Day 1 of C-SPAN?

You’re a political junkie… You know your Congress history … and you watch and listen to C-SPAN. So, you probably know when and where Congressman Al Gore said this. Mr. Speaker, on this historic day the House of Representatives opens its proceedings for the first time to televised coverage. …Television will change this institution, Mr. Speaker, just as it has changed the executive branch, but the good will far outweigh the bad. From this day forward every Member of this body must ask himself or herself how many Americans are listening to the debates which are made. That’s right – it was March 19, 1979 – the first day of live gavel to gavel coverage of the floor of the House … the first day of C-SPAN. But other than Congressman Gore talking about House TV – do you know what else other members of congress talked about that day in 1979? C-SPAN is marking its 45th anniversary... and in this week’s episode of C-SPAN’s podcast “The Weekly,” we return to Congress for that first day of TV ….not to hear more about Congress on TV – after all, you’ve probably have heard that Gore speech before – but to learn something new: What else did they talk about? So climb inside our podcast time machine … and transport back 45 years, to hear what else was on the minds of members of Congress that first day of live TV. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
