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Democracy Watch News is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation news service that builds networks of independent correspondents, editors, & news-production teams around the world to cover democracy, human rights, press freedom, Media responsibility, open governance, & sustainable public-policy.






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Ecuador and Mexico A Break in Relations and a Propaganda Strategy

Roberto Diaz @RRomanen &@dieresis_u on X, reports about the break of international relations between Mexico and Ecuador, and the effect it had in the Latin American region and internal politics struggles in both countries. #LatinAmerica #Mexico #Ecuador #LatinAmerican #Democracy #DanielNoboa #AMLO #America #Geopolitics Recorded April 27th 2024.Duration 7:19 On the night of Friday, April 5th, the Mexican embassy in Quito was raided by the Ecuadorian police, after Mexico granted political asylum to former Ecuadorian vice-president Jorge Glas. This action by the Mexican embassy was made after the Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa declared Mexican ambassador Raquel Serur persona non-grata, Ecuador’s government urged her to leave the country in the quickest time possible. The Mexican embassy was left under control of chief of mission Roberto Canseco, who was physically subdued by Ecuadorian police forces during the raid. Consequently, Mexican President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador ordered the formal rupture of relations with the South American nation. In response to this event, several countries came out in support of Mexico and condemned President Noboa's actions, which openly violated the Vienna Convention, where diplomatic missions of any country are declared as extensions of the respective countries and are granted immunity from the host country laws. The list of supporting nations includes Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, Honduras, Panama, and Peru; the latter had already severed diplomatic relations with Mexico in 2023. Additionally, there was a formal rupture of diplomatic relations with Nicaragua and Venezuela. In the northern hemisphere, the United States and Canada also spoke out against the raid on the Mexican embassy, as did the European Union, the United Kingdom, Norway, and Russia. What reason did President Noboa have for raiding the embassy? The protocol for international political asylum, as outlined in Article 3, states that the granting country cannot provide asylum to an individual who is being prosecuted for common crimes in the requesting country. —That would be the legal justification for the raid. —However, the same article states that the evaluation of charges against the asylum seeker is the exclusive responsibility of the granting state. Therefore, the raid could not be justified, and on April 11th, the Mexican government formally filed a lawsuit against the Ecuadorian government in the International Court of Justice. Meanwhile, in Ecuador, the majority party in parliament, the RC party Citizen Revolution distanced itself from agreements with the ruling coalition regarding security matters, following the attacks by criminal gangs in Quito, where criminals seized a television station and the University of Quito. As a result, Noboa's government lost its majority in the National Assembly. The arrest has sparked speculation on social media and among various analysts, suggesting that the event was used as a political maneuver to sway the outcome of the referendum held on Sunday, April 22nd. Voter turnout reached 73% of the population, with a 60% approval rating for security reforms; 9 out of the 11 reforms proposed. Reforms regarding arbitration and hourly hiring were rejected by the population. In 2025, Ecuador will have a new electoral process, where President Daniel Noboa will seek his reelection. He was elected only to cover the remaining term of his predecessor Guillermo Lasso's, after Lasso dissolved the congress and called for extraordinary elections. In a movement called as “Muerte Cruzada” In Mexico, on the other hand, Ecuador's blow against Mexican diplomacy was favorably received by the Mexican opposition, such as Senator Lilly Tellez from the PAN party, who posted a statement on X, expressing her standing on Ecuador’s side. Also was opposed by Mexican politicians such as Gerardo Fernandez Noroña, who filed a...


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Mexican President Vs The Media

Roberto Díaz reports On February 22, 2024, during the presidential morning conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as AMLO, revealed a letter sent to him by the Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean bureau of the U.S. newspaper The New York Times. In the letter, the president was asked to respond to a series of questions sent by the newspaper's editor, Natalie Krittoef, with the intention of clarifying alleged illicit financing in his 2018 campaign. During the press conference, the Mexican president read the letter containing the editor's phone number, which could be considered a violation of Mexico's journalist data protection law. It is worth mentioning that in recent weeks, there have been four attempts to link AMLO to organized crime—a report by DW, another by Pro-Publica, another by Insight Crime, and another by Latinus—all just four months before the presidential elections in Mexico, where all polls indicate the candidate from his political party, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, as the winner. It should be noted that all investigations have resulted in no substantiation. On February 23, there was an interesting response from Univisión correspondent Jésica Zermeño, who, when questioned about the leak of an editor's phone number that was not private and was already publicly available on LinkedIn, the president's response about a "higher moral law" superior to the law established in the Mexican constitution was enough, fueling an already polarized relationship between his administration and the media. Even though in 2023, according to the NGO Reporters Without Borders, four journalists were killed and 34 disappeared, making Mexico the second most dangerous country for journalism outside of Gaza, the media has tried to link López Obrador's presidency to the killings. Mainly denouncing "La Mañanera," the morning press conferences, to denigrate often biased work, as was the case with the misinformation spread by Diario de Yucatan about a supposed heart attack suffered by the president, further diminishing a critical stance on the search for evidence to justify the editorial lines pursued by different media outlets which supported the desinformation. "If she has so much of a problem, she should change her number," was the response given by President AMLO regarding the issue, ignoring that things were only going to get more complicated from there on. Communication experts, analysts, and national and international journalists, came to the defense of editor Natalie Krittoef due to the phone number leak. It should be noted that while the case of editor Natalie Krittoef went viral and at the same time generated sympathy, a second leak occurred of phone numbers linked to journalists attending "La Mañanera." These were later exploited by trolls and bots on social media to increase hate speech and threats against independent journalists who weren’t antagonistic with the AMLO’s administration.The inaction of organizations such as Article 19 in these cases was already expected. While the organization expressed concern about data leaking from more than 300 journalists attending "La Mañanera," an incident that was revealed on January 26 of this year, for the second leak, they stood silently. Finally, the propaganda campaign "Change the Number," a campaign carried out by female journalists and actresses very active in the Mexican opposition such as Areli Paz, Paula Ordorica, Azucena Uresti, Lourdes Mendoza, and Denisse Dresser, where through a message on social networks, the journalist said, they were going to leak her number so that people could call them. For those who called expecting to get in touch with the journalists, they only found a pre-recorded message about the number of journalists killed in Mexico. Additionally, two of the profiles of the journalists who promoted this campaign, Denisse Dresser, and Azucena Uresti, were selected as possible moderators in the...


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End Veteran Medical Debt

It is a misconception that our veterans receive free or affordable healthcare. As much as $6 Billion in veteran and military medical debt is burdening our bravest. is the parent initiative Jerry Ashton’s group of several campaigns to mitigate the harms that can impact veterans including risk of suicide, unemployment, addiction, and poor health. One campaign that this report focuses on is the campaign to End Veteran Medical Debt. Ways you can support this campaign are detailed. They include Signing a petition, contacting your congressperson, and following on Facebook and Twitter. Jerry’s group has been also working for years on retiring medical debt for the general public with RIP Medical To date, that initiative has retired about $10 Billion in medical debt; erasing that burden from the lives of 7 million americans. Duration:13:35 Recorded 2023-11-09 Our published content is on our podcast host Send Listener feedback by sending an email to: More Social Media Links for Democracy Watch News Account Suspended We also augment the news on Twitter globally Asia-Eastern Augments/covers news for West Asia, North Africa & Central Asia #democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #environment #OpenGov Asia-Pacific Augments/covers news for South & SE Asia, & The Pacific #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment #OpenGov #News #East Europe Augments/covers news throughout Europe #Democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #PublicPolicy #MediaEthics #environment #transparency International Augments/covers news for more than 190 countries each month. An independent-global news-service, Democracy Watch News covers #democracy #HumanRights #NonviolentConflict #PressFreedom #journalism #mediaEthics #Environment. Latin America & South Atlantic Augments/covers news for Latin America & South Atlantic. #HumanRights #OpenGov #PressFreedom #NonviolentConflict #Environment in #SouthAmerica #Caribbean #CentralAmerica. North America Augments/covers news for USA Canada Mexico and the North Pacific. #Mexico #Canada #USA stories/events affecting #democracy #humanrights #journalism #opengov #environment. Sub Saharan Africa Augments/covers news for Sub Saharan Africa #News #WestAfrica #CentralAfrica #EastAfrica #SouthernAfrica #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate, we are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit in the USA. Donations are tax deductible. Please share with your networks. Spanish Credits Nuestro contenido publicado en nuestro host de podcast Envíe los comentarios de los oyentes enviando un correo electrónico a: Nuestro equipo de producción y tema musical Actualmente, Democracy Watch News es producido por voluntarios. Por favor, done en Ahora somos una organización benéfica sin fines de lucro 501c3. Las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos. Por favor comparte con tus redes.


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Genocide in Balochistan part 4 of 4

This concludes our four part report on the genocide in Balochistan. The Baloch problem started in 1833 when the British basically wanted to expand their imperial empire to Afghanistan. And there are two routes to Afghanistan. One is through Balochistan, one is through the Khyber Pass. And they tried it through that route, the other route, and they faced basically drastic humiliation. So the British played the game of basically, I want to lay a railway line, I want to lay a telegraph line along what is now the border between Pakistan and Iran, which was inside Balochistan. And then in 1928, basically Iran took that part and made it part of Iran. And In 1967, Pakistan was formed. Then the other part of Balochistan, in 1947, March 1948, Pakistan mobilized troops, backed fully by the British at the time, and occupied us. Genocide, a term that evokes images of immense human suffering and the darkest chapters in history, has been an ongoing tragedy in the region of Balochistan. Balochistan, a vast and resource-rich province straddling the borders of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, has been plagued by a long-standing conflict marked by human rights violations and systematic targeting of its Baloch population. More information Several members of the Baloch community describe what is happening to people in Balochistan now. “Pakistan is currently engaged in a sinister war against killing Baloch people; that is understandable, because Baloch people are asking for their party to be independent.” The capital of Pakistan, Karachi, is in the Balochistan area. The deep sea port in Karachi on the Arabian Sea is crucial to the Pakistan economy. China’s completion of its Silk Road project needs this port. Balochistan predates the creation of Pakistan in 1947. Journalism is a dangerous profession in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. According to a report by Freedom Network, an independent national media watchdog, at least 53 journalists were murdered in Pakistan from 2012 to 2022. Only in two cases have convictions been obtained. Most journalists concede that “We write what the authorities want us to write. We can’t present the real facts.” Some examples of this violence are detailed in this report. #Balochistan #Genocide #Pakistan #Iran Recorded 2023-08-08 Duration 52:26 Our published content is on our podcast host Send Listener feedback by sending an email to: More Social Media Links for Democracy Watch News We also augment the news on Twitter globally Asia-Eastern Augments/covers news for West Asia, North Africa & Central Asia #democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #environment #OpenGov Asia-Pacific Augments/covers news for South & SE Asia, & The Pacific #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment #OpenGov #News #East Europe Augments/covers news throughout Europe #Democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #PublicPolicy #MediaEthics #environment #transparency Latin America & South Atlantic Augments/covers news for Latin America & South Atlantic. #HumanRights #OpenGov #PressFreedom #NonviolentConflict #Environment in #SouthAmerica #Caribbean #CentralAmerica. North America Augments/covers news for USA Canada Mexico and the North Pacific. #Mexico #Canada #USA stories/events affecting #democracy #humanrights #journalism #opengov #environment. Sub Saharan Africa Augments/covers news for Sub Saharan Africa #News #WestAfrica #CentralAfrica #EastAfrica #SouthernAfrica #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate, we are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit in the USA. Donations are tax deductible. ...


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Genocide in Balochistan part 3 of 4

This part 3 of 4 begins with a recounting of threats for journalists. The Baloch problem started in 1833 when the British basically wanted to expand their imperial empire to Afghanistan. And there are two routes to Afghanistan. One is through Balochistan, one is through the Khyber Pass. And they tried it through that route, the other route, and they faced basically drastic humiliation. So the British played the game of basically, I want to lay a railway line, I want to lay a telegraph line along what is now the border between Pakistan and Iran, which was inside Balochistan. And then in 1928, basically Iran took that part and made it part of Iran. And In 1967, Pakistan was formed. Then the other part of Balochistan, in 1947, March 1948, Pakistan mobilized troops, backed fully by the British at the time, and occupied us. Genocide, a term that evokes images of immense human suffering and the darkest chapters in history, has been an ongoing tragedy in the region of Balochistan. Balochistan, a vast and resource-rich province straddling the borders of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, has been plagued by a long-standing conflict marked by human rights violations and systematic targeting of its Baloch population. More information Several members of the Baloch community describe what is happening to people in Balochistan now. “Pakistan is currently engaged in a sinister war against killing Baloch people; that is understandable, because Baloch people are asking for their party to be independent.” The capital of Pakistan, Karachi, is in the Balochistan area. The deep sea port in Karachi on the Arabian Sea is crucial to the Pakistan economy. China’s completion of its Silk Road project needs this port. Balochistan predates the creation of Pakistan in 1947. Journalism is a dangerous profession in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. According to a report by Freedom Network, an independent national media watchdog, at least 53 journalists were murdered in Pakistan from 2012 to 2022. Only in two cases have convictions been obtained. Most journalists concede that “We write what the authorities want us to write. We can’t present the real facts.” Some examples of this violence are detailed in this report. #Balochistan #Genocide #Pakistan #Iran #HumanRights Recorded 2023-08-08 Duration 43:46 Our published content is on our podcast host Send Listener feedback by sending an email to: More Social Media Links for Democracy Watch News We also augment the news on Twitter globally Asia-Eastern Augments/covers news for West Asia, North Africa & Central Asia #democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #environment #OpenGov Asia-Pacific Augments/covers news for South & SE Asia, & The Pacific #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment #OpenGov #News #East Europe Augments/covers news throughout Europe #Democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #PublicPolicy #MediaEthics #environment #transparency Latin America & South Atlantic Augments/covers news for Latin America & South Atlantic. #HumanRights #OpenGov #PressFreedom #NonviolentConflict #Environment in #SouthAmerica #Caribbean #CentralAmerica. North America Augments/covers news for USA Canada Mexico and the North Pacific. #Mexico #Canada #USA stories/events affecting #democracy #humanrights #journalism #opengov #environment. Sub Saharan Africa Augments/covers news for Sub Saharan Africa #News #WestAfrica #CentralAfrica #EastAfrica #SouthernAfrica #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate, we are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit in the USA. Donations are...


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Genocide in Balochistan part 2 of 4

Genocide, a term that evokes images of immense human suffering and the darkest chapters in history, has been an ongoing tragedy in the region of Balochistan. Balochistan, a vast and resource-rich province straddling the borders of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, has been plagued by a long-standing conflict marked by human rights violations and systematic targeting of its Baloch population. More information Several members of the Baloch community describe what is happening to people in Balochistan now. “Pakistan is currently engaged in a sinister war against killing Baloch people; that is understandable, because Baloch people are asking for their party to be independent.” The capital of Pakistan, Karachi, is in the Balochistan area. The deep sea port in Karachi on the Arabian Sea is crucial to the Pakistan economy. China’s completion of its Silk Road project needs this port. Balochistan predates the creation of Pakistan in 1947. Journalism is a dangerous profession in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. According to a report by Freedom Network, an independent national media watchdog, at least 53 journalists were murdered in Pakistan from 2012 to 2022. Only in two cases have convictions been obtained. Most journalists concede that “We write what the authorities want us to write. We can’t present the real facts.” Some examples of this violence are detailed in this report. #Baluchistan #Genocide #Pakistan #Iran #BritishImperialism #HumanRights Recorded 2023-08-08 Duration 36:34 Our published content is on our podcast host Send Listener feedback by sending an email to: More Social Media Links for Democracy Watch News We also augment the news on Twitter globally Asia-Eastern Augments/covers news for West Asia, North Africa & Central Asia #democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #environment #OpenGov Asia-Pacific Augments/covers news for South & SE Asia, & The Pacific #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment #OpenGov #News #East Europe Augments/covers news throughout Europe #Democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #PublicPolicy #MediaEthics #environment #transparency Latin America & South Atlantic Augments/covers news for Latin America & South Atlantic. #HumanRights #OpenGov #PressFreedom #NonviolentConflict #Environment in #SouthAmerica #Caribbean #CentralAmerica. North America Augments/covers news for USA Canada Mexico and the North Pacific. #Mexico #Canada #USA stories/events affecting #democracy #humanrights #journalism #opengov #environment. Sub Saharan Africa Augments/covers news for Sub Saharan Africa #News #WestAfrica #CentralAfrica #EastAfrica #SouthernAfrica #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate, we are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit in the USA. Donations are tax deductible. Please share with your networks.


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The First Female President of Mexico

I'm Roberto Diaz. I'm the coordinator editor for Democracy Watch News Latin America with a new report about the upcoming Mexican election on June 2nd of 2024 that will elect for the first time a female president of Mexico. This is something without precedent and can help to develop what is going to be the Mexican internal and external policy during the coming six years. So this is something great. This is something good. We have to understand that 2024 will be a definitive year for Mexico's political life. 2024 Mexican general election The first candidate comes from the Morena party. It is the party that was launched by the current president Andres Manuel Obrador or AMLO, as he is famously known here in Mexico. She is Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who became the first female governor of Mexico City. She is a physicist with a specialization in green energy development and the founder of social justice efforts, especially crimes against women. She recently won Morena's internal poll to become their next candidate. If the USA wants to keep the New Green Deal, she is the best for the Democrats in Washington. Claudia Sheinbaum has developed a close relationship with the Energy Secretary of Mexico, Rocío Nález. to strengthen the position of green energies in Mexicano. She shows herself as a progressivist, a social democrat, and part of Mexico's left wing. Claudia Sheinbaum started in 2000 as the Secretary of Environment of the Federal District during the government of Lopez Obrador and as the Mexico City mayor. From there, in 2015, she became the delegation chief of Tlalpan, a city of neighborhoods in Mexico City. It's similar to the mayoralty down in the US. Then, unfortunately, in 2017, a private school collapsed during the Mexico City earthquake, killing 26 people in total. 19 of them were children. As a member of the Tlalpan delegation,Sheinbaum was accused of being responsible for this incident. Although the school director was sent to prison, after it was revealed that the school didn't have permission to build more floors. Nonetheless, Claudia Sheinbaum won the election for the Mexico City Regency in 2018. During her administration, the Mexico City Cable Bus was built and launched for Mexico City citizens. Also in close work with the governor of Mexico state, Alfredo del Mazo-Mazza, they created a strategy to put COVID-19 detection centers in every delegation and neighborhood. Unfortunately, in 2021, the Mexico City light train Linea 12 collapsed. The political opposition blamed Claudia for that, although a thorough investigation showed that the problems of the line weren't because of lack of maintenance, as the media pointed out, but because of construction deficiencies. The line was built in 2012 by a series of construction companies owned by Mexico's rich man, Carlos Slim Tesis. Twenty-two people died in the event, and the millionaire decided to make reparations to the families and rebuild the old structure for free. The investigations are still in process. During the presidential visit to a welfare bank branch in Mexico City, AMLO was seen with Claudia. And to the eyes of all watchers, the president raises her hand into the sky. Political analysts like Denis Dresdner and Sergio Sarmiento still believe that was the definitive moment in which Claudia Sheinbaum was picked by AMLO to be his successor. In 2021, Claudia started to walk Mexico City streets in what was expected to be, what we call here in Mexico, an advanced campaign act. These are illegal, I have to say. In 2022 and 2023, she started to support Morena candidates for the governor election. And so she visited those states, building support from the Morena party members, at the same time she painted walls with the legend "Es Claudia" in several states, as well as plenty of banners. The other candidate is Berta Xochiti Galvez Ruiz, or Xochiti Galvez as she likes to be known, labeling herself as an indigenous heritage, well, she has indigenous heritage...


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Abortion Decriminalization in Mexico

Roberto Diaz @dieresis_u reports from Mexico City on the abortion decriminalization in Mexico. Since 2021, abortion has no longer been a federal crime in Mexico. The criminal law in Mexico varies by state. On 7 September 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court unanimously ruled that penalizing abortion is unconstitutional, setting an important precedent across the whole country. Before 2019, abortion had been severely restricted outside of Mexico City, where it was legalized on-request in 2007. As of August 2023, abortion is available on request to any woman during the first twelve weeks of a pregnancy in Mexico City and the states of Oaxaca, Hidalgo, Veracruz, Coahuila, Colima, Baja California, Sinaloa, Guerrero, Baja California Sur, Quintana Roo, and Aguascalientes. However, even in states where abortion is legal, there continue to be women in pre-trial detention for murder due to the spontaneous miscarriages of pregnancies. On September 6th of the current year 2023, Mexico's The Supreme Court of Justice decriminalized the abortion on a federal level. The sentence was passed after the unanimous vote of the three ministers inside the First CourtRoom. A significant advance in the fight for the reproductive rights of Mexican women, since the latest sentence of 2021, in which criminalizing the abortion became unconstitutional in Mexico. Because of the Judicial Power internal division, this decriminalizing measure doesn't mean that abortion became legal in the entire Mexican nation, a declaration given by the Subdirector of the civilian association: Group of Information in Chosen Reproduction or (GIRE) in Spanish, the latest verdict doesn't cover 21 of the 32 states of Mexico, as some states haven't modified their own Criminal Code. Nonetheless, the independent jurist, Carla Escoffie confirmed that even though this measure won’t protect women in states in which the abortion is considered a crime, the same measure allows the accused to process a legal protection against the state law and be judged in a federal court. The controversial result has generated polarizing opinions in the country, from the official’s senator; Olga Sanchez Cordero, who seconded with animosity the Supremes’ court decision, to conservative activist, Irma Barrientos, from the civilian association "Derechos del Concebido" (Conceived Rights) who repudiated the verdict of the maximum entity of justice in Mexico. The abortion topic is still generating controversy in a country in which 78% of the population considers themselves as catholic. The decriminalizing process for the abortion is still recent, but started to have more impact in the legislative discussions. 1 5 years ago, Mexico City became the first federal entity, where the abortion became legalized and from there, the discussion became stagnated until 2019, when the state of Oaxaca became the first state in decriminalize the abortion in its constitution, then in 2021, a wave of decriminalization processes started in other states, such as Veracruz, Hidalgo, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Colima, Sinaloa, Guerrero and Quintana Roo. Although some states keep on the fight against the abortion; The state of Mexico is number one on the list of states that have more legal processes against women that have practiced an abortion, in 2021 were reported 149 and in 2021 were 114. The second state is Nuevo Leon with 119 abortion crimes reported in 2021 and 119 in 2022. Before this measure to decriminalize the abortion in the Mexican country, a study from the Guttmacher Institute, estimated that 54% of all unwanted pregnancies ended in abortion, which translated into more than a million procedures yearly. In this estimation legal abortions and clandestine ones, were taken into consideration. In the case of clandestine abortion procedures 36% of all abortions ended with some type of complication, from sterilization to bleeding to death. As Mexican society becomes more polarized, the...


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Baluchistan Genocide Part 1 of 4

The moderator gives a brief introduction. You know, the Baluch problem started in 1833 when the British basically wanted to expand their imperial empire to Afghanistan. And there are two routes to Afghanistan. One is to Baluchistan, one is to NWFP. And they tried it through that route, the other route, and they faced basically drastic humiliation. When the army went in, basically one man was left alive to take the message, don't bother coming to Afghanistan, in a sense. But then they tried to come through Baluchistan and the Baluch people resisted. So the British played the game of basically, I want to lay a railway line, I want to lay a telegraph line. The current border between Pakistan and Iran, which is inside Baluchistan, is the General Gord Smith's telegraph line. Okay. And to cut this story short, basically the British divided us first on this line. It's a long story, I don't wanna go through it. And then in 1928, basically Iran took that part and made it part of Iran. And In 1967, Pakistan was formed. Then the other part of Balochistan, in 1947, March 1948, Pakistan mobilized troops, backed fully by the British at the time, and occupied us. And thus, basically, we're the nutshell of history again. The other part of Ghatia, which was in Afghanistan, the British divided us on that line as well. And also, Afghanistan gave compensation to the British in the second and third Afghan war. So those territories are inside Balochistan, but we regard them as Afghan territories, so we don't regard them as ours. But we will release them. It's not in our control at the moment. When we're an independent Balochistan, obviously we will give Afghanistan their territory back and so on and so forth mutually. With Afghanistan, we always had a very good relationship. It's just that Pakistan and Iran is our problem. Recorded: 2023-08-23 Duration: 01:01:45 #Baluchistan #Genocide #Pakistan #Iran #BritishImperialism #HumanRights Our published content is on our podcast host Send Listener feedback by sending an email to: We also augment the news on Twitter globally Asia-Eastern Augments/covers news for West Asia, North Africa & Central Asia #democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #environment #OpenGov Asia-Pacific Augments/covers news for South & SE Asia, & The Pacific #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment #OpenGov #News #East Europe Augments/covers news throughout Europe #Democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #PublicPolicy #MediaEthics #environment #transparency International Augments/covers news for more than 190 countries each month. An independent-global news-service, Democracy Watch News covers #democracy #HumanRights #NonviolentConflict #PressFreedom #journalism #mediaEthics #Environment. Latin America & South Atlantic Augments/covers news for Latin America & South Atlantic. #HumanRights #OpenGov #PressFreedom #NonviolentConflict #Environment in #SouthAmerica #Caribbean #CentralAmerica. North America Augments/covers news for USA Canada Mexico and the North Pacific. #Mexico #Canada #USA stories/events affecting #democracy #humanrights #journalism #opengov #environment. Sub Saharan Africa Augments/covers news for Sub Saharan Africa #News #WestAfrica #CentralAfrica #EastAfrica #SouthernAfrica #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate, we are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit in the USA. Donations are tax deductible. Please share with your networks.


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The 2023 Summit between the Latin American Community and the European Union Parliament

The 2023 Summit between the Latin American Community and the European Union Parliament Roberto Diaz reports (twitter: @RRomanen/ @Dieresis_u). The third meeting between the Latin American Community and the European Union Parliament was held in Brussels on the 17th and 18th of July 2023. It was an historic occasion to bring together European, Latin American and Caribbean leaders to renew and strengthen relations between the two regions after almost a decade of absence of bi-regional dialogue at the highest political level. EU-LAC Foundation After eight years of postponing this meeting because of the isolationist perspective of former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro. The meeting began in an international landscape filled with uncertainty because of the war in Ukraine, the economical skepticism around the US dollar, the global economy, and the shift in global production chains. The principal topics discussed in this meeting were released by the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metzola. The leaders discussed a broad range of issues to bolster their partnership including: enhanced cooperation for global peace, ecology, human rights protections, secure trade, justice and security for citizens, and investment efforts to combat climate change. In June, a month prior to the meeting, Spain's President Pedro Sanchez invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to assist the Zelac European Union summit as a special guest. Unfortunately, President Zelensky replied days later that his invitation was rejected by some Latin American leaders. The countries that were more inclined to be the ones guilty of him not coming were Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba. But there are also other suspicions about Mexico because of its government efforts to try to establish a peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine. Brazil played the diplomatic equilibrium between its economical allies, the West, the Eastern side of the globe, and of course Bolivia that is looking for Chinese investment and also Russian military support into the development of its army. On July 4th the proposed script for the Brussels meeting which contained about 40 points was approved by both sides. What's interesting is that all the points that were proposed by the European Union about the war of Ukraine were rejected from the final script. Duration: 12:24 Recorded: 2023-07-22 #HumanRights #LatinAmericanSummit #EconomicIntegration #Environment #GreenAgenda Our published content on our podcast host Send Listener feedback by sending an email to: We also augment the news on Twitter globally Asia-Eastern Augments/covers news for West Asia, North Africa & Central Asia #democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #environment #OpenGov Asia-Pacific Augments/covers news for South & SE Asia, & The Pacific #HumanRights #PressFreedom #Environment #OpenGov #News #East Europe Augments/covers news throughout Europe #Democracy #HumanRights #PressFreedom #PublicPolicy #MediaEthics #environment #transparency International Augments/covers news for more than 190 countries each month. An independent-global news-service, Democracy Watch News covers #democracy #HumanRights #NonviolentConflict #PressFreedom #journalism #mediaEthics #Environment. Latin America & South Atlantic Augments/covers news for Latin America & South Atlantic. #HumanRights #OpenGov #PressFreedom #NonviolentConflict #Environment in #SouthAmerica #Caribbean #CentralAmerica. North America Augments/covers news for USA Canada Mexico and the North Pacific. #Mexico #Canada #USA stories/events affecting #democracy #humanrights #journalism #opengov #environment. Sub Saharan...


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Roberto Díaz (Twitter: @RRomanen & @dieresis_u) Reportajes desde Toluca; México sobre el impacto del próximo "Tren Maya" en las naciones centroamericanas de Honduras, El Salvador y Belice. Las políticas de integración económica regional en Centroamérica se convierten en un tema importante en las agendas políticas de los actuales presidentes de Centroamérica. Duración: 1:00:38 Grabado 2023-04-22 #CentralAmerica #TrenMaya #Maya #Belize #ElSalvador #Honduras #Mexico #Transportation #LatinAmerica #Latino Nuestro contenido publicado en nuestro host de podcast Envíe los comentarios de los oyentes enviando un correo electrónico a: Nuestro equipo de producción y tema musical Actualmente, Democracy Watch News es producido por voluntarios. Por favor, done en Ahora somos una organización benéfica sin fines de lucro 501c3. Las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos. Por favor comparte con tus redes.


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The Mayan Train part 2

Roberto Diaz (Twitter: @RRomanen & @dieresis_u) Reports from Toluca; México on the impact of the upcoming “Tren Maya” (The Mayan Train) in the Central American nations of Honduras, El Salvador and Belize. The regional economic integration policies in Central America become an important topic in the political agendas of the current presidents of Central America. Duration: 19:33 Recorded 2023-04-22 #CentralAmerica #TrenMaya #Maya #Belize #ElSalvador #Honduras #Mexico #Transportation #LatinAmerica #Latino Our published content on our podcast host Send Listener feedback by sending an email to: Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate at We are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit. Donations are tax deductible. Please share with your networks.


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Mayan Train part 1 of 2 by Roberto Diaz

Roberto Diaz (twitter: @RRomanen/ @Dieresis_u) reports on the Mayan Train project and its impact in Mexico and Guatemala. The railway project has presented some issues in the Native American communities in Southern Mexico and Northern Guatemala, as well as the environmental impact in the region. The Question comes to us; what is more important? The economic development of the Central American region, or the protection of the Mayan rainforest? Recorded: 4-16-2023. Duration: 20:23 #CentralAmerica #TrenMaya #Mexico #Guatemala #Transport #Environmentalism #Mayan Our published content on our podcast host Send Listener feedback by sending an email to: Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate at We are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit. Donations are tax deductible. Please share with your networks.


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The Mexican democratic system and recent struggles

Roberto Diaz (Twitter @dieresis_u & @RRomanen) reports on the problematic democratic transition in Mexico and the problems with the Electoral Institute (National Electoral Institute) that has polarized the Mexican citizens. As well the reformations from the executive power: the “Electoral Reform'' and the “B Plan”. #INE#democracy#MexicanDemocracy#LorenzoCordova#PlanB#ElectoralReformation#ReformaElectoral#Mexico#MexicoPolitics#Politica#AMLO#MexicanPolitics Recorded 2023-03-18. Duration 16:48 Listen or Direct download Send listener feedback Mexico City: March 18, 2023. Roberto Diaz (Twitter @dieresis_u & @RRomanen) reports on the problematic democratic transition in Mexico and the problems with the Electoral Institute (National Electoral Institute) that has polarized the Mexican citizens. As well the reformations from the executive power: the “Electoral Reform'' and the “B Plan”. #INE#democracy#MexicanDemocracy#LorenzoCordova#PlanB#ElectoralReformation#ReformaElectoral#Mexico#MexicoPolitics#Politica#AMLO#MexicanPolitics Recorded 2023-03-18. Duration 16:48 Listen or Direct download Send listener feedback Mexico City: March 18, 2023. In Mexico only two autonomous electoral organizations exist that are authorized to validate elections in Mexico. The first one, the INE, The instituto Nacional Electoral, which takes care of logistics at the state and federal level for vote counting, and production of voting identification cards which also work as an ID card. The second one, is the Federation Judicial Power of the Electoral Court. The first one, takes care of the logistics and the second validates or impugn the INEs decisions. IN 2014, the Electoral Federal Institute (IFE) after a reformation of the constitutional 41 article in which the two different standards of federal and local election institutes were homologated, the National Electoral Institute was born. This institute finally marked a major autonomy from the power in turn. At the dawn of the upcoming resolution of the judicial power for the "B plan" of the Electoral reformation, to the secondary laws of the "National Electoral Institute" (INE). The autonomous institution of the federal government which is in charge of the logistics, vote counting and verification of electoral results in the country. Nonetheless, this odyssey for the reformation of the electoral system is still not easy. This institution was under the presidency of Lorenzo Cordova, a professor and researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM. —the 14 years of Cordova's administration as the former IFE president and then INE's one, weren't easy. —His presidency suffered the backlash of Lorenzo's racist remarks against the Mexican indigenous organizations, which tainted the image of his presidency. The 2018 presidential election complicated the situation as the government plan of president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), sketched in this presidency “National Plan of Development '', foresaw a profound reformation of the electoral institution in his fifth year of government. His reasons were diverse, from a partiality of the INE counselors that stole elections in the country, and therefore lost the credibility to diverse sectors of the Mexican population, the high salaries for their workers and the opacity into their accounts. Made it mistrustful for the AMLO's administration. Especially after the "Austerity policy" was ratified in the congress. With a general salary to cut political parties, and public workers. These measures weren't accepted by the INE and the institution remained keeping the same level of expenses that inevitably were going to crush the federal budget for the upcoming year. The second scandal that took the spotlight was in 2019, the close relationship of Cordova with former president Felipe Calderon Hinojosa. —Famously known for starting the war on drugs, and who had quit, a year prior, the Center-Right party "Accion Nacional" party ...


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The Arrest of El Chapo's son

Mexican security forces captured Ovidio Guzmán, an alleged drug trafficker wanted by the United States and one of the sons of former Sinaloa cartel boss Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán. He was arrested in Jesús Maria, a town near the capital of the state of Sinola, Culiacan. Culiacan is the headquarters of the Sinaloa drug cartel. CBS NEWS. Journalist Roberto Diaz reports on this event in both Spanish and English. The primary people who are running the cartel have not been arrested. Over 140 people have disappeared in the violence that ensued. At least 29 soldiers and cartel members have died. Mexico News Daily Recorded 2023-01-09. Duration: 10:07 #DrugCartel,#Mexico,#OvidioGuzmán,#DrugViolence,#ArrestElChapoSon,#SinaloaCartel,l#Culiacan Listen or Direct download Send listener feedback Our website: Twitter: D Watch News International Twitter: DWatch News North America Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: YouTube: Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate if you can. We are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit. Please share with your networks.


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The Pacific Alliance by Roberto Diaz

Roberto Diaz @dieresis_u and Ü con diéresis reports on the Pacific Alliance, a Latin American economic alliance formed by Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. #PacificAlliance & New Directions for #LatinAmerica #Diplomacy #Mexico #Chile #Colombia #Peru. Recorded 12-5-22 Duration 31:41. Ü con diéresis is a newspaper in Mexico that is struggling to survive after Mexican government subsidies for news were eliminated. Listen or Direct download at: Send listener feedback Our website: Twitter: D Watch News International Twitter: DWatch News North America Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: YouTube: Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate if you can. We are now a 501c3 charitable nonprofit. Please share with your networks.


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Fake Shopping Websites

Mark Taylor-Canfield reports on the problem of fake shopping websites and how to identify them. How to check a domain’s history & ownership How to identify and avoid fake websites One of the most common ways that phishers lure users onto their sites is by adding malicious links to phishing emails. So any time you think about clicking on a link embedded in your emails, be aware that there's a possibility that it could be illegitimate. 11 Warning Signs of a Fake Website Better Business Bureau Federal Trade Commission Listen or Direct download at: Send listener feedback to Our website: Twitter: D Watch News International Twitter: DWatch News North America Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: YouTube: Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate if you can. Please share with your networks.


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Colombia's New President part 2

Part 2. Roberto Diaz continues his report on the outcome of the 2022 Presidential Elections in Colombia. Gustavo Petro, a senator and former Mayor of Bogotá defeated Rodolfo Hernánez Suárez by over 10 percentage points. Petro’s victory on June 19, 2022 made him the first left-wing candidate to be elected president of Columbia. . New York Times article Recorded 2022-06-22 Duration: 10:08 Columbia's_New_President_part_2 #ColumbiaElections2022#LeftWing#GustavoPetro Listen or Direct download at: Send listener feedback to Our website: Twitter: D Watch News International Twitter: DWatch News North America Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: YouTube: Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate if you can. Please share with your networks.


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Colombia’s New President part 1

Roberto Diaz and others discuss the outcome of the 2022 Presidential Elections in Colombia. Gustavo Petro, a senator and former Mayor of Bogotá defeated Rodolfo Hernánez Suárez by over 10 percentage points. Petro’s victory on June 19, 2022 made him the first left-wing candidate to be elected president of Columbia. . New York Times article Recorded 2022-06-22 Duration: 48:29 #ColumbiaElections2022#LeftWing#GustavoPetro Listen or Direct download at: Send listener feedback to Our website: Twitter: D Watch News International Twitter: DWatch News North America Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: YouTube: Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate if you can. Please share with your networks.


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Integrated Media for the Digital Age

Democracy Movements Report—Integrated-Media Production for the Digital Age. Host @dwatchnews #DemocracyWatchNews with @digitallywired John Harvey & @ekoskaiphos Dean Edwards.John Harvey reports on the increasingly sophisticated immersive virtual 3D experiences that are now available. The 2020 release of the Oculus Quest headset for $299 by Meta was a big boost for an immersive 3D experience in the Metaverse. The technology is now evolving to blend augmented and virtual reality. For example, . Avatars that look like you are very easy to generate now. John thinks that within a year or so VR projects will be able to rather inexpensively create animated films that rival the expensive technology that is now required. There are now many AltspaceVR events that you can attend. They also are looking for volunteers to help produce events. Dean Edwards continues by describing Twitter Spaces The projects that John is most involved with now is and . Duration: 1:08:23 Recorded: 2022-06-07 #VirtualReality#AugmentedReality#VirtualFilmCompany#AnimatedFilms#AltspaceVR#TwitterSpaces#DigitallyWired Listen or Direct download at: Send listener feedback to Our website: Twitter: D Watch News International Twitter: DWatch News North America Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: YouTube: Our production team and theme music Democracy Watch News is currently produced by volunteers. Please donate if you can. Please share with your networks.
